<br /> ,. •;
<br /> . ,
<br /> . wo�ar-
<br /> . , .. ,
<br /> • . ... .. . �; ._.
<br /> .. �
<br /> �. ., . .,. t
<br /> , � �
<br /> . 9��0�3�4 ���� o����sT • PoQa� -' ,,
<br /> . (Conttnuod)
<br /> ttft0 ropon3 prteluE�Rfl lo►[:cto�uro�oPOrts1.8urvctyor�'raPp�'aAP►ar�l t�Sri9.tltte insuranco.an0 fgttb lor 1�8 TtuSt80,to tlte oxt�nt 00rrtMtt6 by .",
<br /> J app�M utw. Qranta nt�o+�� piy any eouA costo.in adC�don to aU othnr suma prov��6G by taw.
<br /> j ii:pnta at Trua?ea. Ttus:ccs�WtI 1�lvp sll of I�o ttp�ts end dunos of Lendet�,1 sot lorth tn 1M$s�tion.
<br /> 11. G6iAt1TdN'3 RIGMIT TO RBIN3TAYE. it Grantor meets cvrtam con�mons,t3mnta an8n navo ifio nQ�u lo nave enforcanent ot Ihc3 Oc�ol Trust ':.'. .
<br /> dKeo�nusd at any nrtN pna to i►a eemer ot (i)Ave(6)aays tor such otner ponod es npPt�eWt�u�w may sp�ay tor rartstatcn+ent)bston sa!�a!th� '�,_.:..�:;
<br /> Prop�ee�r parsumt ro any pawsr dia�e eon►�Rea in mr�oued of 7ruat or (n)entry ot a�u�gmnnt�ntoranp Mq R�ad of True� Thaso cortdi�ora s» �.,,,,,.
<br /> � tlut f3nnt6e; p)pays I,errOu nu 1urti�whun yroWd Ihen tra auo und�r thm Oaed af Trust aesd Ino CnQfl aynsrnmt had rto�aabraUon aoc�arted: t01
<br /> -- eura d olAM detautb unOr th»O�eO ot Tnist and tt�e Credd Aqroemonh (o)paya tA roaaorwbla ixDe+ars inc�und tn��ardnp q�b OoW Gt Tnat, n,.
<br /> �� Indudtnp,but not IimRStl to,reasoetbse attarneys'ieea,and (d)takes sueh achon aa lender mey rsssonabM rmputre b aasure that tt�tlsn at th�Oosd ��:'«
<br /> af Trust,Lenoer's nphb +n ma PropeM 8��4*entar's obligatlon to pay tho sums seeured by fhq Deed of Yrust ahatf eor►lfnue unehange0. ttpan
<br /> hi�at�Mrteat by Grantor.tMs Oeea ot Trust and the o0ugatlora ss�eu►ed hereby snell rom�in PoOy otfeetivr a lf eo exearaUon had ooeurad but lend� � . :T,:r;
<br /> t1uN e�ot p�obuaatad to mtke am�on e►eat advnncos. TNS rtgnt to ra+rr�tuto ahati ePOt�r if Oranta ha�not prevrou3ty ex�rc�3ed tho rtpht to aircstaW � ��� _
<br /> und�r thh eotm�Oeed ot Tna� �.-�
<br /> _c,�_
<br /> �W�EiS AND OBL10ATtON9 OF TRUSTEE. The fa;ovnnq prov�sions reRatlnp to I�e pawaQa er►d obapaCO�at 7nrsten an part ot thts Ooed Ot -_:_
<br /> �-,T
<br /> ' pbwera ot Yn�ate4- In addEOn to aq powoB of Trustee aristng as n maKer of law,Trt�stee r.fi�ll Aava 1ho pouar to take tt+e foAOwtnp a:.Cam vr��.h ''�`�._.
<br /> � E rotp�t to tAS F►eP�Y�Pon N�re4uest of LenGer and(3r�nta: (a)lan in Orc►A�frq and RUrq n maD or Dlat ot the Red FropeRy.inesumnp ti�a t :_=
<br /> d�dleadon af atroets aotMr�gnb to me publia; (b1 totn in 9rantlng aml easemsnt or erKtlnp nny rastnefton on tAS Real PropMh:and (e)�an In ,;.
<br /> . `,� n�ryr N!9ordin8tten a�o0�sr aqecsmtnt aMecdng tPb Coed O!Yrust or lho into►est ot LenQer urtda tMS Ooea of Tnat :"
<br /> TNi2ef. TtuEtN shU rtt6Yt Ui 4ualitfqtlon9 t�eqtdrorl to�TNStoo unCer appliC�bN iiw, U edofittOn to tlie riphb artd�7n�dfa S�t lorth 1bov�, a�,,�;'.=_,
<br /> tore�o�br JudlGal fa�eeEasue.�in e�as�e�tn�¢xadancct wit a o to h�ahiutl exteM provtdoa by aDONSCaoh Inw.d I.xnmer a�Asve ths rqM to yi.ri��--
<br /> ' SuDOt�DOr TntlRto. lentler,at L�rtEa's opGOn,muy hom Nme to Uma appant a suotessor Tnw•.ee to any Trusteo appalnted!►seet+ntitx by an . -,f
<br /> � , . fatstru�eNnl exeCUtad trtd �na�wkQpCd by Lertder and reCOrdCO 8s requfrod t�Y�P0�ldbit It+�. TA1 itriWtn�r►f sPUD Conttln,tfl td'altlon to Y7 .'�
<br /> oltwr mettms ro4utred by sU1e taw.th�rumes of tt+a origtnal len�r.Tnistee. and Qrantor.Iho�aok and pap�(or can�Aubr aystom rotMer�d) ,:.�_..
