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<br /> , . ',;, ,+. � �� -�
<br /> _- '`2 - _ :.:�• This Assipnment,madt this ls .�Y o/ January , �g 93 by end �_ _-
<br /> � � L�� r{,-� betMeen CLABffidCE P. FrETSC9 _. �_ _ �-�__--_--.-
<br /> �+ �•���.��''� ;�q►� f"Assiyno►"I.�nd NORWEST BANK NEBRASKA,N�1 T/ONAL ASSOCIATION l"Asriynev"1. – ----
<br /> �' ��'f�! � ". • �'n
<br /> �' r ``��� �,;�� ��..;� WITNESSETN: � � ;�_�-
<br /> �''�;,:�'';����.,, '. � . ., �__.
<br /> `�� �" � li ir a�reoda�folloKa: .,:''y k Y`�
<br /> ��. ; . '.� 1. Qefiniiion�a. At rased!n thit Apreemant: �''"�^"'���:
<br />-r,�.�:'_�.�, ,. �.---
<br /> :' ' '
<br /> . ' .,-�.�,r.—:_
<br /> "�' ..� � _ fi„ �.:�,;,;� A. 'iNortgage"shefl mean thet certain Deed of Tiust in the principal sum -:�: ��
<br /> ., � • , o/a 65.000.00 ��/^ Januarl► 15 , f9 93 , ..:'.,,;�;Y—
<br /> t���' <<� '+- ex�cuted by �]�areace P. Fetach . ,as Tiustor,to NORWEST BANK �-."�� �—
<br /> ,�' .�1`i,`'�'.,�_,.
<br /> __ � ,.�'� �� NEBRASKA,NAT/ONA�.ASSOC/ATION,as BeaQfici�ry,upon the rea/estete and improvements �,�
<br /> -�. �:,:�.��..•,. au,. 3±•-
<br /> ; "�����:,rr. deacrlbed in Exhiblr "A";w�lrich!s ott�ched hereto.�ne�by thia reference incorporated hereln. �,
<br /> '_1__. J::.l'r.i
<br />. - ' '.F�4(.� � i�JJj +S`-:
<br /> - '.•�_�'"��^ � f�'Y'_�;' B. "Note"shall mean that ceitain note se�cured by the� 65 000.00 , K_:'
<br /> '•" --� ^�,:•' 'A`i''�'� OeerE ol Trust,execufed contemporaneaucty the�wJth by L: �. k�-
<br /> ,� .� E,�i Q ��-
<br /> ��.. ,, �,� 1A p�!;:
<br /> �*� �:i�i r4�:� • Clarence P. Fetsch ar maker,and NORW�ST BANK NEBRAS�iK�B, ��<< n ��-
<br /> " � ,��t�;�•Z;:_ .��4,�:�-� NATJONAC ASSOC/ATION,as payee,and secured by the�eed of Trust. t��:_�`
<br /> . � R.,,.:..
<br /> . � ' , �_—
<br /> �'�' .;'��'�• � �''� '`' - " " shall mesn the lvan!n th�arnount o! S65 000.00
<br /> • ,,.,� , , • C l.oan ashereinaRerustd, • - r,�.�.�.
<br />- �•� d;�� __as evldenced b y the note and secu�etl by the Lteed of D'rust,at w+e//as en y other �-�`-�
<br /> . ;; ;t..;. �
<br /> � ;..r�,y�+,���',� . recui/ng lnttiuments. -�,,._�--
<br />,,I'' jL`+ R .
<br /> � �. ,��,—,-,.;� NQW. TOt�fi�'fQRf,forand ir.c;,:sldoraila:.a!th$mak;'r,n a»d Ju:rding of sa/d ivan,a�d lt+r ��"`r°'
<br /> *�'�' ' other good amcl valuable consideiatic��, rhe receipi�vhereof is here6y scknc+wledged,Assipna,for itseil, ;,;,a;:;}�.
<br /> ��' lts successorx,personal representatives,heiis and assigns,has bargained,sold,t�ansfened,assignEd,
<br />., �4 �,i:,- I. :. �.
<br /> , , "r..:.�. ��
<br />�,:, f � . . t;,.;. , ., conveyed,set au�erand delivered,and by these pr�s�nts do�s he�eby bargain,self,transter,assign,and ��.� `�;.•
<br /> `i�.•� .,;:��'�:'�.:i",'` convay as seet�rJt for the repayment of the above described indabtedness and rhe peyment and e�-
<br />="''"`�� � ' ' ''� formance of all of rhe terms and condirions o/the Note and Mo�t�aya evldencing the same,and any i""-.
<br /> . " �:�..��.�..:...:_
<br /> _ *.:.f,: ars: , , .
<br /> �� ±�•, and all amem�Jnn�.nts,extensions and renewa/s thereol all le�ases now oi hereafter exe�cuted efiecting '� "�:'i,�'��-
<br /> , .,�..�.' jr,� y �, . . ,.
<br /> �• �� ;. , •�.f;�};;, � ti5 ihe Mortgaged Pramisas,and all ients,issues,prolits and income and sums of money which mey now •� r,;::�
<br />���� : ;�<'"-o'.^..•�..�4%.?, ..-��-r,ij,..
<br /> �,z�. :,,w�,_ �;,�;r�y } or hereafter be or beco�e due and owing under anc!b y virtue of said/eases,it beJng the lnteniion ,,..:.
