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, . . , . . .,.,.» ... . .o. -.- ..... .. . fH <br /> .. !._ t, . , ,.:. . . �'• • - - _ " -- — <br /> }�,r:k}Y,�?H%,."f(rTdH....� �r I — r. : <br /> ,�,`y � - <br /> . <br /> __:.. <br /> , ; ,;' <br /> . l�. <br /> � � - :st+• sy' .... tn` ;.- <br /> _b�•tA_ _ .._' <br /> � - — ��ia�W... _ ••'...-�v�� _— <br /> ���� <br /> • ' • • • <br /> '� 1Ot1436 - - <br /> ; � .,� . . ►93_ �:�:--a <br /> � ; .. <br /> � � � 9. Condann�Non.Tha praceeAe ot any Awarq or cl��m for oamages.��rett or con�pquenlMl�m connscbon wilh aey �� __ <br /> {'� ' � � ;� condprll�HGOn ot othat Ulkinp olfhe P�op�try.Ar pph Ihaoot.or la convo�ranc�m I��u ol Co�d�mM�on,�a Mr�by auqned <br /> AfNI fhAll b0 pi�t)f0 4011d11G (r��--,_._.��___. <br /> __ .. -- .':'-�", _ in ehe eaent of a toWt takmp ot tho protcect��thatt ba apptted to thc snms aQewed by tht�Oeed M Tn�t,wilh �;_-.----_ - <br /> ' �'' .�;,,.�>. .. ths��c�ss.�I�ny,ps�d Io 8orrowe�.ln the a�rem ot�ptuoal tak�ng at IM Prop�Ay.unlas 8o►row�r�ntll.endK oq�nw� — <br /> " ���,•�'�:�: op��nwnbn4,thars�llbeappNadtolhesumtsec�x�db�fh�s0a�dofTrustsuchproportwnolMf�proce�dsa►s�qwlb --- <br /> � '�;. . Ihafproporhonwh�ahlheamountoltheeums�ucuredDyth�aO�sdofTrusUmmadutNypnortotMdaqofWclnpbwntoth� __ <br /> , . . Q ..�' ' lair m�►kei value o1 tha WopeAy�mmedialNy pnOr lo ths d�h ul takmq.wdh Me bY1�nC�of ihs p1oCNdi pa�d b f3onDwet _- <br /> _ ,�^,_;�,�:;�„_...�.,, 11 the Property ia eb�ndpnsd bv 8orrow�r,or d,a1Nr nohce by Lend�r to Borrower that th�eaidamnw oA�a b make an _. <br /> `:�µ.;._ v ... . ..�.� �w�rd or se111e a el�im lor dam�gss.8arower laile to reapond to Lender withm 30 dsya after the est�euen nonce�s mnied. ;---_-_:----,----- <br /> •��'�;�;• �s ^�,.' Lender i�suthonzed to coltecl anq apply th�procaWR af UnWr's ophon.e1Mer to raatorabon orr�pw of Ih�Prop�ry o►to -- <br /> ► �s� �,. .. ;° �he sume aecurod by this t)sed ot T►un. - <br /> � "' ��'r : .' • Unlsusl.enderand8onowerotherw�seagreemwnUng,an�euci�appucaQonolproceedttopn�cip�l�helinotextendor = <br /> � � ' '�'�,��.�,��,: poatpone the due date of Ihe moMhly�ns4�llmsnn relerred to�n paraqrophs 1 and 2 h�nol or cha�e th�amount ol wch Ft�`:= <br /> mttsllmente - <br /> - �r.� ! t• r-_ <br />-- 10. eatow�►NotRNWtW.ExtensionolthetimelorpaymentormoddicaUonolamoAiza0onolthesum�aacuredbythis ��.�--�-• <br /> _ Deed of Trust graMed by Lender to any succeao►In Inferest of Bonower ahell not operat�to roleas,m any manrnr,tt� V ' ��,,�t;���-��� <br /> ? ` '{' Iia6ililyolthew�gin818orrowerandBorcowar'saucceesoro�nterosl.Lende�sh�llnotbereqwrldbcomm�neepro�direg� •' �:nL_�-s,�. <br />�_��}, : � , ag�mst ouch successor or refu�re to ext�+id nms tor p�yment a othernnse motlfy amwhzati�on ot fM wms s�cw�d by thie ,�r.'