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<br /> COV�NANYS
<br /> poym�ontorLondotrrocolvou0irom t6orrowot o�r!oi Bortowc�tt u bonof Ituwldli bo applloe�fi�rot�to nny umoun e�Bor^owar owoo on thotaocurod dobi
<br /> nottroduco or�ox u o any,ochadulod poymonttuntii tho�e curod dobt lo peld in tulle�proPoymont of tho aocurod debt oacuro fov ony roanon,n will
<br /> 1.Claims Apffn�t TiU�.Botro�vor wiit poy all touoo,aaaosomontn,a�d othor chnrgou amlbutablo to tho proporty whon duo nnd wiil dofond titio
<br /> � to tho Froportv ageirtst any alt;fms whlch would impeir the Ilen of thia dood ot truot,Londor may re�uiro 9orrowor to 000lpn ony rl8hte,clolmo a
<br /> dofonsao which Bortowor moy hovo agulnat paKios who auppiy Inbor or moterinls to Improvo or maintain tho proporty.
<br /> 3.Insurane�.Bortowor wiil koop tho ptoporty Inaurod undor Yerma nccoptable to Lender at Dorrow�r'o ouponco nnd for Landor'o bAnnfic All ,. ,
<br /> insuranco potloios ehnli inciudo e etandard monflopo clauso In favor of Lendor.Londer w11i bo named oo tosq payoo ar ust tho ineurod on any such *T;,
<br /> � ; orato tho soeutod dobt�it Londor roquiro emc�rtgago insuianco�t„Borroworrogroos to�mointo ntsuchhnuuranco for as long os Lender requlrou rapo►ty ;_
<br /> " ��'��r 4.P�apor4y.Borrowor wtil keep tho proporty in good condklon and maka ati repaira roasonably nocosenry. r
<br /> � ; ;�
<br /> 8.Expenaee.Borrower ogrooa to pay eli Londor'o expensos fncluding r0000nab�e attorneys'taea,if Bortower breoko any covenanta In thle deed
<br /> of ttust or in ony oblipntlon secured by this dood ot trust.�orcower will pay thoso amoums to Londor as provided in Covenant 9 of thia daod of
<br /> uust. ��-
<br /> 8.Ptlor Seeurtty iMstests.Unlosa Bonower flrat odtnina Lendor's writton censent,Bonowor will�ot moko or peamit ony ahnngos to any prior „y�=._
<br /> soeudty interoate. Borrowet will pe�torm all ot Borrowor's obligotions under nny prior mortgago, dood of uust or othor oeeurity agraemont, � r,_
<br /> ' including Barrowor'o covenants to mako paymonts when duo. ••^�"�
<br /> 7.eltai8nmem of Rerna artd Proflta.Borrowor assigna to I.Ander the rerrts and Dtoflts of the property.Unle�Bonower nnd Lender have egroed __
<br /> otharwise in wtlting, Borrowar may colleat nnd rotuin tfio ronts as inng os Botrower ie not in defauft.It Burrowor defauits,Ler►der, Londer's
<br /> e g o n t,or e court a p p ointod recoiver maY tako possesolon ond manage tho proporty and cotteot the rente.Any ronte Londer coileats 6h81I b8
<br />_ appfied tiret to the eosYS of inennging t ho property,inatu d irtg court eoa t s en d a tt o r n e y s' f e a e, c o m m l e s i o n a to rontal a onte, and any othar
<br />,'�''� _ 3. neceasery roloted expnneos.The remeining amount of ronta wili then appiy to paymonta on the oocured debt es pravidod in�ovenant 1. m m_
<br /> 3"�'
<br /> ' �".� 8.LeaaehWde•Condomi n iuma;P►ann e d Un R D e v e l a p m o�t s.B o r r o w e r agr e o s t o compt y wlth the provlslona ot any lease If thls deed ot truat is on —R-
<br /> a Ieaeohoid.1�this deed of truat is on a unit in a condominium or a p lennad unit deveiopment, Borrower w11i perform ail nf Bor�ower's dut ies �
<br /> under tho covono�ts,6ydawa,u regulotiono o!tho condominium or ptonnod unit devalopment. �y
<br /> r' �::�
<br /> � �; � 9. Authodty of Ltnd�r to Pertorm for Bonowet. If 8orrower fa!fs to pertorm any ot Bortovier's duties undor this deoJ of truot.Londor may __
<br /> perform the dutfea or aeuae thom to be partormed.Lartder mAY eign Bor�ower'a name ot pay anY amount It noceasery for pertormanco.I}any
<br /> � eonstructlon on tho ptopsrty ia discontinuod or not onniod an in a reasonebte mnnner,londor may do whetover Is neeeseury to proteat Lender's
<br /> socurity intoreat in tho proporty.Thia mny Ineiudo eomptotfr.�iha eonstruoUon. ��'�';;'�
<br /> #�� E"-;,,
<br /> Londor's tatluro to porform wtll not preciudo Londor from exe�oising any of ita othor righte undor the low or thie deed ot uuat. y__
<br /> An1I amoums paid by Lendc+t to protoat Londer's sacurity intorest will be seeured by this deed of trust.Sueh amounts wtll be due on domand ��=Y-
<br /> 1.�„ �
<br /> � and wlll boar interest trom the dato of the payment until paid in fult at tha intorest rate in oftoat on tho securad dobt.