<br /> T'�r:,�; } ::•�•�,�•• �:��v�� heieby to estab/Jah a corrplete transfer and assignr��nt of the/eases hereby assigned and a//the avails �•:i(�_�_:�-
<br />�.�'.ir�l�. � �r . ..�hf�,r -
<br /> ;,�I�y,�,;, .��,.-;,,,�,.°.��,, ihereunderunto th�Assiynee,lcs successors and assigns,together with the riyht,but withoa[the ''
<br /> c•� a,..... .
<br />'.�;±�'.�-� ' �.� �.w?r;y�� obligation,to colleci all ot the seid ren[s,issues,prolics and incame arising or acciuing,Or�ihich rn8y ��,
<br /> fl�ilSri . ��,�::•!'.'_-.ay'•'
<br />;s.=.ks. :,s,`.- • b�come due ar any tlme during the/ife of this Asslpnmen[. Assiynor fuither agrees,upon de�rrend ' • �
<br /> 1'.�'.T . ::�:r11'h..�'. . � ' i"M1_.T` :'t�.-__
<br />�., , .{;, .. . .,,. _. thereof,to deliv8r to aad deposit said/eases wlr.�Assigne�. ,,..r;.
<br /> j�ti,�• :.'� '•:'�.:' .;.i%'�i . . = i'_,� _.
<br /> �; �,. Asslgnvs�e�aby designates,constitutes anr/appoints Assignee, irs successors and asslgns,with �� .plµ,-:=:
<br /> ' �~'� ' � ' full power o�su�isritution,!ts true e�d lawful attoiney with pow+�r for it and in ifs name,p/ece and r �"' '
<br />.-. n• -' I': .. .'.,' -..
<br /> � t � �� +�. �-• stead for in�the vrame of Assigne�e,to ask,demand co/%c< <eceeve, receipt and give/ul/and com- t�(�L =_
<br /> . . ' . �� �,. =�.,�:.. . . . � l:'.�<I�„�r�t
<br /> ' ���y���':.'�:���i�� p/ete acquit tances for any sn d a/l ren rs,issues,pro fi t s a n d inc o m e h e r e b y a s s i g n e d w h i c h m e y b e c o m e ,; ��i',±�;
<br /> r�;�. :.� ,„ .,..a.L ('
<br /> . ,1 .n.�ii�(ri:ji�r,.....,L - . .. (5r�:�Q..
<br /> due and payable by lessees or orher�occupants of rhe Morrgaged Premises;and a[its discretion to /!!a 7,.•.;.;,...,:
<br />'°° � ��`�K��w�'�� any c/aim or take any other acfion or proceeding to make any se[dement ot any c/alm,either in its �t'r�.y';y..;.;�'
<br />.-�'i'''• ,1 t • c��1 .'.�'1',,7'1}�h`':-
<br />;• .1; � � ,,�, own neme ar in[he name of Assignor,or otherwise,which the Assignee,or eny successor mey deem y T�;i; ,�.:� __
<br /> ,�?•�. �' ��� �y��;- desi�ab/e ir�o�der to col%ct and enfe�r�z�e payment o/any end all ren[s,rssues,prolris and income , ,
<br /> "'`` ' �� %:F�,'�'�: ,•' herein assi gneal. The lessees and occu p a�ts of the Mort ga ged Premises,or an y part hereof,are hereby
<br /> �;"�' (. '.. Il;.i•.y., ...
<br /> �•; �c h,, .,: .;;,�.a,, ... expressly authorired and directed to pa3r all renrs and sums herein assigne�"which would be payable i
<br /> � ' ;� ' " to Assignor,excepr/or this Auignment, ro tfie Assignee,and to transmit and deliver such payment y
<br />`"'�`'- .r ' � t o!h e A s s r g n e a o r s u c h n o m i n c e s s r t m a y d e si Q n a t e i n w i i�i n g. t l eli v er ed r o an�i r e c ei v e d b y s u ch �
<br /> �.,;:•., . .;�
<br />.':�• ` ��,.�• ' lessee or occup�»f, who is expressly rc��e•red of any and all duty,�iabili[y or obligation to the i � '
<br /> ' `�t•• Assignor in nespect o/a//paymen[s so made. � •
<br /> !..� ' c,,<<
<br /> '3 ,. .. �. . I.'.
<br /> ��� ,, Assi�nee shall be,and hereby is,vesred w;t►s r„!1 power to use all suc-+r rneasures.lega!and •
<br /> �" ; t � " ' � equitab!a,as in its discretion may be deemed��ecessary or proper to en/vrce rn�s Agreerr•enr and � ,���;'�;;:�:''
<br /> ' . � [o eollect the►en ts, issues,profi ts and income assigned hereunder,including the right[,a enie�upon 1 ,
<br /> ��. �� ' td�e�arernrse: ynd to take posses.sion thereof,and Assignar hereby grants lul/power an�d a,::P�ority '
<br /> .��_, '1�;,,�_. __ t�t�e Assignee to exercise all rights,privrleges and puweis herein granted at any and al/times here-
<br /> � ;� . a�'i�e.*, witehour notice to Assignoi,wirh/u11 power to use arrd appl y a!!01 the renrs, issues,profits end
<br /> ' - '� :b.�cosr►e herei.n assigned to the payments ol any indebtedness o•liability o/the Assignor to the � �� , �
<br /> �� ,'; Assigne�e,in such order as Assignee i»a y determine. ,
<br /> �kK ...':��.. ' . ' .�
<br /> 1 � , .. .
<br /> .� • . ��.:F�+�::
<br /> � .., , � ,�+;
<br /> + . ....
<br /> � �. • . ��, HiMW7u1f3�h?lN��N, 1
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<br /> � � _.. _. . . . _ . - . __
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