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<br /> �, " G. ASS'iIGPTMEN'i'Or S.CA�ES. Upan l.ender's request, Horrower shall nasign to l.ender all leases of the _"
<br /> , ' „,;; property and nll s�curiry deposits mude in connecdon wlth lcases ot the Property. Upon the essignment, Lender
<br /> • ...- ,hul1 have the right to mcxlffy,extend or terminato the e�isting leases and to execute new lenssea. in Lender's sole _
<br /> •. �. discretion Aa used in this purugruph(3.the word "Icsue"ahuil mean "sub4e�se"if the Securiry Inatrume�u la un = "'"
<br /> - A leasehold.
<br /> �� . Borrower absolutely and uncoqdltionally assigas and trnnsfesa ro Lendar ail the rents and revenues("Renta")of °�`
<br /> " � the Froperty. re�ardless of to wbom the Repts ot the Propercy are payable. Borrower authorizes Lender or
<br /> " Lendcr's egenta to collect the Rents,unnd a�that each teneat of thc Property ahall p�y the Renta to l.endcr or � ��
<br /> � Lender's agenta. Howover,�onnwer ahafl receive t�e Rents unttl (1)Lender has g[ven Borrower notfce of default �'. -
<br /> �i:..
<br /> pursuant to paragtaph 21 af the Security lastnuaent and(ii)I.ender has given notice to the tenaat(a)that the Reats �.�-•°
<br /> �N are w b$paid to Lender or Lender's agent. Thts ossi�ament of Reata coastttutes an abso(ute assignmeut and aot =—
<br /> • an esolgament fox additlonal securlty only.
<br /> If Icoder gives rtotice of breach to Borrower:(i) all Rents received by Barrower ahali be hdd by Borrower
<br /> as truatee far the bene8t of C,ender oaly,to be applied to the swns secw�ed by fhe Security Iastrument;(ii)L.cnder
<br /> - shail be endttcd ta ca]loct aad receive u!1 af the I�ents of the Pmpeny: (iti)Botrower ad�eea thnt�each tennnt of the ---
<br /> �� 5 propetty ehall pay all Renta due and unpuid to Leader or I.ender's agenta upon L.ender's wrItten deman�to the _
<br />. �• tenant; (!v) ualess appltcable law provides otherwise, all Rents coAected by I.snder or L,endcr'a agents shail he
<br /> applied flrst to the costs of taldng control of aad managiag the Property amd collecting the Reats,iacluding,but =_
<br />� '.. � � not Itmited to, astarneys' fees. receiver's fces. premiums oa receiver's 6onds. nepair and maintenane�costs. -
<br /> ,_ ,, iASUrance pmmioms, taxes,assessments and other charges on the Property.aad then to the su�s secured by the _.
<br /> gepuity lastn�ent; (v)Lender,Lender's egents or any Judicielly apgointed receivsr shall be liable to account for _
<br /> �, � only those Rents ectually received; and (vi) I.end�r ehall be entided to have u receiver appointed to take -
<br /> ' paese.�ian of end muuage the l�roperty Aad collect the Rents and profita dedved from tlie Propesy without any -
<br /> � � .' �o�dn8 a+to the laadequecy of the Property es security. -
<br /> '�` ""'�' If t4ES Renta of the Propeny are not suffccleat ta aover the costa of taking conuol ot and managing the --
<br />__=,�,,-;;�,�-: -- .� .,a�33 of rnll•xtlno tttP PPn�a any thr�da eapended by Lender for such pu�ases ahall become iadebtedness
<br /> :�� • , o�Idort+nwer to Lender secured by the Seturlty Iasmunent��tant to Unifor�n Covena.�t 7.
<br />='.�.'_;;,��'. - Borrower represents and warrants that Bomower ha�not eaecuted aay prior assfgnm$nt of We Rcuts and hns
<br />__`�q.�,A �: —
<br /> _: �. �; aot aad will not perfvrm aay cict that woWd prevent Lender from exercialn$its dghts uader thls paragraph.
<br /> ` ��'-�- Lender.�r Ltt�der's agents or a judicially appoiated receiver, eha91 not be requlred to enter upon, take __
<br />__--=—�:�. ---
<br /> �AY�����a A�� cantrol ot or maintain the Pcoperty before or after giving aodce of defuult to Bormwer. However.Leader. or
<br /> --"�'�'�� Lender's agents or a judicta�ty appofnted receiver,raay do so at any time when a default ocaus.My applicution
<br /> :;::�,.r:�,..'�
<br />�_,-' ;,'u�� of Rents ahall aot cure or waive any default or inval[date any othcr dght or remedy of i.ander.This�sstgnment of
<br />�. ���W'yx'i'� �tenw of the Property shaill ternifaute when ell the swns secwred by the Security Insm�ment aro paid in tWl.
<br />_''-`''='�--"� I. CROS�-DEFAULT PROV1bION.Hms•rower's default or breach under any note or agae�eut in which
<br /> .—�:.,�_;�
<br /> .:,���� Lender has an interest ehall be a brcach under tP��Securtty Iwsaument and L.eader may invoke any of the es
<br />--°--..= germitted by the Securlty Instnunent.
<br /> �--� BY SIUNING BBIAW,Boirower accepis and egrees to the temns and provlaion4 contalaed ia t1�is 1-4
<br /> ����,�.�� Ft+�mily Rider.
<br /> -.�---=—, �:4;�:
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