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�� F . .sa;s�.ri�-,i}�{ r �,... '�b- , . ;r.��.,:W <br /> ' ' -�i .,:yir .:+s:s'..�; :a•i:•,I�"1�' � l-. <br /> '�+✓N <br /> �_� _ _ - ---- — - -- <br /> - �:.�:�.�:� '93- io�� - <br /> NdN•UNtFO1tM�7ovP.�tAM'e.Baro�aad I.eader fV�nba'ow�a�at aad yroe as fdlo�s: <br /> � i�.Aao�Na�i p�if�, i.�ivl�ia�otia os H�now�r�rt�to soai�eado�to1{owl�Boen�w�s <br /> ,... <br /> „'- ___ _ 1wMt'i ot�ty oo�t ar yr�Mt i�t�b Sa�etf�INfnr�t(i�t�ot p�lor to�wAee/Wa�ryY 13 ri 17 <br /> -_-- `'" �nd�N�ifa�iM l�w�ru�iiw aiY�ewiw).7�wii►�+t r.:�yAeiP�t(�iiia�ttJ t�eseioe rqalred te eere � ` <br /> iehdli(ol�dt�nOt IM�tMsw a0 4�r�(tow!Me Nq fM�lip M/I�to Harrower.b7 wYkr fM detaolt�we be e�t <br /> .�i�Q eMa t�qNn eo ew.u.�NN�Ie a i�te.�tne�t�tre.odoe.ay nwlc i�.a�eteaao�ot w s�w. <br /> Maur1 by tiQ�S�c�ritt 1�Mrw�1 atl alt a/tM Pni�erty.7Le�otke ritp furtYer i�fon�Har►ower ot the�Mt W <br /> - �,� nluhta tlt��ee�tlo�ri tM el�t b Mi�e a oorrt aeHo�to a�t M�e�o�e:bta�ce of�de�wit or�uy othe► _ <br /> � rafaae otBorrowK to�ooNKSfiw a�d�M.UtM�efalt b�ot crrs/o�or beforo�e d�te speciAod h tMe�odoe.t.e+rda� � <br /> T �t Ib optlon�ar hqMtn i�M�1�fi�te Mr1�e�t i�tMll of aU w��eeured 6y d�Sec�dty 6utrua�ait wllMaat fwtber <br /> de��d ad�y h�ake tIN pwx af ade�W'otYx�la pen�iMed bi'�pplica6le I�w.I.eade��b�ll be ewdtled w <br /> •`a oollecl wN es�e�w I�ner�ea 4 pa�!Me reMdMs podded t�t6i�an�rapd 19� i�cladla�.6ut not Ndfed to, -- <br /> =... - <br /> ��..� e�o��Lle attor�e�s•tea�eop�of Wlo a�ide�oe. _- <br /> '�'' --- ` if fMe pwer ot�la b iNralced�Tra�tee�11�ecoid��otke ot defiWt la ac6 wunty i�whkb�y put ot the =- <br /> ,�c.�+d�,.ti�:r�d==��;'._,�;�� Pro�uty b located�ad�11 au�ll oopla of wch notke!�Ibe�a�er pr+acAbad by�ppllable I�w to Borrowu�ad w tUe <br /> — -':r.`T� otMu�erwnt or�serlbed bY�PP�IaiWe I�w.Aher the dme reqairod 6y appfla�ble l�w.T�nsta�b�ll Qi�e pu61k nodce o� - - <br /> "�����:= ale to tLe peeon��sd ta tre�a�aer p�eribed by ypllcabk I�w.Tru�tee,wlthoat dem�ad oo Borrower.slull seU tMe , <br />-_;;i�.• r�i�• Pro�ty d pnblk aoctioa to t6e Yi�at 6idder�t the dma aad platx a�d aadar tbe tero�dai�puted ta the aotice of ale U � <br />-,�; �':' :• o�e or moro p�roeu a�d ta�ar or�'itrmtee determtae�.Trortea au�y patpone�le oi all or s�y p�rcel ot tbe ProP��Y�r <br />-=;, , k�,.�'�r pnbNc a�oa�cenu�t�t tMe WNe a�A pl�oe ot apy pretiady�obedoled pd�. Lende�or Ib ded�tee au�y pMrcbne fMe <br /> ,.�c++r�•r��'.""�t, pro�ty�t a�y ale. __ _ <br />-�\7 � �!ISyNA'.•�:.. �,.;. _.. <br /> ;�,,:,;;::,`.L'� Llpoa r�ipt ot piyae�t oi tre prke 6id,Traqee slull delirer to the pnrci�e�Tnatee•�deed coa�eyi� the� ---- <br />- ��-�� . P�ty.7'he recihls ia tUe T�wtee s�eM tb1d1 be ptima tqcie eddeace ot tbe trnth ot A6e stataneab�aade tkrti�. <br /> _.r:.: �_. <br /> - - -- ?