;n r� .-.•.,.�.;�F�q��y� .f :���;;" �'�'. ' I �I °�.:�" �i.• . . . '
<br /> � .�- .. .�,..�j�.Y�y .t�,"•''� . I Illi ��I .
<br /> � '� t.. , - ',�'�'� �'L'. .
<br /> — . �Ai� _
<br /> .. �.._�L� ' ..."__'"—
<br /> _ ��� 83_
<br /> - � �►�R���
<br /> - _ paymrnu.which iue rofemed to in Puag�ph 2,or change�he wnaunt af such paqments. y ex osa pmceeda ove�pn --_
<br /> . unount�q uiral la ps►y all auctandln�ir�ebtedness wider 1ha NWe and Ihic Security lnalnimeot ehall be p�id la t11e eptiry c-.
<br /> _ bgdl .atitled ihereta.
<br /> � F7eea. I.e�Mer m�y collect fees and chv�es suthorizai by ihn Su:rct�uy. .-�
<br /> 9. (irouudr tor Accefaadon of DeW. ___
<br /> (�)Defial� Lender m�y,except as limitod by rcgulatii�ns isrued by�he Sccretary in the ca�o of pwyment defpult�. _
<br /> requi�a immediuepryme nt in full oi all sums socw�ed by Qiis Secudty InsdumeM iF. __�
<br /> '_ (i)Borrower doioultc by failing to p�y in full any maMhly payment rcqui�ed by�his Socurity lowniment prlor
<br /> -- to or on�tw due date of the next manthfy payment.ur �-
<br /> � (ii)Brnrower deiauUc by fuilinB,for A petiod of thi�ty days.�o pc�'ortn any cNher obNgatlanx canlained ln thic _
<br /> - ; w�ti� Secu�ity Insuument. �'
<br /> �^�..�� (bl Sple VYIWout Credlt Approval. Lender ahall.if permittcd by upplicabk law ond wlth thc prfor approval of thc �'�
<br /> � ` �{", Seanetuy require Immediwc ment in full of olE die sums secw�ed b �his SecurU Instnrmcm if:
<br /> -' , ,. �',r.p�'ir:.�.�'.,�' �' W►Y Y Y _
<br /> - - '�s ,� li)AEI or part of the Property,or a bene�Cicicil iukeresl ie�uust owning all ar pan ot'the Propeny.is sold or �=
<br /> r"'�����.�� .:�;�, dherwise uansfemed lother than by devise ar dese�ntl bY�he Borrower,and �-_
<br /> !ii)Tbe P��openy is nd occupied by the purchaser or g►antee as his ur her pr4�ripsl resider�e.or the purchaser
<br /> .—.� « . �, a grantce does so occupY the PtopertY bW his or her credit I�s oot beep apqoved in ��e
<br /> �.,:' • . • wNh lhe requiremerus of 1he Sei.�retary. �--
<br /> ,��� ;'�'• . „•: �L (e)No Waiver. If circumsu,aces accur that wouW:�ennit l.ender to require immediate payment in full.�uc Lender --
<br /> �'`'•;�:,,'� • �:�' does not uue suc�payments.Lcnder das not aaa�e its riglu.4 with respect to subseyuent event�. �-
<br /> :;'v:c:�;:. .�" , ,�•�;'a (d)R�oi HUD Secn��}i, 9�many circutnstances rcgulations issued by the Se�.-reeacy will lianou 4.�ro�der's ���
<br /> .. `.T;` `',: . ' .: *` rights,in Uie case of payment deGa�^Q�:�, to rec�uiae immedisue paymeM in Full and fom:[�a.���if not paa�d. This �
<br />_:'�;;", �.`:;:�:` �;i .' Security Instnunent daes not authdrb�e acceler�an m faeclosure if not pernutted by regu7�raivns�nf Ihr Secre�ary. -
<br /> ��.; ..
<br /> _` �; ;5��.,�.,�;�. le)Ma�i�e N�4 A�r�. Borta��er a�ces eE�at sh.�wW this Sccurity Instn3hr�er,t and�he na�e vtcumP th��ec�+y not -
<br /> - - - - hr �Ii,v,ihM fo► ina�rac+c�t undcr ti�NA¢�oi1Ai 4Y�usin�.Atii a'i�hin 8 �tbg from 1he _,."`
<br /> '� .:.' �.''�s�'..'` • data hereoi Lender may.at its a;ptenra andJ nrotµiihst�ralar�g an�.i�h�n�in Parugruph 9.require i�mediate pay�•rn�t in ==
<br /> '�- Y' ' �� �" " ` full oi a�B sums secwed by this S�curity Onsnaumc�t. A wadttear.ct�t�ment of uny authoria.ec�agent uf the Secre�un ��
<br />,'j;�,��,,, ..
