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<br /> : ; �,, a,� b�scauae oP e �ln�ault by tha LLa[�cao. A� loa�� �
<br /> .•-:� toY� (lo� d�ys writtan noti�� nh�li bo given �! ,_
<br />:__-.:,,,'-.�,,,=. �,i�y c��aat� Ynoe��i�e�� enc� �ho E�aflao oi��ail bo .�
<br />-•��,�r��, : �iven fuli oppoxtunity to elna�r why trie or her
<br />_,�, :�:�-� FA�,�e nF�o�a�d �o� 1�a �ortttinahod. ,
<br /> (b) �f a t��njoriC� of ttto si:ookhoiderr� AP I��eox,
<br />=�=-.�� prQSOnk and voting ct� au�h moe�inc�, da�ormines
<br /> ' that Leoo��e i� 3n �lePauit under hie %sa�e and
<br /> �;ti��°- �hat thm same should be teica►ine�ad, �tte Loa�ee
<br />--:_}��--:�n sha11 he�v� one hundred two��y (120) daye
<br />"�_.r�'� withia� w�ich to rea►ove, his or hor i�prov�taeH�� -
<br />-"-��,Y;�� on said pr�uaioost ��►, �f �e or o h e f a i l o t n
<br /> .-'r_;�'� xempvo tho eama withi» such 120 dmye, �he
<br /> <---,:,.�
<br /> --�� I,essor and tiae I+as�ea s�fi�il join in a pubiic
<br /> - auction o!f �he iiaprovememts ra,�aininq upon
<br /> - eaid leasad premi�es, a�d tDse n�t proceeds
<br /> _____, gscm atay suab� salQ ahaa3 be �pplied as
<br /> -- followss
<br /> �""-�-''""""' FIRST in t�e paymex�t of any ur�paid rento o�c other
<br /> � amounts owiag by Lessee to �assoxf
<br /> ��� SECOND any zeTaainfn� gra�esdo, aubject to the
<br /> - righta Af mortgagees, sAall bo pai�A tA the Leoeee.
<br /> The Lec�sor agrees to give a now Lease to a suf.table
<br /> purchgser at suah publia auation.
<br /> THi6 LEASE AGRIaEM�NT ghali fiind the Let3sor and c�ie tArsa�a a�� °
<br /> thefr ger�onal repres�nta�ivea, succesaore, devia�e�►, lega►�ees.
<br /> t�eirs-at-laor, and asa�.�gns.
<br /> — Ki1E5TER LAKE. INC.
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<br />_ _ _ = t,vri»rY ur� h�►i�Y�� i -
<br /> �j� �n �his I .r day oP M�rah, �999, before me, � IJo�ary Pubhio
<br /> =�� witbin �nd for aaid Co��nty, personal�.� ce�e Tom�my I.. t3+A+me1. Jtx. a�
<br /> _= uamarried peraon, Leg�ee, wYa� is known t� me and krroam to �s� to be
<br /> - the identiaai person wt�oso �aatno iB Offixod �o tt�a foregoin9 aa
<br />- ------�- - I�ssea, and acknawlcdg�d his� execuki.on to �e his valu�ntarX aa� and
<br /> = d�ed f�r the pur�oaea ttz�roS.n Bet fort;h.
<br /> - WITNESS my hand anfl Notarlui soai the �$te laet abov9 wx��:�e�►.
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