_ i
<br /> �
<br /> ' ('
<br /> . . � .. , " �.r�-
<br /> ' .
<br /> �gm��y���� ' � �; ��.. :=..
<br /> ,�, DE�� 0�T�USY' �aQa 4 .
<br /> � (Co�unued) „� _.
<br /> )I Cdn�itanee wft4�Exialinp In0e0�tEdn4as. Ounrtfl Iho P�a��n wP+x�any Ex��tln0lndebtOOnMSti de'.enbed ba!ow ln In oHaet.compl!anCe wlth t�e
<br /> . � imurtna Prov�sto�contamed In Inp imbument ev�OenCrtg auG�Bm3onp Inae'btedness ahatl cor+s�tute comp�iine�antD the I�uuranet pravt�'.tom
<br /> un$er ttus Ooed ot Trust,ta Iho mnent cos�p�iarfeo vm��na tcrrms af thq Oa�a ot Trust woutd coraente a Aupt�ca�on of Im�unnns requtremem. 11
<br /> , Qr�arocoed�fror�the�nsuranca 0.:car�DaYab�o on iosJ, tRn trin�srons�n thns Osed of Tn,st ta dimmon at proocrES shnU opply onty to!t�st ,
<br /> i panon ot ttn proe�as not payaae to Iha hotdar ot t1+s Bsrsnnp InasDteOrsess.
<br /> 11. �tPF?tDI1tJR'L.S 8Y L�tDER. It Cinntor htiis to eomply vintA any Oro�slon of thu 9es0 ot Trus1,IrtduOinp any abtf�s@on t0 mifnteln Ezlstlnp .��.,'y..`
<br /> � _ I �rtatptddnass in Qood etanding x►reqWraO be3ow.m ff any acttan a F���np fs commerrced itut woultl matehaAy et'�t lendcrs tMero3ts fn Iho „
<br /> prepe�tq,t.tnder on f3raniors bahatf iney,upon e0ttce to(imntor.Dut t�hu'J not Do requrt�b.Itk�any nttlon that I.endw daems tpptoqdtte. An3►
<br /> � amount that 1.ertder expands in ao da�p��bsar mtarast at Ihe a►to cPUUged unOnr Ine Credit Agreervrent trom the date hiaumnd ar P�►d by L.fndM to
<br /> � Itf�dW p1 r6p�ymant by Gmnta. At1�uah oxPe�as.at Lonaa's opdan,w,ll (e)bo paYabb an demsnQ o► (CI De�ddQ4 to the ba►anes o!1M creCt!
<br /> � Qr+9, fi"j Osed of Trwt aksfl wi11 aeeuro paymant of theso amounta.'fRc►+�p�b prohdes!ta�n tlus parapnA„ah�11 be�n addftion to any otta►dpt►b ar
<br /> � bu�tlr�om a y temed�►tBet 1 ath tttmnsra wo�have hid.�ohuil.MY sueF�ecUOn Dy Lend&r st+y7 rta2 Da Comtr�tl es eurinp tha 6efeult 60 a0 ' . _
<br /> � �.,.,.;_--.
<br /> " tZ.WAAAAlaTYi O�FEA1S8Of TiTI.�. Ths fotlo��irtg P�ovislcns raltti�ta ownorsNp ot ihe Pro�ty in a P�e�f tAb Ooed ot Tnut +'�:;.'
<br />' � Ttt�, Crnntor warrants tt:at: (a)Granta holds pood and marhetablo dtte at rocard to the PrapMy llndu�np a IqsoROtd Int�rest,ft arry),tre�artd ;��_
<br /> ciar af a!I tiens arta encumbrances exca0t th�o af reca0.a�! l4�tirantor has ths fW rtpA�Dopor.md authonh to e�eute aes�dntiver thb : �,.1••..