<br /> ,,,�,}�, ' ;.:.:�:=,.. ;'�' dated subsoquent ta 8 months fc�:e��he date hereof,declironn�;t�insure this Secudty =
<br /> ' .,+y 'a``ta y � ''' ' Inspument nnd�he note secured thercby.sha0�be deemed conclusive proof of sueh inellgihili�y. Notwi��hstanding
<br /> ���� '��'�'''`��' the furcgoing,�his option may not be exercised �y l.ender when the unAVailability of inautance is solely due�o ��-'
<br /> :. :rr• ,� � —'-
<br /> �r� t�',•.���•�!`;+at+,'r
<br /> �,.�•S� .;?�9t��.tjSyLY'�' , .':;�:,: Lenderk failur�e to remit n martgage insurnnce pre�aum to the Secretary. �--
<br /> ,� :�ti,�•.•�.;, � � 10. Reta�tatemea� �wrower has a�ight ta be reinxiateai if Lender hus required immediucr�aymtm in fuU because
<br />' •"*""��:: ' !+';:•., t'
<br /> ,;�.,,�,,,, . fi'v''?�;,� . •,;.;�_ o f B o r r o w e r's f a i h u�e t o p a y u n s u nount due under the•Note or this S�cuti ry Insuument. 'Ifiis �e�ht u�►pli�s even after �``
<br /> ��'�'11> 'h ��' � ,"-. ,• h^`^ � forcclosure in tu+e instiwted. To reinstute Ihe Securit Ina�t�ument, klaROw�er shall t�n�er in a �ump sum ull ���
<br /> ::;:���';�, -,�,�'�t,��� p� 8S Y
<br /> ,_�;�A�. �ry��; amounts requireii lo bring Bortower's account cument imN�ding,to the extent 1Ne3•arc obligations af Bonaw�er under�his �__
<br /> _- ;• - •-:--�T� S�xwity instrumeai,ioreciowre costs and reawnabfc an�cusiamary astarn:yF fc�sand ezpensesproFcsly asseciased with �,
<br /> ''';a���`�` � � �� :�.;:�;:���':. �he forcclosure pm��eedinq. Upon rcinswtement by Borrower.this Security Instrument und the obligntions that i�secures �;
<br /> •�•'�•<i�i` • �*����•�' �,�:':•. . sh�ll remain in effxt as if l.ender had ntx n�yuired immediate puyrtco•r+8 in full. However,Lender is nat required to�ermit °
<br />"�;�"'���� � ,' `�'• ,�: reinslatemern ii: (i) l.ender hus occe icd re nstatement ufter the car�mzncement of foreclosure roceedin s withm two �-
<br /> ,�,���r'�, . ;�.. ..;:.., p ' P B
<br /> ',�v,t-f� � �-,.e`y.�y�,�, ycars immediately preceding the comman:ement of u cument forr.i,�sure proceeding, liil rcin.;tatement will preclude j��
<br /> � , _�. �.���{� forcclosure on different grounds in�he future,or liii)rcinstatement w1U udversely uffect the priority of the Ilen created by -
<br /> :.�-: �,rjms3e.:.�.`'�,;:�,",�,�, this 5ecuritv Inswment. �'�
<br />- � � --T"-"�:-� ' ° 11. Borrower Not Releaced: Forbearnnce b� l.ender Not s� Waiver. Extension of t�e tome of peyment or �`L=
<br /> n
<br /> -�a}��, ' .ti'�;�•:"+"�•. '��+� �° modificu�ion of amoni�ation of the sums secured by this Secudt Inxwment granted by Lender tv��.ny successor in interest =-_
<br /> �'��.;�, .,�,r Y Y `._
<br /> ,,�..:. , .ti:•_. : .�•, of Borrowe�shell not operute to release�he liability of the origmal Bormwer or Burrowerk xucces.c�r in interest. Lender
<br /> �" 'Y'•'+'�n�•• sh�ll not be uirod to comrnence roceedin s a ainst an sucressur in interest or refuse to rxa�eva:! iime 1'or a ment or �''=
<br /> ?�,,.�? •;...• req P R• B �' P Y
<br /> �� �• �"�i}�•�!��'9i� otherwisc madif amortizntion of the +ums ticcured M IIIIR SfCUfll Ins�rument b reu.�on of an demund made b �he ���``
<br /> .,��, i;:,,� ,.r��. Y Y Y Y 5 Y y.;:
<br /> '�-� : 1��,���,•;�a... uriRinal Borrower or Borrc►wer's succexxon in imerest. Any forbeumnce by Lender in exercisinF any right or rernedy shall
<br /> - '',.'_;,,;.�r�.:'�,„,;.'.„ na be u wuiver of or preclu�le tfie exerci,e of any right or remedy.
