— i' '���',�-.�'�r ,(.:;,. ;r1.,-:
<br /> -r,.��t�'s�=:k., ::.'�'f.',-
<br /> _'� ' � ..� .�� tir ''fry``{'�t�`n�, �'; ..,
<br /> r �.:k t1N;,.
<br /> �:� �� .y�1� -b v
<br /> '`�;=��N��:�r..� - -- 183- io��- -
<br /> -_� - -- 17.TraaQtcr ot tbe Propaiq ar A Rendici�l loterrxt ta Bon�ower. ti�II or any'rn nf the PropeMy nr aoy intcr+esl in il
<br /> i�sold ar Irnncfcrtal lor if A beneRcial intcns�in Harrnwcr ia r,�ld or I�nr•ferrod a�x1 Barmwer ir�n�►t u natnrul per_�►ni withaut
<br /> ��"�"'"�"°°� l.eixier'�p�iur wdtten rnnccnt. 1.c�1er moy, ut itF apti�n. rcquin: imn�cdiatc pryment In ItiU uf All sum� secureJ by thi� —
<br /> =' Secutity Inst�nt. Hnweve�,Ihia aplion�hull oot b�cxerclsai by l.ender if cscrcise i�pn�ibltod by fcderal Iww uF of the doue _
<br /> �`-`= of thtx�e�vnty I�ument.
<br /> -- If Lender exacises thi�option,Lender r�holl give Borrower ix�tice of�cceleratian. The nrnl��c tihpll�mviJe a pe�lod uf na
<br /> lac tlwn 30 days from the da�e�he no�ice ic delivered or tnailed wi�hin which&im�we� must puy ul wnx+ �ocured hy �hiR
<br /> Seru�i�y Instn�ment. if Rc►mnwcr fails�a pay these sums prlar to�hc expimtion nf�hic�rk�d. I.ondcr muy invoke ony r�madics —�-
<br /> _ _ ; pemiitted by�his Sarurily Inclnimem withou�ih�her ndioe ar dcmaml on&►rmwer. �---
<br /> 18. Borrower's RiRht lo Reinstate. If Bormwer meetn certain condi�fons+. Bnm►wer shull huve the right to huve
<br /> rnfon�cment af ihis Sccurity Inqrumcnt discaminuod at any�imc prinr�a �hc cerliar�d: (ul S duy�. lor nu�h �►iher peri�K1 �s �_
<br /> applicable law may specify far reinstatement) befe� sAle of the Pmpeny purwa�u to Any p�wer of sule camnina! in �his �
<br /> Secu�ity In�t�umem; or(b)entry of a judgme�t,erif4rcing this Secu�ity Instrument.Thnse cunditions ure thui Borrowe�:(u1 puys ='
<br /> Lcndcr aU sums which then wauld dc due uodcr lhis 3ecu�ity Instrumcnt iuid the Nate a.r• if no u�.�cclerutian hud�ccurced: (b► �'-•
<br /> -"� curcs any default of uny ahe�rnvensnts or ugrecmenls: (c)puys nli cxpenses incurred in enfi►rcing this Seturity Instrument, �_
<br /> 4 �-��,�' �� including,bu�ncN limfted ta, reasonable u�tamcys' fees:and(d)tukes such arti��n su;Lender may reusor�abl�r requ�rc lo�surc
<br /> -�" I h w t h e l i e n o i t A i s S e c u r i t y I n s l n�m e n t. I.e n d e r's ri g h t s�n t h e P m p e n y and Be�Trnwer's obli�u uiun k�p�ay the�ums securc�i b y Bi�•"�
<br /> � �� thia Serurity Imstrument shall conti�we unchangod. Upon r+eiastatement hy &�rnnwer, this Sctiuri�y Inslrument u�xi the �.-
<br />____ �� ` obligations secure0 hereby shall remvn fally effe�yive iu if no:kc�lerwian had accurne�l.Huwever,thi� nght�u reins�ute shall ,
<br /> — ..;��°,. nw aup�y in die case of acceleralion under PamB�ph 17. �"''
<br /> � ��`t �j9. Ss�le ot haic; e of I.oaa Scrvkcr. The Nute u� s� �.►I intrnyt in �he I�otc (�a ethcr with this Sccurit '�`��
<br /> 1�'.��;�;, C� I�' L Y ._
<br /> .�:,� � ,:�.�=f Inshumentl ma}r 6e wld unE a��morc times wi�hcwt pri�x mNi��e to Barrowe�. A s�k may rr.ult in u ciwu�ge i�r thr entity/known �;:;__
<br /> � ''�.S as the"Loan Se��icer")tQc:n e�lleets monthl ments due under the Note:u�d tnix Srcuri� Instrument.Tlk�r�:.a0x� m� be one
