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<br /> 'a TH19 A931tiNMENT OF RENTS RICER f3 mnde nnd oxo4utnd thl3.��4aY o�._...---�-���uA� ��. � . antl Is j°;___
<br /> Inooryomtad Into and oha�b�daom3d to amend nnd 4uppksmont tho ModQnpo or Qood of Tru9t, hprolnaRer rotenod.to aa tho "8acurity ��
<br /> . P.:-�
<br /> Instrumsn►", ot tho oamo dnte ptvon by tho undorsignod, �orolnaRor rofcRad to ae tho "Borrowor", to acouro 8orrowor's 1nd3btndnoso, ��_.__
<br /> °.` horolnnftor rotoROd to a8 tho "Note",to U�11TED NEBR�SKA BAN� __,
<br /> , ho�olnnftcr rotcrrc� to as tho"Lcndcr", of tho samo dnto and Covorinp tho
<br /> • ,�• . �;•-_�=�
<br /> ' � � proporty dosa�ibud h thp Snourly Inatrumont and looatod at:
<br /> ' ;� :•�>�,! .
<br />,;;;r-- 3�130 N IQAHO�/�.R��� D � � -----
<br /> � .
<br /> (PtoP�ny Adda�q
<br />:_:�s,�yy�r�1� �
<br /> ,- :. � WITN�SSETH:
<br /> ��'?�� � IkMEREAB, Borrower and Londer have ngrasd lhat any�enta Md protita attr�utabk+to the property�houtd oonstltute�ddhtannl o�3ourity
<br /> .. ,; .� to tho Wnder tor the pnyment of tho Noto;
<br /> •Y�AtL:^.,:• NQW,THEREFOFiE,it Is eAread tAat the Soaurity Ins�rumont shnit bo ameadod horribY and daemod to tnoada t„a fotlowinp provlstons:
<br />-°�;f'",,,�;. —
<br /> i/;��i..f�'f;.�r-i
<br />:.��;;;}�1;., t, saianme�t af Ran; eg ndl Gerder Ftentnt Goltactla2Rt�h�. Bortdwer heroby absotutety end unoondfUdnaly nsatgna aU ronts, hsuas
<br />` .i�; � •
<br /> �;,y,�l�,. , and pronls ot the propeAy to Benefbtsry. Lender ahRil have tho ripht,powor and authority during tho contlnuance of tAe&tnurlry InaUt�tNn
<br /> ��-�"F���•�,� to colktot the rents,lssues and profits ot tho propeny and of any pasonal prapsAy tacated theroon wkh or without taking poseesston of th� � ,y
<br />'y,,r'.��l�=ylA
<br /> property afteoted hereby. Lender, however, hereby consents to 8artower's co�leatlon and rotontion of suoh rents,issues and proftto ts tl+ey
<br /> �CONO and boCOme RAY��o�ea �ong as BoROwer !a �ot, at suoh tkne, tn dolautt w4h rospec►to peyment af any Mdebtedne�s svcurod
<br /> �='-�'�xn.�� hsceby,or Ut tha perfortnanco ot mny agtaement hereunder. �_
<br />���I';����'� 2. Pnaobtment nf RecANet. U nny event of detnult in rospeat to tho Soaurriy �naWment shaA heve ocauned and be oontinuinp,Lender,
<br /> �,.,:�:
<br />--^�T��� aa a mstter ot ripht end withwt not�e to BoROwor or anyono otaimNg undor BoRawer,and without regerd to tho value of the Wat o8 e or
<br /> F='��c=��� tho Interost of tho Botrower therefn,shnll hnvn the right to tlppiy to My aouR havNg Jurlsdbtion to appoht e reCOSrar of the propOrty.
<br /> -° 3. @�aht to Pos�ossfon. In caso ot dehtuit in tho pnyment ot tho scttd p►Inaipal Note or Interest,or any pnrt theroot,aB it ehatl mnture,
<br /> =s or In the aase ot taAure to keop or psAortn any �f the convennnts or apreementa cootatned In tha Secudly InstrumenA then t�e Lender,Ite
<br /> — sucaessors or assqna, shaq be and is hereby nuthoriwd and empowered to teke Immedlate posseseton of the said premtur� thereN
<br /> ° - aasa�osa and 4v cotio�i{;r�o rs�to ih�r�.����Cl�'�'!�Proceeda theroot to the p8yment of the Note.
<br /> ---�—4�� q; w���atton of Aenta Issues and Protiln. All rents oolleeted by Lender ar the veceNer ohait be app��ed firat lo paymerd of the Costs.
<br /> ;::�neo� af manfgemont of the propeRy end aolleation of ients, haadMg, but not limitod to, receNOfs fees, pramtUmo on recekera bonds nntl
<br /> -- reasonabta attomey's fees. end tnen to tho sums secured by ihe Securlty instrument.Lender snd tho roceNer ehatt be Ilebte to a�aount ony�
<br /> tot those rente eaNnly recelvad.
<br /> g, rQastaotlon o}Provistona. Eaoh ot tho provfslons aontained tn this Asstqnrtrent ot Rents Rlder and the Seautky InsWment ahanr —
<br /> untess otherwise epacNb4ly►requlred, be conOtrued In acaoMunce wfth N9braska law. nnd In the 6vont any provislon here� ot lhsn�ln
<br /> conta�ed GhvO te d8tertnincd by e aouR ot nomgotont Jurisclbt►on to be unenforceabb, the same shatl be oonstruad as thouph s�+oh
<br /> unon?prceabte provHbn wera not part 3�ursof or thoroof.
<br /> g, �ject of Rkfsar. Ezcept as spocitica�ty modlfied by or trtconsistent with this Assignmant of Pents Rlder or by anY othor app�icabte
<br /> dder,all of the terms and provisl9no oontalned in the Securlty InsWment shaq COntinuo h tutl torCe and eNe01. _
<br /> -- IN WITNFSS WHHREQF.9orrower hAS oxaCVied this Assignmont o} Ronts r on tho dato�trc� n d abo�e.
<br /> - �I r�l�R/�'� .�d:!/�
<br /> a,«pw�p LER
<br /> _ - -_ ----
<br /> _ Q��D ,(. �'J� � .__.___
<br /> -- _-� oo«o�•� bMELA L E�F1L�Fi9 . `
<br /> _ � STAT� OF NEBRASKA � �s:
<br /> -= COUNTY CF HI!!.L
<br /> -----°°'s"'�"'"`! On thta :t4'Us daY ot FQbYUIt�T]I 19g.9. 4�etore me, t1►e undarstpnad.a Notary Publb duy commissbaad and
<br /> �vs�F�L A@HLEqS AND P Il1ELA L EHLERS w��c���te AkD WI��.
<br /> ---� --�"'�� 4uniifbd(or enld oounry,Rcxsonaly camo ...
<br /> __ _ .to
<br /> --~'-� Oo the identienl porson(sy whoae atamo(s)kt/are eubr>cnbed to the(orogolrtg insteurtent. and hdah�fthey ecknow�idge tho mcneuUon thcscot ` -�
<br /> -TM_�n� to bo htslhe�ltheir voluntary eat ana deatl. `
<br /> - -_""_" wttnc��my hnnd end Notortat Saat at�6+1�1ND IS6.AND _ F� F1f��K� in satd counq,the
<br /> :-----���� dato ntaoesaid. .._�_ .
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<br /> _-�-T__�%� � SHERRi L,0'GIIL/llqFy�p � __
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