�k�4!e s�sls4!eg�ly!!!4 pro!'lhl�ef th�enlr tn ih!follt+nlnv nrder.(al tn sq Pi�n�e�t nt fhe Aaic,lacladipC.6qt oot IituikrQ - <br /> � : ��l�� �.•ta T�tee'�tee�sw�mitted by appltcable Ipw aad re.�sa�ble f�lMraey�'fers;N)to all sum�:ecu�ed by t6u SenuritY- �=�:� <br /> d� � '�������; laa�a�ea�aad(c1 AqY excas to tbe penon oa persons IegAlly eptlqed to It. �` <br /> •' r �r :c• :.. '.�. �R i <br /> r. , � t;'�...., :. <br /> �, �9,I.eader i� Poxtes�lan.Upon acaleration under peragraph 19 or abandonment of the Propeny. Lender (i�e ��: <br />'`��f;�„'� ��;�' ' ,y}e�, by a t or by judicially appointed rcceiver)�hall be entitled to rnter upon,take posses�ion of and manage �he :"±; <br /> a... <br /> �s �,�, `�,'��•,�� . , �Pa�eray aa lo collect the rents os Ihe Pmperty includiog those past due.Any rents collected b�Lender or the raeive� ��' <br /> `�.'x. � � . • , s6�aa0 be applied 8�st to psyment of the costs of msnagemrnt nf the Property and collection of rents,including.bu� aot �" <br /> .,,� �';n :-... -, . ,, <br /> �s � p �;, •:�+� - � �.�lupited to,receiver's fe�a,prcmiums on ra:ava's boods and reawtwble sttomeys'fas,aad then to the sums securcd by , [�� _ <br /> �.: , ��� :��-�� ;`,� e�9ecudtylnstrumenl. . " <br />�; �� a, •p:-:, •����r� ; �' � 31,Racopteyance.Upon puyment of�II sums seoured by this Security Inatrumcnt.Lender ahaU request Truuee 10 •• <br />:tF�` �•:'=.•..', <br />:�,,,. � ��r:���;.,4� •tsconvey the Property and ahall surrender this Security Instrument and all notes evidencing debt seeured by this Security "'"=' <br /> � .;'-�`•�� l�strame:�t to Tt�f.slee.Tnssttt aha!!teconvey!he Property�e ithout�vensaty a�d wittsaat chsrgr to the persc+n�x�r��►na - <br /> �" '" �:= -R yir:Sr�r� :j'� ----.,. <br />,�,,• ,�,,,j ,,,,+,,��}t+,t,�,,� lea�lly entitled to it.Such person or persons ahall pay any reoordetion coats. � <br />..�j�..� ,�::�{C�rt ,�...�1 :,•� 4-- <br /> ,.�• , 22,Su6�ttitute Tnutee.I.ender.At its option,may from�ime to time rcmovc Trustoo and appoint a successor trusta ��?- <br /> , �.� `• . to�ny Trwtee eppuinted hereunder by an inatrument recorded in the rnunty in which thi�Security Instrumenl i�recordod. �- <br /> � ' Without conveyance of the Propeny,the sucoessor tnutee sh�ll succaed to all the�tille�power and dutia rnnPeRed upon �'�' <br /> _ ;;'z''�'_-.���;��r,'c:���� TnuteeMereinandby�pplicablelaa. <br /> - �_t�:: ,.:•� �'��� <br />-_�+' . %^.%���;�.. •,.,�l.'��' ?,3.Reqne�t tor Notiee�.Borrower rcQuats that copia of'the notioer of default and�ale be sem to Borrower's ' °� <br /> � b��:_.' .�.��=�-, sddras wl�ich is the Property Addras. <br /> �a.'."" ���.