<br /> ,
<br /> . n '. ' , _,,, ; . :,
<br /> 0�25-9899 OEED OF TRU�Y Pega 3
<br /> ' • Loari No 763C86 (C�ntineod) i' �'°�� 'I° • �9`��1��� _ ., ,
<br /> ~mako s—- ua�pe�tiona and tests,at Trusto�'s oxpenso,us I.ondar may Ooem appropdato to detcxminfl compllfl1100 OT IRO PtOpORy vY��n im,t „ ' ''
<br /> Euatlon of tha Oand of TntsL Any Inspoations or tmts mado by tsnder shall bo tor Londa's purpo�onty und shnil not be construsd to c�e9to .
<br /> Any rosponsiblii�l or IIublAty on th�paA o1 Londor to Trustor or to any oth�r portson. Tho reprosonUsUons and wnrtnnttcrs contalnod horoin aro
<br /> based on Trustor's due dillgwice In InvesUgadr�U�e Propo�ty tor homrdous wnate and hamrdous aubster�cos. Trustor hwcbq (a)raouses and
<br /> waivos any futuro cinims against lo�dor ta Indamnity a condlbuUon t�tho ovont Truator becanos nablo for cleanup or other cos�a under any
<br /> such laws,snd (b)ngr�ta Indmm�ify nncl holcf ham+lese lender eQninst nny and ntl cloYns.Iosaos,tlnbllltios,dmm�gos,PonNtta�,nnd .
<br /> oxpensos whlah Lendfu may diroct�y or IndirecBy susletn or aufter resulttng hom a brouoh of thls aciotion ot ths posd ol'irusl or ea a
<br /> consequence ot any uso,generalion,manu!aature,storepo.dbposel,retoasa or ihreatonad releose ot a hernrdoua wnate or nubstnnce on tho ;..,,� M
<br /> prppe�les. Tho provislons ot this soadon ot tho Deod ot Trust,Inctuding the obUgetlon to I�CemniN,shall survivo tho paymont ot lho
<br /> . •--.• Indeblodness and the sadsfaotlon and reconveyanee of ih0 uon af Ihis Dvod ot Ttust and ahaG not bo aHeatnd by lsnde�s noqulslAOn ot any ,
<br /> � � „ intarost in the Proporly,whelher by taociasuro or othorwbc�.
<br /> Nulsanee,Waste. Trustor shalt not cause,conduot or pormll any nuisance nor commit,permll,or sufter nny sMppinB ot or wasto on or to tho .,
<br /> Property or t►ny porfion ot the Proporly Wlthout Bmiting tho gensreGN oi the torogoing,Ttusta will not romove.or grant to any other parfy the , :,
<br /> �Ighf fo remove,uny bmber,minerats(NCtuding oU and pes).sdl,gruvel a rock prod�edthout the A�������nt of Londer. � .1..;,*..
<br /> RomovW of improvomente. Truator shau n�t demollsh or remow any ImprovomeMs hom the Roa�Propsdy vaiihout thv pdor written consont �, �,.•.;,t,;,,,;;__
<br /> of Lend4r. Aa a eondltlon to the removct of any ImprovemenSs.lender may requlre Trustor 10 msko armrtpomanta 8nttafeatory to Lender to ., •����__�
<br /> � �eptaca suoh Improvementa with Improvomonta of nt tasst aqunl vallo• �'�;,:.,�___
<br /> " Lender's Right to Entat. Lender snd ita agonb and reprasentativos may ontnr upon tho Roal Prop�rly at a[I reasonnbte dmes to attend to t,....�.;: '�,
<br /> .. . '--
<br /> Wndors Interosts and to t�peot the Property far purpasos of Trustots oompllsnco with the tem�s and conditlor�ot this Deed ot Trust. �,y T
<br /> Com�tlance with tiovemmenW Requiromenta.Tn�sla�hetl promPbY aompy wlth alt tawn,ordin�nces,and reguladons,eow ar hereatter in ; ,.��_
<br /> ' effec.,ot atl govemmental suthorl!!as npp�tcable to Me use a c�ccoAanay ot the ProperlY. Trusta maY contest In good taith any suoh taw, ���,�.
