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� ..r;�',:;T' l^� ti�Yr•. ��e+rrr , , ' "••r . <br /> , r�S��� °���� �,P � -I ,z��r�.r .. u <br /> • . . , i rs <br /> �f itT�,'n� <br /> ' - '�t ..__ -. _. .. ._..__. . <br /> . . � - - -__ . _.. __. <br /> ___. <br /> ��.����'��[..__t r..—:°`_...7G'__.!^,.�,� � . . <br /> 93= so�•�� <br /> ca�dem�tion a odrcr t�kit�af wty pAt1 ot Ihe P� fa canveyonro in licu af randemoalian.are hercby�ned ard <br /> :bsil be p�id to I.e�der. <br /> -__----- --, Iw d�. evea� ai a wul u�king af tho F'f�o�eMy. �ha poceeds ch�ll he Applied�o�he sume�secured by �hiti Security <br /> Inst�ument, whetlKr a nd�due,wilh nny exass paid ta Bo�mwer. !n tf�o event af a{wniul tuking of�ho Pmpctty in <br /> which the f�i�markr value of thc PmpeRy immodi�tely betore�he tnl;ing iti oqwl ta cN greate��han�he rmcwnt of thr sum� <br /> _ - _ securod by this Savrity Instrutneet immedlatcly befam tha taking.unks�Bixmwcr�nd Lender atherwlne u�ree in Ndling. <br /> the sums socured by lhin Security Inshumrnt shwll 6e Kduced by�he amount oF the praxed�muUiplied by the folMwinB <br /> - - fixtioa: tai thc tata!astauctt of the sunts secime!immedlately l�fm�e the takieg,diviekd by th!�he fair mn►ket velur of�he <br /> - -- -- PrupeRy immodiAtely befom�he tal;ing. My bulance shull be paid to Borrower. In ihe event of a partiul �aking of�he <br /> ' �upetty Gt which�he fair nwrku valuo oi the Pr�operty immedistely befae the tulcing is k�ss than�he anxwnt af�he sums <br /> ,;a� securcd immodiately 6efore the teking,unless B«rower and Lender atherwise�gree in writing ar unless upplicable law <br /> ahe�wise provldes,the p�oceeds s1wt1 be a�pplied to�he sums secwed by this Security Insuument whe�her ar nat the sums aro <br /> u�au�. <br /> ��,;�: If ttrc Pmperty is abanda�ed by Bomnwer,or if,after nottce by L.ender to Bomow,�r thut thc cnndemnor offen+to mu�;e <br /> = an award or settk a claim for dsu�wges,Boirow•er fails to respond ta L.ender within�(1 duys ufler thc dnte the noticc is given. <br /> - 1�is Autharizod to calkat wid apply�he procoeds.ut its optiat.either to restoration or repai�af�he Property or to the <br /> _ � sums secured by this Security Instrumenb whether or not then due. <br />-•";'�: -- _'�� Urtkxq l.enda and Barower othervvice ugre�e in writing,any u{►pli��atlan of proceeds to principal Fhnll nnt extend ar <br /> :.�.�: vi,;w <br /> ���-- ���� postpone�due date oi the monthly paymeots rcfened to in paragrnphs 1 und 2 or chanse�he amaunt of such puyments. <br />�a:��%,� il. Borrower Nat Released; Ro�bea�raaoe By Leader Nd a Wi�i�er. Extension of ihe time for payment or <br /> _ — , modi6catian of emortization of the s�ms securcd by this Security Instrument Sranted 6y 4encler to uny�cuccessar in inte�t -- <br />- ',� of R�xtower shall not operute to release the liibillry of tlu uriginn!Barower or Bomawer�succe�.urcs in Mterest.I.ender -- <br /> - ; shall reot b��equined to commence proceedings aguinst any successor in intercst ot rciuse to extend time for paytmnt or - <br /> _ , otherwise madify amonization of�he sums secured by this Security Inxtrumem by reason of uny demand mude by Ihe ariginal <br />- - 8orrower or Barrower's successots in�mterest. Any forheara�ce by l.ender�n exercising any ri�hi or remedy sh�li na be a � <br /> watver of or preclude the exercise of any rlght or remedy. <br /> 12. Suooes�w�nnd Assigos&wnd;Jdut aad Severpl Liabllity;(:o-sigoers The covenun44 and ugreements of this - <br /> Securiry Inst�ument shall bind and benefillhe succesgars and assigns of Lender und Bottowc�,xubject ta the prnvisians of - <br /> �i, " paragra ph t7. �c►rrowerk covenan�s s+nd egreements Rhtdl be Jaint and neverol.Any Borrow�er who co-sigt�s �his Security <br />-_`;.�; � Instrument but daes not execute the Nate: IA)is casigning this Security(nstniment only lo martgaRe,grant und convey t6qt <br />.�.:+�,�F:i�A�`.. Botrowerk intetesl in Ihe Piroperty under the terms of this Security ln,trument; Ib1 ic not pe�onnll��obliguted ta pay the sums <br /> :.�'IJlif/IJlTAY15��fiwY.l <br />:,��f�����*y�u�=�.. secured by this Security Instrumenr,and�c)ag�ees IIw1 L.ender w�d uny oliier B�ower may agree ia axtend.mocllfy,farbeur _ <br /> . i�•. or m�ke ony accommodationx.wi�h regNrd to Ihe terms of this Security Insnument ar the Nate wi�hoat that Borrower's __ <br />.,k� �4� ��.n�. � '_ <br />'��x, 13. l.wn C6ar�ea If Ihc loun xecured 6y�his Securiry Instrument i�:4ubjec� to u law �vhich uls maximum laan ° <br /> - charges,w�d that iow is finuily interpreted w that tirc inierest or whcr ioan ciiarges coliected or cu iie rnilecied in connrciiun <br /> with the loan exccr.d the permitted Nmi�c.then: (u)any such loan chnrge shall 6e reduced by�he�mount necesss�ry to redure <br /> 'T,� ' �,��r` � •" '�`�"�'' the charge co the permined fimit:and(b)any sums ulready collecled from Bom�wer which exceecled pennitted limi�s will be <br />;�, . j. >,�..�.,+� <br />" �y+1 �;��,�,;?'.`?+�Y,{��� refunded�o Borrower. 4ender muy chooxe to make this hfund by mducing the princip�l owed under the Note or by making u <br />:_s�� , � • ''� ��"�t;f.�, direct payment to Borrawer. If A refund reduces principnl,�he reduclian will l+e tremed uc A partial prepaymant without any � <br />__:., , .. � prepayment�harge under the Note. _ <br />` � �� -• -x 14. Nuli��. Any noiwr to Bum►wer provided f�x in ihi+ Security Inx�rumem�hull be given by delivrring i�ar by = <br />:vs;;; );'!t�"►�:�8;� fb;. _. <br /> y��i:, ',r,,.�.: ._- � maiUng i�by fi�t cluss mail unless applicable low�uirex use of unolhe�method.The nWice shull 6e directed to the Pn�peny � <br /> �°� ` Address or M o � <br /> " ,., ����4:,.. .; � y the�uddress Bortower desi�,nme�by noti��e w LenJer. Any n�Nire to Lender shall be given by fir��clA+s �. <br /> ;.���ux,:. . � " mail to Lender x addreas s�Ated hercin or any othe�uddre..l.ender Jexignutes by notice�o BorroH•er. Any no�icc provided for - <br />=_ � �'''``� � '�� in �his Securily Insuument shall be decmed to huvc t�een �iven li� Borrower or Lender when given �.ti pn�vided in this -= <br />