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<br /> �; o�-��t��o �9�. p�ED O�'fRIJ�T Pase � �
<br /> LA�� No qti3ii�f1 `� �""�'�'��,� �Ca�'ttnvod) ' .
<br /> . � r"_:��.-.c=-_:t�s.�'.=._..��
<br /> posse3sl�n o!Iha Rraps�ty or!�e e�SleoAoa,r�a1p1 and eppAeaUon af ront3, issuss ar profits,Trusteo er londer shall bo ontHlod to
<br /> exetafsp aVary�'�pht pravidad for in tho Noto or Ihs Ro!nted Dooumonts or by law upon tho ocourronco ot any ovont af default,Including the
<br /> , � rtpht to oxirntsa Ih�pawer o1 ea�e;
<br /> (b) Commeftco an natlon to for�ctose thls Daud of Trust ao a mortgage,appoint a roculver or spociflcully onforce any ot the covenant9
<br /> haraol;and
<br /> ' (q Q�Itva to Tru�t�s o vrrltttn deateratlon ot defoult and domand for sate nnd a wdtten notico of detaul!and oieotlon to cnuso TrustoPs t�, •
<br /> in�test In 1Ru PropYA�r to be aot0,whtoh nolioo Tn�staa ahn0 cnu°a to bo duty fltod for record in the approprlate offlces ot fhe Counly in '� '�t
<br /> whloh Ihe P►opeAy b loca�ed;and ���
<br /> " td) With r�sp�ot to all or any part o!the Penonet Properly,L�nder ehNl have nll tho Aghts and romedles of a seoured party undor the �±� •
<br /> Neb�tako Unllam Commerclal Code.
<br /> ' �w�clawr��P�w�t 0!8d�. if L.ondn et�a91 to loreo�ase by exercise ot tha PawBr of Sate heretn aontained,Landar shnil notHy Trustofl and ,R,..:
<br /> oiuR ciepoo►f Witii Ttu�lil8 th13 Oad ot Yntst and th�Noto Gnd such ros.wlpb snd 6vfdenoe oi e�endNUros mndo and seouroa by this Oeed af .Y��`:
<br /> • 7�u�1 a�TrustM miy nqulro. ���`�°
<br /> (n) Upon rec�lpt ot�uoh eotice Irom L�ndor.Trusten ehall eauso to bo recorAed,publishad und dolivored to 7ruotor euch NoUCO of Detuull _'+•�.�;
<br /> end No21cv ot Bela ae then rsqulmd by law end by this D¢od at Trus� Trusleo shap,wlthaut demand an Trustor,aHar such Nme as may --
<br /> � tT��n bs nquirad by law 4nd a4ier reaordaUOn of such NoUce ot DetnuB nnd atter Nouco ot 8ate having been glven ns roqulred by law,seA _�_�
<br /> Ilto PropeAy pl tho tlme flnd place ot oa�e ficed by it ln such Nottco of Sale,elther as u whote,or In separate Iots or parcels or items as '��;..,..>
<br /> } Y�u3lov thsll daem expddtenl,and U euch qrder ae tt rtu►y determine,at pubilo auctlon to the highest bldder for cash In IawfW money of Y .;_"
<br /> 1ht Unttod StntOS psyabis el the Ume ot eata.Trustee ehall dNiver to suoh urohaser or purchssera ihareot Its good and sutttclent•Leed or = -
<br /> ' eluda Qonvsyri�th�proport�►so sotd,but�IlAOUt eny eovenent or war�n�y,e�ress or Implled. Tho rocllais In suah deed ot any matters `�:�
<br /> • o�teott�hatt b�aonolusiva proo}04 the truWutnasa thereof. An arson,Inoluding wHhout Ilmllalion Trustor,Truatae,or Londar,may �""�v
<br /> "� Y P �'�,.rn��
<br /> purohnso N��A Ws. 'r"
<br /> ?;:;:,.:.
