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<br /> - -..----_�____._- 7DO�7'NRR WITH all tbe impmMememR oaw or hetcatler erccted an thc prope�ty,und�II au�cmemK.apputtenances,
<br /> and fixtwa now at hara(�er a pat of tho pnpicAy. Ail rcpluemeNs�nd�i�ians s,lyll�Ica he covered by W�Socwiq
<br /> ----' 'Is�w��a�. Aii.d ti�f.���{aQ{k rfcrrd ta M tMr Srcncitl;�m�t ss t!x'Rc�rty." .
<br /> 801tROWER C�OVENAN751ha�Barrnwet is lawfully seisM uf ihe eswe herhy eemveyed�ad ha�thc ri�t to y�u
<br /> and ualv�ey tht Property and qwt lhe Pmpehy ia uoetkumbc�+ed, eacepl far en�umMpnce.af rr�:�xti. �xmwcr warranir ami
<br /> wiU defend�eoewlly tho tiib to Ihc Propeey against�11 claima�t�d demw►d�,whjecl ta any encumhrwkr.M'�ecunl.
<br /> .�------- -------� 'Iii1S SGCIIRITY IN37RUMEIVT combir� smilcxm cm�ts far ne�Fustel use and nae-unifomt eovenante wlth --
<br /> �. Iimited vari�aan�by Ju�icdktion ro constitute a u�iform secu�ity insuumem cave�in�m+d pr�apeMy. a
<br />- • ,� 1. Fiiyarcat of Princtpwl aad IMensti pnW9�ot aad Lwte Ch�e�. Bnrmwer chpll I�M�Y PaY w�hen due�he
<br /> '��:,�_ principa1 af and intcrest on�he deM ovidenaal by�he Note and any prcpaymcnl and late clwrges due undcr�hc Natc.
<br />_ � 2, Fyado 1'or 7i��s wl laswra�ca Sub;ect t�appIkable law ar lo u wrinen waiver by l.en�r.B�xrr►wer slwll pny ta
<br /> - Ixnder op tqe d�y dwnthly p�yments are dae wdcr the Nwa,urNil Ihe Note i�p�id in full,u xum f'FundF")for.lal yearly
<br /> ' -- uucex and a�sessn�ls which may �nain pr+oriry ovcr this Security losuument As a lien an die PtopeAy:lb)yenrly(eaicehold
<br /> paYments or grouM rcats an�he Prvpeny, ii'any: lc1 yearlY hazand or propehy imurancr pcmiums: Idl Yculy Qood
<br /> __ insmaacc prcmiums.�'any: lel Yeariy mongage insur�urce premiums, if uny: su�d lil r�,npr wm� paYable by Nonowe�a
<br />�:•. , Lender.io accordanc�e wi�h the pmvisions oi'pcuagraph 8,in lieu�the paymem oi mo�lgage imu�am��e premiums. These
<br />, -,�; ;y + . ilems are calied"Esi.�ow ltems" Le�wier m�y,at any lime.cdlect and tiold 6'w�s in�n amaurtt not w exceed the mcucimum
<br />:_�'r. � amount a lender for A fedemlly nelated mongage loan may reyuirc i'or 13orrower'�ex�ow ac�caunt wwier tUe federal R,e�l
<br /> _,.*-� �,1�' j ' Estate Setilemem Procedurcs Act o`1974 as aa�ended firom time Ro time.l2 V.S.C.�2601 rt seq.l"RESPPI"1.uok�as anoiher
<br />_--�e�. r. �,
<br />_ ::.s��. law tiiat applies ta the Fundc scNs a lesser amount. li'w.Lenckr may,al any time.edkr:t:�nd hold Flu�ds in an amouru not w
<br /> •� :�i:�FryprF,t, execed �hc lesser amount. L.c�ier muy estimate �tie air�ount oP Flwids due an d�e 6ua�s af cum�nt iWa an�f nasaru0ic -
<br /> = — - - ' eslimates of expn�dilures nf fulure Fccmw ilemc�v ntherwi�in acee�daat:e M•ith upplicable law.