<br />_�.�1� y�y Y Y
<br /> -:s ' . � or more clwngea uf tha l.�an Servicer umelatcd to A sale�H'the Nutc.U�here ix a chonge af the Laan S�n•icer.�nrn�Ner aeft Ee �
<br />='`�- �,.} ;.� given wriuen watice of�he change in a�roniancr wiih pura��aph 1.1:Aba�•e and upplicable law.TI�ndi��e�viU ,tUtt the n;ucnr ac�.1 °_
<br />-:_.,:
<br />.]=_�: _�_;::=• add�ess of dfie new I.��an Servicer and th�Address tc� which
<br /> pavnir�t�shouW l�m�tle. The mNk`e will alu� rnntain any ott�er
<br /> -'- � �,� iaformatiore rayuired br��►�licable law. �.--_
<br />- • �.) 20. l�uzardous St���tances. Borrower shall nuz c;iusc or permil Ihe pretianc.. use, di�p�sal, storagr. ��r releuse of Any ••_
<br /> ' �"�''=S^ ' '� Hazardau� Subctanres an or in the Pra rt . Barru��cr shall nc�t d��. m�r al�oa anyone �O.w �o do. un thin uffectin the S�r;-
<br /> �= k ', � ' Pro rt that i+ in violatian of an Envi�nmental Luw. The rercrlia� ��rn sentenres shu10 uot a I to�he esence, u.�, or �""
<br /> � � Pe Y Y P PP Y P '?';:
<br /> , � �='•:,.�:,;._�,, '+�;: �toruge on t6+e P�apeny af small quontiei�x oF Huzardcws Subs�m�r�.t'hat are gcnerell�� reco�nizeci to be appropri�te la nornwl
<br /> u �•
<br /> �,,;�:.
<br />: � . ' ' .� residential uses nnd to ms�inlenance of the Praperty. ;;_
<br /> :Y ���'� ' Borrower shall pror+ip�ly gn+e Lender wri�tcn naticc of nny imes�igotlon, claim.demund, luwsuil ar other actiun by any �it��-:
<br /> ,;,.. • governmentul or reguluwr� agency or privute pany imnlving ihe Propeny Lnd any Hu�unluus Suhstonce or Environmental Luw Lf=�='-
<br />. S "R�.�fx : f.1.L�r.
<br /> . -'�' � af which Borrawer has actuni knowledge. If Borrowe�leurns,or is notified by Any govemmemal or regul�ory uuthority. �hat :r�;
<br /> . ;.� .•'�a any rema��ad or rnher mmediation af any Huz�daus Subs�nnce nffecting the Pmpeny is necessw�y,Borniwer shall promptly wke
<br /> �II necess;irg remodiAl•ictianc in accordnnce wi�h Fnviranmcnu�l Lu���. �;.
<br /> �� � As used in this p;ungmph 20, "No�rdous Substonces" une thasr subtitanres defined sis toxic ar huzurd�ws substunees by �
<br /> - Bnvin�nmental I.Aw und Ihe following wbs�unces: �asoline, kero,ene, Mher flammable or wxic petmleum piocluctti, toaic =__
<br /> �;';::. ..,.�M
<br /> . „�{. •. pcstkfdes aqd herbicidi�. �•olutile solvems, muteriah cumaining u.+t►estox or formalJehyde,ond radiot�ctit•a n��i�xrials. As used in :..
<br />_ � �.f,,s:,�.� .t��r>�.,;• ,:,�._
<br />�:>':;� �,,i�•,;.r . .: �,..,�:�,• this parngcapt� 20. "Bnvirnnmentnl I.uw" meam feJeral luwa AnJ law, af �he jurisdiction where �he Prs�c+x. is laated Ihat ;;,�x._.
<br /> ��r�:�+�,�ll�� '•� r 1�CIUl@ l0 Ill't1lih. �flI�C[y M CI1V1/q0111C111:1� PfOtCI'ltQll. �__
<br /> .fl
<br /> �,�n,� i' 'si;';`r�` NOM0.�:��d�ORM C(�1'�NATVTS. Borrower und Lender funher covenunt u�d ugree u.,t�,*��l�,�vs: 'r
<br /> '�� �'k• ' 3!. :►c��clrratfon;Rcmcdics. f.cnclLr tihal!Ri�•c notfcc to Borro�scr prtor tn accelern4�rn 4'vlio«�Ing Bart�c►titi•c�'s brcaeh �'
<br /> �`"•`"�• t"�� of �ny covenont or a�rermrnl fn this 5ecu�ity In�trument IMut not prior to occeleralivn under paragraph 17 unless �
<br />,i;,,,�.. ;. �:..
