<br /> . �
<br /> ,
<br /> .. __. .......... �
<br /> , .. .•4'Mi[v�.r��_�. .. "._.-.....�__....�_......__......:.._._a'�.�—_._......_._.... ..._ . .__..__......""•..,-._ .
<br /> __...._._.....�_—_—._..�. . _.... ,. � _
<br /> � 99-������
<br /> ?.APPalI3'CM�NT�`1F BUC.CTBfi�RTAU�'t�'E.Sene�'cln.y in�Y.fmm timo tu timo,by n�vrltten taatrumeat oxeruted and'
<br /> acknawledgcd by Boa��p�iono of We a licublo toweaf the Stato of Nobraotcu substitutc�u uaxss t or o xeaaorc�W rn„
<br /> ' othorv�leo camplyln(L PP
<br /> tho TrusEco numod hcrein or•actlnF{komunder. i..
<br /> t - .
<br /> 8.81yCQI:8801iA ANA AH3I(iNB.'1`h1e Dsed oPTruOt a{tpllc�to,inums 10 tho bonofit oP and bin�s ull pnrde:�heroto,tkoir „` ,
<br /> ' hcirs.leBntaes.dlvora:v,�'dff+0AR1 IOpYCS0A�8�lVCA.Ott00l'II130fB LSAd UCBIj¢1U.Thc�term"HeneGcinry"shall mcua tho o�mcr nnd
<br /> holdor o4 tho Noto.whrethoc ar no!aamed ae Boneftclxry homin. �'=
<br /> 9.INBPI;CTIAW.BoaoGcinry or{t[i t�oRt mny mc�lee rcuxonuble entdea uRm►nnd{nnpcctionn of tho Property.Banoflciary
<br /> sltnU gtve Trustor notloe nt tho lime of ar pr[ar to aa lnapeetion apec�f'yinq mwconnble c:suese fur�I�u►es�xctiuu. ��•,
<br /> � „ IQ.TRUI4TOR NQT�tEI.EASGD;N'ORBEAIiANCE BY BEN�FICINiY NtYf A WAIVER.�ztonelon of the timo for puyment �,_�,
<br /> . •-,. ,er uiadiltcution of nmortisnLion oF Wo awus secured bY thin Securl�Y Inntniment grnnted by 6eaoRatnry to unY suaeASOr ia
<br /> �'��-"���`' t intorest of Truator ehall aot opemte W release the UabWty ot the asl�inul TrunWr or TruxWr'a euccea�orK ia intercat.Boneficinry ���
<br /> •°"' '• 'ahnU not Be requtred to oamu►tu►co Proceedinb'�°b'�►st�►Y aucceaxor in intamst or mfluio to extend timo for pqywont ar ,t,_;
<br /> ,,otherwjeo modi[y nmottizption of the aums secut�ed by W�ia 3ecurity Tarsttrumeat by rnu5on of uny demnnd mndo by tho ariginel �,�.�_'
<br /> • ...Ttuator or Tn�ttto�'a suorraeorn l�s intesest.Any farbi+nrance by Beneficiary In axorcieiaB�Y i�h6 or reme�y shaU not be a ,�
<br /> s
<br /> ��--
<br /> � wniver of ur precludo the exercise otany riBbt or remody.
<br /> , -., . 11.TRANSFEft OF THE PAOPERTY OR A BEIdEFICIAI.INTEREST IN TRLISTQA.If all or nny part of the Property i�W
<br /> � � or eny Intereet in�t la sold or lrnaaferred(or if n baaefictal Int,ereat ia Truntor ie sold or traneferred and 7�uatnr ts not a Y -
<br /> patnrel person)�vithout Boneficiary's prior writtan conaent,Beneficiary ruay,at its option,requir�immedlate peywoat in �'�
<br /> �:c:=
<br /> full of aU auma secun�l by thie Secur�ty Inetsuntent,however.thia option ehall not be exercised by Benefiaary!f exercise __
<br /> . ; �- ;a pmlttb{ted by federal law as of the date of this SecurltY Inetnuaent.If Beneficlary exercises this optiute,9eneficiary ahaU �
<br /> give T r u e t o r n o t i c c+o f a c c s l e r a t i a n.The notioe shall pmvtde a period af not tesa than 30 daya from ih�dete the notice ie
<br /> � dalivered or mailed�v[thia whic�the Truator muat pay all eume secured by thie Securitv Inntruu►ent. If Truawr fnils t o _
<br /> • .'` pt�y these aumu psior to the eapirntion o f t h i s perlod,Beneficiary may invoke aay remedia�e pernuitted by thls Securlty -��
<br /> . , � P -
<br /> Inatrument without further notice or demand�n Truetor. �•.;�
<br /> 12.EVENIS UF DEFAIII.T.My of the CoDlotiving events ahe116e doomc+d un event of dofault herounder: ,�_.
<br /> . r';';,,, •� a.TrusWr ahaU have failed Lo make payment of any inetAllment of intereat,PrinciPal,or principel and interest or =
<br /> ` ;Y��;;�.�� _
<br /> 3,:��..�� , any other sum secured hereby when due;or �;;::_.