<br /> OeeG af Trust to Lender. .:'"J
<br /> v pe[+�ns�o!Tlrie. SubJect to tho axeopnon in the vara9roPh ahov�,arania wsrtqnb and wle tarwer aetend IM t11f�to tno Properry ayNrat►JM -°-
<br /> �arrM da�ms a!�u persons. 1n Iiro ovent�any ac�0�or PreCC�sb�D iS Cammeileed that 0uentlorm Gnniors riUe o�Me intar�st ot Trustao or Lendw ;1�
<br /> u ,
<br /> unQer ttus Qeed ot Trust,�rantor st+ao deSenO the acuon at Granta�'s e�Aense. t�ranta may Os itn nomtnel OaM in such P►or.eean�.Dut Laader .• .� .
<br /> �l�1 ps QntiBed to paAidpate in 11�Oroce�edi^0 Qnd to Eo repr�ce�tPb In the proceedirp by wunsd ot ib own ehak�e,and tirantor witl delfvet.or ,�`__.
<br /> e _
<br /> enuse to De QcMivcrad,to Lender eu¢h Instrumonb as La�dar moy requust from Uma to dmm to permlt wch Part�iPabon.
<br /> CompltMks WItD 4wa. Granlo� worronb that the ProPe�Y anA Grantofs use of tha Propeiry comPiies wttA alt e�dstlnp aAPlicabte taws. . _
<br /> oedlnsnces,and requlaUOro of gova+nmantat nuthorlttes. v
<br /> aq
<br /> ,� �� 1�. E]f�S36M�i tNOF8TQ1HES8. YA9 talmw�np provistors�concormn{�or3cMng tndabtedn�s(the.'�xhCrt�Indebtedrtess�an+a part a!t!�Oeed af ';r'�:'_
<br /> ' Tnu1 ,",-_
<br /> u1
<br /> E1dalSrtp Llen. TM Uen of thia Ooed of Tiust securiaD thv t�dnbtoEnass may be seconderY and inNrtor to An e�d.sUng Uen.M thero b such a Ibn. _
<br /> (�to�e�pre�r eorananm artd ayrees b paY.or seo to n�n DaYment ot,tha Exlstlrep InAObtedness and to 0��Y���on sueA ri;�,.:
<br /> � • �� irtdebSWness. anY Ctfnult urtdar tM InsWmenta ev�GOndaO suah InEebteQness, a anY deftdD undmr ury saeuritf► documenb ta EueA _:,,,_
<br /> `-�.�..,
<br /> in�tYDSSdnss7. —_
<br /> �r pp y�p(���p�, Grantor ShaD no2 enttYr Into eny agroemant wiin IRe hWQx ot a�y matgege.dam o1 Wst,ar ottler Secudty pteon�rt w�tlet�
<br />- _ a h�PrtpNy Over 1hL3 Deea o1 Trust OV'�'n�h ii+si egrobr�e6.�i S +�t�C!!'�,0.:ss�s.�.M^�+awaa�nu+out ths asia wdtten eons�nt at '.:-_.._
<br /> 4+s0er. GtnMOr sh�l neithar re0ua9t not BccePt any�ulum advmnees undor nny sueh.eeurtty►�9r�eement with0U111+�pdor wdttsn eor�nt O!