._------�- <br /> n <br /> �� Ds�d oi Trust by reuaon ol any deawnct maW by the a�glnel 8onower a�d Bonowei a wec�ssaa in rnfenst ""°'��,,�,�„_.k <br /> =;.�� 11. ROtWa►ane�by L�IM Mol a IM�Iwr.My forbearence by Lender in ex�rc�s�np any opM p rMnady hweurW�r.or -- ": - <br /> �',�� ; ' oMerwise e/larded by�pplicabb�ll not be a we�ver of or preclude�he exarciae ef�ny euch ripht or raned�Tht <br /> ; •�3 O�oeureeneolofmsuranceofthepaymen/o1lax�orolhs�llensorehar9eabyl�ndarah�UnotD��waivMOfL�MWK'a b '=��'- <br /> , ' accalerab the matweq ot the mdabtedness secured by this Oeed of T�us� ���. „ <br /> , , ••. �;'� 12. R�dNa CuMMNfw Alt�emedies pronded m thia Deed ot T►ust are dis6nct and cumuletire to Any Whlr�i�ht or �-��_`°- <br /> .;:�„s remedyunderlhis0eedofTrosloraHordedbylawaeqwty.endmaybeexerc�sedconcuRenqy.�ocl�pendenlyasuccas�vely ��''��� <br /> • . . �� • -.�' 13. Succ�aasandAs�ip�a0aun�JalntandS�wnlWbi�l�;Caption�.Theco�renaMsand�emeotshere+nconmioed :_.--. - <br /> � shall bmd,and the r hts he�eunder shall inure to,the rea • �� <br /> , _ � . . Ig pecUve succoasora and assigns of Lender and Borrower,suWect to 1 Y�s-- <br /> - � --- tttaprov�s�o���aaf{wragraph f7he�eol.Aiicovenanl$an0apreementsotHorrowersna�ibepmtandae+rsral.Thecapdonsand -��- � <br /> `f;':. . . ;t _ <br /> headings ol the perayiaphs of Ihis Oeed ot Trust are lor convenwnca only and are not to ba used to m�at or deNne the `��[�-,�--_ <br /> .. ��• „ •..� Provisiona hereot. .�-_;f�i i:� <br /> ,� ��'�' ' 14. NoNe�.ExceptloranynoUcerequvedunderappl�cablelewtobegwenmanothermen�er.�a�anynoUCetoBorrower � <br /> �" ' . .. provided for in th�s Deed ol Trust shall be gwen by mailing such not�ce by ceAihed mail eddressed b 8onower at the P�operty � -:�'�"�•�--. <br />"'r• �,� . "�,� Address or at such othar addreas aa 8orrower may designate by nmice to Lender as prov�ded herein,end(b)aey�okce to = � ��` <br />'�s�•;�7�ir , • ' le�dershallbegivenby ce►fihedmaU,reWm�eceiptrequested.toLender'saddressatetedherelnatosuchotheraddressas ��n:.�� � <br /> {�.� •1; ; .. ,�,::, LeRe9eQ rnay designateby noticeto Borrower as provided herem.Any notiGe provided br fn thia DeM ol T►u8tsha1l be daamed ��`°" <br />`':''�' ,�.,;,.,:� • . .,i: � to have been given to Borrower or lender when gwen�n the manner des�gnated herein. ��'?;;=M_, <br /> �� ; , � , • •14.1 "Requeat lo�Nodce.Trustw a�d benetic�ary request that e copy of eny notice ot defeultand nouce of sple mede a eE,j r,14x-.;, <br /> . � executed by the Trus9ee pursuanf to the prov�slons nereot be sant to the Trustor and Benaficiary et their respoeUve nwUinq E.,:����� <br /> � 1 •'addtesaea set lohh above." �.,�y;,-- <br />��r;:�'::�. � '�-�,:——. „^?r), 1S. UnMonn OMd o1 T�u�l;Qo�amir�law;S�vnablYfy.The lorm of deed of truat combines uniform covenants fmr F�a�t:��•,. <br /> i��"-'"'���`�-;<<�(,'•.