<br /> ''�, b,Thoro Fias occurrEd a breach of or default uader uuy term,coveaant,agreement,coadition,psavision,repreaen•
<br />- � tntion or wc+rraaty contaiaed ia any af the Loun Inetrumc�nta. _
<br /> 13.ACCEJ.�RATION;REMEDI�3.BeaeHdcuy shall give notice af default t.�►Trustor prior to scceleratiaa following =
<br /> ' '' � 'Prustor's breach of any covenant or a�reement in thiR'lYust Deed.The notice ahall eperil�r:(a)the default;(b)the actiap
<br /> •',;�,; •. .� requited to cwe the default;tc>a date,not lesa than 30 dn}a from tho dat�e the notice is given to TrueWr, by which Rhe
<br /> �'`'„t+r��? dofmalt must be aured:and(d)�hhet failure to cure the defnnl�t on or bofore the date apocified in the nottoe may rasult in
<br /> ����" . �-� acoc,loration of the eume secured Ly t„Ss uaci+ri�,�In�tsua�ni and"sl`-'^f thp Pe+npe.rty.The notice shall further infonan
<br />' ' 'Prustor of the r1gh0 to reinetate slter acceleration and the right to bring a court action to essert the aon-e�detenca of u
<br /> ,;;.. ,, detault or eny other defense of Truator to uccoleratton aad sale.If the default is not cured on or before the date specifsed
<br />_:�,. . . � � �' in the notics, Bene6clary at its option mAy require immediate paymont In tWl of aU onms secured by this Securlty
<br /> - ��"`�''' ��� Instrument wlthout ttuther deannnd eud may invoko the power of sale and any other remedies perwitt�d bY aPPl�cuble
<br />�+�.?`�t'•;?%':;';.,, p h 18.
<br /> - `,(�"';',; ' law Trustor shall bo entitled to coltect aU expeases iacurced in pursuin8 the relnedies rovided in thia paraRrt►P
<br />"_"•""'�'���•'�`rl, including,but aot limited to,reaaonable attorne�s feea uad oosta of title evidence.If power of sale is invoked.Truet,�e ahall
<br /> j�'=-:�ti"�*>���•; record a aotice of defaulL in oacb countY in w1�ic}►ac'•y part of tbe Property ie located nad bholl mail copiea of eueh noEice
<br /> f=��'r,. �".: ' ia the manner prcecr[bed by agpllcable low to'YYustor and W the other persons prescribed by npplicable law ARer tho time
<br /> -_=•w.!, �' ' required by applicable law,Trustee ehall give public notice of sele to thv persons and in tho menner prescribed by applio-
<br />�r��"',��`�":�''?' sble!nw 'l�uetee,without demand on'l�vator,ahrrll sell the Pmparty at public auction tc�the highest biddor at the tirae
<br />_'' � ���"�'' t�nd plaoe and under the terms des{gnated in the notIce of ealo in one or more percels and in eny order�usteo determines.
<br />'��=°�-����� st ae sale of oU or ony parcel of the Property by publie announcement at the time uad plaw of any pre-
<br /> �""t'�'��� ��e m°y p° p° ga urehasa the Pro at e�a anlo.U on re��i t of ent of the
<br /> 4,�.-�u±=-.r_,_,� vioualy schednled enle.Beneficiary or its desi no mqy P P81'�Y Y D p ��
<br />«;:a�:s',��"�:�'��1 price bid,Trustoo ehaU deliver to the purchaser Trustee's deed conveying the Property.The recitnla in the Trustea's deed
<br /> y;;s�., ,� shall be primu thcie evidenae uf the truth of the ststement�made therein.�lrustse al�ell c�pply the proa�ec�s of the eale in
<br /> y,,,,..
<br /> x�g�:ly?;k�; . the following order.(a)to nll expenses of the snte,including,but not limited to,Trusteo'a fees+ia Permttted by oppUcab e
<br />�;a,s-�1�,j::�' Inw sad roaeonablo attorney'c feea;(b)to aU sums secw�sd by this Securlty Inatrument;and(c1 any exceas to the person or �
<br /> 3C1F.y�,:I� � �' ���le @A��l�}�{t.
<br />-qs"'+''-�''!`,� � �y h 1 3 o r a b a n d o n m vbt of the Pro p erty.
<br /> '°,° `+�^'•,,r 14. BENFFICTARY IN POS9G 9 9 I O N. Upoa nxe leru tio n u n d e r p a r a b m►p
<br />=.:_'='t�A� Boneficlary(in pArson,by ageut or by judiciully appointed receiver)shall be entltled to onter upo�a,tnke poasession of und
<br />_''�:
<br /> �' +�«'=• ustd to collect tho renta of the I'mperty innludin�tbose past duo.Any�ente collacted by Bsrne ciary
<br /> --.'..1;,�:.�;4"�� mant�go tho I'rogerly ent af the cosis of mana�ement of the Property and a+11ecE9on of reAte,iaclud-
<br /> ---- -- or tho receiver ehall bo applted firet to Paym
<br /> ..;n�.�.�, ir�,but not limited to,reooiver's feea,premiume on receiver'e bonds nnd reasonablo attorney�s feas,end t�en to the suma
<br /> —_ -:�:YL�:.Iti.l .....�.`.,...d{.��h;a D+`�w�tlrftV InxtTtlUlCnt. • .
