' ' :� .. '
<br /> � , .
<br /> ;� . . „ � ,.
<br /> . � . .. .... .... . ...:�-r—�-
<br /> � 9�4 ��n�-�� .�
<br /> cnv�►aArava ..
<br /> 1, payrr.saU. Borrowor e8reen to meko e!1 geyments on the socured dobt whon duo. Uni000 Oorrowor ond Landor oproo othorwlao,ony
<br /> paymnnta londor raco►voc irom Owrosvor or or Bonowor'o 6onoflt wlll bo appitod fi�ot to any nmounts Borrowor owos nn the secured dabt n
<br /> oxelusivo of Intetoat or principal,eacond to Ir�teroet,and thon to principnt.If partlnt propoV�ont of tho ooaurod dobt oa¢urn fot ony r0000n,It will
<br /> not roduce or oxeu�se enY tahedutad paymQnt unttl the teaurcd debt to petd In tutl.
<br /> 3.dNmf A¢�tn�t Titlo.UarP'o'{ruef.wllt D�Y atl nxnn,aeo�ctni�nts,end othor chorpoo atUibutabto to tho propnrty v�hon Quo und wUl dofond titlo .,
<br /> to the proporri eDalcst en�aiefine M�hlah would Impotr the Ilan ot thin deod of huot.Lc�Mor may roquiro Borrowor to aastpn nny righta.otofmo or
<br /> dotonnoa whlch Borrowar ny Rava opainot perttoe who Oupply labor or mntorlale to Improvo or malntaln tho propartN. ' r�
<br /> 3.In�urans�.Batror�er wlll koop the propetty Irtautod undor torme aoaoptoblo to Londar at Borrewar'n oMponoo nnd for londor'a bunoilt,AII
<br /> Inauranee potlele�shell tnolude a stmdard mortgsoe at�uaa�n(evor ot londor.Londor wlil bo�umod oa loae payoo or os�ho inaurod on any auah
<br /> inIIUtnnea poliQy.Any insurenee ptoeoedo meY o epplled,within Lendor's dtsoretion,to either tho reetoratfon or ropoir ot tho dumaped propo�ty �,
<br /> or to tho secured debt.If Londor requi►ee mortpege insutonco,Barrowor agrooa to mnintnln auch inauraneo tar on long os Londor eaQulrou. ��
<br /> ^'{ Borrower will keep the propsrty In good canditlon and meko otl rapairs roeaanubly neeoseary. :.
<br /> .. �� ' 4��� . Y
<br /> ,� d,Expena�s.Bonower aproos to pay oli lendor'e oxpanaoe Ineludinp ronoonnbio attor�oys'tnos,If Botrowor brooka nny covononto fn thlo doad ,,.
<br /> ot uuat or in eny aWiOotlon eecured by thia de�d of truut.�orrowor wlll pay thogo omounta to Londer eo provtdod in Covonont 9 of thln dood of r'
<br /> , LNBt. •.::
<br /> BB�urr11y8iM eate�B uowei�wlll pe�tform alltoft@orro�wor aoblipa onaeundor any p8iorr mortpope�doBd of in,otio��oihor6s acehy ogrooment� .. ���
<br /> inciudtnp 8wrowor e eovanaMa to moke pnymoMe when duo. ���-
<br /> 7.Atelanment of R�at��ttd Proflb.Bo�°o t 8^d ietale tho ronta as lon8 as�Bonowar la not Inpdotduta�lf Borto�wor�dotaultse Loridei�Leridoi s ���ri`��
<br /> othorw�sa in vrrltiny, eorrower may coti
<br /> appllo�d flrst to trtho�c�oets ot�manu0��mpths qrop�er4Y�^atudingd coun coe�end attor�ys cfeoe�commtaslons�o�rental e�9s��te�and any other �'��V�
<br /> noenasarY►otgtod oxpensea.Tho temalntnp amaunt of ronts wflt Mo�appiy to paymants on the ooeurad dobt as providod in Covenent 1. -
<br /> � �: EI.Lansihotdst�domintum�t Wa�m�d Untt Oavstopm�nt�.Bonowor ogannod un�Sovolo�pmont p8orro�wor wili porform,almot Bonower�dutios ?�`��.--
<br /> e taesflhotd.If th a deod of trust ia on a unk in a condominium or a pl __ _
<br /> under tho covonanro,bylews,or ragutaUona of tho condominium or ptannad unit davetopmont. :`°`
<br /> • p8�°r�m t�he d�os o�r cnuao them t�Ae porformedP 4endeWmey aign 80 ower's nemo oir�poa Y a�Y amouM If necosaorj fo portormenco�lf a y �y��;,:
<br /> conattuotion on tha roporty is dlaconUnued or not�arrtad on in a raawnsble manner.Le►�der may do whetever Is nocessnry to protect Lender's
<br /> security intorost in�a proporty.This may Imludo c�mplatinp tho con�uatlon. "`u;:a-
<br /> ` .�'�+ Londet'a faituro to perform will rtot Pracludo lo�dor 4rom exutcieing any of 14s other rtgMs under the lew or Mia daod of uust. _
<br /> ; �:; -
<br /> , � end w U beor�inte est�framdtho da e of U�o pcdyment uMit paid in tuli o��th�o intor stdrato In effeot on tho soeurod dobt unta wiil bo duo on domand '_
<br /> yr:�;.�...
