"^''`� , . . .
<br /> �
<br /> ,M , � . � „ � '_._�,�„-
<br /> ..�.�Y,r.,......__. . � �• .. d.�._. .. ..... ....._ ,. .._ ., , .. ,. - -- - --�
<br /> ° YO�ETMER WITH atl tho ImprovGmonto now or horoaftor orectod on tha property, snd aU oasemonto, nppuRonances,and
<br /> ' 16Ruras now or hereaftm s part of the proporty.All reptaaements nnd additlons shan atso bo oovorod by thls Seaurity innt�umnnt. b• .
<br /> � AA ot the Poteqok►p Is rei6rred to In thla &ocu�ity InoUumont no tho"Propurty."
<br /> BORROWER COVENAtdTS thnt 8onowcr I� I��+�Lly ooizod of tho oatato hcrcby oonwyod nnd hao tho rlght to prant nnd Q�
<br /> eonvay Iho PropoRy mnd that the Properiy I3 uneaoumborcid, c�xccspt for enoumbrencos ot raoard. 8ortowor wannnta and wlll � -
<br /> r
<br /> � d�fond gonorely tha titln ta the Property apnlnot aIi alnMS ar�d demnnde, oubj�t to nny cnoumbrancoS ot reoord. �
<br /> THIS S�CURRY INS"iftUMENT oombinfls un(tom� oovonnnto tor nnllonnl uso and non�unitorm covananto with Ilmtted �
<br /> var�l�onn by Jurtsdlotlon to oanatiPrto o unlform ooeurity InsWmant oovaring roat proporty. �
<br /> ' UNIFORM COVENANTB. BoROrrer and Lendcr aovonent and apree as loltowe: �
<br /> 1.�ayment ot P�ingipal nnd IntePest; P�epaymen4 end L.ete Char�ea eonorver snaii prompiry pay wnen
<br /> due tho prfnoipat of nnd Int;,roat on tho d:bt cvid�ncad by tho Noto nnd nny�rePeymont and tato oharf}ma duA undor tho Not�. -
<br /> � Z.F�unds to� Texes and In�renoe.8ubjoat to npplbabte taw o�to a writton wallor by Londur,8orrower shall pay � '-°'°
<br /> �� • to Lender on tho dny monthry pnymonts are duo undor tho Noto,untU tho Noto b puld in full,n sum ('Funds")tor. (a)yoarq *►ti -
<br /> � Wxoa and neaeuementa whbh mny atViin prtodty ovar this Sanurity Instrument ae a Ibn on tho Properiy; (b) yaa�ty leasahold �'-'
<br /> ..,::�-�'J� ppymnnta ot pround ronta on the Property, if eny, ta)Y�Y hamrd a property Insurenco premlume; (d)yoarty Ifood Insuranco -
<br /> -� •� pn,miums, M any;(o)yeady moRgago houraneo promlums,M any;end(t)uny suma payabb by 8onowcv to Lender in acoordanao
<br /> with tho provlstono of pam�roph 8,h Iieu of the payment o} mortgnge Insurunce premiums. Those lWms uro oatbd °Escror� � _
<br /> • �� Itema' Lender mny.at any tlmo,oolbat und hotd Funds tn en amount not to exceed tha maxlmum amount a bndor tor a k
<br /> federaly reiarod mo�tgago �oam m�y require tor 8orrowora escrow aeeount undor the federal Roat Estate 8ettlement Proec+dures p,°�
<br /> i Act of 1674 as amendod hom tim8 to ttn�,12 U.S.C.@ 2601 ot seq. ('RESPA"),unlasa another taw that appiles to the Funds �,__..
<br /> t sets d baser amount. It so,Londw may,at eny tYno, colteat and hold Funds N an amaunt not to oxceed the bsser amount.
