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t <br /> . ,. . <br /> .. ..._1.,,,,,. . „ ' .._., <br /> ..,,. ..... . .. . •---_ _.r <br /> TOCiETHER WITH nIi tho improvmnenta now or horenfter aeatod on the proporiy, and n0 ooaamcnts, appurtananCOS, und <br /> fbRuros now or horeaftor u paR of tho propAriy. Att roptFtcomerts and uddRlono shntl eiso bo oovorod by thls Soaurity�nstrument. „ <br /> Ail c�f tho loropotng b rotorrod to In this Soeurfty Ineuument aB the "property." " <br /> � BOfiROWER COVENANTS that 8ortawor h3 IawMlty eol:ed of the ostate heroby aonvoyad and hns tho rlpht to gmnt nnd <br /> convey tho Proporty and ihat tho Proporty Is unancumbcrod. axcept tor anoumbrancea ot rcaard. Borrowor warrnnts and wlll <br /> dofand gcnemly tho tfttn to tho PropaRy ageNSt all o�ilma and demunda.aubJeot to any eneumbrences of roaord. � <br /> TH13 SECURITY INBTRUMENT oombinfla unHorm covanenta tor nattonnt use nnd non-unBorm covannnts wtih Iimiiud � <br /> vrutatbnn Dy Jurl3dbtion to oonatituto a unitorm ttcauriry FnoW►v�ent eovoring roai property. � <br /> UNIPORM COVENANTS. BoROwer nnd lender aovonant and uSreo as foliows: <br /> t. PUj�YYi@fl�OY �PIPICIpBI �Y1tJ 1DtQP06Y�P�epBymoett and Lete Chargea�. eorrowor snau promptry pay�vhan � <br /> duo tho prhomaf of and Intorest on tho dobt wldonoad by tha Nota and eny propayment and Iate chergoa dua undcr tha Noto. �o9 <br /> a. Funda tor Taxea and Ineuranae. �1eat�o eDDliaablB law or to a written wulier by Londor. Borcov,er ohnl►pey � �',;_.: <br /> "„ to l..ender on tho duy monthty paymtmts aro due undor tho Ndo, unUi the Note W putB In tutt,a sum("Funds") tor. (s)yoary <br /> ' � _,_, tnxcis and asse3sments whbh mny attaln p►lortty over thb Socuftty Instrumont aa a Ibn on tho Properiy; (b)yearry leasehold � <br /> ''�� paymente or ground rents on the Proporty,B any: (o) yaar�► harard or propeRy Insurence promiums;(d)yoary tiood tnsu►anco <br /> ' promlums,B any;(e)yearty moRgnge tnourrtnco prembms,a any;and(�eny sums payabie by Barower to lendar in accordnnce <br /> in <br /> ,:, wtth the pr�vlslons of pamgrnph 8, in Iieu ot the payment of moRgege Insurance premiuma. These itoma aro oalbd "Escrow <br /> Items' Ler�der msy, at any time, cottaot end hotd Funds h nn emount not to exceed tha maximum amount a bnder for a i�: .'_ <br /> federeily related mortgtt8o loan may reQuire Por Bortowo�s ascrow acaount under the foderal Fi•ai Estete Setttement Procadures ;��,�, <br /> Aat d 1910 as amend2d hom tlmo to tlme, 12 U.S.C.@ 260t et soq. ("RESPA'), untesa unother law that appil�s to tho funds t� <br /> sets n �esser amount. If so, Lender mey,at tsr►y tlme, CoAect end hot�f Funds In an amount �ot to wcceod the lesser emount. .r�>. <br /> Lender m�y asttrnate the emount of Funds due on the basi� ol c�r�ent data and r�asonabl� estimates ot e�ondkuros ot luture ,�� <br /> EBCrotv Ilom�or otherwise In accotdance v�fth upplloabia t�w. <br /> The Funds sha�be hald in an hstiNtton whose depositc are insu�d by a tsderai agenoy. InstrumentalUy,or enY�ly(tnoluding �.�' <br /> t' ; I.�nder. 1 Lendo� Is such an instriutbn)or h any Foderal Homa Loan 8ank. Lender shaA appry the Funds M Ruy tha Escrow ,9.. <br /> , Itert�s.t�ender n�ay not aner{�a�3orrawst for hotdtrsg and applying ths Funds, ennuelry anay:ing the eacrow account,or varitying "� <br /> • the Escrow Items, untas� lender pays Borrower interast on tha Funds and applbable taw Pem►ita L.onder to make suoh a '�'�-' <br /> oharpe. Nowevsr, lender may cequlre Bortower to pay e on�time eharge fpr an hdependent reat ptate tax roporting servtce -�_�.' <br /> � uaed by LESndctr tn conneatton wlth this loan, unless eppljoabb law pravldes othenvlse. UnWs.a an egreeme�it