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<br /> nQS� o�ving �snia ueeignor �0 1►sefgaae ie woll and truly pai.d, t6ea -
<br /> -- -- - -- — tbis lleet�ne ahall b� void, oth�rMioo to ruaio itt lull �ora� -
<br /> ,���' � aa� �lt�at.
<br /> . �..
<br /> i' ,!,. ._'.� � -
<br /> ' �"�� ' 2. It is the intention and aqraemeat of Aeeiqaor that this
<br /> _ -�`. ��s�.gnment ahall also aocuro any futwre advanc4s �d�t to �saignos
<br /> ."=�� �.; by �eeiqaee ead any and all indebtedaeso in additi.oa to the �
<br /> �'�"-=-�=-` ,,,� a�ount statQd abono which aaid ]1ssigaor aay owo to eaid assiqnoe�
<br /> _- ` ��' ;'"`�`"�`., bowever evidencod, whether by note, book, aacouat or otha=wise. _�
<br /> m.�--�'��W.��t�`�'":�.� The uadersiqned aleo aqree that this 1►aeiqamenti shall securo all =
<br /> �_i�- +,;:,i:`��t�:{ coste, chsrqes and escpenses reasonably incurrad or paid by =
<br /> _�: •_�•�;r;,p,��' Aesigaee, includinq reasonablQ attarmeg fess, beca�use o� the
<br /> �,- � ,,;� iailetre of the undersigined to co�ly with the �erma of the llotee
<br /> �iS.�y';
<br />�x� z�'� ;.J;�r:��� ovidonciaq such fndobtQdnoaQ or thia �fqa�ent.
<br /> �:. i
<br /> `'� �':�i�n����` { 3� So lo�ng as l,seiqnor sD�all not be fn default of tha pa�- _
<br />--;�;�:�.:.. ' " '�� � meats dare to Assignee fn respec� to indebtedaese owiag or in the
<br /> �- ���i��: _°�-}� :g�L,;� rfori�nce of the re xewepts uf an inetrup�ent of security -
<br /> . �� ,.:. .���:r Pe 4� Y .
<br /> ���'� �Y/����t which may secare such iadebtedl�ess, ]lseignor ohall be entitled to -
<br /> _ ���� �olleat and re�ain for its b�n�iit al1 rents, from ti�e to t3r+x� _
<br />__�,;., —�:,. �t;:�•,n;��.�� �ccYUiwe�, aud rece3vcd in ret�g�� to the real eetato 14a� hora3n _
<br /> , -��' . asai�uer� as security.
<br /> .� �:
<br /> �'„ ,; „ 4. ��m default in the �ymeat of any swm �cinne �� x�e•�me�� to
<br /> � �E�;� �•��'� ' the iadebtec�dn��s secured here6�� ar in the per��rm�aa�e eaff LIIne
<br /> ",�:..":,. . 6
<br /> � �-���;,�;;�� require�memts vSE Any inetrwnen� �� security whfch may �eauxe �aac�
<br /> - '��� '.,� � • indebt@a3saeee, Assigaee may giwe iaaaediate notiae of t�.i.s a�signn- -
<br /> - • ���; -_'� ment to �t�e tenant uader euch leaso and sball, from aud aftes the .
<br /> �`_ e _' '.yi:i�. - _.
<br /> • �_ !�°'�•� date mff s�nc�n ��cstice, be authosf.zed to receive and colleat �taA
<br />..� ' '�,,�,''�;��'`. such rean�� as may thereafter a�arue end be due and payab�e to •
<br /> Lr�b:: . .
<br /> ,` ;r±�y����,1',�,_,.;J .: Aseiqt�m �under tho terme thereof. ,
<br /> , ��••��•;.�,�:��� �
<br /> �`'�''� �°x'�"'�• 5. Aaeiqnor sepz�esents and warrants to Aesigaee +t�at tDne
<br /> � � rl;"c'`.,�ti; ,,- ._` ..
<br /> � - ..�::.: . •��� � � aseigaRd real astate lease and rente tberein pxav,ida� �ave ��t
<br /> � .� ••.;,°", :;ty�"���'`�'' �*•. Iooen previou�l� transferred o� encunberacl.
<br /> t�.� .. �ai.3k'ti l
<br /> �`� `�� '���� �'?�l 6. Aseic,p�nor will not, wi�hout the prior written consent of
<br /> ��:�,., , Aseignea, aqree to or consent to or permit any a�aendment, modifi- -
<br /> ;� � :w-�-'�� '' cntioa, terntinutioa, assignment of or sublettinq under the raal =
<br /> ,.�..r..k��;::..
<br /> ;�` 1]j�y�•� `•,,,;_ estate lease herein asaigned as security.
<br /> ry,) '',�` il 'r .� �:f��.r;`s�'f --.
<br /> 1( � J' 'J,r'�rl �... " i
<br /> �.. .f;� r�� _ • 7. All coatrol aad dominion over the riqhts and remedies of
<br /> ��� E � ���,��;�'���'i• � ` r� ` Aesigaor ae owner set forth ia the real estate lease heseby =
<br /> ���,• , � _
<br /> t,.�� :;�" ,Ir.. i7. � :
<br /> ;s.�.;; :. ,�,:r• :!�t, aesigaed as secwrity are transfesred to Assignee e�cce�¢ that
<br /> J aseigaee may in writing specifically authori$e 1►seiqnor to act �
<br /> �`y' ,I tT,id�` n_
<br /> , :;:' ,:�Fs,'y�._.. with reapect tmer4to. ,
<br /> �it :�" . �'��`;�•.;' -
<br /> "` � , �d "��,�,�'a,': °. : e. Aseiqnor will keep and perform all of the obligatioae to _
<br /> ��` "'�����4 �'�� `� � � �= v� be pori�ormed on the part of the owuer under the terms of tbe real
<br /> ` i�''44�i:�'r,. �.i:j�:.
<br /> �� ', " "��� ; � y""'•.� estate lesee ta�rein aesigned as security and wil l save Assigaee �
<br /> 4'.,t�., •� .
<br /> ��' harmless frora any failure to do so, it beiaq specifically uader- �
<br /> , ��. .�.:.�`;?'?�r�:: .
<br /> � ° '`•� stood that, ��+twithstanding this aseigmaent or any notice
<br /> ° � ��"� � ��� thereof, Assi g x iee shall not be obli gated to p erform aaa�v of tGae
<br /> :.� `:o.. � � .
<br /> ��. • -
<br /> : r. .
<br /> �. .
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