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1 <br /> .a <br /> ., , . . . .. " . ^ <br /> 17. 7ranate� of the P�o�eKy or e eonofialat Intereat in �Jorrower. Ii nll or nny pnrt of tho P�opeRy or ' , <br /> any Intarout In It Is oold or trnnofcrrod(ar M a benoflol�l Intwost In Bortowor Is ootd or trannlorrnd and 8ortov�rer Is not a notural <br /> peroon)vllthout Londcfo priar wrilton conaCnt, Londcr may,at Ro optton,roquUO immodlata paymont�n full of ntt suma aoourod by . <br /> tAls 8�urity Inatrumont. Howovar,thia optlon ohaA not bo axerolsed by Lendor It ezorolso ta prohibltod by fodora► I�w ao ot tho � <br /> dnro ot this Sssouriqr Inatrum¢nt. <br /> If Londer oxoroisoa this optlon, Londer ohnn gMo�ortowor not�o ot wccolarntion. tho notteo ahnil provldo a porlod ot not � <br /> • loss than 30 dnya Nom tho Aato tho notko Is dolNurod or mnit�d wlthtn whbh Bortowor mut3t poy atl auma aczourod by this � <br /> Seauriry Insuument. it BoROwor teils to pay tho8e suma prlor to tho oxpUatton of thls poriod, Londer may Invoke any rcmodlea k9 <br /> pcm�Ntod by this Suaurity Inatrumont��ahout fuAhot not�CO or damnntl on 8onower. �o <br /> 18. Borrowee'e RtAht to Relnatrate. if Bonov�or moota cortnfn aonditwns, Bortowsr �hnA huvo tho rlght to hnvo (� <br /> � enforcemant ot thlu Soaurity Inapument dlscontlnued at any timo prlor to tho eartk3r of: (e) S duya (or suoh other perlod as � �,,,� <br /> �pp�i�ayle t�w mny appoi9y far reNStnlomflnq betore aflle ot the Property pureuunt to any power of sab oontatned tn thla Soaurfty <br /> • �f InstrumenC,or (b)entry of a Judgmont en4oroing Ihts 8oaurlry inakument. Thoso conditlona ere that Borrower. (a)pays Londar atl <br /> sums whbh thon would bo duo undor thla Ssou�ity Instrument and tho Noto as H no ncc�teration had oecurrod; (b)ouros any <br /> defnult of any othor covennnt or agmsmanta; (e)paye at1 expenees Incurrud N enforoing thb Sacurity Inetrument, InoludNg, but <br /> not I�nited to, reasonabta attomoys' fees: and (d)tNces ouoh actlon as Lender may reasonabN rsqutre to aesure that the Ilen ot <br /> this Socurity instrument, lende�s �ights N tho PrppcRy and Bortowefs obligatbn to pay the sums sccured by this Seou�itY r Aa� <br /> Mstrument shall oontlnuo unchanged. Upon rohstntarrtont by 8ortowe�, this SecuHry Insburrtent and t�9 obllgatio�the caso N= <br /> horeby shaU remah tuiy efteaNve ss U no ncaokratlon hud oCOUrred. However,lhis ��ht to retnstato 8ha0 not eppry <br /> ot accoleration under pareBruPh t7• <br /> ' 19. SAI� OF NOLB; Change ot l.oan S@I'V1Q@�.The Note or e a paRfsi lnterest In the Noto (togothar wkh this = <br /> Sooudhr Inswment) may be sold one or more tlmes without prior not�e to 9ortower.A saie may resuR in n chango in the enttty .±_ <br /> (knawn a�tho"Loan Servieer")that coUeets monthry paymenta due under the Note and this Seeurihr Inatrument. There utso may ;�,. <br /> be on0 or more changes ot the Loan Servi�er unreiated to a sa�e ot the Note. If there I.g a ohenge of the Loan Sefvlcer� _ <br /> Borrower wAI be gtvan written notice of the ohenge ln accordance wfth paragreph ta ebove and epplbable law. The notice wul __ <br /> • state tho nemo and addrosa of tho new Lonn 3ervFcer and the uddross to whbh payments ahould be made. Tho not�e witl niso <br /> •�'�� oantah anY other informatlnn re4utred bY apPikable law. ,� <br /> ;;';;:,�, -.` <br /> 20. H8Z@fdAU8 Sltb8ZE111C88. BoROwer alueii not eause or pem+k the presence,use,disposa�,stomge,or release ot �,,�'I <br /> " 1>� eny HosBrdoue SubsffinCeB u�t at In the Properly. Borrowec shail not do, nor allow anyane eise to do,anythinp alloating thu _ <br /> Property that fs h vtolation ot any EnvUonmentat Lnw. The preceding two sentences shal not appy to the prosence,use,or '��.. <br /> . etorage on the PropeAy of smatl quentttbs of Ha�aardous Substences that are genmraly neoognl�d to be epprepriate to normel ;- <br /> a r <br /> ��.• restdantial use�ond to mahtenenco ot the P�oparty. _'�•'� <br /> Bortower shall premptly gNa I.ender wr�len notke of any hvastlgation, olaMn, demend, tawsu(t or other aedon by any " <br /> q� govemmental or re8ulatory agenoy a�prlvate partY hvobing the Property and any Hererdous Subatancs or Emironmentai ot r��� <br /> A ! <br /> = ��� �p�n� Q���a► knowbdge. If Bortower leams. or Is natiHed by any 0ovemr�ntal or reguiatory authorky, thet any ur. <br />='•1 �{. removal or other �ro�ietion ot eny Herardous 8ubstence affeathg Property la necessery, eortower shaii pmmytiy iai�o aG ■ <br /> `�� .w' nocessary remedlal aatlons h aaaorden�ce wfth EnvUonmental Lew. - <br /> • • �it'�'` A8 ussd in this pstagteph E0,'H�ardous Subatanaos" are those subaffincos deHned a� toxb or herardous substanaea by <br /> ,'.