Is mede or <br /> d <br /> . appllee,bg law requtres Inierost to be patd,Lender shnit not be requtsd to pay 8orrower any intorest ar oamings on tha Fund9. _'=• <br /> • Bonower end Lendsr enay agree N writtng, however,that hterest ehatl be paM on the Funds.Londer shaU gha M 8ortower, ,�; <br /> ' without eharge, an annuat ecaounting ot the Funds,sho�ving aodtta and de4tts to the Funds and tho purposo for whbh eaoh 4`��=. <br /> '� debR to tAO Funds was made. The Funds are pledped +as addEbnal security tor ali sums seaured by the Securlty PnswmenG <br /> • .. ; � R tho Funds held by Lender excoed the Rmounla Rermtttea to Qs hetd by eppticabb�aw. Lendot ehull acCOUnt to 8ortovret ;j� <br /> " tar tha arcass Funds in acoordance wfth the roquYtm►ents of appllcpbie law. if the emount of the Funds held by Lendw at any _ <br /> � time I� not suHiaient to pay the Escrow IWms when due,Lender may so notNy Borrower In writing,end. In suoh aasa Bortower �-v <br /> . ahaG pay to Lender tho emount�ecessury to meke up the deBOienay. BoROwer shatl make up tha defbienoy In no more than `_ <br /> tweNe rnontt�y paymento,et Lend�s sole discretton. �^ <br /> �•� = Upon Qayment In fuil of aA suma secursd by thl� Sacuriry InsWment,Lendcr shntl prompty refund to Banower any Funds ` <br /> • r�:: heid by Lender. If,under paregraph 21,LendeR she�aaqutne a se0 the PropeAy, Lender,p�1or to tho aaqu�saion w saia oi the �� <br /> �� , ��j�lf, PropeRy,ahaA appy any Funds held by Lender at Iha time of ecqulsition or sab as a credH agalnst the sums secures!by thta ' <br /> 4:r � <br />-;, .. 89CIIfln/618f(URI6f11. <br /> ti�, " 3. AjapllCad1010 OZ Paye118ntd. Unless eypUcablO law provides otherwlse, ali paymenW receked bv �der under <br /> ; , parapraphs 1 end 2 s�ap be applied: tkst,to eny propayment oharyes due undor the Note; saoond,to amounta�►a►�ble under _;•.-, <br /> psragraph 2;thtd,to intorest due;fouRh,t0 prinaipsl ctue;end last,to any Inte tAat�gos due under the Noto. _:_- <br /> 4. C19lI�gES; Ll�lls. Borrower shBU pay eA teu9s. Besessrrtenta. oherges, fhos 8nd Mnposttbne ettrl�uteble to the <br /> „ ��„ properQy whbh may attah prtorNy ovor this 3ecurity Instrument,and toasehotd payments ar ground ronts,it eny. 8onowpr ahnil — <br /> pay these obligattonn In tho manner provided In paregraph 2,or If not pald h that mannor. Borrower shntl par them on tYno <br /> � , , dinecty M tho person owed payment. Borrower sha11 prompty fumish to Lender nIi noticos ot amounts to bo paid under this <br /> . paragrayh. If Borrowar makes those peyments dbctry, Bortowar ahnil promptfy tumish to Lander reao� ovidenoh9 tho <br /> ' paymants. <br /> � i Bartower ahatl promptly dlsoharge any Iien whbh has p�loRql over thts Securtty Instrument unleas Borrowar: (a) cspreee h <br /> ' , t wNt�p to the payrnent ot the oblipation secured by the Ii�n h a manner aeoepinbi�to tsnder, (b)oontesta in pood faBb the <br /> _. _ , "r.�������, Ik3n by.a daiends asahat enforcement ot thu Iten h, t0gq1 proaeedhgs whlch M the Lenders opinbn operate to prevfmt the <br />_- ,�,,....,,,.. , onforcc3mont of the Ilen;or(a)Beeures from the holdor of tho Ikm an agreement sattstaetory to Lendor suDoMhatlnp the Ifen to <br />=t;.y1 � `7 . Mb SaurltY Instrume�l.If O.ender determhes that any paR oi tho ProPe�Y is subjacl to a ibn wAbh may attah Prlorkf►ovtx this _.. <br />?+i a • Socur(ty�sWment,LFmsler may gNe Borrower e acttc�Idantryhg Mo Iien.Borrowmr Bhap sattsry the li�or teke one or more ot "�_u'. <br />�'�'- .,�ovi �, the flcttona set brth abovo wRhh 10 days o}tho gtvbig of notico. --� <br /> 6_H'83A[d or Property inaurence. Borrower shel ke6p the improv�4s now e�cisth8 ot hero8ltor oroCted on fh3 _ _ <br />__ , ',� Praportry Insurc+d npalnst bss by fke�hASB(d6 61CAIdet1 YJRhM thil t�ri11 '�dended coverafle" end eny other ha:aMs. heatd7►8 ``�=_ <br /> tioods ar fbodhg,for whbh Londer mpulres insuranoa. This insurum:e shali be mahtahed In the amounts and tor tho po�b8s �°.