<br /> ' ,. �, ' ....'
<br /> ... -. . . n, �, � ...__..
<br /> . . . ° „ .... ...__.._ ..---.._ —•q�•,
<br /> � ,
<br /> 7
<br /> .,
<br /> 99��,0�.��� � �,.
<br /> • B, Ali tlrture ndvuncca from Beneficiary to Trustor or other tLture obligations of Truetor to Beneficiary under any .
<br /> • pmmiosory aote. cantmct. guaranty. or othet evldence of debt exlating now or executed nfter this Deed of Trust
<br /> whether or not this Dcrd of Tnist is spec:it3cully referred ro in the evidence of debt. � .
<br /> • C. All oblfgationa Tntator owes ta 8eneficiary. which now exist ar may later arise, to the extent nat prahibited by
<br /> Qdw. inciudiag. but not llmited to. liabitities for qverdrnfts relattng w any deposit account agreement benvden `�,��
<br /> � Truawr azid Beneftcinry.
<br /> D. All additlonal stuas n�veaced and eapenses insurred by Heneflciary for inauring.preserving or othe�wisc protcctiag �• .
<br /> � the Property aad ita vulue aad any other s�ms ndvanced nnd ex�enses incurred by Beaeticiary�under the temns of ?+�=
<br /> ` t�ia Daed of Truat,plua iaterest at the bighest rate in effect, fmm time to time, as provtded in the Evidence of
<br /> . ,:-.�n:' Debt.
<br /> ' , �. B. Teustor's performan�e under the termg of aay insuument evidencing a debt by Trustor to SeneBciary and any Dced ��;';
<br /> ' of Trust securin�.gusirantyiag.or otherwfse mlating to the debt. �,�. -=
<br /> If more than onc pe�son sigas this Deed of Trust as Truswr.each Trustor agreea thnc thla Deed af Trust will secure all _
<br /> � .,� fi�que advances and tt�t�re obllgtWons descrlBed above that are glven to or incurred by any one or more Trustor.ar any `�-
<br /> oneor more Tnistor and othere.This Dced of Trust wUt not secure any ather debt if Aeneficiary fails,with respect ro such "--
<br /> 1�� -'vTY�'_
<br /> oWet debt, w make any teqvlred disclosure atsout thla Deai of Trust or!f Beneflciary falls to�Ive any required aodce of � ,-
<br /> ° the rlght of resctsaion. is.
<br /> ����� Truator a to malce ell a ts on the Secured Debt when due aad ia accordance with the temns of the _
<br /> S. PAY11�N'd'S� B�► P Y� --: _
<br /> Evidence of Debt or this Deed of Trust. ''`-
<br /> �' �,;� -
<br /> �, �tAR�tANTY QF TITLE. Tcustor covenants that Tn�aqor is lawfully seized of the eatate convey�cl by this�eG!mf Tnut ._
<br /> ia .
<br /> • ' •�;;:•. �dhas the dght to in+evocfimiy gtant.convey and sell¢m Truatee. In uust. with pow�of sale.the Progem�And wazrante �rl,;�:�'
<br /> .�,2:;. . � . ..�.
<br /> ..;(,�:�,,��, tCiat the Property is unencuntbaed.e�ccept for encumbrances of record. �,�n,.
<br /> , ,,,!� r�^�;:;
<br /> � ! ,''�"�:'�� ;' 7. CLAQVIS AGAiNST'1TTLE.Trustor wdi3 pay ail taxes,essessments,liena.encumbrances,IC�SE}�A}�AtC11i8. ground rente. _—
<br /> i;:i��-" �� utiliHes,end other charges relating ta the Property when due.Beneftciary may require Tiustor to provide to Bene6ciury _.
<br />, '.";?; cvptes of all notices that auch atnouuts ure due and the reteipts evideacing Trustor's payraent. 'f r u stor w i l l de fen d d t l e to =_
<br /> � the Property against aay clairns that would impair the lien of this O�ed of Tcust.Tn�ator a�ree.s to assign to Heneficiary,es
<br /> eequested by&•.ne Rc iary, ar�y r�g hts. c l n ims or de f e n s e s w h i c b T r u s t o r m a y h a v e a g a i n s t p s u t i e a w h o s u p p l y l u b o r o r
<br /> ,. , matedale to impmve or maintaln the Property.
<br /> 8. PRIOR SECIJRITY IN'I�RES°P3. With regerd to any other mortgage, deed of t�ust. securIry agreement or other lfea
<br />-.. . docu�eat tbat eHated a prfor security iaterest or encuinbrance on�he Property and tliut au�y have pdority over this Dced
<br /> .. � ,' of Trust.Truswr agrc�+:
<br />��•'?�,':.�;�,.+�.-, A. To malce all paymeate when dae and to petform or comply wtth�!1 covenanta.
<br /> -°` :y,�.;,• . B. Tu promptly dleliver to Bene�ciury any noticea ttiat Tcust�r receives from the holder.
<br /> �r�•��-. �;•..�n
<br />_,.,..�,;.�,� C. Not w make or permit any modlticutton ar extenalon of,und not to cequeat or ncoept any thture advancea uaQer eny
<br />;^-:,�;:.:,•..,,r aote or ngr�e�.m�ent secured by.the uther mortgage,decd of teust or security aBrcement unless Beneflclary consent�
<br />�_ dn wdting.
<br /> �w
<br /> rilw.n�c::- •�'
<br />�=� '= ���"' �, DUE ON SALE OR�NC�INIBRANCE.Beneflctary may.nt Ite optlon,declore the entiee�s balence of tbe Secured D�bi to
<br />-:�.•c,�... ...