<br /> „�t r,rh�ro qq� pee0 ot Trust a roeaded. and tfa nart� and addre�s at tNt suooessa tni'�te�. ana fhs i�utrumant aheli b� exacuhd and -"'°
<br /> �• �y,��by�N o p�e�urtdor tt�e D�etl ot Tn�t a thtar sueeessois in lnter�t Tfro suoeessor hust�a.�+meu1 ComsYand a tl+�
<br /> h
<br /> t��I�utton�to t+tlQovem to�the��exatus�ontlof a11 oM}�¢r provpfstor�s lortsubstltutbn.00�o!7nts2�td bY aAR�mb18 law. TNS prooidtuo ---
<br /> �� ?� NOTtCgS TI�GRAOiTOR AMD OMER PARTtB8. Any no@ce unCer thb Ous6 ot Trust sRa9 bu in wrrttnp and sAat!��ttectlrr,when tctwyr -
<br /> dWveted ar.ll maii�.dlul b�ENmb et�eetive wh6n deposited fn ths Unitea Stttes ma�l Mt ctass,rsgbt9red m�U.Po�98 Orep�ttl.dk�t�d to tt� 6.:
<br /> ., �� = tdd�OSi1a 3�Own nMt tM bsQfming of thts Oeed ot Tru3t Any paA�r miY���b addras fOt nOtlqs unGt lhis G!d af Ttust by pivlrq tOrtnfl _
<br /> ' . . �.".'1 MRItS�l1 IIOtk1f IO fh�oth�►Wtl�l,lp�Clylt�Q ihYi ih0 DM�Poae v►iiii iw'�YG3 0 2G Siii.iyi il�i�i!'i�� Pu�r�i�d�Hr�a N}er�destY�from - .
<br /> x tM hal0�r ot u►y tien whkn has D�odb awr thb Oeed ot Tnist a�atl be seM to Lertder's adtlress.as shawn rtov tRe bepinntnp of thES O�ed ot TnesR .
<br /> •�-•• i' Fa no11o�pupos�s,tframa sQnn to kao9l.�ndar aed Trustso infamsd at att tlmos ot(irantors curtor�t aadseas. •
<br /> ','�'��� �4, A3SOCtAT101i OR UNIT CWNEA&. 1fre tollou,�rp provtsfana aPPb M tno R�al Prope�ty hss bo9n auDmtttttl to untt owrNrahip�tw a simYar taw
<br /> �' ' for tNS�sttb9snrrbni af eondomMlurns or cooPaa�Owntrshfip of tho Ra'�I Proparly: -----
<br /> . . P�Orer 6t Atton�y. CttamtaQrancs an imevocable Power ot attomeY to londer co vota n[!s CturoUOn on nny matter 4hti rtu►y Comi t�fas ttM
<br /> axtocaatlon ot unit ownora.leri0ir shUl luve the dHP�3 to auorc�a tAb power of attome�l �hl afta dehutl by G}rras�sa�;huwwr,l�tndor rtuy
<br /> ., � • d�d�ee to oxe�ifib Oowsas N sees 6�
<br /> InMrcana. TM frtsutnp s�'e7�a0ove may b�Carrt¢d by tPa tssadac4on of unit ownae on�rontors bohlll.and tM propsd�aF zveA -
<br /> fns�na enay bo pob to me assoditlon of unit awnsrs fa fho purpose ot repautng or �o�ww�ucting ths P►oAeriy. If rtot ao its�d br!M
<br /> � . ss�odatlon.weti grooeeds Naq Oe p�ld to Lertda*.
<br /> ' ` Compiletl�wttfl Repufatlons 6f Aa�Odatbit. (irnnier ahnli perform ell ot tt�e oblfp�tions impotod on Gantpt Br 47�m deetma8oe subtnittlnp tM
<br /> Wtl PropsAy to urtit awne�aNp.Oy tne byt�ws of the nssoctaaon o!untt ownels.a Dy any Mes or reyuSttloro tuer�rr�or. It Oracddb tntrsst te
<br /> t}y RqU Ptpp�ly is�Is�es�Iwld Inte+est and aucb propgny Nao been suDm�ttod to und ownnaht3,4ranttx dhnY pellam�of ttN obYpttlons
<br /> . .,,� brpa:,ma on Grnntar b�r the M�o!@hn R�1 Prope�ty trom its own¢r.