�" � nabonal use and non-unlb►m coaenams wnh Iimited variaUona by�unsdict�on b conatdute a umfarm aecunty InatrumeM <br /> r� �,.:�,,; �,.�. <br /> • � , ., • covenng real propeAy.i'hls Deep ol Trust shall be governed by the IAw of the�urfsd�chcxi m whtCh the Prope►ty ia loceted.In �T '�,�� <br /> ���,'%r,�r�! �� '•�l`'" the eveM Ihat any provlaion or clause of thi8 paed ol Trust or the Note con0�cts wrth appb�ab�e law,such coMlicf shell not <br /> ;�; ,':•" ��`•r;;���,•;.• .� ' aHectatherprovis�onsollhisDeedolTrustor�heNotewh�chcanbegiveneHectwitAouttt�econiliclingpronis�ons.andlolhla ;;.'�, ��' � <br /> �`'�'� end the prov�s�ons o7 the Deed ol Trust and the Note are declared to be severabie • � <br /> ��''"�� '' '°''e � 18. BOnow�r't Copr.Borrower shall be iurnishetl e conformed copy ot Ihe Note and of th�s Deed of Trus�t pt the Ume ot a� •'���:.-__ '�= <br />;'�i;•;,�,. <br /> ,e:.;.,�. .. c.::�,��...,.._,..� axe�at+on or after recordauon hereot. �r� •��^'-�-z <br /> O l. T�dful�r ot fM P p :�,� `'_ <br /> •'';��;,�;, ..., • �� �op�rly;A�wm tbn.ll aU or any part of the propeny or an mterAAt mP�ex��s sold ar Iranafenea 2�y '�`° -- <br /> ��.,�• " " �. 8orrowerw�thoutLender'spnorwnttenconsenl,excluding�althecreaUOnotallenorencumbrancesubordlnafetothisDeetl ��•>>:•�� �•'-, <br /> � � ','v� ' al Trusb(b)Ihe creat+on ot a urchase mone secun iMerest tor household transler b devise descent or b � �"`�- <br /> ,lr. •ir�,.,�},;r •... ,. P Y �Y Y Y ., .. <br /> �;•�.�.,�'�i���{;� ,;�;;,V�, opera6on of law upo�the dealh of a�oint tenant or ld)Ihe grant of any leasehold rr.tereatof three yeare a less noi containing an � �}b;,� <br /> �}�� , �.t•;.;;+�`��';• , ;. , opliontopurchase.Lendermey.atLender'sopl�on,declareollthesumssecuredbythisDeedolTrusttobefmmediatelydue � �=�-u <br /> � '• � � :,��� and payable.Lender shall have waived such opt�on to accelerate it.pnor to the sale or transler.Lender end the peraon to <br /> �t`��.�:` , ;,�''t1 whom the Pro '�.�= <br /> + f"����'• •• �. � peYty i&lo be sold+or Iranslerred reach agreemenl m wrHing that the c►edit ol such person�s setlstactory to <br /> '�'� � � � �;.,,�.� ��� LenderandfhetlFfelMerestpayableonlhesumssecureabyth�sDeedotTrustshallbeatsuchrateasLendershellrequest.Il � ��"- <br /> .y������ ',•,- -••�� � ��ti�'. �` Lenderh�nwaivedtheoptionloocce�erateprovidedinthisparr�graphl7.nndd8orrower'ssuccesaorminteresthesexecuted �� --- <br /> �?�r�c.'• ' ,;�:�1?�.•� • ',�:`f��`aFl,.�� ew�iftenessumpUonegreementecceptedmwni�n�bylender.LendernhAGreleaSeBorrowerfromallr,�ltqatlOr:,und�littns � � ' ' a�;- <br /> ij'r::`'.. ' �..•,�}s-:•. :l,-�,�:�1�lL Daed oI Trust and the Note. � , '-�._.- <br /> ,,:,t��` ?,;s�t�ti`+til,; �ri,��•..� If Lender exercises such opt�on to accelerale.Lender shall m�d Borrower notice ol acceleration�n aCCOrde�Ce w�th . . <br /> t•�� ' ,?'