<br /> � �
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<br /> ` .' ,.. . .. • . . .. r A . /. .y ' �.
<br /> r) . ..
<br /> ,.�5'�������i�+i��58
<br /> LeseQePe pri�sr vmtttcn oontanq l.cstdcr miy.at tu optto».res�utr�tatu�e6la4o PsYate�►t in IWI of�11 sur�ss ccswed by thls
<br /> � dccuriqr In�trumxn�.Qlovrtver.this mptlon aYuU aot�o oxep+olsas by l.cttder LP ozu+�tso b pro016tted by t�deral te�+ es o6 tfee •
<br /> , dato of tt�6earity laswmcat. .. .
<br /> IP L.cr�d$r o�ercL•cs Wla o�Bon.�eueler nlisll giva Etorrowr�nodoa of acalea�dou.'Rte ao2tao nball prcvtdo a�eelod of aot tess ,
<br /> Ibart SO d�y�Ifrom tho data Wo aottoo b ddlveml cr nnnailod attbin which 8orrow�rauat p6y cp ac+5u G^..ra��d by iiils S;au�y+
<br /> It�stn�ecnt If Botrowcr fyifa w psy ttaae swns pdor oo thrt e:pinctoa of tdla pe:iud. Les�der�may invoke aay emudla �•;
<br /> '. pcmdtc�by tbta Seariqr l�catwithotct IUNm aotloe or domnnd oa Bairowtr.
<br /> .. ._.---�.
<br /> ' .. 18. Ban�o�►da Ri�t to Rda�ite. It 8orzower meeb aaala ooudifloas. Bo�s+�wer sh�ll hsve tha rigdt w dave .
<br /> ° eaforoeu►eat of t➢�fs 6ca�riry Ina�t dlaomadaued at aay dmo prlor w the carl�er of: (a)S daya(or euc!►other paiod as .
<br /> applicable law msy apedar for rdmuoaneat)befora ealo of iho Property�Swsuaas eo aay powcr of aale aoutained ia thi� .
<br /> 6ecurlty Imflnmteat;er(b)eatry of t�udga�ent eafordnn this 6eshuity Inan�teaL'lt�ao cozu4ttlons ara tlmt Borrocra: (a) -
<br /> � ' paya I�s�nder all aums whldi Wra arould fie 8ua aadcr this Acauiqr laaauu�eat aad the Note af if ao acaeteeadaa dad oavrnd; ti
<br /> ' (b)cue+es any detlatnit of my other covatsab or agi+xmcato:(e)PAYB��P�iacurt+ed ia eN'ordng abia Security taauumeat ,.,`
<br /> fnciuding.bus not Wniad w.roaaonable auoraeya'feesi eAd(d)tekes aud18Cf1oD es LettO.cr aitsy resso�l8bly�+equit'e w esstue x!
<br /> � that the flen ef thia 8ocurlry lasCnuamR, L��da'a ri�ta ia the Pwperty aud Bottowtr's obtlgpfloa w pay Wo sums se�wed by •.
<br /> tWs 6ecuri;y Imt�ument shell aoatin�se�aac6enged. Upc►n ednststemmt by Iionower�thia Searcity 1mUVment an8 the
<br /> nhltgat�oas aaa�nd henby�E�all rtmaln NUy dfxdvo ea If ao acoelaaflon t�ad ocaured. Howeva.ttds rlght to rdmtau shalt _ _
<br /> �eot�►tY in Wo ra�ofL�eedaadoa�K��rngrapd 17. ';+:-
<br /> jt. 19 Sab d Nate�, Ciaage ot I.at Servioe�'.The Nom or a pastl�l tnsaest in ttie Nou(together witb this 6eauiry
<br /> � Instrummt)m►�y be aotd one or more times althout prtor aodce w Borrower.A eale may result in a ehuego in the mflry •
<br /> .� (tcnown as t�ae'Loan Stivtcer')Wet oo11e�moatLlY PeYmmm duo under t!u Nau aad thls fioeiuity lastrtmtmt'iliao also ,r.•.:
<br /> �; may be oac or moro changes of ahe Loaa Stievloer uarcfuted co a aale of We Nore.if tLere b a ohu►ge of t�e Loars&ervica. :;,,_
<br /> .,.�� �mrowa wlll be glven wrivai notlae olthe ohtinge in acoordmece wiW paregreph 14 abova aad appllcable law.71ie notia -
<br /> v0ll1�e the aame aad addnss of tlte aea L.onn Setvlcer aad the sddress w v�ldcb paya�eeta shoul8 be made.The notioe vu�l _
<br /> aiso con�im any offia infom�afloa requircd by appllcabio lnw.
<br /> ,. Z4. Haz�nOoYS S�6evaa�s. Aosrower�haII not cauae or peemit the preseaoe, we. disPosel. awrage. or releaae of any _ _
<br /> �,;.. L�a�eedous Subatanocs on or ia the Properpt. Borrower ahull not do.aor aUow anyome dae to do.at�ything affecdqg the �-__.