<br /> ^ ;L,'i,' ny -
<br /> • • ' ' �•` 10. Datautt�nd AtoNwadon. Ii Borrower feits to make any peyme�rt when due�nder�me eeeyalore�te tlio maturlri of tdhs secured debt and .4
<br /> obll8�lon aecured by this doed of ut�st or any pttor mortga8e or deed of trust,
<br /> S�. ±�i. demand Immedleto poymeM and may im►oko tho pawer of eat�and ony othar remedtes pem► d by epptieablo�aw.
<br />- � .. ,:'7�,
<br /> �:.�1.� � 11,qspu�st tat Notica o4 D iwh.�t�e hnreby requestod thet copies of the notkos ot�9etautt ano eeia be ao�it iv aacis psrocr.�4s s r°riq °�".
<br /> heroto,at tho addrese of eae�euch peraon,as set torth harein.
<br /> � tZ.Pown ef 8�1�.�f the lander invokes the power of eelo,tho Truetea shall flrot rocord in the ot8co of the ropiator of doeds ot oncb county __ -
<br /> ,�`�ti wharoin the t►ust property or somo pert or pereei thereof la akueted a noUce of defdutt conteininD the IMormetfon rsqutred by taw.The Truatoe
<br /> ahnfl aiso mail eoples ot the nodee of defautt to the Bortower,to each potson who is e party hereto,and to othor persone as pe Rotln any
<br /> ;:'} applleabie tow. Not leas then one month aftet th��y Trustae roo4rdn tha rtodco of default or two mon�s lt tho truet Oropertq i
<br />� f, annd la th°o monnet pre�awibed b�yapppli�eable�law Ttust�e witliou�t domand�an Bomolwer�Btya�all�se118��pAroponN et D blto auatalon to�h0�9st
<br /> � T(u6 oa�mey�posdtpono ele orf aU oTr any p�cel of�the prapertlr bY Wbilo announament at tho ttme enad pivice�of any RQe�ualy OchpDduteS saate. �;_
<br />� � � Conder or ks dosipn¢s may purchoso the propertlr et any eaie.
<br />- • ,, � t�f t Tn�teo s�doed sheli�i prima nGo ovidfont o of the n�trut�o�f Mo steteme�MS contalned thsro/ndTiustee�sholl ePPlY�th procands of tho selo n�tho
<br /> tottowing order: (e) to alt oxponsos of tho snle. Inaluding. but not Ilmked to, roseonabio Trustoe's toos, roasonabto ottorna�s teea and
<br /> �, roineL7tement faes;(b)to e0 suma seeu�ed by thls dea6 0!vusb und(o)tho bnlance,if nny,to tho peraone logalty ontidod to reoalvo it.
<br />-- � 18,ior�ctosun.At londor's option,thia dnod of trust may bo torecloaed In tho mannor prnvtdo by opptioebto low tor foroclosura ot mortgapes --
<br />-:` "" an reat propertY.
<br /> �� . 3.� '.�" ��+' 14.tm u�. Londer moy onter tho proporty to inapoot it if Lender glvea 8arrower notice botorehnnd.Tho notiao mmst etato tho�easorwble
<br /> _. . - Y, oeuao or Londer'a inepeatlon.