<br /> � " Londor mny eattmate the cunount of Fu�da duo on the baols ot current data end reasonabte estimates of expand(tures of tuturo ="'��=
<br /> . � r�
<br />- Eecrow Itema or othorwLso h eccordenae with appllcabie�aw. �;•
<br /> " Tho FundB shaA be hold In an Nstttution whose dopaska nre Insurod by u tedarat agsmay,instrumentultly, or entiiy(NOludhg �?.,:';.
<br /> ' ;� "' '� Lender,Q Landor b suoh en institutbn)or in any Fsde►at Homo loan Bank. L.endar shalt appy the Funds to pay thu Esaow _
<br /> - � IromB.68nder mNy not ohargo BortowQr tor hoidine and ttppNMB the Funda,annualy unelyz6ig the esarow eaaount,or verNytng ___.
<br /> �.� tho Esarow Items, unbss Lender paya Borrowor htoroat on the FunAa and applbabie Iaw pertnitg Lender to make suah a _
<br />=�,,,•.,..� � Y oharge. Mowever, Lender may require Borrower to pay a on�thna char�v tor an hdependent rent estate tax roporthg service :'
<br /> '' �` usud by Landor In connoatton wlth this loan, untess appibabl� Isw provldea otherwise. Unless an agreement b made or
<br /> :}, . �.
<br />• � � appllaabie taw requiros htorost to bo pafd,Lendet sAall not be requ6nd to p�y Barower any Intoresl or eamfnga on tho Funde. ���-�=
<br /> • ,�'�' Barrower and Lender may agree in w►itin8, however, that hterest ahall be patd on the Funde. Lende�r ohaU pNe to 8o►rower, �'-:_.
<br /> ' �.'•�;;.�y�� without oherge, an annuat nccountinp ot the Funds,showing oredits end debtts to the Funds and the purpose for wht¢h each G`�
<br /> debk to the Funds was msde. TAO Funds ere pledged ns oddftionst seaurriy for al suma socurod by tho Soourky inshumont. �� -
<br /> � '1,,;��,#" If the Funds held by Londor oxcoad the omounts permitted ro bo hatd by epp0onbb taw,Lender shail acaount to Borro�ti�r -
<br />�, '(,�,.,',+.:�. -
<br />�: •, far tho excese Funda h aoaardance with the requlrementa o}appibabb taw. if the amount oi tho Funds held by t.endor at eny r;�__
<br /> ,• timo is not euHiotent to pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender may so notty 8onower In wr@ing,and,In suoh oaso Bortowet __
<br />- ahalt pay to Leader the amount neoessay to mnke up the dotiotanoY. Barowor shall make up tho dsHeienoy b no more than
<br /> ' � tv�eNe monthy paymonts,et Lendere aob dlsoretMn. ��
<br /> • • Upon paymant h tull of alt eums socured by thts Socurlty Insuumer+t,Lenda shatt prompty reNnd to 8ortower any Funda _
<br />- N:�� 5 ti heW by LBnder. If,unaer perapreph z�,tender sha8 eaqu�e or eeq i�e P�o�.Yy�Lsadss.�siar ta ths�quY.�losf ar°�'°a!!hs °_
<br />_tz� ..'' . �,: Prop6riy, ahatl appy any Funda held by Lender at tho tima of aoqulaNbn or sata as a oredit agninet the ouma seoured by tht� _
<br />�i;• SeaurRy inswmont. °=
<br />�.;. .'. � 3. Applloetlon o4 Paymente. un�eas app►��e �aa provides othenrlso, ali payments reoe4od by l.endar under -
<br />- ` psraprepho t and 2 shall be appited: Hrst, to any prepayment ohe�es dua unda the Note;second,to amour►ts payabla unda __
<br />��•=''r,�,:s:,L;:; paraqraph 2;thtrd,to ht�est due:lourth,to prhop8l due;end tast,to any tato ohflrge9 du0 und�x the Note.
