�� . �t f.'; ;��''���,:ti��1"
<br /> � „ ��
<br /> .. .' . ' ' �� „
<br /> . . ' . •,d.
<br /> . . � V� i.� ..
<br /> , ' •O.P ,• � �YY�V�MC� ....
<br /> � y, , Leu�dcr or in a�cnf rauy mnice rcasoasble eaMts upon ued iropedloas of Uio Property. l.cnder shnU gtve
<br /> Ba��aadao at aho dmo of or prior w nn insgexdon spsdfyin8 ecaaonubto ca�e Por U�o inspte�taa. ' .
<br /> �, � � 1� �a.'ihe pra�oodf ot any awa.�d or dai�n for d,emaga� direct or aomeque�d�1. in ooanecHon with any
<br /> ro�darrant�esr�er ot9tor tr.F:ing of nny pnrt of thfl Pro�y.or far aas�vayanoo tt�Itou otaondemnaUon.uo hereby aesigned and
<br /> thsSt 0u gaid w l.csaltr. Instnpnau. �'h..,�
<br /> ' In dn�t of a omtal t�Wng of 1bo Propart,y,td�e prcooeds�haU bo:ppUM m tho sums ascurcd by 1t�it Seiwity
<br /> _ �� w4asdu.�r or eat decn d�n�wlih any mc6ai patd w Barrowes.In Wo mvent of a putlal utcing of tho Peopaty U whlcfi tho fefr
<br /> . n�ra�lcet vetue ot tho Prapoity tmmcdlately Isdore 1ho p!clr�q ia equal w or g�c�aer than U►o amount of Wo swm acared by�hb .
<br /> ,. . gecu�ity isstturneat immediatdy bstF►s�o tbo taWag�wilcu Boreower a�nd Lcrider ott�aaise aaree!n wriW�g�the wms tcaured
<br /> �, ,.
<br /> b�•thU Bec��eyt lostrumant eiuU bo r�aduat�by tho aatount of tho prooads�uldpllad by Wo followtng tirsctiaa:(a)die wtet °.
<br /> nnouat of dse awm�ea�s�d Ua�tcdtcuiy t�dose l.he bking,dlvtded by N1 th�f�tr mrudcct vaUte of tlee Propesty immediataly �= .
<br /> b�laaoe chnp bo putd to Ooeroarer.In the evrnt aP a psrdal WcinB of the�opeaty in wGicii tbe fair :;,;• r
<br /> �� befaro`ha tnkiug•AnY bcfare tbo tektag ia ipa than We amaaat of tho suma acwnKl immediatdy before th8 -°
<br /> � �rkot valao of�h;o Prupaty immodiatdy or unlass� llwbte Ua otheea+isso prcvldes.the proc��ds ehatl �,rti-
<br /> ' mhtub, unlas�Borrowcr an4 LasAer otdorniao i�m�c wh�her or aot t�o sums ara tkea due. -
<br /> • ho sp�elied to tltu euma eccurad by�hla Sccueiry , ...
<br /> �f'tlm EkOpeety ia nbaadoncd by Dorrowar.or It,atLx aodce by La�er w Borrowa that We aoade�nnor offere w make aA �`"
<br /> .. � awnrd ar acaio a daLn for dr�moQes. Darrower thUsaw•rasPondd n,cither�o eat�ondoa o eepnir of t!►emProPatY or w the �''..°r_
<br /> . • Leader ia euil�ofl�cd w callect aad apply the proccc P ..;�..:
<br /> " mumt ar�us+ed by this&wr+ity ipsuuRaa►t�cvheWer or aot then due. ��
<br /> ra
<br /> � �� Urtilcas l.euder aad Bor�mvt,r oth�cvisc aIIree ia arlting,aaY aPPliqflos�of praxed�to prtndpat�hall not mtoend or posqpoae :';:�.:_
<br /> dae due dnto of the aaoat6lY PpYR+rnu, �cttnxc3 w in paragrephs 1 aad 2 or�e the amotmt of auob peymmta. _".