<br /> -=�_-:'"~;�i`; °�- y��16.ItEMEDIE9 NOT EXCLUSIVE.Tn�atee and BenoFiciury.ana�ach of tiiew,eZwt!bc cntii3cd to enfnrn+pAVment
<br />-�..�w..'"'L�'t -.'�. . '
<br />,�.,:.�.,�:�,,,k,.� and performancv of any indebtednesa or obligutione eecured hereby eind to exerciae nll rigbta aad powers under this Deed
<br /> I-�;_,,�-.^ • of Trust or under aay Loan Inetrumont or otbor uBreement or any laws note or hereaR.er in foroe,notwithstendinB eome
<br />-- ��� �,%•• • or nll of the such iadebLedness aad obligatioas secured horeby may now or hereafter be otherwisn secured,whethor by
<br /> � " • mort.�a�e,d�ed of hvet.pled�e,lien,sBSignmeat or otherwise.Neithcr the acceptance of this Deed of Trw�t nar{Es onfot�ce-
<br /> ` ' ' ment whother by murt uction or puraunnt to tha power of sale or otbor powers harein contained,ehull pre,jud{oe or in ar+y �
<br />-�; ' �' , �;� �: manner ciffecLTrneteo's or Beneficiary's ri3t►t W ronlis:e upoa orenforer.nny other accurity nmv or horeufter held byTruetec+ _
<br /> � '3 or BeneRdary,it being a�d thet Trustua and Boneficinry,and vuch of thom,ohull bo entitled to enforrelhis Deed of Trust T
<br />�,:,,,. . ,r;, '
<br /> ��';•' '�� ,. and uqy other escority no�v or hereuftur hold by Beneficinry orTrustec3 in such order nnd awnner oa thoy or either of them
<br />-: et-.:::�. �
<br /> .;,�;"s+��_�;��; moy in their absolute disa+esion dotercafau.No remedy hereGt wnforn� upon or reeerved W Ttuetee or BeaeHciary to -
<br /> s:,s;���<' "�t inteadnd ta bc excluaivo of an�y other remedy herein or by law provided or}sermitted,but each ehall be cumt+�iAtivo nnd _
<br /> • �:' .�'� ahnll be tn addition to every otber romody given herounder or notiv or horesittor oxistinQ at law or in cquity or by stntute.
<br />- � ��-�___f_�;� �vory power or remedY Qtven by nay of tho Loan Inai��.,�.��.T.,�n,...�.i.�m ttn��nad na oR,ea usP�maY be d raed e:pe- _
<br /> • -----
<br /> _'.i�:". .: <,_-: OL}1@111IIBQ@AL�LICl1�mQ}�00l7[eitl6tv�tvucwawavy o......��...�._.._..�.------.
<br /> dien!by 7Yustee or BoneBciu,ry and ei4her of them mny pursuo Inrnnsietent remedica Nothin�herein shall be conatrued _
<br />- .' , ,�' es pmhib[ting Benefidury from sec�lcinS a deftviency judgment againbt thc►Trustor w the extent euch action is pRrmitted _
<br />_ � .� . by lnw
<br /> `;.. .� lg,Gp�gN�N�}I.AW. This Deed of Truet eholl be govemed by tho luws of the 3t,�tc+of Na6rnelw.In tho event thcat .
<br /> •• any provi�ion or dnuse of o�yr at the Lonn Inatnunentx�conQicte with epplicabtc lu�ve,auch rnnfltcta ehail not ciffect other
<br /> _. ' provisions of such Loun Instruments which can be given oRect without tho coniltctinF3 Pro�Bion,ond w this ered tho pro• _.
<br /> vi$iono of the Lonn Instrum�ate nro declae�d w bo aeveruble.Th{e inatrnment cunnot tx3 wnived,changed,di�chnrged or
<br /> , terminuted orally,but only by an inntrumeat In wr[tinQ siQned by the purty nauinet wt►om rnforcement of nny waivor,
<br /> ' chnnQe,di�chnrgc or termination is sou(�ht.
<br /> u
<br /> 17, RE(;pNVEYANCE.Upon pt�yment of a118uma secured by this Security Iru�trument.Heneficiosy ah�ll roques!
<br /> 'P�jetect w eeconvey the Pcoperty nnd shnll eut�render this Security Inatrument nnd all notes evide�ncing debt e��nred by
<br /> • thi�3ecurity Inatrument to'I�uati.�e,'L'rusteo ehnil reconvey tho Pm{x•rty wlthout warranty nnd tvithnue cliary�o to tho pLr-
<br /> - son or peraons le�nlly�ntitted to it.Such peraon ur persona ehnll puy cmy mcordntion cnate. -
<br /> - ----.._.� _.,---------�--�-.••----�,�..
<br /> .: , .�-.�.._.— . - -
<br /> -- ._.V. ,.,--r.—_--.-�-. ..
<br />