° <br /> " � that LenQer t0qulros. Tho insurBnCO C9rrbr Ptovidhe She fnsuranca s8afi be oho�en by l3orrowet subjsci to I.csn�a oGR�+aue! f� <br /> � ���:,. . whlcA ehaU not be unroaaonaby wkhheb. It Bwrawar fa�s to mahtnln eoverago descnbE►d above� Lender mnY,at Lsndera <br /> � -,-.-�-� �� �' optbn.obtah covaapo to protoat Lcmders ri�hts fn the PropeBy !n aecordarece wRh ptuayrapb 7. � ^ <br />'u .'"`".. At!hsurance poifotes end rene+rals be aecoptnbb to tsndcu and ahali halude a ah�nnder0 mortgoge ol�use.Lender �- <br /> h �_ <br /> "' '',�(}'�! shBG h8ve No ripht to ho►d the pC4etos end�ettewnis. if Liendor tequtres, E3oROwer 8h8A pr�atr�'1Fy�Ne to Lend6t ell�ceats ot =- <br />.]L•. '� '.�;`'r( �_ <br /> �Y! pn�d Premiums end renewal�otk:oa. In tho sv�ent of Iose,gortower shall9Me PromPt notla+to eha Inaurenco cerrier end Lertdsu. e- <br /> r t,onda�r may make ptcoi of bsa If not made prompNy by 8ortowor. :-__ <br /> . • Unksa Lenda end Bortower ofherw(se egrec+b�vBMg. Nsurnnco procoads shaH be uPPlied M restora t i m r+mr ropa M o f t ho �^{;;- <br /> ' Prop�ly darregvd.U tho rostomtfon or ropat Is economkatM lensbb end Lender's secunly Is aot bssonsd.It¢Tbe restoratbn or - - <br /> . repnir ts not economt�aY.y toaobo or t endoto sacurep woutd he �essonod,the hsurance procoeds shaii bu agpDad to tho sum3 ¢, �� <br /> sc�curc3L by thts SeCUrit�r In3bvrrtont� wr+oihor or nat thon duo, ov11h sny ewcess paid to Barrower. It Borrowor abandons the <br /> re <br /> � Propa�ty,or does rtoi enswer witl�h 30 days a noUce from t.ender tfiat the Incumnco cartior hua ot�d to se2t�e a ofeJm, tAOn �,.•' <br /> L�onder may coWct Q�a insurrt�cp procoeds. lender m�►y ura tho proc�ds to m�ak ar resrore tAe Fro� or to pay suma <br /> mp <br /> _ -- osair3E b�!h�...�^..s:.'t»;tn�tn!m"�t.��har or nm than dito. Tf�e 3�-EAy perbd wW begh whon the notieo fs gJuBn. �i��•^ <br /> � ' Unlass lender end Bonowor othcxwise u�yrea b� writbA, nny apPllcallon of proceeds to Prinetpal sRan not mQend or B°_•. <br /> xw <br /> ��one��dhuc�adt e ProP�f��t 4uted b Lma�Borro,�s�i�he to�eny Insuranco po�hrs and uP��a resultlng from <br /> dnmeg9 to th0 PropuM pttor to tRo ttCquisHbn ehap pass ro Landor ro tho o�Ront ot Mo sums by this SoCUriqr Matrumont <br /> ___ <br /> -- h-�--- —�=- r..n,.ALras..erter te tHn acauisttlon. <br /> — _.--. __ _ _'_'�__'. � - . <br /> • • - �. Oc�upartcy� Prea�rv�tEon, Matntenartce ertd P�otea4ton o4 tho Progf�ryl; �anovier a <br /> . ApPliceEtsn; LC�Ch91Ad. Borrowe►BAatl tuxuPY.eZ�&sh.ond use tha Proptxty as Bortowe�a prbtcput resid9nC9 wfthin <br /> sbAp dny¢ atta� tha exflcutbn of Mls Socurit�r InaUummt end ohsU conthuo to occupy tAe Propmty as Borrowara pAncpat <br /> �cssldgnCp tor nt bnst ono ronr nftor the Qata ot oxupanoy,unlo3a La�d�x othawise egrees h wr7th8,vrh�h consent ahnD not <br /> Do un�3sonflbh wRhheb,or unlesa extenualing elrcu�stsrteoa wctat whbh nro beyond Borrovrnfs conirot. Borrowor shall noi <br /> ' dc;troy,damspo or Impat tho Propert�r,nilow tho ProaeAp to detafomto,or comm&wnsro on tho PropeAy.Borrower ohnit ba In <br /> " dofaut4 d nny tortekure eation or procesdhp, whc�thar aN�or c►imhnl. Is bpgun that In Lendofo good taith judgment couid oasuh <br />_, � fn 1oReture ot th0 Pt0¢�rtfr or OlhOtwkto mnttutaafty YnFtiir thp Tqn Craatoa by this SoCUtity InGtrumont Or LCnduro GoCUrlty NtExeSt. <br />- 1 • '. c�a�a.u,so r�wl v���o�a //,�C��� • <br /> R <br /> 1 <br /> ��, � <br /> i _ <br />