,, . � ., , �
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<br /> -, � . .. � .__.._. . ._ ..... ...._. ..
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<br /> . �9- ����x� � :
<br /> „ ,
<br /> • ga,�p►�ati�ep'a Capy. Barrowcr shall be ivcn anc confarmed copy of tho Noto nnd of thia Security lnstn�men� �.
<br /> A9.Tetinsfer oQ the Property or o BenE�l Interest In[iorrower. It all or any pai4 ot tPee pruperty ar nny intcresi i�it is ,,-,,,
<br /> P
<br /> sold or tro,nsferred(ar it u benaiicinl intcreat In Berrawes i.s sold or �runsferrcd und 9orrmwer is rtol u nawral per�on}wlthout
<br /> l � Lend�r's prtor wdtten consent,Lender mny.et dts option.requiro immedfuw paymcnt in full of all sums secured 6y thls SQSUdry
<br /> " Insuumen�Hov�over,this optton shail aot 6o enercised by Lender U exerciso�s prohibited by fcder�l Inw as of�he dute of thls �',,:..
<br /> Securlty Instcureeen� �• ,`,`�`'
<br /> If Lendzr eacercis�.g thia apiFon.I.ender yh�►1 g�vo Bonower r�odas o�acculezotton.l�e aoii��� shelt provido a period of reot loss =
<br /> -.. than 30 aays feon�tiio d:.u�ih3'dn�fce is d�11r4�1 or m�ited within wh�h Borrower must p y �l,sums secured by this Security .. _
<br /> Iastrumant,It Bnmo�ver fai19 to pay these swas prlor to tho aaptmtion of thia pt:ntod�Lender muy mvoka arry remadics pe�rnitt�d „�____
<br /> �, ,� by t�s Se�uricy anstnun�nt without[urthcr nodc�ar deni�nd en Barrowa. :
<br /> l.-__-. 18.�orrow¢r's NgFt to Reinstete. It�orrower moets ccitain conditfons� Barrower shaU huvu the tlght w huve
<br /> l'".,w� �Yr-.
<br /> '�t•"'' enfonxm�...t of this Secutity Insm�ment cliaoa�ndnued nt any tima prIor Lo the aullea of: (a) S days(ar such other perlod as _
<br /> �"'� appltcuble luw mgy specify fur reinstnt�ement)befora s�ulo of tho Propa�sty pursuant to any power of s�nle contained In this Sccurity -_-
<br /> Insuumenx ar(b)entry of n judg�rtent enfarcin�thi3 Securlty Instn�menG'iliose condidoas are thut Borrower:(n)pa ro�Len�er�y _
<br /> sums wh{ch then t=�o u l d b e due un d o r t h L s S a c u r i ry i n s t c u m e n t a n d t h e N o u s�i f n o a c c e t e r ation had occurred, -_
<br /> ' d�t'uult of any aihet covennnts or aBceciment�;(c)P�ys e11 c�cpenses incumed in enforcing this S�xufity Instrument,includtng,but __
<br /> '. ' ant limited w�reasonablo ntt�rrteys'feesc and(d)� takes such asdon as Lertder muy zeasonubly requiro w assure that tho tien of this -
<br /> Security insmnenent, Lendar's righta in the P►operty and botrowea's obllaation to pay the sums secumd by tALs Secuclty _
<br />-° tnstrumsnt shull candnue unchanIIed. U�on c�einstatement by Barrovrer, this SecurIry Insuument and ttus obUgndons secured _
<br /> hareby sh�ill r�mt�n fuUy effecdve as i�no aocelemt�on hud occwrcesf.Hawever.thls right ta reinstute shuU not ap�ly in the c�of :.
<br /> , �r eooel�atlan und8r paregrePh 17. ��_
<br /> � 19.Salaof Note;Change otl.aan Serv�rer. 'ilie Note or a pardal interest in the Note (together with this SecutttY °
<br /> Insi�umr.�►t)m�y he soid ane or mom limss without prioz noticv w Bomower.A�muy resWt in a change in the endty pcnown
<br /> , : ''. s�s tho"I.onn Serv�.cr")that collest.9 manthly payments due nndea tice Noie and t�is S�unt}+Instnuaenl.Tizec�also may Ixs anc ar _--
<br /> .. ..:� more changes of the Losn Servicer tbven�ted to e sale of iho Note.If thens is a citange of the Lo:n Setvlcer.2lomower w3U be
<br /> given wciuen no:tce of the change in accordance with pa�p h 14 above andu�pUcabla luw.'A&a ao�co wlll�smte the nume and _
<br /> . udd�ss of ihe new Loan Secvtcet and tha sddress to which payments should be enade. 'Ihe e�v�ce will also e4nmin uny other
<br /> .,� infomiatFon ra�u�od by�ph'cable law. aisposal, stQra�e� er release of any -
<br />- . . 20.HaraMous Su . res. Borrowt�shaU nu3 cause or pennit the p�ce.ase. --
<br /> . :� H8281dO1L4 SU�18ilCC9 OA Ql IIt tlt8 P[�0�.Boico�v�er shail not do,nar allow anyone olse w do,ei►Ythiu�,�it��uG.�g tha PmPertY �--
<br /> • .,t • ttu�t is�ri vlolaitan of any Bnvironmem4nl E.�w.The p�eceding avo se�t�nc,�s shsll aot app1Y w the prese�.am al ide�iitir:n;tses =:-.-
<br /> .'�i:A� property of small quanHdes of Hs�ar�nus Substartces that are gens.nuly recogaized ta be c�ypr�pri�ta
<br /> uttd w maintar�nce of the Prropcaty. ;;-�
<br /> Bomowa shsilll promptly give Lsnder m�iYten nadce of any irives�igaflon.claim�demand.lawsutt or olha actton by tu►y �
<br /> � involving the Fc�operty aud any Hazardous Subsmnce or F_nvlronmea�tal Latw
<br /> � � goveaa�eental ar regulatory e�►cY or priveto patty -.