<br /> ' ;^� T,edct Not a Wiiv�er.�loa of the time for payaesnt or mod3flcaflon �,:'
<br /> 1 l.�a�rCa�a ha!��aibesr+uss�e BY
<br /> .�: af�ortf�a@on of�s eums caa�uad by this S�urlty tmwmeac grantxd by Leadrs a any�uooasor ia lnurest of Borrower ��`,r,
<br /> ,S �. ahall aot operate w raleaao dto Qab'vllry oP the orlglnat Bo�rower or Boerowa's svoassors in is►ta�t o1.md«'�e�=b° , c
<br /> e�quired to o�mmence prooeodings u8alnat aay�uoceseos in iuuri,st ar rel�se w wcnmd Hmo for payment �
<br /> tl�r&scurtry Imwmeat by rrasou o8 aay deauad a�ado by the original Qozrower or :�,=0-:
<br /> , smoA�doa of tho suma eoaurad by t or rmtsd ehall not be a wmiver of or `'�'Y�'
<br /> , '�� t8cbo�raaao b Lmder in oxercLinB anY ctgh Y �,� v
<br /> �onoarcr's eucoaso�e in Intcreaa My Y
<br /> predudo tho�caciso of any dght or semculy _=—
<br /> - ,,;�`� '.2 c�� �►°'t� Aa�adt �Pottlt �ad So9eral IjabW�*; Co�s¢e�T�° wvanaaa imd ag�u of tbia —
<br /> '::��r'e �ry Inauvment ehall biad und bonr.St the eucoaaor�and asa�gas o[i.eader sad i'sano..e�s�:��ta ilss prssvl�Cas af
<br /> {', ' pangraPh 17. BorroaraP�oavrneats uad a�eummte �hall be joiat iand ieverat. My �arowa wlio coiigps th�a 8esudty
<br /> ;�h�,1J; Iaaro�ummt oni w�ortgaga.8rant snd comey Wat
<br /> � Imavment but does aoi oxoouto thu Noro:(a)!a oo�aign�ng thta Sewrlty Y ted to We svma
<br /> ' Hartowct'e inieKat in thII @roprsty us►dor tbe tera�s of this 6ocwity Imtnttneatt(b)ie aot penamUy obllga NY
<br /> tera s
<br />' �� 1 nonu+ed by Wde Se�Mty Inst»ttnoati aud(a)88ce��t6at I.eader and aAy other Boeroaer r,uy agree w excead.modilY�fa�ar
<br /> au
<br /> .. ` or maieo any aceonimodntions wltl�roQurd w the tonm of Wls Secudcy lnsavmmt or the Noto wlthout th�t Borrower's
<br /> CoCtC4lL
<br /> . 13,Gar�C1la�'��•[f Wo low�aoaurad I�y thla Securiqr la�nummt is aubiect w n Iaw wi�ich eeta a�a�dmum loan�harge+.and
<br /> ^ � iftat Ina is flmally tnmrpro0cd so dwt tho intarat or other loen c}�rges collected or to be col(xad in cotma�ioa wtth the loan
<br /> e�ccced dte psr�ntacd Wnite�Wm�(u)oay such toun charge ehall be e+e9uced by the emouat nxts,sary to reduoo the charge eo
<br /> . ., dto pesmitoed dmi�ai►d N)onY cumt o2ready oolleaed from Bormwer ahich exaeded peradttefl Umite wlll be e�adcd w
<br />�-- �.,. • . Bon�Wa.Lender mey chooee w cmnko this nNad by redudng tho piiaripnl owed usmder the Noto ori y�m�Wn�g audlrect
<br />" � P89�mt to Bore�owa. If a not�nd rcduas prindpal. tho redncdon alll be maud ss a pardaf pnp iim Y
<br /> s '�. . � �` �ay��at�twego undar Wo Note.
<br />�Y.�Ir�}.�'.....,�� �
<br /> ` , 1,���qny nonoe to goaow�er�zovided for in this Saurlty le�aavateat ehaU 6e given by deUvering it or by maillug it
<br /> � by 8rat clnas autl wtlesi eppfioablo Inr�requlra uso of another method.'Ihe aotice�hall be dlrr,cted w the i�roperty Addrrss
<br /> . .'� •.
<br /> or my other address Bosro�ver dosignatcs by aoslce w Lemda. A�y aodae w Leader ehell be�ivas by tirat d�tes aa�ll w
<br /> E.mder'e add:es�atated hmdu ur ua;y aih�r addr�se Lesdrr daigAates by noSce w Bon+oaer.My aodoe provldad for(n this _
<br /> '.-� Socve4qr luauumcat shall ba doomod m tmve bccn giva�w Barrowa or 1.eudEr wtacn givcn aa pravided ia ttds Parage�i�h.
<br />_ _. � IS,Gaaeln�IBwi Sa�exabtlltS'. 'IUis Scwrity tmnvmatt ehaU be goveracd by hderai U�w aad the Uw of the iuritdi�on
<br />�`---`-` ° s ���h tho property ie toaatod.in tbe ovent thnt uny provisior or dsuee ot tlila Seadty Imtrumerat or tho Nou contltcta wiffi --
<br />--• ,�;. ....�;, .
<br />"='_----- �ttcatrle!:�x.surh!+onfliM nhnli rie�t n8�ct other provin2sas of tt�lt 6cwriqr Imtn�mmt ot the Not�which can be glven effed
<br /> _ ..�-,�;::g�.� .�i;,w,::�;. :,;,;.:'.tctiag�:'o'•z..�t�x. 's°'i'�• •�t�i-.a provtatopa ot mis Sec�isity i�L,tn+x:aac and the Nota are dedsnd oo be __
<br />_., , .�.-.F
<br /> �: . . �. swenble.
<br /> .. • � � 1�,BpQptra's Copy.Bossx+urcr ehalt b�giva�oae cont'omtcd wpy of the Nou aad of tbfa Security insumm��nt
<br /> . �T..����Py,�,��,�y,a g�e��al Iettq�t in gce*�o�v�r.i[au or a�psrt of ine Propaey or any iat�eerest ia ie
<br /> e• is culd or vansfernd(or iFa Isanefleinl inte�st in Borr�am is eold or eransferred aad Borroacr is not a aatnrel pesaea)atlthout --
<br /> . �� ' � FIt1WF1tI.fAB U�I1fOittA lIISTRUIREl/T fOR�'1� �IDO(P+N 4 ote Ra�M) _-
<br /> . ° � s11t�Ft�ly� �� �� ECisil. Rnr.OBdDW9t �'_:
<br /> , II�RAfiG �`_.
<br /> : - ,�...
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