<br />' �8,CondetnnsEion,Bonowar assign�e to Londet the proceeds ot any award or ctalm tor damagoo wnrtootod with e eondomnatlon or otRor taWnp Y
<br /> oT ait or any pnn ot tho property.such procaods wAi be nDP��ed ea providod in Covonnnt t.1'hla eastgnmoM lo subjoot to tha tetme of any prior �
<br /> � . �� � securfty egreoment. _
<br />�M � 18.Wrv�r.BY exoro�cing eny remedy evallebtu to Londer,4onda�doos not giva u�ony righte to iator uso uny othar remody.By not ottarcieing
<br /> '° ••� �•.,5;� nmr romedy upon Bonower'e dofauft,Londer dooa not walvo any►fght to tater cona dor tho evant a d6tnult if k happona egatn. `
<br />= „�, , ,s'�i`�,
<br /> . y���'�.'�1E'1/ Rnirawer w o a�o�s e u y��a�� �`��'''�E�M'��'d°��n�e �� A"hY InaniimeMtslddoea eoaooty to gre�M 8nd con oy tAhayt -.
<br />`_.�=:_.1:.Y�1.'�u. "__.
<br /> T ' -"'°�-"�" '� pottowet'8 ItKOrost tn ttto prnpmiy tu thc Tcu.."tcc sr3^r tM�tamA nf thla deo o trust.in oddttlon,suci�e BBttot�tt3t agtas�thet tit61 aul�:ans _
<br />�: � �.. , enY otM�r 8onowor under thia deed of true4 may extend,moditv or meke any othor char►ges m me carma oi�i�ie uaoJ o!uust o:ihe e°^-*�°^ ��
<br /> •s,�-t°�� _�ti, debt wlthout thet 8attowoYs consom and wtthout retoasing Mat Borrowor frbm tha torme of thie doed of uuot.
<br />�„•� q," tQro duUos¢nd henefltx of thia doed ot trust shall bind ond bF►noHt tho auaeosaorc und a�tssigne of londor nnd Borrowor. ��:T.
<br /> . t;i;i
<br /> : ti�CS'� -
<br /> „���� �O1f0�'0 BL th8 n Op�o�ty d8 d caafca�yy n her addrouo thot 8orcowOT�h08'QIVO^�LO LB d0'L860�W0�WII 9'iY00 y nodce to Londor byec8ortitiod -.;..�
<br />�.�� " � s R mafl to Lande�'o addresa on pogo 7 of thia doed of ttust,or to nny othor addroca whleh Lonrltx has dcss�8neted.Any other ootico to Londar ahell �'�,,:;
<br />- '� " � bo eent to Landor's eddrose ae stetod on pago 1 of thts dood of t►ust. �;•�c;
<br /> 'r,-'. :f'-''-
<br /> •• Any notteo uhafl be Ooomod to hovo baen givon to 8ottowor or Lnrnlor whon given U tho mannar etutod ebovo. 3.
<br /> • tg,Tnnster ot tir�Propartl►or e e�nstid��nta�est tn th�Botrower.If otl or any port of tho propony or ar►y imeroet In it is sold or tran�4unod �,,,
<br /> , �, wkhout londor'��owor�ta na a�nat�urai porson nnd a beni+�ofta�amml i�t►�tearoat�in�ot 6orc�ore�a�oiddor�anotoiicd Howevor�Lender m6y�oo�t
<br /> �, . payment It the ':
<br /> - •� tiomend payment in tho ebovo oiivettana H rc�s proMbitod by foderol Iaw ee ot tho dato ot thio eed of truet. �SS4
<br /> . ... .. ..... . ._ yt �'�'"�
<br /> �� Zp,p�ap�y�y��,Whon tho obBgatlo�securod by thle deed ot truat has bee�� pefd end tandor has no furthvr ehtlgntlen to meko advancos
<br />— under tho ne,�V�um�Qo�Q�oe�o�°��o�nowor�oi to Bor�rowor o�succoasor In/ntotost,tho�uust do Qad and tho eote�or oLhor�ovidonco ot�tho F
<br /> !
<br /> _:_ _____-__ M i. ...� r..__' _
<br /> - ' � oE g tion so setMtiod.Bortowor nhail pay ony rocoraonon coma.
<br /> _ ' g�, gttoesssor Tttsstee. Landor, ot LoMor's option, moY romovo Trustoo and oppoint o auecossot wotoo by Hrot, metqng o eoDY a+� .
<br /> ' substitut►on o!truotoo oa ra�uired by oppUoabto law,and tnoo.bY flqngg tho��subatitution oi uusteo for rcco�rdut conv yancofof tho p oporaty.�chntl
<br /> . , o!oact�county In whfch tAo tru3¢ProPanY.or nomo pert thoreoi.la n�ud t�o� �r��•
<br /> euccoad to aU tho powa.duttoa,authority ond tftla of tho Truotoo nam fn t �tiust 8�d of etW auccossar truatoo.
<br /> � .
<br /> -: ., Ip�po?o►Yl
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