<br />�.s�;. ,� .,,, Applkable IAw provltic� �a�therwl.�e).The notke shs�ll specUy: {�)the defadt;lb)the actlan required tn curn the default: .�.
<br /> ">? 1 ' ��''' � (c)A date, nM Icss thun :��a da,r•s Prom the dute t6e nMice ix �i��en to&��row•er. b which ihe deFi�ult mn��i be curedt s�nd ��''`
<br /> �.t. #�' r..�;..,..,.,., 1, 3�
<br />---•• ' >�� ,�. , 'y (d) Ihat tallure tp cure t9�e default un or befi►re the date xpecif7ed in the notice may rest�lt in acceler�tion of the r,a�ms
<br />-""��;; �`:;,,r;,,, secured by thls Srcurtty lnstrument and sale of Ihc Property. The notice�f�all further la+Porm Borrower at the r8gtat tn
<br />=:�' �'. ,� ;;'��+,c.'`a' . reinstate aNer accelerution end the riQBt tn hrinR a court urllon to azsert Ihe nun-exiatence oP a dei�wlt or any� oui�er
<br />"�'N• �; �' �'�`��'�' defense of gorrnwer tm ;�celerat(on and sele. If the dciault ix not cured nn or hetore the dt�te specifnrdl ia the notice.
<br /> 1:;nt%''� ,.;.s,: '�' rM'�``a��., • ,:ir
<br /> e,,:, ��•��� *�,,���i' • t.ender, at its optlron, m�y require Immediotc pawment in fuU oP all zums tinuMCd by this Securlt� las�rument without .,',
<br /> ;�;;•' ,,�;�,�':,''�;':;.,;� further demantl And rn�� invoke tlx�pn w•er uf su9e �ad un�•other remedies pc��addcd by upplicable la��. 1.ender shall be �'.:�;.
<br /> •,'�.,-. ,�' entitled to coNect ali espe�si���aerrec�ia puryulnF 1fir rrmedkw provided in this pa�Rrnp'h 21�includias.but not limited ,�,_
<br /> y '���'' � '` +` t to.rca.sunaflilc attornecs'�e�w u�nd cost:�f tltlr e��i�l��cc.
<br />;:�,: '`: :.,'.'%�t�'�:,i<:,`, o .
<br /> ,. ��� '',:'%"', �a�'��^ If 14e power nf su�e is )nvakcil. "�'rustce shula rt�enrd u �►nai�c af drfuuh i�n eucb county in w•hich uny part of'Ihe �
<br /> • ;�`��' k:.•�. Prnperty Is lacated nnd cba19 maU copl�s oP surh m�ntice in the munner ,pre+�arit+ed by�anplkeble law to Borrower and to
<br /> .,.�.�• r_.. �.
<br />_ ;,,,�.. :., '��;:� the othrr persnns pr�wrr3b�+�by applicAhlc law�.Ai't•cr thc tlmc requimd b� u;pplicable luw,Truslce shnll�ive puMlic noNre
<br />`,"�� �""�� :,�;, ':�..^;•, ot salc to thc persons y��ci In the manncr prescrlbeii br• applic��t�tc 1a�c. Truvtee. ��ithout demund on li�►rroNer.�hall�ell •
<br /> ��"• `: ' •'�-�, °' � the 1'rnpetty nt publir nuclion tn the hiRhest bidder nt Ihe Ifine and plure und under Ihe termr de.r•ignuted in the nnticc�t ''
<br />' • �"�`� �''� � solc M one or more p�rcelti und in any nrder Truxtec dctcrminr,. Trust�r mu} p�rtp�me wle oi uU or nn�•ps�rce! of tfie ��-_
<br /> �' Property b�� publlc unnouneement �t the tlme und pl�ce of unc pnsiou�l,r schedul��d wle. Lender or i�� de!iigNee may �,'�;,`
<br /> � purcAase the P�+uperty at any sale. �, :
<br /> �+' .�. ;.�,a�..�.' �,•; _
<br /> v� ;."�•a.- ., �'
<br />-- `��'fl 'f�.;`.�;' Fam 3028 81�0 �,
<br /> 4�':r:r.. ,:
<br /> .5 '11;�`•���i. Pp�Bo18
<br />--�, _- ,�, ���.r_, � . •�' ��.r
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<br /> { � a ��� � .�.l. � i t^r"9 nS.�1 L'"'�_"' , 1 , t..
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