<br /> ��':'�,, ordinance,or regu►ation and wllhhoid compllance during a�y proeeedinp,ineluding approp�iete appeals,so tong es Trustor Nas nod8ed lendor -.:
<br /> ' ` � In wdting prior to doing so and sa long es,in Lender's sote opinlon,Lenders Interests In tho Prapedy+ue not Jeopardlzed. Lender may requlre ,
<br /> :�;,�;r �:
<br /> �r; 7rustor to post adoquate seourily or a surety bond,reasonabry sstWaotory to Lender,to protod 4e�der's interest. ��i'.,r
<br /> ,' � puly 4o Proteet Tn�stor agroos rtelther to abnndon�a tesve unattended the Prope►iy.Trusla ahnll do all other aota,in addlUon to thoso aals Y�'64
<br /> ;�;`-� set�orth ebova M this seoUOn,which hom the ohnraoter and use of 1he PropeAy are reasona6y necessary►to proteot and preserve the Prope fil. � .f11ef
<br /> `.��•
<br /> O11E ON BAI.B-CONSFN'f BY I.ENDER. Londor may,at Its optlon.doalare tmmodiataty due and payabie NI surt�seoured by thb Oeed ot Trust ,
<br /> . .. withou!the Londere pdor wdKen eonserrt. of att or ariy part of tho RBIII Property�or any Interest In the Reet PtopodY• A �.;ir.;A_;'
<br /> • ' upon the sate or transter, whather laget b c�e1 ^�
<br /> � �gats or transte�'moans the conveyance of Reat PropedY ar any Apht.titl�ar I�ore3t thoretn; , enofl a equltable;wheMer votunta �+
<br /> I� �����,.,
<br /> or Invoiuntnry;whethor by oudight sela.daed,Instailment ea►�contrad,land contraet,conbkaet tor doed,�easohdd tnterest with a term preater than u�:�
<br /> a•� three(3)Yents,loase-oPbon contract,or by eal0,e�slgnment. a transter of eny beneftalat interesl in or to any 18nd hust holding tlile to tho Real ��� -
<br /> ; ^ Prope�ty,or by any othor method ot conveyance ot Real ProP�Y Interest. it any Truator is 6 aapo►ation,putnerahip ar Iimlted itebAHy compan, _
<br /> transfet aiso indudes any ohange In ownsrshlp ot more tlan twenty-Ave percent(2I396)ot the v�ing atock,Partnership interesta or Ilmited Ilebql�r �;.*�
<br /> '� eompany Intoresls,es the case maY�.o t Tnrs t o t. N o w e v e r. t 1►g o p 9 o n s h a tl not be exercised by Lender It suoh exerdso is ptohlblted by(edere! - -
<br /> � �•� ' law a by Nebraska taw. � y'
<br /> • TAXES AttD LIENB.The�tollowing provls�ons relaHng tq the ta�ces and lans on tha Properly ere a part o1 th►s Desd ot Tnist. �udinp water ��
<br /> '- � Paymeat. Tnistor ehs�l pey when due(and in aU evonta prior to detinquenoy)sll texes,spedal texes,assessme�ta�aharQes p ��
<br /> and sewer),flnes and ImposiUona tevled agninat or on a000unt of the Properiy,and shap pay when du0 atl ciaims tor work done on or tor
<br /> sorvbes rendsred cr matsrint tumis�ed to tho Properh. Trustor�hap melydaln the PropoRy hee of all lle�s havin0 Pdaliy ove�o�e9�to the =�4.-�
<br /> f� Interest ot Lende�under tMS Daod d Truat,u�ccept for fha tien of texes and usaesamenta not dua ond Axoept as oth�xwlse prov�ded in this Deed
<br /> "s•' of Trus�
<br /> • Ripht To Contest. Trustor may wNhhotd psymaM ot any t�4 eesessmont,or clNm in aonnecUoe with a pood faith dlsputa over the ob�Qatlon _
<br /> 4
<br /> ' �� .. � to pay,so�onp as Lende�s intereet In the PropodY fa not 1eoperdned. If a Iion adsas ar�s fJed as a resWt ot nonpayment,Trusta e1snN w[thin __�.
<br /> � flftaen(t6)duys aRer the Uan mises ot.U a lton b ftlod,wtiNn flfteon(tb)days srter Truator hes noNce ot tho 4iWig,secure the dlsahupe of tha
<br /> ,�. Il�n,a If requested by Landa,do0osit with Lundor cash a a eufftdent oorporAte eurety bond a o11�et aeotu�h eaUstaOtorY to Lortder In an f
<br /> , �� : amount sutflotant to disohar�a tho I(or+plus any costs and attomeys'fees a cther oharpes tlu►coutd acorue as n result of a�oreo�cwro or sale -
<br /> , ,� ; undet tho Ilon. In any eontosl,Tnrotor ahalt defand Nself end Londsr and ohNlBattsly enY tdvo�so ludyment botore eatorooment�ninst the
<br /> �,�`:.:;;,:,, � , PropoAy.Trustor ahail rtamo Lender aa an additlorial obRQea urtdar any aureiy bond fumished in tha eontest proceedtnp9.