<br /> ,,. :,
<br /> .. �'� ' pe�ape�tY that is W viofation of any 8nvironmmtel Law.'dAo preoeding taro emteaces�tW!not npply to tho prcaercaa use.or
<br /> ° ,,.�.� �rgc�s�:'rag�ty a."'��'=�-*�esf Na�rdoua S9,lumuces dsac are gmeeally rr�oYAized w be appropriite oo r _
<br /> �. re�ident�al n�aad W mninta�anoe of t�e Propeity.
<br /> . � '` �' gomnvra ehslt prompdy give Leader aniatm nodce of aay inveatigadon. eWm,da�aad. ta�van�it or ot�a aaion by aay
<br /> ",.;; , govtraasrntel or regutato:Y �8�3►er pAvau party ir►valving the Pcoperty uad tay Ha2ardow Svbetanze or Bnvlromneatnl
<br /> ' `"'�'�`s° � �.aw of vuhieh Bo�mwer hnv aaun]Imowledge.if Qoemwer leseoa�or ia aodSed bY any gaveramesitsl or rogutatory authorlty.
<br /> . :� tlnnt any removal or othcr eemediaHoa oF any He�rdous Subsmaeo affeetlag tde �operty is aeoesaery. Bon�owet ehall
<br /> � P�mP�V�ac all�2rcasery eamedtul acdons in acoordnnco with 8avlroamcatal Laa.
<br /> - r A+s�ued iw a?3a pttugaph ?A.'I�orardous Subsmaoa' are tkose eubstaaoes dediatd aa w�do or I�arsrdaua eubstance� by
<br /> •-! ��a� E�vieos�oneaml L�w acd the followiug aubstazuces: goaoline,kerosene.other Oammable or m�to pctroleum prod�. to�tc
<br /> � - pmflctdea uud�eerbiddes.valatllo solvevn,a�eteriats wnailning aabesoos or fonmaldr3�yde�and ra�toacdve materinls.Aa used
<br /> , in eMs pusg�apbi�.'Envtroameatel 1.a�' meaaa fedora!lawe aaG tawa ofths jvriadicHoa w+lxre tbe Property ia located that
<br /> a� • . ' t+lS81d W G2A�1P1�OO�CIY Ot GlVjt'OIIQIiTltill QtOtCdlOtl.
<br />;: �,' .. '
<br /> �'.,U�`�;�`.".� �) NON-IINI�OIlM G�DYLNANTS. Qorrutvsr and Lendar timkmher covenunt and agcee aa followe: —`
<br /> .t�..,t,t:,� ri,�. '
<br />�°��::'•`;r: ' ---
<br />.•�,�;;;�,•. •, notke w Boerowtr r to toceltnuion� Barrow�cr's brear!►ot any
<br /> ., �.. .�,. 21.A�+cde�atl�; �e8��.Lender �1u11 �ive 1do �011'jIIS
<br /> . , ', �''� '' eocreraat or�oant in this SacuritY Im�nunmt (but aot p�or to ac�lvstim uader pva�a�h 17 en{ess applicabk law
<br /> . prankes at�cr�rlse�'Ybe nostce�a➢!�ccitys(a)the ddaWq(b)tIIe as8oa requind to e�e tbc dePauRi(c)a Aate�noz lesr W�n --
<br />_ � 3U dy�s�rom ehc cQnfte tl�e eoNcs is�ireu to Bomnwee,by�UfcL tRe Qe9hnit m�rst be a�re�end(d)tbat fatliue to cw»tde de�'e,rot3 _
<br /> ' • .r �. �or bdaee tLe date apeci6md ia e�e noda m�r raWt in aarlerr,�on otthe swus rswred by t6i�Sxudtr Imtrummt�nd u1a
<br /> .. d Uu P�opeiey.Tha�attae sMU nathcr isiarm eo�em�,er or tho rJget to reinu�se.ttcr.xder�on.na me ri}�2 to hr�. �_
<br /> _`:r..��ti.._1...?. +
<br /> ,, „� -. ooutt at��to aa=ctt t�e n�ot a delhult ur n�ay ather dBauc of BaProwsr to aaden�on aed�lee�f 2l�e i�tlult is _
<br /> -- .°"�'"''...` � �4�sc��m�as��te-��S ia t�s�x.!f-��?e��a�+tFan e:say srqnfs� +++�*� ��-�-gaq�t Es!►_1 a!a!!� -_--
<br />��-- - - -� �•�, �o�eo o�imm c�ity i��us iurmer oauma a�msy imu:a:u�M::��t cS:•::�aaq�:s--�-�1e-,.�"...:..�! =-
<br /> ',.;: : _ � by qpttesh[e ha.Lmder asW be mti4kd to mflat tll expaasa inwnsd in pu:auing tlu�ia�prorldod in t6fa ptraanp� _
<br /> .. � ' 21,inct�dIag,bu9�91ia�i�ted to,rc,tionade attomeyar fees aad cmds atttt�c etid¢rsr.s. —__
<br /> �1�� °--
<br /> . . • .,: :; - -
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<br /> . , . ' '; � �peWy••FIlltAfRILAC UptpORt�tl{STEIUt��lli /7 A i�1T�A�t �A90 f���d 0 Pag�s)
<br /> ' �'�t / /'� ECffiJil R�v.10/tll�t .
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