<br /> ( °� � iQ. DNwit and AceHmatioa.It 8orrower fails to moko any payme�t when due or 6reaka uny covenanta under this dood of trust a any
<br /> obltpeUon sasured by thio deod of truat or eny prior mongago or doed of trust,Le�der may ecceierate tho meturity of the socured dobt and �.;.
<br /> dnmand Immadiate psymont snd mey inwko the power ot salo end nny oth9r�emodios permltted by applloab�e�ew. ,:.
<br />- ,. -. � _-
<br /> i 11.Rsquva4 4or�IoUaO ot O�iwit.It ia herflby requoated thet coples of the notices of default and satA 6o eant to each person wno�s a parcY
<br /> hereto,at the addreae of oaoh euoh peroon,as set forth her91�. —
<br />�� 12.Pow�r o!Ssl�.It the Lertdar invokea the powor ot esio,the Truetae shoil Hrst record in the offlce of tho reglstor of deodo ot oech eaurny .
<br />=,r where(n tho ttuat property or somo part or parcel theroof is aituated a notice of dofauk eontoining the informetion requtred by taw.The Truetea
<br /> eh811 atoo mail copios of the noUco of dofeuh to Me Borrower,to eaoh person who is a party hereto,and to othor pereona as escribod by �„_.
<br /> s not�n any __
<br /> applioabto iaw. Not Ioso than ono moMh efter the T►uatse toaorda the noUce ot default or two montha if the uuat proparty _
<br /> • � � Incorporatad eity ar vlilege and ia uaed in tarmin4 oparations cerriod on by tho truator,tMo frustae sholi g(vo pubilc notico of eale to the persons
<br /> ' end In tho manner pros�Kihad b�r eppplioobie law.Trusteo,without demartd on Barower,ahail sell tho D�PonV at pubilo auatio�to the hiphoet
<br /> blddet.If requlred by tho FarM Homesteed Ptomotion Act,Truetoe shali oifor tho property In two soparato enloa ea�oqulrod by appllaoWq taw•
<br /> , " Londor oi�ite doslgnoa may Durehoso tho propert�jr at enyren�tor.�by pubila announcemont et the timo and plaeo ot Any previoualy acheduled sa�o.
<br /> Upon receipt of paymont of tho priee bid,Truoteo shail dolivar to tho purchosar Trustee's deod conveying tho property.Tha rechlais aontalnod in
<br /> Truatoe'6 dood shall bo prima faalo evidionco of tha uuth of tho atatomonto contelnced thorein.Trustoe sfioll epp�y the ptowod8 uf the ealB In tho
<br /> following ordert (01 to oIi expenaes o4 tho enio, inc�uding, bu! not Itmked to, roesonable Truatoe'e foes. �ousonnWo nttorney'o taaa and
<br />-� � reinstetemon'!feoo;(b)to ail sume eocurod by this dood of truet,end tc►the batance,if any,to tho porsons loga�ly bnUtiod to rocoivo fY.
<br /> r;•- , , «r_.� 13.For�elowis.At Lendar's option,this doud of Vuat may be foreaiosed in tho me�nar provide by epp�iceble low tor foroaiosuro ot mongagos
<br /> °• on rea�properiY.
<br /> _- �. ,.,�.;�
<br />�s,. ,. 14.lnsp¢agon.Landor may orrter the property to Inspact k it Londer givas Borrowor notlee beforohend.The notice muai atnte tho roeaone e
<br /> . ., �� eeuae for Londrtr's Inapootion.
<br /> � ' � `•� 16.Condomnetlen.Borrowor ass ns to Lender tho roeeeds of any award or clelm tor damo0os connected with n condemnatlon or other tok�ng
<br /> .'����{ of att or any part of tho propaM•�ueh procoods wiP be opplted ae providod in Covenent t.Thia assignmeM Is subjoat to tho torma oi eny prior
<br /> . sucurity agreement.