<br /> (b) As mer be p�rm►tted by law,otter deduo9np all eosb,toaa and o�onsos oi Trusteo and oi thls TNSt,Including costs of evidonce ol �{„ti�y_,„�_
<br /> , � t4tlo In oonnooUon wNh ulY,Trustoo shaU appry the pracoeds of sato 10 paym�nt oi p)al eums axpended under the terms ot this Deed ot � ..:�:ht,-::
<br /> Y�ud a undat fha tMmf a}tM Not�not th�n npald,Inoiudlnp but�ot ilmtlod to eoaued Interes!end iste aharges, pt)utl other euma then =-� �-��
<br /> stour�d twroLy,and (111)ttN nmtlnder,lf arqr,to tRe peroon or pe�sons loastly e�Nltlod thoroto. -
<br /> , �'� (o)7ltuitw mq tn ihe mtnm►Provid�d by Aw postpons s4a of WI or any pordon of the Property. -_ v
<br /> i t M n s d N�N o t 6 x c t t t/t Y�. T r u t t i o t n d L.�n N r�a n d 4 e o h o f t h s m,e h a l l b e e n U tl e d t o e n t o r c e pa y m ent and pertormaru�e of any indsbtedrtoss -
<br /> or o011ptllons aoured by lht�Q�ed�t Trust�nd to sxerctse al�ipht3 and powera under this Deed of Trust,under tho Note,under any of ttw _
<br /> ' �. Fi�tt�d Ooouminb,ot und�r any o1Mr npnemtnt or tny tawa now or hereatter In torao;noMAthstanding,some or ail of suoh indebtedness =„l=
<br /> an0 obNp�tlon9 saour�d t�y this Oi�d at Trust m�y now or hersnfter be olhenvisa seourcd,wh5iher 0y matgage,deed of trust,pledge,�len,
<br /> � � ` aqbnrtAnl a oltWnate�. NettMr tha tccaptlna�W thla Oe�d of Trust na its onfo►cement.whether by couA aoUon or puBUant to the power ot .-:
<br /> �� s1N Qr oihn powpa 0ont�in�d In thia O�ed o!Trust,ehaU pre udk�ot in eny manner etfeot Trustee's ar I.emOere dght to renliie upon or
<br /> , _ � ` �NCrt�tny am�t aauei�r now a i�ainr inbsi uy inrsteo vi���da�K b�ss�s�d!ls�t Tst�les assd lander�SR�!arus�e!tham,snau be �'�
<br /> �nEfi�d to�atorC�Ihi�Owd 07 Truat artd�ny othlr e�aurlty now or hereatter held by Lendor or Trusteo In suoh ordar snd manner us thay or ,F J
<br /> ?� �luiw o11h�m rtNy ln thqr abeWuto dlacnUon ddormlrN. No remedy aonterred upon or roserved to Trostse or Lender,Is Intended to be
<br /> �zpluvlvs o!tn r ottlM rom�d�l in lhb Os�d of Yt�pt or by I�w provided orpermitted,but oach shalt be cumutaHve and shall be In eddition 10 ��r�!h+:���
<br /> �� �• ovMy o11�amsdy ptvtn tn thle DNd ot Tnnt or now a husa ftx o�dslUp a t I A w ot�n equiiy or by etatute. Every power or reme d y g i v en by!h e �""
<br /> " Nob a any ot th� FtWOM OoaurtNnb to Tru1t» a Landa or to whlch eNher of lham may be otheiwlse endUed, mny be e�cercised,
<br /> � � �pnou�rentt�►a�nOcpandmtyr,trom tlrt►�to Itirta tn�ta ottan aa rtay be doamed e�edlent Oy Trustee a Lead�.and etthe�of them n�ay
<br /> i i�lit tha Tru�ta to M mctent u�ah to on i p�Mlt�by la�w 6�ba oonstrued aa prohlblting Lender trom seeking a detkienoy ju0pment _
<br /> � qqtt�q�Ot Pbtks. TrultOr,on b�h�if o!Trusta and Lenda�horeby roquosta that a oopy ot any No9ce ot Defeult and a copy ot any Notl�oe -
<br /> e
<br /> � W 8ato und�r Ihb D�ed ot Yrust bo rt�1ta0 to thtm�t the addresses ss!todh In tho flrst parapreph of thf�D�d uf Trus�
<br /> �� w1i1r�EMDtfOn of Rwn�dhi. A�ralerat by an�r pady of a brotch of a provfslon at!hb Deod of Tn�st shsli not consUtuto u waiver of or