<br /> - �-� . ?f ar�irh �an+owca has ac�krtowledBe. uBo:rower leams�or is notittie�by eny�ovemmental or regulstory autho�ty.tAttt aay �f,_-
<br /> _ . .
<br /> temovel ot oi�ter temediation of any Pr➢ttz�'lydous�ubsmttce aifectm� �na fiuNc,`ty js tt�t'�.�w�r s�s�F�!�tY Wlce a _
<br /> „,a necessaty temedial acdons in stseord�ca SvAh Env�ronettental Isw.
<br /> r ;;,;,,' � As used in thfs paxa�►Ph 20."lY���Ocus Subsmnces" are those subsmnces de�ned a4 cQnlc or ha�judnus subswnoes by �
<br /> � " F�nvimnment�l Law and the followiaR substances: gasoWee. kerosene. other flammable or to�cic pemaleum pm� dactv, tonfc
<br />=�'�,� „ �cldos ead tusrbicidas,a�jadle solvencst�materials om�tainin8 r�besws or fomu�ldohyde�und radloxtivx r..+.aterials P,s osed in
<br /> s;� tlds pum�eaph Z0."Envlr�on�tal Lc�w" ma�ns fed�Jaws and laws of tho juc3sdicdon where the Propeaoy nn�nr�st�d that reiato -_
<br />': ' ��. : to healc�h.snfeSy►or envimnmental prot�c�on. ��;::.
<br />�. , , . , ,n�;;_�:°
<br /> NONdfi➢l�DRM COVSNAN'f5.Hoirmver and Lcndcr fuYtl:z��r�u►t and agreo as faum�: �__
<br /> -�., . .• 21.AaoeleraCion:&?�xn,ez�es.I.egder shaU g�ve nottoe to Bom�srcc prEar t�aacelerntton Qmilow7ng Dorrowu•s brrac6 ot �;"?":
<br /> , ,,;:,;_
<br />'� • any covenant oT tt�mt In Wfs Sea�rlty Instrament (but ao! prbaa� C� ueceieration nnda paragrePh 17 ueM�s �;�•:_
<br /> 4 � �V,.'
<br />:!.: � �.� .: �':..
<br /> A
<br /> � . � appUcabk l�w provldes m4herwtu)•Ttie ao��e aheil epeci�y:(a)ehe defautt;(�D�e action reqnir�d to cure the de3'aWn(c
<br />�„�;�:,-:{t�:��? ��sttG ao2{s�s thun 30 deya firom the datr t6e notia Lv given to Bor.mver�by rvnEcD t2sx�letautt must be caurtdi aad(d)
<br /> _.^.:,:�-,�;�f; t6at faiturt tw cum the detauit oa or betorc the elate spccit6x�in tDe nottoe moy nsWt i�a�a�tleratlon nt t6e suma stcured _
<br /> :.,;�.;:=:�' b'this Saurtty InstQamwt aad sa[c otthe Pcoperty.The notEoe sba!]ttiuWer Inform Borraaer of th�rig5t to reia4bt�
<br /> `s�:-..1;�+,a , pRer a�xekrmtbr.�]�he rlght Qo brinB a aonct n�lEon to assert th�nnn�oe af a ddautt or n�g othar defensc of .-.
<br />����"}�;��•�`' �Bormw�r M xcakration i+ad sak. U t�e dMRntt�S not cured on or brfore t�e date speclficd in!he nv�3t+�I.enda►oi ita
<br />�";° : ,�� `�r �t tn NIl of aU suma sec��ed by this Security Ins4r�►mer�t wfthant t�srther dt9aond __-
<br />-_-;"�"`i�;�,`. : oSYion,meay require immcdG►te pag� _
<br />-_,�, ;; �nd ma�O ns�o k e t l�e po t v s r of ss��n�an y oth¢r remcdias pr�dttedf by epplica6k iaw l.ender shai!be�lttted to a,}iect
<br /> ,, ��: u�eapensa incur�!�n�ut�u�n8 t6e rrmedus provtded in tbfs Queagraph Zl,inctud3n�,bn4 aat Itmitcd to.�+easonabie -
<br />�_, : ue :L,.�
<br /> — ':.--•_: etto�,ys'tecs�d o�st��o?tftle evidtaa. ...�
<br />���-.. � It the power ot sak!s invo1�l,'l'ragtee s{�� r:.cu;�d a cte'�. C4�Ptanit in�c6 tm�my in �vhfsb s�y Raet o!the i`•�.
<br /> - " �.~. . fe_�._
<br /> ..r*�•-M..�-. proper�,6locAted and st��ma6��n�pleaof snch nottme in We manner pre�cribed by app�is,able I�w to Borrower�sd tm tAe . _
<br />-�``°�'g�. - oYha p��p�i�Dy nppli�ble Ia�.After tDe Nme e�cuiJred By r+pp2tcabk law.'DVa�siee shaU give publlr n�11r.e�f :
<br /> °°:°.°�.`.: �, bed b e Ik�6k law.7'�vstee,wiWout�em�nd on Bonawer•st�ctn OYse ��--
<br /> .r;�-: sale to t6e Persoas an�ia tl►E menner �r1 Y PP v_
<br /> _._ ..: . „ . ' pn�prrty at publk��ion to the highest b&tdcr at ffie tnme and plaoe and nnder Wa terms dQSignrtted 8a the natlae otsak. ��i_
<br /> � ., ., �r Form �9rOPf �' ..
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