<br /> _������•��� ba ienmediately due aud payable upon the creatlon of any Iten,�acumbrance�tcansfer.or sele.or oontruct for aay o ese
<br />-"'°'��'��,�,�.• on the Praperty. However, it the Property iacludee Tnistor's restde�►ce� Wlts a�edon ahail be subject w the e�strtcttona
<br />�' - ' imposed by federal law(12 C.F.A.591),es appltcu6le.For the piuposes of tWa�xtion.tt►e teim"PropertY"nlso iacludes
<br />��;,;�-•�� any fnterest to aU or any part of the Pcoperty.This wveaant ehall nu►wIth the PropPrty and shnll�nuin ia effect unt!!the
<br /> --' - •n �ecured�ebt is p�ld in tLll and this Deed of T�ust is relcasc�.
<br />��:`��:��_: �
<br />��:Y��F:�
<br />��:,�.�",�..,_�� 10.TRAN�FER OT AN IN'1'ER�:S'f IN TH�E GkAIVTOR. If Teuswr ie aa entity other thaa a antural person(suc�as a
<br /> y;�-.�:;i4;;.• ,':.
<br />- : p�+'f�� cucporadon or other orgaai�adon)� Beneftciary may demand immediate paymeat if(1)a beneftctal Interest in Ttustor ie
<br />_-_'���.'�°�'� . sold or transferred:(2)therc is a change ln either the identiry or numbcr of mxmbPta of a partasrehip:o�(3) there 1e a
<br /> ==����= - chan$e in owaership of mare than 25 perceat of the vot[ng stock of a w�oratioa.However. Beneflciary may noi demand
<br /> � `�`"�`'�' ' payn�nt in the above altuationa if it is pxohlb�ted by law as of the dutc af thls Deed of 7�ust.
<br />-�` i 'j`::.�.,.�
<br /> ��^;::�:r.s� ii. EN'�'T�'1'Y WA`dRAtti'�'IE� Ai�i �•EP�:SE►�Ffl�TI{3H3. If T�tur is au�ntit7r athcr th� a aatural ger..on{such es e
<br /> _-_'���ft?;'�"` � - cotporation or other organi7aaon). ltustor makes to Beae�iciary the foiiowing wuuautirw m,u icp,r,�.,��,�I�us Rhtc2t-««:t= _
<br />�...�;�.•i�,;;;•„
<br /> .:.:;.�;:.�ti.�;�. be conHauing as long as the Secuced Debt remaias outstnndiag:
<br />- � '��� A. Truator is aa endty which ie duly organized end validly existing ia the 'I'�tor's state of incocporadon (or
<br />-�r~ � . organir.etton). 1'NStor is ia good standin� in ali atatea in which Tcustor transacts busi¢ess.Truawr has the power �_
<br />.. � and authoriry to own the Property and co carry on its business as now bcina conducted and, as applicable. fs :__
<br /> - qus�tified to do so in�ach state in which Tn�stos operates. '"°
<br />- ... �;, B. 'Ihe execution, del�vcry and perform,aace of this Deed of Trust by Tnuctor and the obliIIation evideaced by the C�,.-
<br /> Evideace of Debt are within the power ot 1'iustor. 6ave beea duly autliocized, have rocetved ail neeesssuy
<br />-= govemment�l appravai.and will ttot viotate any proviatou of law,or order of oourt or goveramental agencY• `--
<br /> �, G. Other thaa disclosed In �vrlting Tivator has not changed its nsinte within the last tea yeara and has aot use+d any --
<br />- ° „�°� other trude or Rcdtioua aame.Without Beneficiary's prtor wdtten consent�Ttustor does not and wUl not use any __
<br /> - , -� , � other name aad will preserve its eacietinII name,trade names and franchtsea uaW We Secured Qebt ia eatlsfled. _
<br /> ' . �� .....�..w��., �_ ..att L��...l.o Dwnwnwv in amd [Yfltl��f�nn
<br />- -��- - - u. PROPERTY C�ND1TiVIV� AL�I'L'KAIIVPIMA AI�II t1t�rGt.atvt�. aauaw� ..us ....q..........r-�v - a--- '----- __
<br /> - and make all repairs that are reasonably necessary.Trustor wili give Beneflciary prompt noucc of nny toss or damaBe to
<br /> � the Property.Tmstor will keep the Propeity free of noxious weada end grasses.Tn�stor will not iniHute,join ia ar conssnt �
<br /> '.;��;" to any cmange in any,p�+ij��restrlcdve covenant, aouing ordinance or other pubCc or private restriction limitidB or
<br /> ",Y�}'"� � �� deMing the uses which rna}r be made of the Pa�peaay or any patt of the Property. without Beneficiary's prior dvh'tten
<br /> _.. ,:: ::,• :�::
<br /> - �rr consent. Trustor will notify HQUeSciary of all �l�nda. proac�dings,cln�rns. und actions againat Trustor or any other
<br /> _ ;:
<br /> - r owner made under lava or regWadon regarding u�e,oavnership and accupautcy of zhe Property.Truewr will wmplY wid�
<br /> � legal requlrements and resuictions.whether public aa private.with r�spect to the use of the.Propeity. Truator also ag�es
<br /> �':•� �, " that the nature of the occin;pancy and use wi11 aot chnn�e without&neficiary's prior wrttten consent. .
<br />� �.;��,., .•.
<br /> ,,,�,. .
<br /> � �� � No portton of the Property will be mmovcd.demolished or matedally altered without Beneficiary's prior written consent
<br /> . � ;; except that Trustor has the dght to remove items of peraonut property compriaing a part of 61ctR Property that becw�e wom
<br /> . pago 2 or a
<br /> _ • , i
<br />_'� , p19938on4ort6vstoma,Inc..St.CIou0.MN11�000•397•23�11 FanfAOICO�Ot�NE f0/30/91 � �•
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