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<br /> , paymerste muy no longer be requtred,nt the option oP Lender,if mortgage insurence coverage(in the amaunt and for the perlod .
<br /> . ' thnt Lender requitea)provided by un lnsurer approved by Leadee uguin becomes avallable and is obtalaed.Borrower shall pny .
<br /> th�pr�miuma reqalred to mniptaia mortgage insurnnce in effect,or to provide a loss reserve,untii the requirement for mortgagc
<br /> insutunce ends in accordance wlth any wrttten ugre�ment betwcen Borrower and L.ender or appllcable law.
<br /> 9.Inspection. Lender or ita aQcnt map muke reasotutble entries upan ttnd inspectloua of the Property. Lxnder shall give •
<br /> Borrowet notice at the dme of or priot to tm inapection specitjring reasotutblQ cause for the iaspecdon. (,� --°
<br /> lm.CondemnnUan. The proceeds ut any award oe clnim for dnmages, direct or consequentlal, !n coiu►ection with any � •'
<br /> " condemnAtion or other taklag of eny part of the Property.or for canveyanee in IIeu of condemnation,are hereby asstgned and 8 � _-�-
<br /> ahall br;paid to I.ender. 1� ^
<br /> , :�4:;��, In the event of a rotal taking of the Properry,the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Secudry Instrument, � �
<br /> `" .�;, whetber or not then due. with eay excess pai�f to Borrower. In the event of n partial taking of the Property in which the falr '
<br /> � • '°,� raarket value of the Property immediately befoce the taking is equal to or g[eater than the amount of the suma secured by this �
<br /> Secur[ty Insttument immediatcly before the taking, unless Borrower and Lender otherwlse agree in writing,the sums secured by
<br /> this Security Instrument shall be reduced by the Fuaount of the proceeda multiplied by We followiag ftaction: (a) the total tG9 �, --
<br /> � amouat of the suma s�cured immediately before the taking,divided by (b) the fair market value of the Property immedlatety E::�
<br /> before the takiag. Any balance shall b� paid to Sorrower. In the event of a pania� taking of the Property in which the fair l..,
<br /> market value of the Property iramediatcly before the caklug ia less than the amount of the suma secured immedlately before the �.c
<br /> � taking, unless Horrower aad Lender othenvise agree in writing or unless uppllcable law otherwise pmvtdes, the proceeds shall __
<br /> � ba applied to the su�na secured by this Security Liatrument whether or not the sums are then due. �
<br /> � , .-• It tde Property is abandoned by Sorrower,or if,after aotice by I.ender t�B�rrower thac the condemno�offers to make aa �
<br /> �� �s� awaM or settle a claira for daniages, �orrower faila to respond to Lender within 30 days a�ter the date the aotice is given, _—
<br /> y L�eader ia sutharized to collect and appiy the proce�s,ut its opd�n.either to restoratton or rEpalr of We Aroperty or to the sums
<br /> „ secured by thla Securlty Inatrumeat.whether or aot t�en due. -- -
<br /> ;;' Uriless l.ender aad Borrower othenvtse agree in writln$, any applicatlon of pmceeds to princtpal ahall not extend or '�
<br /> ��';;��� postQone the due date of the monthly gayyments referred ta in para�raphs 1 and 2 or change the amouat of such payments.
<br /> 11.�urrower Not Released; Forbeamrece By Y.ender No2 a Waiver.Batenaioa of the time for payment or modifics�tion � '
<br /> a� --
<br /> of emortizutioa of the sums secured by this Secutity Inatrument granted by LendBr to any successor in interest of Borrower shall �_L
<br /> aot opemte to celet�se th2 liabllity uf the original8orrower or Borrower's successors in interest.Le�tder shall not be reqult+ed to �,:
<br /> es
<br /> , , commence proceedinge againat nny successor ia iaterest or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwlse modify amortizutton _
<br /> of the sums secured by this SecurIry Inahument by reason of:u�,y demand made by the orlginal Borrower or Rormwer's
<br /> - "'� , sux�.°,�:s in 3ntemss• 1ln;for1H'�r?nM° by I.ender !n exercising aay dttht or c�eatedy shell aot be a waiver of or pteclude i)tc
<br /> � exercise of any dght or remedy. �
<br />- '° � 12. 3t�ccessore ond Assigna Boundi Jolat und Several Liabflity; Co-sJgners. The covenants and agreements of this �_-
<br />�,; ' S�cutity Instnuneat shall bfad and beaetIt ttte succ�ssors and assigna of Leadsr and Bonower, subje�t to the pmvisions of .
