� �i �.�i � '
<br /> 5
<br /> ,,' , . . " . .� '� ` , .. „ .
<br /> � . - . . . !i . • n
<br /> � .. ,�.w.. , .. .. � . .. ' . . `y l�' � . .':+M�".".�':., �
<br /> � . . . ,�... �. ,i•. � . . .. ' .. . - - .. . ' ' . ,.� , yL . � �i
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<br /> „ - ,, . .. .. �. • ._ �. . .. ... ,_. -� _ . ..�,._� ... . ... . . . . .. o
<br /> . � .. ..,. ... _. .
<br /> ..m.,........-•-'^.._ -
<br /> c� . ._.`• __.----- ��- ����� � �
<br /> ' g.ytlQard er�ro�rty Iasurascr. Borro�ver shnll koep t�n impmvements rto�v oxistinB or he�t���a�►�a�Fs3ty
<br /> lnsured tigal�st loss ty furo,Raztuds includcd within Iha cerm"axtended coveraQe" rmd any othes ha�nrds. inclusting tloods ot '�`"°
<br /> flo�ding.for which I.ender cequires inaurnnnco.Ti►is insunv►ce shull ha muintnirted in thu amounts r�d fa�the perlo�ls th�t L�re�ler
<br /> . un
<br /> . requirea.�q�ha�nsumnce carri�provtdin�tho insumnoe shull be chase�by Boxrowcr subt.ect to Lendsr's approvnl wbish shn11 aot - •.
<br /> ' bo �nm,usonubly withhetd. IF Sarrnwer fnUa to md�u�in coveruge dcscribed nbovo, Y.erdcr may,at Lender's opt�ox��obmin ,',�; _
<br /> ,..��
<br /> �� covem+�e m pretect Tuender's r�ghts in ihe PraperiY in ttccardunco wl�h pnmBmFti 7. �cL^.use.Lc�rtler r.!hnU
<br /> All insutruucccs palicjsa snd renewals shall be a�cePtubla to l.ender nnd shnll inclecde a stu�ttlne o i�Lcndes aU rose's�+ts of paid '�-
<br /> �� hnve tha right to hold the policies and rene�vals.If L,eaider rc9uires,Bomower shall pmmptly g �_
<br /> '---,•, Pre�tums t�nd renewnl notioes.In tiie event of toss,Borrower shnU Qive prompt notice to iha insumnce c�er and 1.csed�r.laeeder ���,�r
<br /> `�,:.:,��' ':- `
<br /> mpy ms�lce pmof o f l o s s i f�.o t m a d e pro m p t l y b y B fl r ro w e r. ; ;4....
<br /> "�" Unless Lend�r suecl F�lrowor othervrise agtea in wridna.insutance praceeds shall bo appli�ai ro restomtlon oz rap�ir of ehe ,:�-
<br /> ..,,.-
<br /> � pro�arey clamaIIeQ if tho restorndon or rcpuir i�ec:onomical:y fea�3ble and Lestder's security is nat lessened. ff¢tt�s ra4sa on or -��.
<br /> �'!011lA�0 t�tP�.I�TES Ii1S11Yti�tC013MCCCdB SIl(tII IfE liQ��'tt�1A Rf18 Sl5tri4 �.s:;r:-
<br /> repuir is nus�ennamicaUy feasible or Lend,er's securicy `-
<br /> . � sc�wcd by tbis See�uiry Inscrumea►t, whethar or not then due, ait4�any oacess paid to Bo7rower. If Ba:rowaa ahandons ths �..°-
<br /> ., �u�ty.or dae�rtat answer within 30 days a notie$from Le�der that tfse insurance canier has offeied w sestit tt cL�m,then �__
<br /> , � Lcxedet may coIIeet the lnswanca px+nceeds.L,endcr m�y uscs the pmceeds to rep�ir ar reswr�ahe P¢+o�erty or tn p�,y su[�s secured �.,�°;,
<br /> ' ' od wjll be�in when tba noflce�S given. `-_=_
<br /> ., by this Security Instrument�whettter ar noi then due.lEa�30�ay pert -
<br /> Uale.�.c T.�eaedar and Soirower oihe�twise ug�s in vrridng.anY pP�7icadon of procoecis w principal shall aot exte��ar po�Rone �:�,,�
<br /> . :� s die dae dnta of the mctnthlY l�Y��ret'trted w ia parageapbs I t�n�2 ar chanBe the arrtoant of tfte paYme�tts.If un�Ea pax�ph .;.._
<br /> � 21 the Propaty is�qufir�ed by Lender.Borrower's right to any insurtu�ccs palfcies aad proceeds msuldng fmm drma+p�e tm the �.::_.