<br /> ��. 7t�e F�nds shall be held in an institutiun uhosc deposiu w�e insune� by a fcderal agency. insuumentaliry.or eMay
<br /> ° s ~ . � (including Lender.if L.ender ix such an instiawtiu.n)c�r in su�y Federni Home Loan Bank. L.ender shul)apply tbe Funds to paY
<br />' .S' ' , thr 8scrow I1ems. Lendcr may nat charse Borrawer for hulding and aQplying Ihe F'rrr�ds.annually analyzing the escmw
<br />� • ,� Arcuunt, or verifying the Escrow ilems, unless Lender pay:Bartower interest on �Oee F+ands and upplirable law permits
<br />,�° •c • l.en�r to make such a chn�r. However.L.ender may n yuire Bomower ta pay u aer-sime chs�rge for an independent rcal
<br /> ; ' u �`� � estate tax repaiinc�ervice uaed h;► Lender in connection wit4�ihis loan,untess applicab�G�!aw pro�ides ahenvise. Unless an
<br />_ '" t.,.,��;•,1�'� � agreement is made�r applicable IAw requires interest to be p:+id, Leoder.�all not be�rquired to pay Barrnwer any intenest or
<br /> �?� '`�'`' ' j�, e�mings on the FuoJc Barrov►er and l.ender may agree in writing,how�ever.t�ht►t in�rresl shall be paid on the Fund.s. I.ender
<br /> ...� - 'F:�:i .
<br /> �..�,ssKS•. 1 • shali givc to Borr�nw2r.wilh�ut e@�arge.on oanunl uccounting of ihe F1iacJx.�'howiag�vedits and dedis to the Funds and the
<br /> ---:: � :i'�+,�"�'�'�� I purpnse for whicb each debit tu Ktrr f�unds was made. 'Il�e Fund.c ere pledged as addetiona]srcurity Por ull sums secured by ,
<br />.vc'��� �� '�' 1 ..
<br /> '— .a ---! ih�a�clmfy tnst��menl.
<br />_., ;"� .,:� : •:�., � ' ' �t ihe Punds hald by Lera�ar zxceed thz amounts permitted to be ?�eld by anp9ueat�t� luw, Lender shall accouat �o -
<br /> � ;�;t-,'�:;��',:; ':Banower for the exress Funds�ra acccxdu�c K ith the requirements of applirable law. �Oa��t��•um��uru:of the Funds held by
<br />" 'rs�'' ••�:� ' .=:�'S� 'Lender At any teme is not sufticient to pay the F,crow hems when due,i.ender may w norlfy�orrowcr in writing,and in
<br /> • ' • :�� I �sush cASe Borrawer shall pa��ta i.ender the amount necescnry �o make up the defciency. Bormwer shall nwke up the
<br />`:,��, , '4 '"�'.� dlcfizaea�ry in aa mare than�weh�monthly payments.at Len�;icr's �ale discre�ion.
<br /> .�z,.a�t_ . �I, � I Upon payment in full of al! sums secured by this Security lnsuume��,l.ender�ha04,promptly refund to Borrower any -
<br /> :�;.�.'s.' .. � FloncJs held by Lender. !f,under pumgraph 21.Lender xhaat acquire or seit a'he Property,Lender,pnor to the acquisition or
<br /> -��`f�r1� '"�'•�i�" sale of the Pnoperty,shull apply any Funds hc1zl by Lender al the time of,:cquisitian or sale as u c�edit against the sums
<br />_�wsi:� "�`�`� ..
<br />-�::.v���r�� ., �x,,,�`' � securrA by this Security Inetrumem. _:-
<br /> '�s ���,, 3. Applkation o�Paytaenis. Unloqs apyficable IAw provides utherwisc, ull pa}�nts reaived by txnder under ,�
<br /> -'��'� ''��'i; � a hs I and 2 shull be a �ie<7:�'�r�t,to unv n rr�na char es due under the Nu;�: �econd,toamounts a aMe under � -
<br /> 1��; _ -+r�,�•�r.�,�� P�' �P 6�€� !'rcP Y 8 • P Y o_:
<br /> �!! • .:;.,4,�,�';;;�tiz ,. � prLragmph 2;third,to inter+est�J::e;•f�nur�h,to ptincipal due:und last.�o uny late chivges due under the Note.
<br />