<br /> "'�::��t`� EVtBence o!Peyment. TrUator shall upon demond fiunisA to laider eads�aotory ovidenCe of paymeM of the taxes or assesame�s and ahalt
<br /> ;•.' , �;• aulhoriza tha eppropriate govemmentat o}Ikk�al to doever to i.ender al any tlme a wrlltem atelement of the taxes and asse�monb e0aim�1 t►w
<br /> Ptoperty.
<br /> ,�'��'��,. ,� Notice ot Constntotlon.Trustor shatl noUty lender al bast Afte�n(t6)days betore am+wa�k lu commenoed,any seMcos ore fumbhed,or any -�-.--_
<br /> nfaterlal,y ero suppilad to the PropoRy,if nny maehanie's Ilen,matedalmods IEen,or other Ifen aoutd be asse�ted on�eoeou�of the wak, �,•..,
<br /> �,�. i. seMa�s,or matorlels. Tnistor wltl upon resquost of Lender tumtah to Londer edvanco ax►umnces eat�aoto�Y to LendeP that Tn�sta can and wlli �,__
<br /> � PaY tho coat of auoh ImProvomenta � _ -
<br /> � PROPFAT1f DA�AAtiE IN8URANCE. T1re toAOwing provisloms relaUnp to Inaudn8!he PropertY ere e part ot thls Deed ot Tn�st. _.__.
<br /> : .
<br /> -.-,,.:.-_-.::;:-.TM- Mdntenance M inauran�. Tntstot ehal!ptocure 8nd rnehtain polldes o!flte inauranoa wlUistendettmttlo�ba�dQ��e►eaQY�s�n�p�t�o!eny
<br /> -.; ----� reatur,�ment t�fcr ttxs fu�Is�urekit9 vaiue ao+r��Q a!!tmprovarts..n�on th�R�1 pre?�b� ____ _
<br /> eoi�sur9noe cWusa�and wifh e a�}�.cd atGi•g,^.: 'C.si�91rt tettrot of lset�!e•�e,�t�..witfi wnh oth�hexard and fiabUity fnsutflnq zs lsrs�r �_
<br /> ., may reasonably requfre. Pa�Ctes ehall be�n tn torm�emourtb,cove�epas nnd basis rossonnbty acoeptabte to Lendor and b►sued i,y e ___
<br /> � ' compQny or compartles reasonabb ac�ptnbie to Lender.Trusta�upoa request ot ler�dc��wili de0ver to Lender hom flme to rime the poQdes =---.-
<br /> ' or oerdticatey of insumnoe in form saUStec'tory to Londer,ineiudnp stf�ul�tlons thet oovere�es wllt not be cancellod a'dtminished without ni ____-_-
<br /> _ � E teast ten(10)days'prlor wdtton�oUcs to LenOer. Each Insurarae polloy aF�o et�all inctudo an ondaaement providinp that coveruge ln favor ot �.�-_:__.
<br /> Lender wiU not bo impaimd in any way by any nct.am�^.�lon or deffluit cf'1Yusta or any other peison. The Rsnl F�ropiMy b tocated in an araa ���-
<br /> " � dosignated by tho O iroctor ot tho FodaN Emageray M annge�ncin t A g anoy as a o p e c t u l Aood hamrd oroa Tn�ator eprees to dbtain and :�
<br /> mnintaln Fodoml Flood�nsumnofl lor the tut�unpttid pdrtolpal belenCe at the toan,uA to tho mts�dmum poltoy►AmNa set undor tho Nsttonet Ftood M.�r -,mP
<br /> ; Ic�uranoe Propram,or aa otherwise requlrod by Landor.and to mninTaln such Insurance tortho term of tho lcan. ,;;_',::-•�.,
<br /> , ai��b do�so HRt►In�teen(t6�j days o thpo caeuatty.Whulhor not LortdePe seourllY Is IlmpeMeO,L�end�mnY�At Its electlon�f Otocehro end teffin ,. �r�`
<br /> .;,�-_
<br /> ,. .. _.__� . .- .--
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