<br /> k.:..°-
<br /> .'t� pmp�tY Prlor to the acqnisldon shal!pass to Lereder w the,extent of the sums secured by this Secueity Instrum�nt Immediat�tY .._
<br /> • prior co the acquisitFon. Borrow�'s Lean App�tla�i 1��alds. � ��
<br /> .� 6.Qocapanci'•��tton,Maint�auance and Protect�on ot the Propertyi '��
<br /> �-
<br /> ,� Barrocv�-s shall occupy�estnblLsf�.and use the Prog�ty as Bo�wer's principat res�dence with�►�ety days aft�r th�exdcuvlt+�n o __
<br /> this Secudty Insanment�nd shaU oondnue to occupy tho Property es Bo:rower's prinapal residence for at l�st o�ns y�r atter the �:�:�_
<br /> date of oocupasicy. unless I.ec►der otheivvise a�'ers i�n wridng,which consent shnll not be unreasonably �ti��34�halsf. or unIess =-
<br /> eactenuating cirewnstances wcist whfch erES beyond�mr,mwer's contr�l.Bormwer shatt rtot desuoy.demaBe or impa�r the PropestY. _
<br /> a s --
<br /> r� •.
<br /> ullow the Prope�ty to deteiiorate. or wmmit wa4tP on th$PropertY.Borroaer s;tall be in defauit if eny fmfaipue acdon ur =-
<br /> ,,..;.. proc�din8,whether civil or cdminal.is be8un that in L�der's good faith judgmant cauld eesuit in forfelteu�e of the peity or
<br /> - r,th�r�fse�.�4�l�imnair ehn lien cceated bY this Securlty Insaumeat or I.endr.r's securlty inreres�Hoisowes n►�Y crwe sucd�a , _
<br /> -: ° def�sult and reinsmte.a� providsd in paraBraPh 18,�+y cxiu.sing the aqion or pmc�eeciinB o�be dis�r�t:�Y�h s•r�'�"o':.�,
<br /> Lcnder's goocl faith detcrminatton.P�ludes fotfeihuE of the Bot[owes'S it1D�sES3 iri the Pt�optxlY or oth�m�i:�im1 impaica►ent of _ _
<br />- the lien cmate�by tht�Securlty Instrument or Lendsr's securlty�nu�st.Boiaower shall e]s�ba ia default if Borrowx�r.dvring the
<br /> � taun W3PLkation pr�cess.l�avs muterlallY feLso or inaccurat�e infosr��don or statements w Leader(ar failed to prov�fle Leadcr with
<br /> '�� uny mnt�rW informadon)in connoct�on with the lc�n evidanca�f by the Note. iacluding.but not Wiit�d ta. tapressenZUtions
<br /> ,�
<br /> :.�: �_, concerni�g Somuw�r's�aupuncy of tho PropertY�+s�Principal resfidec�t�.If this Sec�rity Ins�u�nent Ls on u ler,�o�nld.Boisower -
<br /> shaU camply�vith c+l1 the provlsi�ns of the le�.sa.lf Dormwer acquires fce Htla to tha Prope�tS►.tho leasehol��A tha fee dde shall --
<br />' � noi mergo unless Landea a�es w t!►e mesger in wrltiag. -
<br /> '�.. .., 7.Peotectlon o!Lender's Rights 9n the Property. If Horroaer feils w pP1form the coveuunts uad�ts conwir.esl in