�.. paagraph 14 hereot Such not�ce shail prov�de a penodof no�less Ihan 30 days Irom Ine date Ihe nohce ia mailed wrthin which <br /> ��� ����� ' ' `��' `� Borrower mey pay the aums declered due.lf Borrower lails to pay such sums pnor to the expiration ot suCh perwd,LYndor � <br /> ,.,...� s ' .,,, . � - <br /> .,ti��,;;i�y. <br /> ;,4.• �, � , , ;,.y� mey,w�thout lurther nouee or demand on�ke n ny remetlies permitted by paragraph 18 hereof. �. • <br /> • )��,.,,. ---- <br /> j�'.'�; �%�; � �;;;, N O N•U N I F O R M C O V E N A N T S.B o now�►sn d L�o der Iu M her aovenaM an d apre�ss lo l bws: �• �;o- <br /> ' ""�{'��;1' . t0. ACeNKa�tlon;R�m�dlp.Except as provided in paragraDn 1�hereof.upon Borrower's breech of any cOvenent or � �- �- <br /> "' `�'''�•"•' '� '�� " agreement ot 8orrower m this Oeed ot Trust,mcluding the covenanls to pay wnen due any sums secured by this Deed ot Trus� r' , �' •'''a'�''-'-�-`-'-'` <br /> �;,�li� . Y�r a, <br /> '� �•o,�•�{.,,, �>..:_}� le n der pnor to ecc e lera UOn s ha l l mad no UCe to 8 orrower aa pr ov�ded m paragraph 14 hereof gpeci�YIng�(1�the breach:1211he �: ,•r�.��,�•. <br /> '��; '� :�V;�'�� �` , aCtion requoed to Cure such brepc h.13)a date.not less lhen 3C dnys Irom the date the nolicQ�s mel�ed lo Borrower,by which i: , ' , �;,.��r <br /> ' � � suchbreachmustbecured;andl+�>>n�lfatluretocuresuchbreachonorbelorethedatespecihedinthenoUCemayresuilm '•;�„ <br /> 'r�� ' ' ��;l����, ++ •frcceleralion of the sums securea by th�s Deed o1 Trust and sole ol the Properry TISe nodce shau IuAher mlorm BoT►owerot tfie � ` <br /> '���'�t r�ghf to remstate aRer acceleretion�nd the right to bnng a court ect�on to assert the non-exi9tenCe of e qe�ault or Any olher •�'• ��� <br /> •• '�'� 7.•: � �•� : <., <br /> • t� - �ti��;;� delense of Borrower to nccelerAl�on end sale.If Ine breach�s not cured on or before the date specd�ed In the no nce.Lentler et ''+r{• �.. .� <br /> , " � , .�'�i'�',i�, Lender's opbon mey declare all ot the sums wecureu by this Deed of Trust ta bo�mmediately due and peyable w�thout fuflher , <br /> , ,:��!�_,.!: demand and may�nvoke the powe�o�s�le and any nther rnmed�es perm�tf�d by epplicable lew.Lender shall be e�ti';ed to <br /> _ ��,. •�� co��ect n�+*e8sanable costs and e:�pe�ses mcurred m pursum�'ti�r�mnN�wa�rnwdo.l m thc�pg�ggr�ph 18.inCludtnq,C::l no1 , ., <br /> "� �,;•.,i:',n hmr�etl to.reaso�able xttorney s fees .�� <br /> • �. • If lt�e power of sele is mvoked.7 rustee sha�l rPCOrd a not.c�o�4e�laWt�n eacn counry in which Me Property or some�art • �.'