<br /> :� ,':• .• 24. MISC€�lANEOUS PROI►�StO�i�.'P9oa fatlowinO rttltoatW�eous ProvESfons are a 0�at tnn Qoad ot Yn�
<br /> _ - - ArtKndmentf. TRis Oesd dTrwt�taqethor wtth any 6ielnted OoCUma�C►.eonsutute�tAe enUra underataading nnd ag�sment ot ttN R=rNls as to ---
<br /> r
<br /> " � p+�nsatr�s SYt forth in 11cPs OesO ot Tnaa No altarstlon o4 a amendn+ent to MNS Deetl ot Tnr.,�t Wm!be efMetiv�enbss 9f+wn tn writtnp�nd sian�d
<br /> � , orms o+m+a v+�esso�,�n►eo oe o�azoed or�ound by sr�o ane�aaan ar�menanenr. --
<br /> r�,;:�'` �ptl�lda Law.Thb Desdaf Tnat 3naN be Saverned bY and ccn7Frua9 in eocordanee with!ho t�wd 0f th�Sttte o!Nebrask�. _-- -
<br /> P�ovlsrons of �Oad�o!Tna� a�In thb Qood af Trust are for Convanie�e PwPOSas ont/anc!ub not to 0�us�d to tM�rpra7 ar�d►n�U» _.
<br /> -�~:..Y,y .. �antor'a Copp ot Ooeumtnts Lende►�prees to provtde anntor vAtt+e eontanned coPY ot hoth ttq IOMILtI��A�Horr»E0�!►��� E
<br /> �,,:t�,;�•,... = /�qtam�nt and thb ONa of lrtsst at tM tlrtq thoy at�o:ecuted or wttlnn a ron�onablo dme aflor Ihb Oe�d 04 Trust b r,�melW. _—
<br />=�-_,___.,.�....
<br /> -.,..�..�,o..,.a:.
<br /> "._r�t�':�:,,��-1 �0'7�• T'wn sisaG Iw na aw=�t�ii Gw UiGp:�r�r s�tr a�'..�bY ti��at Ysu:t�iin em;c!�"�F�e�i cf�=,a Li tr3 t'rr-..rlp a r.tr! �-
<br />-- ^f:e,";,�:_ . IItsf�!�lI�O by Or fOr MEOeY10W4?lt1tC4X 1!1 aIry Capwry�nnitwW uw wuiiai�wnuwd ui L.w�Kim.
<br /> 'W`7�,.`' �'• MId1tPM P�Rtt�. I1t obI1Q19ot�s af CvaNtcr urtdor fhls Deed o!Trust stMUt b�tofnt ar�0 s�vavt4 arM cA rsMr�r�s to Grtrttor eJN1 mstn MC1t and �--
<br /> �w'f►t�rarta. Thts mede�ar!aet+af t�o p�soro atgntnp bs�ow ts r�sDonyble tor�u ablt�a�a�s in UYS Ged at T�est.
<br /> ,;" � ,�,,. �rsnDilltl►. if�eart of�onqeteM prb�tan�nfls anY Orovl�ton of!NS Qe�O ot Tn+is!to trs tnvsNd a un�rsf�Dt�010 anp O�son a -__-
<br /> .� ° d�eumsUnoe.eueh Nbtrp I�itl not nnt�er tltiat PraaiSion EnvNid ar unantOreeabM os to anf'Other Pqsom ar drCUrtts�naa. M M!lDbi.v►J suu► -----
<br /> ! othrttltnp Prorhion ehd p�Qc�naO to be moQilM�d to be within tho limits of enforoeebifiry a vcEd'd1►:Irowaver.H the oltertQtrp OrovtslOn annot 0� ��-
<br /> � So moOiASd.lt ehrA b stsld�M and ct9 ott�ar Orav�om of thb Dond at T�ust In aH othor ro�,,,pncb sR�71 amain vtAd and�rROCOrtbb.
<br /> . �=::i•�::
<br /> , . ��nt. r+�t�so am axe�unon nere�e�+ro.exoeun�e en,�cxnownedomem ara�rg nt.�c�nnca unawatar�s a,tl ta�e�„4 a.a a "�:�_�:
<br /> ..� Tnnt b t tr�ast dw01n0 not w rtartpcp��nd (�)th�Powar ot SaW ProadW ta 1n thn OeeO ot Trust 0►ovtda suQSriatiaUp dtH��1s anG
<br /> th
<br /> ' � • oC7t�ticrrs to Cinntathan 1 rt�arlp�pt In tne�ven►of detauft a 0rsacl+ot obtrpatlon. �,`"`'-
<br /> �r-�'=-
<br /> Sueee�ora end As�l�a SuO�cet to ene Ym+taeans atatad�n mro Oave of Trust on aanster ot(irantors�nterest.mr�Oeed o1 Trust enatt be ��-.;„
<br /> . ��
<br /> • F--=,,.:.
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