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<br /> ' COVEN61NTE3 ' •• ���
<br /> '` ' 1, pnymente. Barrowor i►proos to moko ail paymonta on tho socured dobt when duo. Unloes Borcower and Landor aeroo othorwino, any '�
<br /> poymonto Londcrr ro¢�alvafl tram Borrowor or for Borrowor'a bonefit wlll bo oppIlod ilrat to nny amounts Borrowar owoa on the eocurad dobt
<br /> „ •• �ot�r�duco or�oucu�pny t�sohodutod pa�ymonttuntfl tho ooGUtod dobt In�peld In fu I��Propaymont at tho oor.urod dobt occuro tor nny roauon,It wlll
<br /> 2.Ci�lm�Agb�n�t T(Etp.Burrowot wtli poy oll toxon,aaseasmo�ts,and othor charpon ottributablo to tho proporty whon duo nnd w�ll dofond tltlo •
<br /> to tho propOrtV o ainat any ctelms whlch would Impelr the Ilon of thls deod ot trust.Lendor may roqulro eorrowor to oselqn ony riflhta,olo►ma or ,
<br /> do}onaoa whlch�orrAwor moy hovo apoinat pottiqe who aupply lobor or meterials to Improvo or maintaln tho piopettY.
<br /> 3.ln4utn»ao.8orrowor w�ll keop tho proporty insutad undor terms a000ptable to lendor ot Borrowor'u o�sponno onA.lor Londor's bonofit.Atl �
<br /> ' Innuranaa policlae aholl u�niudo a atundord mortgaqo aieuso In favor of Londer.Landor w1i1 ba nemod as losn payoo or ne tho ineurod on any auch
<br /> innuronco poiloy.Any Inqironeo proaoadm m�V 6o uppliod,wlthln Lundor'o discrotlon,to olthor tho roatoratlon ot topalr af tho domngod propOtty ,
<br /> or to tho oocurpd do4�t.It I..ondor roquiroo mortgape Insuronco, Borrower agreea to maintnln s��ch Ineurunco for as long as Londor roqulros. �...,.
<br /> � '"'%>�^l 4.Property.Bottaw�ir wA!kaoD tho proporty M good condition und make a0 repalru reasonebly naaeaeoryr.
<br /> B.Expen�es.8arrowor op�vot to pay ail Londer's expenaee fncluding runsoneble attorneys' teea, if Borrower breaka any covennnte in thVu doed
<br /> of trust or tn ony obltqMlpn aecurod by thie deod of truat.�orrower wtil pay theae amaunts to Lertdor as providod In Covonant 9 of thls daed of :
<br /> ' truat. �
<br /> Bocu�rityn tdroatn,B�prro�or witl per�form elifoft8o rr owor e ob/igatlo^s under e°ny�priot mortgeg deede of t ust�a�oihorc ecurlty egreert onir - --•�-����-•-.
<br /> Including Bonowor'a eovanonts to mako poyments when due. � r•F�•
<br /> 7.Aoaipnmont of Rc+nta a+ndProflte.Borrowor nsaipns to Lender tho rente end profits of the proporty. Unleae Borrowor and Lender have agreod �• ,�,�•;:
<br /> � otharwlso in wrlting, Borebwor may colieot and rotain the rants as tong es Borrower fa not h detauit.If Bmrower detaults, Lender,Lender's , '
<br /> n0osit,or a eourt appolntad roco'rvor me�r tako poaeosston end manage the property and cdlect the rents.Any rents Lender coiloate ahall bo ,.',�'___
<br /> � aDF��od tl�at to tho coetn ot maneginSt tho property, Includlnt1 court coats and attomeye' tees, commiasfons to rental agents, and any othor „'g°.,=
<br /> .t• nocaesary roitRad oxpenaes.Tho remaining amount of rents will then apply to payments on the eecured debt es provided i�Covenant 1.' �;.r.�f;.:--
<br /> ',.-i�;�,..:.,_:
<br /> 8.louehalda•CondaminSurtu;Pienned Unk Osvolopmeate.Botrower agrees to compIV wfth the prnvislona of anY leaso If thls doad of trust la on .::�'-•�.;t =
<br /> # a IoASOho�d.�f this dood i�f uust is on n unit in a condominfum or a planned unit deve�opment, Bortower wlll perform all of Sorrowur'a dutlos ;.l•;,i";';
<br /> undo�tho covqnantn,bytuwi,or teguinlions of the condominium or plenned unit developme�t. � .�j j,,_
<br /> 8,quthodty of Lendm tr+ Pettotm tor Bortower. If Borrowor fatls to perform any of Borrower's dutieR under thls deed of truet, Londer may "•�(;%�,.;
<br /> .1�l�V
<br /> porform tho dutios or oouae tham to be performed.Lendar may eign aorrower's name ar pey any amount If nocoaenry tor periormonco. If any ��',
<br /> construotion on thn proparty is dlacontinued or not aar�led an In a reasonebie menner, Lsnder mey do whotaver ia neaoseary to proteot londer's ,.�,I,�a;,,;;
<br /> {• ,.