`�4�', <br /> � }• Environmentat Law and the to!lowing eubstanaos: gasoltne, keroseno, othor ttemmable or toxb petroteum produots. tox� <br /> �'. pestbtdes and herbtoidss,voletlia soNanU,mamrtnla contalning asbestoa or tom�aidehyde,end mdWaotke materia�s. Aa usea In <br />� paregraph 20, "Environmontal Lar�"means todrual Inws and �aws ot the Jurisdbtion whore tho Property Is toaated that rotato to <br /> heaRh.snf0ty ar onvironmental protGOtton. <br /> ' NQ�N•UNIFORM COVHNANT3.Borrower end Lender tuRher aovanent and a8ree as folloris: <br /> " 27. AeceteraUon; Remediea Lende� shnll give rtotiae Lo Borrower prior �o a�celeretton <br /> rottowing Borrowor'8 breach of eny aovenent or egreement i� thia SeQUriiy Inetrument (but eot <br /> ' :' prtor to acceleratlon under peragraph t� unlcas �pplioable t�w providea otherwtae)• T�e notlae <br /> - � sheli �eafy: (a) 4Eea defauit; (b) tt�� eotion reqW�ed to euro the defeult; (o)e dete� not leas then <br /> r �� 30 deya�rom the �eLe the notlee ta given to Bor�ow�r, by whioh the deteult muet be cured; end <br />-" :�,�_ � `"' r: (d) th�t feiluro to cure the deteuit on or before the date specifl�d in the naUae mey result In — <br /> -��rE�'; aeaeleratton of the sums aecaued by this Seaurity Instrument and salo of th�Property.Yhe notloe <br /> • � N�ati turther inform Borrower of the rlgM to reirestete eite� aceeteraUon and the �ight to bring � <br /> co�rt QQtfo� t0 �ssaert the non-exta4mn�e of a defautt or any other defenaa of 8orrower to <br /> :"''� " eccelereUon nnd oate. It the default la not aured on or be4ore the dete c�eeifled in th� nsttae+ �- <br /> - � • l�edcr et ite eAFien rnsy �equire immedtete peyment In tutt ot eli sums aecured by thta Seeurity __ <br /> "" Instrument without turthes demand and mey invoke the power o� eaiQ c�d sny ot�er re�reedDer� �- <br /> r '��� ' permitted by ep�1laable lew. Lender shnll be entttfed to colteat ntl e�enses incurrod tn purautn�l _ <br /> �... ;�;::' .. <br /> :�� "'. .:.. � the romediau pre��Jded in Wla paragreph �i, Inet�ding� but�at lin�fted to, reeeonebte attorneya' <br /> �L .. .• .r fees and cost��4 4ttle o�vidonce. <br /> ;;.�,, n 4h� power of sale Is imoked, Trustee ehail record a notice of detault !n eavh counry in <br /> .: �, whic� eny part of the Prop�rty ta tocated and $hall mnil cop�lea of euch e�otice In tho naanner �_ <br /> ' � pre�c►l9ed by qpPitcebte tnw to Boreowar end to tho otP�er per�ons preaaribed by eppilaablo tew. -1__� <br /> : Atter tho timo rcquired by appilcable In�cv,Truct¢o shatl give publto rtotiae of ante�Ute persona <br /> � , and In the manner prescribed by epplicabte taw. Truotoo, wil�ut demend on B�rQCrr�n�r, ohmtt sotl �: <br /> „ , �4ia �ropocry eR pubito aeeotiAn t�tho highc�tt bl�d�f et the Ume end ptseo snd �aon�mr tho termo . <br /> do�l�na4ed In tho notice ot aate In one or more pmcols nnd In nny ord�r Twatoe determinQa , <br /> �- . , � 7ruatoe m� Poa�one e�ia �f ai!ar �:; p�ee! oi Lh!+ Prenerty+ by Aubila nnnourteeme�►t et ihe . <br /> ` time ertd F18co of arry provtousty isoheduled eale. Lendar or ita daalgnQe mey pureshaae tke �•; <br /> .� Property et any ealo. <br /> ,. <br /> � unon receipt ot payment ot the price bid� Tructtee shalo detiver to the pu�chaaer Truatee's . <br /> --- --- ----- - - . �_.. .._ _...�_ .Y._ _..u�....�..� <br /> -� de�sd aonveytng the i�roparty.Tho raoitata in tt�o Truetee�s aeeo �an oo �..��p .a,..o V�NP�t�� _. <br /> � the truth of the etsteme� mede thereln. 7rustee ehali eppty tMe Iproa�ede of the eale In the <br /> tattowtnp order: (e) to sll coste and e�enaea ot exeretaing the poweP of eate� and the oate, <br /> � , trtcluding the payment of the Truatoe's fees ectuatty incurred, no�to�t �e princ p�i emount ot the <br /> • •� note et the 41mo ot ti�e declaretton of dofeult�nnd reasonable ettorney'a teea nu pertnt'�ed by lav�r; <br /> (i�) �o all aums Qocured by th{e S@curiby Inetrurroent; end (cj eny exoess to the pe�son or pe�oone <br /> , legalty entiUed to iL <br /> `�� . <br /> ' Ft�tO.LRtQ(t/Y01 O�p��of 6 <br /> ` 09071 <br />