��,;�" - Zb RWas to t61�Saurlty I��lf one or morc riders arc exauted by Borrower and reconled togetixr with _ <br /> -- ^ ; '��l9A`'"�':'"•• thh Security lnstrument.the covenanta�nd�gnemrnts of each such rider shdl be incorporsted into and sh�ll�mend and __ <br /> '`';' �.,.;, �'' �' ��',�:;, wpplanmt the covenan�and agreements of this Secu�ity Instrument ar if the rider(s) werc a part oi this Securlty - _ <br /> , �,�,•��; r,� Instnunent.[Chxk�ppliablebox(es)J ' <br /> ���'' � '•: <br /> ���y�����; ' �:.R ❑AdJustablc Itatc Rider ❑ Condominium Rider ❑ 2� F�mily Rider <br />- ;;�. . , ti.:}.! . .;r. , � ::.�, <br />,`;_, r ❑(3raduated Payment Ridcr ❑ Plonnod Unit Development Rider <br /> % � � �� -•" ',Q 0 Othe�{s) [sqxify] Acknowledgement of Powar of Sale <br /> •;,.: ,:.-.:.�s;r;_ti,r;��'��;I�'i,°�' �' . <br /> �� _� .. � �,.1,��d.�:A`�i: <br />..',1�4t� ; }�:,, �, i ��'"���,$,,.. . . <br /> u�'• ' �'�y��:��."'^�'�s'� BY SIaNINd Be�ow, Borrower ac ts and u to the terms and covenont� containod in thfs Securit :;..'•` <br /> :�,,� +, 1��` �h� �':��Y ' Ia�uument and in any rider(s)ezxuted by��rrower and reco�with it. � ;: <br />_-w.�r.�-��. ��,,• r,•,.;;� � �';`_ <br /> --- '� <<� x�:�. . <br /> !_.-• , :1;. .e . ��:. <br /> °� � ,�:.Y�;:'.�i., ,.:�, .........................�.................,.......X�.7.-.�:i.e w�ni�`fi...........(Sal) _°- <br /> '��'�'' �� '� Clatience P. Fetech "o°"0i" - <br />_ • _ . a;� -,�rt�'�. <br /> �,� ( a{' � ,���j�':�'t .................................................................................... ..�� �_. <br />- ♦!�,`:�,�,�-,Y,`s�'is:.,°.,nc (8v+a BNow nw tlne ror Ack�Itd�nw�Ml � .. <br /> - -.r=�'-:;f— -- 0! <br /> , � � .� �".':. <br />__. I+ �.p;_ <br />.. . . •• '. :, �i�. <br /> �`� � . ; 31'ATB OF .....N��$�S�.......... �R� <br /> �..;.,� , rf'; ..... .•, :: <br /> s�:: , • �SS. <br /> �' :�,. . 1�� COUNTYOF .�e�.. d�. <br /> ' "'li�i��' ..... .................. :,.: <br /> . �. '�f` � �;. <br /> .. ,�,\. . <br />�°--t=� '�- -��:��%�4��1 " rie�.reent�.t�e.,..�.,�..,nn..,�,.,�,,,�.ae.a���t�.. 15th dav of Januarv. 1993 <br />_-�.-s — - __—_ --�+;�:-.�-.�.:--T '..�,�� ............................................•.•.••.r��• ' . <br /> .e��•' �+ (r" � <br />:f''�� ���..� . .,�. �tii.t� b�y.... .. Clarer�c�e P. Fetsch (dak) <br /> , :��;14�i:��; .. ....................................................................................... . t <br /> � . ... .......... <br />,i.' ;_i'1�y��;,i� (P��n(t)ukaowled�it�p � <br /> ' � .fN1 1;tk; �`°` �. <br />. ��... ,,,f,��r��• � <br /> ��.r. . +°,_-;�',',,, y� r,��.. <br />' � �i�� A l..-c.:�.� ..4 �7�� ��M� r��1:,' <br />�- , . ��: 1���� .� •l ��A,��„� ���� �..ied������7�....�.����f4RT.rR�.•�i�:j '1. '. <br /> , ' ', ')}\''��ro. /��rvl PII�C <br /> , ; 1i �.. <br /> �. �. � • ' ;��f �_. <br /> ''�� ',_,�r • .��� ��� . Glenda Lueders f <br /> . .R. � ,t .............................................................................«. <br /> !' ., � � � <br /> � �� , <br />