<br /> socurity intorant In thc proporty.Thie mey includo compteUng the consttuotion. `-.i.-�,;.;;•.
<br /> � Londor'a fnllurn to pfldarm will not prealudo Landor hom exercising any of its other righte under the Iaw or this desd of trust. :?� "�'
<br /> ' Any umounta Pcld by Lurtder to protoot Lendor's eecurtty Interest wili be aecured by ttYa deed Af uust.Such amounts wiil be duo on domund .;�.-
<br /> �,� anU wlll boar intorastt Bont tho deto of the payment untH pald in fuli at the interest rate in effect o�the securod debt. .., ,
<br /> Fi:._,.
<br /> 10.Dahwft and Accdan�tlon. If Borrower fails to meke o�y poyment w hen d u e o r b r e a k e a�y c o v o n o n t s u n d e r t h i a d e e d o f t r u a t o r an Y � v��
<br /> ,� S� obtipetion 000urnd by thla deed of trust ar eny prior mortgage or deed of t�ust,Lender maY acceierete tho maturity ot tho eocured debt art d !l��.
<br /> deenend immnclilrtu PoymAnt nnd mc►y invnke tha power of sele and any other romadleR permitled by applloebie taw. � �-��
<br /> :r, -_,.
<br /> c - s -:, !-
<br /> s��' hei�o at th�mdr�jaas of oe b ouch�poroonro ayaet torth ho�esn•coplee ot the itotices of deteuk end esle be 88nt to oeo h pe�son w hv ib 6 p a r i i r � _
<br /> �1: �.l�i�r
<br /> , �, 1�.Powsr of&sa.If thu Lendor invokes the power of eale, the Trustea ehall firet record tn the oftice of the regintor ot deads of eaoh county ___
<br /> wharoin tho trust properi:�or sAmo pn►t or peroat thoreot is situeted a notice of dufault co�taininpef eto�e�nd toi othe►pnisono�as p�esoribodtby
<br /> '� ahalt ols.o mall copioe ot tho notico of defeult to tho Bonowor,to enah person who ta a pmty h a not In any
<br /> � • appAeablo�n�v.Ncst loact then ono month after 1he T�ustee records the noUee of dofault or two montha it the uust proporty i N_
<br /> �, � ineorporotod c!ty or vNk�Qo end le used in ferming operatlone carried on by tho truator,tho fnrotee shall 81ve publio notlee of sale to tho poreane
<br /> and In thn monnur praearibed bY apppiicnblo lew.Trustee,without domand on Bonowor, shetl soll the prope�ty at pubilo euetfon to tAe htphnot
<br /> :;� bidder.It roQUicod bY�A Farm Fiomestaad Protaotlon Aot,'Pmstee ehail otfet the proporty In two eoparato eatoa an roQuirod by epD�loebtu lew. __
<br /> Truatoa moy postpano nolo of ell or any porcel af the property by pubila announcameM et tha time and ptace ot any previousiy sohodulod sa�e.
<br /> ; Londcr or ita dotlpnoo mny puichaso the proparty et eny eaio. ---
<br /> �i:�. Upan ranad!�t nf poYmont af tha prlco bid,Truatoo ehnit dnlivor to tho purchesor Trustee'a doed conveying the propnny.Tho realtlata contatnod in
<br /> t fuSlowiap ordor$t�)1 to�all oxponsea�ct tho eato�Includingh butanot Iim ted�to,�roaconabb Yiusteo s foesp�reaeonoblo ottarnoy o�t000�end
<br /> rolnstatemerrt'?aoo;(b)tn eN auma socurod by this deod o}truat,and la1 the batance, if any,to tho porsonts Iegally o�titlod to reaoivo It.
<br /> �� 13.Foroalotura.At Lendar'e opNon,thia deed ot trust mny be foreotosed in the men�er prodde by appiiceblo law tor forooloauro of mortflagee
<br /> j ' on roal property.
<br /> '¢ 9a.Inapootlon�4Ondor ntuy e�tar tho ptope�ty to Inspuot It it Lendet glVea 8ortow0►notice betotehand.The notico muat etato tho toanonablo •-----
<br /> �b cpuae tor Londar's insppctlon. _ -� �
<br /> '��j:� 18.Condom�mion.8omawor ooel ns to Lendor tho proceedo of any award or ciatm for dnmeg oa cronneated with a candomnuUon or oU�er takinp �;
<br /> ::�.��C�.X of nil or anv oorc nf tho�proporty.�ucn procaeda wlll bo appiled es provided in Covenant t.This asoignment la subJeat to tho torma of any ptior L"
<br /> ;"�':• aoeurity agroamnnt, `-`""-- _-_
<br /> �. 18.WeSvm�By uxoralstng�ny remedy avaliebie to Lender, Lsndar doas not give u� nny rigMs to Iator uso enV othor romody.By not oxorclainp �___
<br /> , ony romcdy upan 6orra�*+er s dotault,tender dooe not walva unY dght to Ieter cone dor tho ovent a dofautt if it hep{sono a8ain. F,, _
<br /> ' �' 17,Jdfrrt and 8overtd 9�.Iebi1',9y, Catipnen: 8ueoeswr�arcd Astfpns Bous+d. All duNes wdot this deed of wat uro Joint nnd aovorat. Any �_
<br /> �•..�':R Rerrotivar wha co•�ignn �h�g dned of trust but dooa not eo•aign the undor n9 dobt insWment(s}does so onty to prent and cornoy thet .