<br /> 'I i:;�s'� roceedin8 that maY si8nif'ca�tly affe�t Lertder's sights ia th�Ptopary (aus�as a
<br /> this S�curIry Instmment,ar thcs�e is u 1e8�P
<br />= :-�:r.�'= pmoeedin8 in baulauptcy.P���•for oondemnailun or forfeiaue or to enfox+ee laas or cegulat[ons)�thmn Le�.z��r maY do unr3 pay
<br /> '��r•�r->�: :-_� for whutcver�S aece�a17►w Frot�t ths value of the Pmperty aad Lender's rlg�als in tho Pcopecty.Lendes's act'sans ms►Y iaclude —
<br />�:9'�''�'�'°'�" paying any sums secund by n lten which hos prtorlty over this 5ecuriry Iastxurasat,appearin8 in oo�t,P.ayfaB r�onable
<br />�'"���'�� � auomays'fees and enteaing on the�operty to muke repairs. Although Leaider muy talce scttan uadea this P2�Bm�h��Leade�r
<br /> ���.�:.:
<br /> - •-�_ • does not huve to do so.
<br /> •'"J':;'". h 7 alunilll become adAitfonal debt of Bonowes seeu�e3 bY t3a�9 Ssx�uih►
<br /> �.,,}, My acrtounts disbursed 6y L,e�der under this parngrap s _
<br />�.:,�.r.. ., Insmu�enG Unles.s Bcaower an�Lender o�ee co other t�rms of payment,these amounts shall b�inzLr�sa7 ffiom dte date of
<br /> �' disbusse+nent at the Note�ats and shni!bs payabl�s,witl�intere.st.upun notice froma L,euder to Bort+ower�m�P�►Yment _ _
<br />__� "�• ...'� 8.MortgaKe i�anranc� If Lender required mortgnge lassutuioa as a condidon of maki�►g the lonn se�dv�a�by tbia Seauity
<br />- :.-..;,: .
<br />--=�s`-�;t;�r:
<br /> Iasinunett� Bomawet shalt pay th� �naniuma re9ui�i to�unintain ihc mottgage insut�ncj. fn effi�ct, if��fer any e�n.ths �_-
<br /> ��--��-_ �nnitgnga insuian�oovange teq�by Lendar lt�ses or c�eeases w be in effect.Bomowee shall pay th�e ptecmiums aequired tD
<br /> _r+'... ` ;�.� obtain coveange s��dally equivulent w the mor�BnBe insurence previ.ously in effect.at a cost subst��'JV�4uivalent w ti�e
<br /> -- .�,�,,,�.- ved by L�enda.If
<br /> ,�=: ... .� oost W Borrower of the moitgu$a lnsuranca previovsly in e�tcct, from an�ltemata cnortgago L�sureu z�m
<br /> . . �� - subs��sn�'u�lly equivalent ma�oge insuc�nce covc�8a is not available,Bonnaer shall paY w Lend�a eacQ► mnnt9t u sum equsil w _.
<br /> _ ._ " one-tcveltlh of the yearly morignge insurtutco pr�mium bein8 paid by Bonv�ver when the insu�aso cove��q,*r�l�scd os or.�ed Eo ^
<br />- " - . °��� bo�n eftect Lcaeder will aooePt,aso and remin th�sa payments os a los�s resen�e in ileu of�nong�ga iruemnoe.I.os�rFSe�►c _.__.
<br /> 'e� Form 8028 B -
<br /> 1' {� Pag�3o16 InRlahG���� _
<br /> . �•�I�(��)(Y2181•01 �_
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