<br /> a+
<br /> .. ' t�ndw ` _..--
<br /> � 14. 00'IiDE�INATION. T1ie tonowtnp prov�ons retanng to proeo�i^8�►m eortdemnaHOn nre a paR ot tMS DOed o!Tnrsl. -
<br /> ,� � ����t p���, tt ap a aml Part of Ihe RropvAy►s Gondemne�.Lender may W its dee110n rapulro thit aN ar My A�On of th�nst _
<br /> cr�o!ths awRrd be epPtiod to tne Ir�dcbtednASS undur thn 4f�ANLINE�t�FtortM E4u►h P�n,subjx!to the terms ot anf►mortOn�O a Cee4 of
<br /> - � iust wtth a Oen whicH has Prtar�q owv tNs Oeed at Teuat. Tho Ratt�ooeeds of tM awud ehat moaa�!h�awud atter DsY�W all�m�rtablo _
<br /> eosb.�xpenses.and tttomeys loes n�arfh►Oad or tncutrod by Cirantor.Trustee a lertder tn eonreocBOn wIM t!a CondemrttCon. -
<br /> reoc
<br /> proaeQlnss. lt anY Pfaoeedlrq in cortdemrta�cn is�td.C�rantor shalt OromPti1►ooUh 6sndsr in writirp.and tiranla sn�tl pomPtly t8ke suc4� R
<br /> �u may b�n�oessnry to detond iRO actlon end oatiin tho e�vAra. QraMOr mvY be tt�e nomfrW R�'/U sua�prooeedin0.01A L�n�er stal be
<br /> �ntil�d to Oa+�Da�tn ttie Praeediag+►nd to bo mproseMnd In tho praceedinp by counsd of ib orm chobs.an0 Gkentar wNt dM�var o►�au�to
<br /> � Oe dMiversd to I.ender sucl►t�r3trumenb as mny ba ropuosted hy�t from 8me to tlmo to D�aue�purL�ipatlon. _--_
<br /> ' 1a. IMPO$RIOH OF YA�fEB.�EEg Al�1D CHMQES 8Y GOVEANIqEN'lAL AllT110AITt8S. TA0 tollaxirtp Orovistons retatlt�to QovMmnentat�Ces>
<br /> _ ,. " bes md durpes are a part O!Mb Deed at Tn�st:
<br /> - ` - CutRnt TNCQ�,FeCS�nd Gtla�pes. UP��e4uest bY I.ondor�t�ranta shau exosute suan Goeum��n adeuuon tp t�fs Oeed d Tnnt and Uks
<br />-...:r,;�.r.-;� what�v�r ottNr setlon b h4ussted Cy I�nOM to p�teet and wntinue tenders(ir,n on the Raalftpp�rty GnrROr s1�11 Mm9ursa l�nd�r tor d _.
<br /> .. �;;;i?� hxes.a dtacr�OW 0:'avr�toBNnar with atl expenses�^c+�*oa�n rt�cord�n0�P��D a cantle�utrq Mb Q«d of T�ust,:noNdtrp wHhattt Ymitataf ^.-
<br /> !• �,,+.;,. �tezos.tees,dxumentary stemRa.and attbr c1�arQms tor reoordsnb u r e q l s t e r�np thls Deed of Tnnt. _
<br /> .�„'.. �� _
<br /> Tmtq. T1�e foUOwinp shalt carntituto fa�cas to whkh thb sectlon tlpptles: (t)a apedllo tex uPOn lNS typs ot Oeed a!Tnist a u�r�;n11 mr uq►part �:
<br /> af!tN InanbtoQness se¢urrd by lhb Ooed ot Tnuk (�1 o t+R��fe�c on Ciraerta�art�Qrnn;or b tuthorlaeE a to deduA!rom p�Y�� �
<br /> � on pa indehLdn�ss eecursd OY thia typ�d Ceed ot Tn�t: tt)u t�c on Ws ty�a aR Q6o0 01 Tlrust s�qe���s�th�Lrndu ot tIN hotd�r 6r1 °
<br /> �` tn�Cndit AprMrtisn�and (a1 o sPeatlo tex on a0 a aeY Portla�of the IndeOtedness a on Dalrrr�nls of 0�^�P��tn2erest rtnd�by t�nta. �=�
<br /> �,,.;• 16. F1RrifEA ASStxiAftCp.ThNaUOw�++p O�ons ronnn�to h�flt+er assurances aro a part of thb Deed o�Tnu1. G;�-
<br />" .•,'`��'. 6�rdAer Afw�ne�.tJpon ro0u�at at t.�nder.O�rda ni�'d mako.ozaeut�and doNvw.or vAI eun�to b�mad�.�aoeubd a dMt�a+ud.to L�ndsr r�--;
<br /> '-�,'r c,� �• r`..-_-
<br /> -1'_;j�'�!':_��_�' m Co L,en�f�dlsian�t.and vrMn rapuasted Oy LunWr.enu�ro os toea.oeeondeo.�t+se,a roncoraa.�a�ea�m�;�e�,at wtn emes�
<br /> ��--
<br /> ----"----- T:.F tn such di�oef and Ptet�s as LsrnSd+��iiy G:o.�s BLSf�F���&;sy scta�stxr zs;,rC��a�c�ls d M�l,_����ty t#t�:.'C.S�tb�!!'��
<br /> v. ��-� Y fltltnGrg sffitim8ff�1.CCminttoCW1 sTlt0+ne1n5.�revumenia�t Iw iiar�waa�KV.wli�wtr9.ar.d uiiw:6GZiitti"+csb its KSSy.tn tlt4:i�!�en o? F_' _ _
<br /> --}-, LN+Qir.bs eeo�ssary or Qe�.�ebb In orda to Nhelueh.aomPb29.P��.CoMtnu�,a O�o�(�)tM obt�W Grantor undu tM Ct�f ::^,_.