<br /> �� .: �i- a n rrow�oe•s t n ter e a t I n t h t f Mo A e R y to the Truetee under tha ivrme oi thls dee�of uuat.�n eddition,such a Borcowor a8reos thet the landor and �`__.�.�
<br /> � � - ' ony othr�Bar�o�+rar undar thta aood ot truat may oxtond,m�i{y or aiake any othc:thanpes fr:«'t�tormn e�t h ia d e e d o t t t u s t o t th 0 aeaured - --
<br /> ��� dobt wRhout that 6orrnwa'a eonseM and wRhout ra�onaing tt�Ot EoROwer Rom the torma ot ihfa dood ot vuat. �
<br /> � ;;� 7'Ra dutl�and bCnetitd of thls doed of trust ahal►bind ond bonofit the succesaore on d ass tgnf o t len der a n d Borrowor. , -
<br /> �..�.
<br /> ;,•;, f�:'_ 78.HoZies.Un1�c•;othu�wise tequlrud by law,any notico to Borrowor shall be g�van by delivorinp k or by melilnp it by cenified mnli eddroasod to ' �
<br /> Qarro►vtrr+�'t�ho properr.�oddraso or ony othor address Nnt 8orrowor hes givon to Lendar.Borrowor wfi!gtvo any noticu to londar by certifled _��
<br /> �� � mall to 4on[lat'o nddtose on pDye 1 ot tfils dood of trust,or to eny other eddte9s whioh Londo�hus deetgnated.Any othor nodco to londor ehaU _ __,
<br /> �4, � ba oa�t ta imn0or'o add�oes oa otatod on pago 1 of th{s dood ot truat. .:,.��,;::,
<br /> I a Any notfcv DhuA�o dos�rned to havo bonn givon to 8or�owor or Lendor whon givon in the mennor stated abovo. .`t : _ ;r.
<br /> �` ' 98.Tnonsie�.of CQes Propoty or a Brneflclal lAt�net in Me Bo�rower.If all or any part of the p�opoety or uny interoai tn�t Is sotd or Vansfoaed :; �`•x
<br /> . j_ ' 0 ,•�1'.
<br /> wiMout nder'm pdor wr l tten c o n s e n t, L o n d o r m a y d e m a n d f m m a d i u t op o y m n t o f t h o�euurad dabt. Londer may at8o domend l�nmsdinte ;.
<br /> +�; � dom and t�rn ton t�bn ihU�Above eltuetlo^e�lf h p/s p^rohib d d by federei law es o f t h�oeo o t tNs d o d�o t t u e i n3tnrcod.Ho�vuvor, Lan dor may n o t �:_, � ';:;
<br /> ' ';, 20•Rowny�yance.When tho mo�nte�socuied by t Ve doodeof t�rust,�the Ttu9too she�lf,upon wr�ltte�requeet bhy�the lendur roconvoV tho}�o ��?'
<br /> r� undCr ttto rnsrttumomo Rir a ro � .• •Y`:
<br /> -- - --- __--,.L �..�... rue�e..�ac,d�nnvnr to tho Borrowor,or to Borrower's suocessor in i�torost,the trust doad and tho noto or othor ovldonco 0
<br />--------------=----aa� r�.. ,. ...---•--- - ------ _ .
<br /> ob1�Mlnn so aatiatled. tlarowor sholt pay any racordation eoacs. , .
<br /> � '!,� 21. 8ucrsasar Tn�twa.Londor, ot Londer'e option, may romovo Trustoo �d ap��o vustoo tni iocoNd in tho oM c(0 of tho8oglotot ot danda � �
<br /> �. oubs4kutlen mf truatoa�stoqulrod by opplicable lew,and then,bY fllin thn au�atituti „ �
<br /> 6ULCC'Od t0 Lil�1h0 pOWb/�dUtI08B�tRhO�l a d tINO O}p h0 TI tU8 00 ttU�_((1«�a�Ot LiUlf�d O}a y'8U6C0800 V1fty18t00.0}Lh0{1tOFQ�1�1.BhG��
<br /> �e
<br /> •
<br /> �� fpoge 2 0/Yi
<br /> - - OANKCH'd SY87QA6.�Nt..8T.ClOUD�MN 6R301 11•000•�07•2�411 FO�W►OCO-MTbNE 6119I81 _ � �
<br /> � .
<br />