<br /> 18.Wstvu.By exotoisinp any tomodY availobio to Londor,Lendor dooa not givo up ony rtphte to Iator use anV othor remc►dy.By not oxercising '
<br /> ' any romody upon Borrowor's detautt,Lender does not waiva any dght to tater conetder the evont a dofault if It heppnna again.
<br />� -_,��,..:_.�� 17..totnt and 8�var� Uebiiiq: Cv-+ifVisr�� :�tus�ass a�d a�i"` �-'�`�. ali duttas undsr this daed of duat sre Joint end aovora�. Any _ _
<br /> --:rn-�-�r Borrower wlto co•signa thio aeeo ni vue� Lul S� r�c: coatgn !F.^ urtd°f h�►n� �Qht tnatrumontfel Eoes so oNV to grant and aonrey Ulat __
<br /> Bonownr'o imerost in the proporty to the Truetoo undot tha tor�m{ya�of thfo doad of truat.In addiUon,such a Borrowor ogroea mat cha Lendur a�ni
<br />`:�� '� dobt withou�t thet88ortowor s�consont and witAoutrolonsing tAnt Borrrowoi from Mto tortna of�thte doad o tt8ust��s dood of trust at the eoauted _
<br /> Tho dutios and bonofito ot thla dood of uust shntl bind and banefft tho sucwoaore and essipns of Lendor and Bottower. _��--
<br /> '� 98.Notice.Uniosa othorwlso roquirud by Iaw,any notiee to Borrowor ahntl bo giwn by do�ivering it or by meiling ft by corttfiod mnl�oddroesed to --_=-
<br /> ;�.,,, goROUrur at tho proporty oddroas or any othar uddrooe that 8orrowsr hos givon ta Londor.8orrowest w1li givo nny�oUco to Londor by ca►ti8od
<br /> ' '���� mnll to Londar's addroos on pcBO 1 oi thls dtrad of trust,a�to nny othor nddreae which Londor hea das!Bnatod.Any othot notfCO to Lendor shsll _^
<br /> j'�;;:,�• C
<br /> . 4 r; ' bo sont to Londar's uddroas ae stotod on pa�a 9 ot thia deed ot Vuot.
<br /> ' % � Any notico shatl be doomod to have been gtvon to Bor�owot or Landor whon givon in the monnnr stoted nbova. ,
<br /> � 18.Tnutafei of fhs F►eMrt1l m e 8anstictel Interat!e�ths S tmmodiete�poymor�of tho soc��d dnbt�LondarTmoy elsoedomnnd immodloto �
<br /> , . r without londor's pr�or writton consent, Londar rnny demn �i�_,'
<br />-,6� ` - - - -- domand p V��ngin t io�e6ovo�situaUon rtt iQls p o�lbteA by oQerni towii9 i�t t�daBotof thta doodwof°trua�tnnatorted. Howovor, Londor moy not
<br /> � ?� 20.ReconvaYencs•Whon tho obtlgaUon oeauro0 by thts dood oi truot haa boon pald end Lendor hoo�o furthor obilgeitoo to mako advuncos . :
<br /> •'- -_ _ ----� undor tho inshumo_r►ts_or�qronmento�a dn�th��°e�d no��'�a succrosaor�in intor at,tho Vu�st du�d ondbtt��noto 0 othor ovidono�o of tho
<br />° ' oDpe►ct�. �.�o�.o�.w:o.`.a.....�..�..;_�__.-----• .
<br /> ltgeUOn so setlallod.Bottnwor ohott poy ony recwdacten eoeto.
<br /> -_ „ , 21, gueaeaeor Tiustee. londor, ot Londer'o o�Hoa mnv mmovo Truatoo and oPPe�M e suceossar uuetoe by rirst, maUtnp o caDY ot tho
<br /> subaUtuNon ot trustao os toqutrod Dy app��coblo aw,ond thon,by flling tho oubv�ftutiun ot trusteo for tocord in tho ofHco of tho togtater ot dCOdo
<br /> of oach county f�which tho Vust proporty,or eomo port thoroot,Is aituatod.Tho succeasor truatoo,wkhout convoyanco of tho proporty, ahnli
<br /> esueeood to e�l tho powor,dut�oo,authority and tftlo of tho Trusteo nomod In tho dood of truat ond of nny euceossor ttustoo.
<br /> ` � .s . ' � .
<br />- /pipo 2 oJ?1
<br /> _ .'.. • �= p�WKER90Y6TEM8.INC.B�.t101'D.MN60301(1A00��97•lSNIFORMOCP�MT6-N80/iBf81 .
<br />