<br />'� 'J'�" d. CihET90s� LIOPIS. Borrower shall pay eil taxes, esaes8mertte� Chtupe�. ihes end tnposRbne Bttribut9bi9 t0 Qho
<br /> t�r�.ci�'. '",t��li�.{' —_
<br />_�,.,•:.,n�,.;, PropeAy whbh may nttain pdority ovor thts 3eourfty tnaWment,and Ieasehoid peyments or ground rents,R nny. Borro►ver ahnll _
<br /> ;� ; , pay these obllgatlonu h the manner providod In paragreph 2, or H not pald En that manner,8orrower ohati p9y them on time _ _
<br /> 'r'' dkeotry to tho poroon owed payman� Borrower ahatt prompty lumf9h to Lender alt notices of emounts to be pald undor this �_--
<br /> �'��''"'"' pruaprBph. It Bortowor mnkes theso payrtients dkeoty, Bor►owe� ehali promply tumtsh to Lender recetpts ovidenoing the
<br />%s•�:• ,••��
<br />_.. . psymento. —
<br />_?'_ ' ...,i"'��' Borrower shap prompty dlsohnrBe uny Iien whbh hna prlorFty over thb Securky Instrurtro�it unkrsa 8orrowar: (e)aQrees h
<br /> `�`_-�•�--�— writhp to the payment of tRa oblipatbn secured by the Iten h a mnnrter acaeplable to Lender; (b) contesta h qood tnith tho
<br /> ��;:.�jr'v.� �� by, ot defOttdB epGlntlt OntOrCement of the 119n h, Iep81 ptOCeedhgs whksh Y1 the Lender6 ophbn Operato t�praveflt Me
<br />"�"`� .. entorcemont of the Iien;or(o)seoures from the holder of the Iien en agroemenl8atbtaotory to Lender eubOrdhAtinO N+e Iien to
<br /> A-�*:4'�� thls SoaurNy InstrumonG it Lender detem�hes that any part of the Properiy Is BubJect to a Iien whbh may attnh prtodly ove�this
<br /> ==';f;'���"`�y�� SecurUy instrummt,LendAr may 6ke Bortower a not�e IdontHying the pen.BoRaver shati satk3y thu Ifen or tako ono or moro of
<br />;�j.:•.�1;,-�f,:��i� tAo satlono set tOKA abOVe wkhh 10 dsye of!he yMing of notke.
<br />��'� . ��;'�fk1`' 6. Hatapd or Property insurence. BOrrowet ehsp ke0n tho MplovemEantB now 9x131hp ot horeafter ete�ted On 1Ao
<br />��� -w!�s�� Propeny Ineured egalnst bas by ne. harerds hebdod wkhin the tennn 'oxtended aoMerepe•and eny other humrda� hotudinp _
<br />��'���c� tloods or Ooodinp,for whbb Lender req�iiros haurar,cc�. Thts In6urance shnit Oe maintatnsd b the amounta end tor tho ptxiods
<br />=,,. ,: ra
<br /> �--�:�� .� that l.ender requYsa. Tho Insu�neo oardor providhg th�bsumnae sP�ali be ehosen by Berrower nubJeet to Lenders approvat
<br />'" "''�' ��� ' whi�7�shail not 60 unroasonubl� wkhhe�d. It Borrower talts to mBhtaN aoverape desCrlbed abova, Lendor m8y,ttt Londlu'e ``
<br /> ' t f� optton,abtsh aoverago to�rotec4 lende�'s�phta In the Properqr U accordenco wRh paragraph 7.
<br />-'��;� AU insurance polbie� end ronewals shali bo ueceptabt� to Lender end shap holude a standsrd mort�ape etause. lonC2r
<br />-`'�"•i;;:�•,;�. aha0 havo the►ight to hotd tho pofbles end renewals. It Londer roquiraa,Bonwver ahaA prompty�Ma to lsndor an rocepta of
<br /> �'."`L��?y,.'