<br />-%�•'' ••�` ° =� '. ` 1Z. Sacce�ors and A�igns Bound;Jdnt and 5everal LiAbilo�tv;Co-SiRners. Thc covra�ams anJ ugreements of �4=
<br /> � � = ��'.:���.;.;` this SecuritQ:la�vtrwnent shall bind anJ henefit the surres�on uncl u..ogm��f Lcnder;u�d 8urcowev_sub�ect ta the provisions �~_
<br />.��;, • �•* '.:_ ° �--���i�` ai Paragrug�U�j�.�. Borrowerk covenants und ugreements tihall be;��.in: .u�J +cver�l. Any BuarJOt<<7 who casigns this __-
<br /> • ��� •.�+•- ,���• Security Insuument but d�KS na executr the Note: (al ix cu-�igning�hix Security Intiuument onl� to mnr�ga}te,grant und ----
<br /> �'�"�` � cflnve that Borrower�intens�in the Pro rt under thr term.of this Securit In.trumrnt;(bl i,not r�onuliy oh9i ated to =`
<br /> . s.. �� Y Pe Y Y Pe �' g --
<br />" � .ri;�. ' :;_ r �ay the sums secured by this Security Instrument:und(:�a�ree��hut Lcnder:uiJ:my iHher Borrower tnn}�acree tu axtend, _:�
<br /> ''�� ,. , modify,forbeur nr make ony Accommodations with regurd to�he tem�.ot'thi+Scrurity Imtrumenl+x th�Nate wi9,hrut thut _
<br /> .�,.;:.. }�'�• ° ".': ` Bortowcr�comem. �
<br /> �8 „ ,� '�:;*;�� 13. Notices. Any naice to Bomower provided for in thi�Secunty In.trument ,hull be ga�en hy deliv�ering it ��r by �;<i
<br /> . .,..• ;; tnailing it by first cluss mail unle+.applic•rbte luw reyuirex uk of•rnothcr methal. The nolica +hal� hr direc►ed to �he --
<br />' ' •.� M�'��� ,� ��s Property Addrexs or;u�y other uddre�s Borrc►wer de,ignate,by ncuire tu Lender. :�n�nolice�o l.endrr�hal�he�_iven by
<br /> *' �'' firsl class mail to Lender:aJdn�x,�uteJ hen�in ur ar�� uddre++ l.cnder dc�ignace. `+y n��tice 1n Borro�ver. :1ny nolire
<br /> t „ ..;4.,-".���t �.��
<br />�,� � �r�•�'"'; a,• •f l., Provided for in�his Securiry In�trumrnt shall fie decmcd�to havc hren gwen to N��rmw��r nr l_cnd�r when Fi��en a��providcJ �
<br /> e
<br /> '��,� y,� ���.f� �n this p�ragraph.
<br /> .. t .fb . :�•: � �,::4;I:. �
<br /> 5 �mma;��.• : �•\r .;; 14. (.overnMR Law;Se�•erabilita. ��i^i. Security Imtrumrnt s�h.:r.l t+e�:uvemcd b� Fci ecal I.iH ;md Ux law of�hr
<br /> � t ,��r'. �., .
<br /> � V ; { f L juritidictiun in which dk Pn►peny i.(�kat.•,�. In Ihr cvent Ihat a:�} �'r;��1v1UI1 llf l'IJU�I'af Ihi��ecurity In.lrumenl or the
<br /> � p4�,� NWe ruti(licts with u plicable la��,+uch:on''ii:t sha:l r.•,�t a6frct �,t�cr +rovi.iun.�A' thix Seruna� 9�nvinimem i�r thc Notc '
<br />- �+� � P i
<br /> . ' ,�•�
<br />'J�. � �••.�. .���`;:�+ �:�%r,��r ��� which can be given eff��wuhou�thr r�sne�q�:�ing pr�+tit++nr.. T��1'hi�c»d�hr pravi.i.w��-,�E 1ni,S�r�:-in In.lniment und�he `,,;: -
<br /> f%,�'�:. '`";•':ttl'�i��' Y"r t' Nwe are dcclared�o be,evcraMe.
