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<br /> ". t3, Not�+ithotandinQ MortQaQoe'o accoleratios► o€' thu e�� �QC°r�oceodingo ��A�!
<br /> ° mocegsge� �lortg�gor oha1.L hav� tha eight !o boao +t►Y P _��•�
<br /> bogurt by Nloetgngoe eo enfoeca this mosegago di�contSntised at aay time
<br /> prior ko anery of a iudgment oaf�RCing �Hia rao��BatZo �.1� (e) Moxegagor � �
<br /> paye Mortgngee ail sums Mhich would ba th�n due and�r thle mort6a88 t k.'"'
<br /> �_�, (b> Moctgagoe cures •11 breachc+e oF sny oeh�r covaasne• or agreemanto
<br /> ',,;:;-�� og Moetgmgor aoaeained ie this moregaSet and ta) ilnrtgagor pay• all ��',�_
<br /> ��►' roaeos�able expeaoe• iRaarrod by t3ortg�gee ia eagorcing thm aovenante �:�
<br /> �� and egruements ef Mortgagor coneained in �hi� �oregage and in
<br /> � � eniorcing MoeRg�geo•s remediee ae pxovid0d iu p�ttgraph S hereof. �:;Y_
<br /> Upoa euch paymene and cnre by Mosegagor, ,. this mortgaga aad ehe e_
<br /> } obligAtions ooaured hor4by ohall remain it� fuYl L'erce ead offect as �
<br /> ,� � i f no accoleration had occurred. -�-
<br /> � 7, Upon aeceleretion under pseagraph S hereo! or a��aaianment of the _
<br /> ., ._ �.� Propeety. en� at any time prior to ehe acpic�►tion of any period o£ _
<br /> • rede�npeion fallowiag Forealneuro oale. Korigagee eh�sab 19e eatitled. �__
<br /> , . � to tlle extent provided by appli.cable lav �o hav� a recuivar _._.
<br /> r►ppoineed by the court to enCOr upoa. edee p�saestioas of ar�d maaages
<br /> the psoperty and to colloct ehe rents o£ ehe ���p�=�Y �n��uding ehoaa ��_
<br /> paet dae. A3.1 re�to eollacted by�else raa��vss shall be applind first
<br /> to psymene �f tbo cooto of maasgement oP eha propetty aad ¢olleceioa
<br /> c+f renee, including. bae not limie�d to� raa�ive�•t f�u and premium -
<br /> ' • on recaiver•s bonde. a�►d then tio the �wne secured by thio 9ncctgnga.
<br /> �� '� The rnceivoc ehr�11 be linble to accouat only ior tho�e rcnts nctuaD.lq
<br /> �' ;, received.
<br /> ��r . ri tst or remed
<br /> - ` �. Aa; fosb�erw��p by Moregagee in exermiting a�sy 8 Y
<br /> - � ~�'�: here�nder� or oth�s�+iae affcrded by applieable lav. �Aali no� uo a
<br /> ,,;•�s,`.';;. weiver off oc preclude tho exercise of any tuch sAght or somedy. Tho
<br />��:��.� ;.;,� procurement oF irsuraace or the paymeat oP e�x�s or othsr lim�e or .
<br /> -����,�;y:%+';��; chargee by Mortgmga+e �hall not be a w�i�+ar of Mortgegea'a cighe to
<br /> -_=;;:".�r�%��` � accelerate tha m�►�uriey of ehe indebesdaese •ecured by thia mortgage. _
<br />�'�.,-..<;,���,, .
<br />,�;::.,,�;t�'�?.
<br /> •�;.;.;:,, g. All rQmedies providod in ehia mortgage ar� diseinet astd cruaulativo to
<br /> ��.�-��_� any oeher right or remedy under thi� a�ortgage os affordad by la�v os
<br />-�� �.�;����^� aqu�ry. and mny be exercised coacusrsa�l�� iadependeatly or
<br /> =_�4��"',:"_ ,�" euccoaQively.
<br /> .�`y��
<br /> ..r� 10. The covene�nes snd agreementa hetbia eoneaiaed �Aall bind, and ehe
<br />-�---;r,-r..r�r� rigtbe hereunder ehall ir.ure eo. the seepeetiv� ��octsaors aad a�e3gae
<br /> --__ -�-�� of Mar�gsgee and Mortgagoe. All eovea�att, �a�d a8caemeiaeo oF
<br /> �°f'1��:�� Mortgsgoa sha31 be joine and smvoYR].. 8t�s�ntisneat. notica oF
<br /> -�-����`'''i�' disQior►ar. and pcotsQe are he�oby aaived by all to+aknrs� suresiea.
<br /> _ �:;^:;��
<br /> ='��� gueraatoKa. nnd eadorsero. hereof.
<br /> ?-�� Li, Except for any aotiice requised under applicablo law ta bo givo� in
<br /> —=
<br />