<br /> pnJ�cdic�tfwp��yc�t4hn othNwtp to Wmtna�NCt compltanc�wllh thnt provlalon a any oiPier proviston. EleoUon by Lender!o purslte any
<br />_ � nm�dy proNdW ln ibk G�e'ot Tru�t,tM Nota,In any R�tad Oacument,a provtdod by Inw ohall ao!exduda purouit ot any other mmody, �_,
<br />- an0 nn et�ollon to mik� nditurq ar to tnka totton to peAorm an obllQation ot TNStor under thln Deed ot Trost after tallure ot 7nistor to ��,�,,
<br /> r p�AO►m ehali not tR�at L���dpht to d�oltn n d�taull and to�xaoSs��ey of Ita remed►a�. �,a.�-°,--
<br /> �. . ..., �.�.:»°=
<br /> - .-.-:�•• .,. _� AllorMy�'FNSy�pWIMS. 11 L�nd�r tntUtutas�ny eult eu aoUon to ontorco any ot the terms of ihh►0¢�sd ot Trust,Lender sheli bo entitted io -_-
<br /> �° neovYr ttwh eum u tM coual msy ndjt[Q�nottmntbN u attaneye'te�s nt Maf and on any appeal. Whether or not any eouA aellon b
<br />_• �� , .��,�'r��O�h�xgyn�t�utnd by t,�ndN wNOh In L�ndere opinton ue ryQt eny dme for lhe proteotton ot Its Intarest or the =
<br /> h �rl at lM Ind�btedn�sa payabl�on demand a��nd ehaN b�ar Intnresl at tha Note mte irom the date of
<br />_ � e�p�ndituro untN r�p�ld. F.�rnp oovand by thls ptnprtph Inelude,without IlmlUdlon.howovar BubJoct to anY Iimib under nyplh�blo tnw, `.-
<br /> LmQs�'e attaneri taaf wh�lher o►not tMrs le t I�wwlt,Inctadinp attom�ys'(s�s tor bankruptay Proce�dinpa pnctudlnp efforb to msdity or �..--
<br />_ her
<br />-= . v�U my�utom�tb�4y ot inju�llonh�pp«b 4nd anr an9alpsbd pos!-Jt[dpment colleotlon sorytces, the cost of sea�chlnp records. = `---
<br />� _ - �=� a6f�trinp tttl�npatt pnotudi�p tor�detun►epaAt).ttxwlras�nAO�,�POrtBti trs,UtN Insuranoe.and fees fa the Trustoe�to the extent =--
<br /> prmttNd by applbabN kw. Trwta�w wW p�y my aourt cost2,tn sdd�aon to�t otMx eums provlded by few.
<br /> �'�--�=-''"-.��. fU�if�O?TNltY�. T�uti�ttMfl hav�ati Ot tf13 dphw W"u'+dut�a!t.6a�a e�eet t�!:#h Ir�fNa sCC�On. r—_--
<br /> =�:w��,.._
<br /> �;:.:,�-s.�... ¢=--
<br /> � k... � pplMERS AND OOLltlATlOttf OP Tii1MT�E. TM lotawi�provt�lone nattn9 to tha paw�ra an9 obltQattor�a ot Tnrotee ara�part or mi3 Deed afi �
<br />-_ . � 7htat. ' _,.,_
<br /> *y� � �' POMtlro o!TtttitN. In aQd�UOn to eH powu�o11YUSiN utslnp 4t Y mttt�01 taw,Tn�sta ehall Anvo the powor to toko tho foVOwinp aettons
<br /> `; ' • �� � w�h rosp�et to lM Ptopwry upon the writNn tOt�ulll of Lendet and Troiton (�)Joln in preparinp nnd tltinp c Map or plat of the Rent Nropsrry, __
<br /> "- ��tudlnQ lM�tedbAtlon of itrNt�d oth�r dpAts t0 th�pu61:o; (b) Nn In pnn8np nny e�sement or creaenq any rosMoUon on tho Reat Proporty; ---
<br /> � 7 uid (0)►otn In Qny eubadlnafton or athp�pnsnNnt afhotlnp thls�e�d o!Trual a ti�e Interost ot Lender under thl�Coad of Tnts� �—
<br /> �' TNatN. TnntN ehell mMt al quWAaallona rsqulne�fa Truste�anda eppt!oubb taw. in add►Uon to the dphb and ra�ed:as set forth pbovo, M,�:_---
<br /> - s wuA�ospaat t0 atl a any p�rl af ttw Nup�ryr,tM Truttoi th�11 Nvo tAf r.�Pd to tcrootose by aoUoa and oele,and Lertder shali havo tho�lAht to
<br /> - larctow by�adlclU fo�cfowra,In�ttrt9►cns�tn toaordnnc�wttn and to tt►�tuU�xtont provideE by epplfeabb law. ����-�---
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