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<br />-=.�i« '� KNON ALL N1CI1 BY THBS�'. P[tB8RNT8 t
<br /> ,�_� -
<br /> -�"� WHRRSAR, elt o! the indebtednese aecured by the Qead ot Txust �
<br /> _�� executaa ey c�rth A. otis and Anthony �+theeler to =
<br /> ' Jeeeoh Polaclr. EeQU�e , Truatee, for the
<br /> �_ — ben�tft o� r�nlr�n,nES �rpr7i* Carne�rat��� � the
<br /> beneficiary na�ed th�r�in. daked .�anu�ri► 23 . �9 8?. and recorded
<br /> , FebrueZ'y 3 . 199?, tu� the Offfcw of the Reaister of �eeds af
<br /> �� u
<br />...�:���;y. —.
<br /> " '° County� .N�Dxaak•A as Docuwent Ho. �7'-1006�3 ,
<br /> ��` ,,f,�,; hes b�en pa�id, �nd sai� beaeficiary hws ceque�t�d in Mriti�q lhat t�►1s D��d
<br /> >::e--:°: ���Fi of R�conv�y�ac• b. .x�+cueeci and d�liWeredi -
<br /> Nofi, THEREPO[tF., in aonsix�eratior� of such pay�nent i� accor3ancQ vith �
<br /> - ' ,. `�� the cequeat of the beneficiary nawed Cherein, kha n�eleraiqned, as Trwetee,
<br /> � 'r � does by th��• prewe�ts, qrant, r��ise,• releaso and reconvay t4 th• pe�rso� ' • -
<br />- '°�° .���� •t:.,�"t;:� or person� ��titled tGereko ali t1��e ��terest and estate derived to waid . =
<br />.�:;�` " '' Trustae b os throu h aaid t�eed '�f� Tsu�t i� tF�e following desc�ri�bad '
<br /> ;,.,: . .��; ,,�: y q , -
<br /> _;.:>;,; pr��is�e, but oely aa to sueh �r�wisec: -
<br /> ;,, ;. -r:; . _
<br /> -'�'��� '.;e i�'a;_ Lots 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 a�d �Jae Southexly 2 feet of Lat 4, in Block 4 , _
<br /> _..,. . ��,�.,.
<br /> '-'trk`; :..z.�
<br /> �-,�,. � ` ;F;�t�- and Lota 7 and a„ i:n E�1ock 3, all in packez and lE.a�^r'e Additian to
<br /> ��;,`�"��'�' the city af'Granu ,��.ar,�� �':all Co;:.nty, P:��:ar�l:a, t�g�ther wi.th the
<br />��'��`Y '� Eaet Ilalf of vac.ated a11��► �ad joininq Lots� 1 , 2, 3 and ttze �outherly � � -.
<br />- �:``';S `;�;�f �' `�r:��{ �'^' 2 feet of ?.flt 4 , in IIlock 4 , on the t�est, and toa�ther wit�� the t•,est =_
<br /> �'.';.. •�° �Ialf of vaca�ted dlley adjoinine Iots 5 and 6, Block A , o� the Fast
<br /> , ., f�.M�1 .. _
<br /> " � ����"r,' tageth4C wikh all building$, fixtures, impcoveaenta and appucte�oanaes �
<br /> ��. �1�,��r,.
<br />�-�'�• belonq to such pramisea. `
<br /> :;;�. <,r '
<br /> 4 a��
<br /> �Si� . ���'! " Datad thia � day oi �, 19 �9.. �
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<br />-il.'Y.•� 'f.', _.• �
<br /> .F
<br />_ �-, � � Tru ee Joseph Polack _
<br />���^� :�i��1)�Lf:e,; STATR OF NF.NRASKA )
<br />:�� , '�ry;;U��..6j{��);i-c. . �
<br />�,y� • . }�`��� '��St.:��. �.R.g s
<br />: :�`' . COQN7`�' OP 1 —
<br /> 1- f. =jo� Y�G: <<
<br />�...Kiiy,�. . .� ��,;,.,;��7F �
<br /> "'_�'� '' } •pn thia J�� dAy U: , 1993 beiore me, the =
<br />`,",-,�F`; . ° �,y;�;; .:, � �' ',uodersiqned, a Notary Public dul commissioned t►nd qualified f4r said =,
<br /> ''`� t ` 'F�?'i ` '�.COUnty, personally came .'�oseph 'Fo��ek, EsauiXe
<br /> ,'"r�r;;' ',�' y;, s�{` �to me known to be the identf�cal person whose name is aubscribed to the
<br /> ;:� ,
<br /> ��• i,�, � � .,�,,�;.�' foreqoing inscruaent and ackn•owledged the executfen thQreof to b� hia/her
<br /> .` �`! ' • ',ti�`•�i;,�� ��:�' voluntary ack and deed. _
<br /> •;� , ;�: �t'� ;
<br /> �;,. `�
<br /> ' � � Witnese my hand and Not++Tial Seai at ���� in ��
<br /> ..°;i �rr�`� 4`t=3-
<br />