<br />'`�yd�tV"` k.. . /�eempr►t,thb 0800 0�TntSl.tttd ttie iidated OOeutnent�.Md (b)ttM Nero lnd s�antty Inqrmrsb a�d br C�is ONO Of Ttust On tlq PraPN�f►• _- _ -
<br /> :�;,T" {hNagS prOtri0fi9tl'bY��o►ayoflD►0 ths Contr1►r OY Wnd1t tn wRlinp.Gdatlt�efWl relmbtl�I.�nll�r kI Y COSb a110�s tflCtRhd in �_-
<br /> ,'"�4�„,i; a �_�._.
<br /> �„s'�t�� connsedon wtth 9f�b mtttnra ra'.m+a�to tn lNs puapny�h• �..,w;,�
<br /> •����n •Y � � _.
<br /> 17. Fl�l.Pf'FlFORi�►1iCE. tf Grartta PaYs O tAe tndobto9nass whsn dias.t�mtnates ttie ere0�t Yrn aceAUr�.md otlie�+rlss P�4ams u N�ro
<br /> .. � abttpettorts U►�posed u�sn Gsantar unCer tAla Oeed of TrusL WnOar stut�xeeu'�e and daYnar to Truste�t neQwat tor fut roe�veyt+�oe. �:�-�--
<br /> • _ � 10. OEFAta.T. Eaeh af tlis taGawtnO.at ths oAtlon of LanOUr.dnnit oomtitut�an nnerd of ONt�t('Er�t o��urQer tNa Oood of TFust (�1 -
<br /> ��, Gtantot eotnmlts tnu0 a mltkrs o moteiW rttSnp�ts�t�on nt unY dme tn Cq+necilon wlth tA.i aeD�t&+e eo�otutt. 17 du�f++etuQi�tOt ex�tttRlo,t �� �`
<br /> v%;,;�., ���nt about tiruslore Inco+ne,�ob.UaDa�bos.er BrA'�dttwr asPe�ls o! Gr4isto�'s Qnandet exnOctlon. (C)GrtntOr dte�s t�ct mot�thr ;
<br /> .�;c;.•, i --
<br /> ropsyment ronrts a�ttN crod"R une axoun� (cl Grentors seoon ar nus�on tOwM�'.,ery atfocts ths eofatertl tor IAS aodit rns aoeourtt or Wn�s�hb tn u.. ;,._:
<br /> :::i,;ii>'� i me�odatera�. tnM ean indueo.tor cxanrow.ta�ture to mamtnn roqu�rao msurarKe.waste a o�e uso ot tno awdlin9.raauro to oay hxos.oean+
<br /> � 1 C�8d Oe'��^7 I�BC�g�n!hQ BCCCJr1"d^s�e�o�nno a saw o�!►w a+.�a�ng ;-eehC�of e han pe.thce QwMUng wi••`CUt out Osrr-'SS�Cn }OtCC�03Ut@.".v lhQ _'
<br /> . ,�r�.
<br /> . �„' a��o.s•.-�A��_ . .�---, . ._. --,.. ., -- . . �� . � � � . . -v�n.iu�pd�r ;� ., =
<br /> `t,; ---- �- -__. _ ---_. __. - �--. ._ .__. _.._. ---- — -- - ---- --- ._ _--- ----_ ---- . ---- - ..
<br /> ,(c - .. . •. --- .� �.�-- . .. ' ,. . .' � .
<br /> � � , i• . . , - ., �� � . , � ,
<br /> . . . . .. -- . ' u - .
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<br />