<br /> �':• tp � •: .5.,��, rg,;7:
<br /> � �'�•. . , �
<br /> '��i:;:' � r'•,t���yr;r�.;,. �$. B.x�rawer'sCup�. BORl1Ml`fc�,i.:.?��`a'rfVl`Il��➢7t�I1111'1.T.:�.:��^}�dI�1HS�Cl7`II\ �0!�ICt:'�tc'C':. ,
<br />��t:� �.:. . '�i"��.�_.��:t ��.�:ii� '.
<br /> :�.•�i„ -- r. F�;��,:�..�; 16. As�e�nent uf Renla Burcu�..c_r�,u�mdnionully.�..iEr�.�:-,1 uan.fci.iu LrnJrr al{tl:�•R.:x,anJ rcvrnue.uf Ifk .
<br /> +r'�'- y�� �' p� Y• �
<br /> . . • "� ���4,t.' Pm rt Bormv►•er aWhon��,Lend¢r ur i.r�Jrr:u�em,tu c��ll.rt Ihr nnt,unJ resenue.and hercbv Jirec�.each�eu�m of f
<br /> '. ; ;. :, .��,•�,,;� thr Praperty lu pa� Ihe�ertt��u LenJrr��r Lendcr'.a��ent.. Il����r��r. priur tu I..r.:::�:nuticc to Hurcowcr of k�Kruwcr; r .
<br /> . ' �. ' '`r.ti�}i:: '•..•."•,•' brcueh oF;u�y caveiune ur�¢recmen�in the Scruril� la.trumrnl.Bumwaer.h.iU«.•i���.,� anJ rccr�vr all rcnt�anJ rr�rnuc,uf ,
<br /> � � d,�::t.. .
<br /> :'��;��.•;� . _ the F'ropen�a�tru.tre t��r the tnnefit M'I.cndcr and F3�rcr��wrr Th�•r�.�gnmen��.r�e��rz rumtuutc.an uh.olutr u�tiiEnnxnt
<br /> � . wid nnt an a+���tnmen�ti�r udJiuun:J.ecunty onh. ��
<br /> � ,, � If l.e�rkr grve,noticr i�t hrcu�h re►ikKmarr. �a�all rcnt.t��crccd hy &�rroerr.hall hr hrlJ h� Numntier:1�tru+lcc p.
<br />- __ �:�L�i•-• r--�.._r _c� _a_ ..�. �... �i...a. .�... ..� w. .N.. c. !.. .1.� 1 «.1.. .6..11 1... ..d�L..l�.. -
<br /> ,-_.--__— __.__ ._-_ _ �m u�.�w�n .. _ ':' . ., uYP .. . .... ....... ......1 ::....«...... ... :'....: ..... .� '............ ,
<br /> �_.�" cdlect art,d receive all uf�ihe nnt.of�hr!'ru�x•nr�auJ�c,i�•uch��n:im ul`iUe F4.�rn��,hu11 pey all rrnt,due unJ unp:uJ i��
<br /> , �� R.crMrr�x Len�ier:•rgrm no LrnJrr',w rinrn deiiiunJ lu Ihr�rnunl.
<br /> , ` L3rnnruet ha.�x�t rt�tiut�Yl an� pnur.�..�mmem ut ihe rcn1.a�+J ha� not .md• wclf n�t prrii►rn� :m�•ar� �ha� wuulJ �..,.
<br /> � �� ' prcveru la.rne9er[rom rxrn�,inE it.n�hi,unJer t�i•.f'ara�;r.iph I6. �
<br /> , ; L��ncA.-r ti11:df rnK�e reyuind 1���nter u�xm.�aAc raniml��1'��r mainl.un�hc Pn��,rm Ik:rure��r al�rr �;icw� nut�rr nf �
<br /> i brcarh w f3�Hro�4�T. PG.v�cvcr. Lendrr ur a�ud�ciall� .ip�►mtcd rrrrncr m.�� �L�..�ai en� nmr d�rrr i.a hrra�h. :�m �
<br /> . � • �pplication ot renn.hall n�w cure��r wu��r am detauh ur m�ahJ:de am ulhrr nuln nr remrd� ut LcnJcr fhi�a••i�:nmcnt I
<br />( :" �' ';�� ;� uf mnls uf the Roperty.hull lem►in•rte when Ihr Jcht Ktiurcd hy�he tircuri�� In.trumrni i.paid m Iull. i
<br /> : '� �. �� �,: i
<br /> . � � +� . ��y/R��..f�/V[�u �
<br /> �.' .
<br /> �i-- �'� ' _ ...�
<br /> "� ,� �
<br />