<br />��`;„� „•,,. pnld promluma and nenewnl nottaes. In the evun�ot toas,Borrowor shaU gHe prompt not�e to the hsuranco onrtter an er. �
<br />-��-'a:;,��'..�sc. Londor may make proo}ot toea M no!mcdo prompty by Borrower. __
<br />- .. ._..„- Unfoss Lendor and Bortowar otherwiso ugreo h wrkhg, Insurenae proceods shaq bo applied to restoratbn or repat ot the __
<br /> �� �''��; • Propertly damupod,If tho roatoastton or ropat Ia eoanombniy teasibb and Londars eocurfty t�not bssonod.If tho reatomtton or
<br /> - :,..+{•.•:.:,, .�-
<br /> � .�n� � repatr is aot eoonom�cnlly toaoibiC or Lendors se0utity would bo iosaonod,thu Nauranco proceods ahatl bo app0ed to Mo sums �.
<br /> . � . sscured Oy th(o Socudty Inchumont, whothor or not then dus, w�h cu►Y oxcoae Pnld to Bonowcx. If Bnr►owor ubandons tho E.-
<br /> Propaty. or doat not anawsr wkhln 30 days a notbo from londer that the Insurnneo cortior has ofterod tm sflttle a elatm,thon i�=�
<br />-_ � � � Lenda mnY ao�tecc tho haumnco procoada. Lender may uso tho procooda to repair or restore Me Pro�r2y or to pay sumn �=r
<br /> - �> secured by thia SoourUy InsWmont,whMhor or not then du0. fie 34day p�tod w10 bogh whon the eotko b pNen. ��_
<br /> - �;;�.'��'�--`- Uniess Londor entl Bortow�r othawrso agroo in writesg� anY ePPf'�utivn vf p,ocee� to pr:iu'�ui siu�N rot e�,cini� �; `--
<br /> �
<br /> � � • � poutpono tho duo dnto of the monthry paymonto rotorted to In paragrc;pha t and 2 or cha���the amount at tho pay�aant*,. It �;_�
<br /> - � undor puragruph 8t tho FropoAy Is aaqulred by Lendor, Borrower'e rfAht to unr In9ururtoe polbles(uid prCeOOds resulti�y'ham �,
<br /> ���� �� domCgo to tho Propfltty ptlor to tho aCqutsRbn ahatl pus8 to Londor to tho mRwtt ot tho ttuma by tht� 3ecuriqr InsWment �,.
<br /> -,.;• Immodintob R�or to tho noqulsftton. �`.
<br /> � '�-- - -- � 8. Ocaupenoy, Preserva�[afl� �wn�ntenanee and �ocaauon ot me 'rroperiy; 8ar�o..cr s �va� �'
<br />" , . AppllCatlOflp L�C888hO1d8. BOrrowe�shall occupy.esteblLsh,ond uso tho Proporty n8 Borro�ve�e prholpsl roeldonco wkhin m
<br /> " � sbdy days eftor tho ox�xutbn ot th[s Socudry inaQument and shap condnuo to occupy tho Froporty ae Botrowe�s gnnalpai �•
<br /> ►nsldanco tor at least one yaar nRor tho dato o}occupanoy, unloss londor othawtso agroos�n wrHing�whbh conaent ahnQ not -�
<br /> 0
<br /> � , bo unrotioona4ly withhold,or unbss extenuatY►�okcumaturtco3 oxist whiob aro boyond Bortowors control• 8ortawor ahall aot �"
<br /> ro o -
<br /> • destmy. dnmage or Impair tho Propcxty,ntlow the Property to dotortanto,or aommft wnsto on tho Propaty. BoROaer shNl be h � .
<br /> -' r�` dataurt tt uny fortekuro aotbn or procaoding, whsthor aNU or crlmhtU, h3 b�guo that b Lc3ndor'o good taHh Judgmont eoub rosuR -
<br />-� In to�tofturo of tho Propc3Ry or othawNso mntalntty Impat tho Ibn crentad by this Socudty inabumont or Londoro sccurtty htorost
<br />- .J.�� '1',I ' A '
<br /> • F»�a�MO��p�� oao•a o�a
<br />-, oar.�s
<br /> .. ,.V,r..--.�_..—�----•--->..�._._ '--- .ra���_ ... .._._, _
<br /> . J—' . ��W. �T�
<br />