•�i , <br /> thereof fslocaterfand shell mad top�esot sucn rn7,Ce m Ihe mannFr prescnhrA ay applicable 1aw to Borrower end to theotn2r � . � < <� <br /> ' persons prescntea by nppUCnble law ARer th� a�sa ol such time t�s mati ce requ:+ed by appUCable law.Trustee shall g�ve � <br /> ' public nohce ol sa�f�io tne per8on5 and�n 1hF m�rner prescnbetl Dy�pGt�caDi e iaw Trustee.without demand on Borrower. <br /> � � • shall sell the Property a�pub��c aacti�on ta tne n�gnest b�dder:�t t+he��me anq place and under Me terms designated�n Ihe nphte :i''� . <br /> ; � „ , ol sale�n one or more perCels ar:�t in sucn order as Trustee may cc�termme Trustee may Fcstponesale of alt or any parC� �' . . <br /> �;, the Property by publfc ennouncer��t the t�me and place ot�ny prev�o�sly scheduled 5a•e �ender or Lender's de��g�ee <br /> , m�y purChese the Property at any sa�e. <br /> Upon reCe�pt ot payment ot the pnce b�d,Trustee shell delwer to Ihe purchaser Trustee's deed conveym�the PropeAy sold. <br /> , <br /> �". . . T~ti.'r'r:�%�'+:^�~°•T'�%��m���.°.��~:°.~.:v:�:�::eC�vv��'uciwe3iii�Q�iuii�GiiaC�iuicfliCfiia�i�uveili�Creln.�fuSt@BSf18118pp1y . . <br /> . Ihe proCeeds ol the sale in Ihe toliowmg order lal to au reasona0ie costs ancf e■:,pnses ot the sa�e.�acludmg.but not I�mded to, <br /> , �• rrustee'sleesofnotmorelhan �boltnegrosssa�ep��ce.reasonaoieattorney'sleesendcostsoltitleewdence: <br /> • E 1b110 all Sums seCUred by th�s Oeetl ut Trust.and Icl the excess.��any lo Ihe person or pe�suns legelly enptled theleto <br /> � 19. 8onowK's Riqht to A�Gnlats.Notwrthstand�ng Lencfer s acceierat�on of tne sums secured by thia Deed of Trust <br /> �� , , Borrower ahall have the nght to have any proceed�ngs begun by Lender�o enlorce the Oeed ol Truat dfsconhnued at any�me <br /> • p��or to the earl�er to occur ol l�l the t�Nh day before the sale of 1he Property aursuent to the power ol aale cont�med in theDeea <br /> � �; ,' ol Trust I�d entry ot a�udgment enforung th�s Deed ol Trust�1.(al9orrowe►�rays lender a11 aums wh�Ch would bQ fhen tla�e <br /> a , , under this Deed ol Trust.tAe NWe and notes secunng Future Advances.��any,nad no acceleration oCCUred 1b1 Borroarer <br /> � • cures all breaches of any other covenants or agreements of Borrower contained�n th�s Oeed of Trust�cI 8orrower�ays all <br /> .; � reaWnab�eexpenaes�ncurredbyl.enderandTrusteeenforcm�thecovenanlaandagreemerttsofBprrowercentamed�Rm�s <br /> . Oeed of Trust and�n enforc�ng�ender"S and Trustee's remedies es provided�n pareg�apn t 8 neteof.�ncluamg,6ut rtat timited <br /> , " to,re�sonabte attorney s fees.and(dl8orrower�akes such act�on as lender may reaaonably reqwre toassure thet the hen ot <br /> • • • th�s Osed of Trusl.LerMer's mterest m Ihe P�operty and Borrower�s obligation to pay the sums secure0 by Ih�s Oeed o1 Trust <br /> shall conUnue unrmpa�red Upon s�cn paymenl and cure bY 8orrower.Ihis Deed of Trust and the obl�get�ons seCUred hereby <br /> ! Shall rQmWn m fut!torce artd e�►ect as d�o nr.CelerAhon hnU ocwrrnd i <br /> . � Y <br /> 5 � i <br /> � �� <br />