<br /> ,�; .,:,';',,' Paragraph 17. Borrower's coveuants axid agceeaeeats shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who co•signs this Security .
<br /> z;..ar,�r,S;;;�ti.
<br /> _..''t;,r y.. Inatniment but does aot execute the Note: (a)is co-stgning thia Security Insuumeat only to mortguge. grant and convey that
<br /> Borrower's latorest in the Properry uader the terms of this Scxurlty Insm�ment;(b)is ant personally obligated to pay the sums ,
<br />�" ' secured by this Security Instnunen+t;end(c)agrees that 1�ender and any other Borrower may ag�ee to eatend,modify.forbear or
<br />;`'_�;.,„, �, make any accommodadons with regard to the temia of ahis Security lnstrument or the Note wiWout that Borrower's oonsent. __
<br /> � .;,: � .•:. 13.I.oun C6arge9.If the loati secured by this Securlty Iasuument is subJeet to a!aw which seta ma�timwa loaa chatges.
<br />`;.„-.. nnd thmt law ia ftnally intetpreted so tbac the interest or other lo�e charges collected or to be coUected in connection wtth the
<br />'=' "'' � ' loaa eaceed the permitted limits,then: (a)�ay such lotui charge sba11 be reduced by the amount necosseFy to reduce the charge
<br /> �-L�--"`.�r�`� to the permined ltuitt;and(b)any sums already collected from Bormwer which exceeded permttted 1lmits will b�refunded to
<br /> .��_::�:L...?.i-L _
<br /> j,;;�;,;,;;.;;;��► Borrower. Lender may c*�.00se to make this retin�ad by reducing the prfacig:�k owed under the Note or by making a direct
<br />�;�'�`,�;r;,�' payatent to Borrower. If a reflind reduces pdnctpal. tho reductloa will be 2reated as a partial prepayment wtthout any
<br />_ <�°;:-�•n::i� prepayment charge under the Nate.
<br />�=�;-.��:^'.<: ,
<br />-�:..0.°.'�';<,�1i. 1 14.Notices.Any notice to Borrower provided for in this^secvriry insuument shall be given by delivering it or by muilfag
<br /> __= ir�y tiret cteas mail unless applicablc law requires use of another method. The notice shall be diceate�to tho Property Address
<br /> a-:.�ic_� or an�y other sddress Borrower designates by notioe to I.ender. My notice to I.eader shall be given by fetet class taall to
<br /> _-����:.� i vnrtPi'a adlSfESS&tBtCd hCiciil O!�CV Qd1ef 3�d[C��LCinICi 1C9l�RatEb by ii6ticC i8 8aT►'OWCi. My noticx grovidcd foe!�i this _
<br /> �:.i,.u.�� ,.
<br /> `,,,,���.,r.,,�a Security Iaisttument ehall be deemed to have been given to Borrawer or Lender when givea as provided in this patagrapb. ,. -
<br /> '-•.:�:a�-- iS.Goveiuing I.nw; Severab;lity. Thls Securicy Iasuument shall be govemed by federat lnw a�td the laiv o4the -
<br /> �"-"� �"`�-��'� jurisdiction la whicL the Preperty is located. In the event that any proviston or clause of this Secudty In.atrvment or the Note .
<br /> �R;--:':��.
<br /> - -�,;=��..� conflieta witb applicable law,such conflict sdall aot affect other pmvlsions af chis Seruriry Inatiument or the Note which can be
<br /> T�'•"`� ;�-" ° givea effeet without the conflicting pravtaion.To thia end the provisiona of th9s Sxurl.ry Tnstniment end the Noce are declared
<br /> �,.
<br />�.:�. :: .: to be severabte.
<br /> � 16.Horrower's Copy.Borro�ver shall be gjven oae confornted copy of the Note aad of this Securlty Instrument.
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