..._�. -: - ,�.,. �
<br /> - :r...�.� - - . . . ,:�;.:�=;_.
<br /> ';..5 'k1 .. _ 's�,., ,
<br /> ��j��T� .�� r ".����-�
<br /> ': ' � '
<br /> -� _. . . ..... ._ — .,.,.�..._ -
<br /> - �._...._ , --� . _ ,... , _ .
<br /> gorrowu�1u11 promplly glve l.ender wrltten naUao af my imati�tion.cldm�dcmrnd. Iwwwit or ather ac�ion b �ny
<br /> owu
<br /> . Qoveraqwiml or�ul�tary a�cy a�pdvatep�rty inval�ln�Wep�ty ud�tny Hwpandoa�Subctonoo ar l3avi Law
<br /> , . _oP whkb Ba�mv}w has�kirowled�e. If 8or.�»wer lautw.or i�iptiiied by aey avemmeet�l or rcgul��ory �athodty. I1W
<br /> - -_... --- ' . pry rarlovd ar othe��wtw�liw(i�tt of mty Ht�raetlot��Subatartct�ii�a Froptlly�i noca�Mry.Aorrower�twll pt�iy t�lc --
<br /> �II�ry romedid qaiaa in a000rd�o with Envlmnm�mt�llaa�.
<br /> A�ucod io tTda ntag�ph 20. "N�zardou�Sub�noos"�u�e thase spbst�naes deflned as taxio ar MaxAndoua wbstt�o�A by
<br /> Bnvironment�l l.aw ind thn following subst�naes: acalino. kerora�e. dher QwnmAble or toxic am products. loxic
<br /> pesticiAp snd beibicida.vol�k wlvcnta.mw�erl�lR a►nwioinQ acbestos ar famwldeh de.and rtlioani�vc motcrials. As ured ln �� _
<br /> cn
<br /> _-- -� - - I�I�R��• ��J1Y�fOMlClqv �.YW" IIICiAS �OIICiAI INWf YM INWSt Of(h0 jUflid IOfI W�1Cf0 t�IQ �I�O�C1[y 1!�OC� I�IM �
<br /> =:� _ _ mlWe w th.wafcly ur cnvironn�Nal prouxllun.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COV6NAN1'$.8ona►ver�nd I.ender futther wverwnt And�gtca As followr�: !
<br /> - - � 21.AoodaaUo�i RewedMs. La�der�11 alve notloe to Bornovvsr p�(or to�ocdenttoo tolbwluQ Norrower"r WYach
<br />_ - ot�ay oovmoot or a�apa�t ia tbt� Socutlty laqrument (but uot pWar to Aocda�tloa underprq�a ph 17 uda�
<br /> �pplk�ble I�w provider Mherw�loe).The aotice ahpll apedfys (p1 1be dcfaulu N)tbe nctloa�+eqalred to cane t6e ddadtt
<br /> =- (c)a dde,aot les�tlu�a 3�daya h»m the dpte tbe notke i�Rlvea ta 8arrnweq hy whkb the ddpuU mu�i 6e curodi aod
<br />��.-� (�t4At t�ilnre to curo tbe delnWt an or betore tlw dpte spedtied in the nMke nu�y re4ult ia ocrdaatto�a ot tbe cunw
<br /> - _ cecural by tbla 3ocu�lty Iactrument aad cale ot tbe ihapa�ty.Tbe ooUce sM�ll tWMher intorm Bornu�er�of tiie rii�ta �-
<br /> rd�+fMe�fla� Aoaleralloa and the r�W to Wi�a oouK aclloa ta�cseK t6e noa���e�drteaoe ot�dd�Wt ar ao,�otra�
<br /> dd'e�we ot Bonewer W aooderatioi nd sde. If tlie dd'adt i�iaiot cw+ed oa or beforo 14e dwte specilled 4�t�e eotioe.
<br /> — I.a�dcr.at Itr optlon.ma �tmmedl�te p�ye�nt io hU at�11 sw�as securrd by ti�Se�vrity loqru�x�t wrttlioat
<br /> - - - - 'fiai4x daarr�d s�d awx�ra�Ce IMe�wwer ot a�e su�d swy ot6er nyaedies�perapiqed by aP��a�law.I.ea�er e�U bc �-
<br /> EpUtled to aollect�q ripe�sea Iocurrod In pursui�rt�9�e re�aedie�p�uvtded b li+ic ap�r+Pb !z +laeludla�.bnt nat Ilwlted _
<br /> �,,•, nu
<br />_-__ . ��'�;.'.• ,,to.rea�oaade�tto�ney�'kea aad coe,��I[IUk evi�0e�ae. • _'
<br /> --- ---��:°=.�$, r��;�'�;; If tkpuwa�ot ale b iavok�f.'�tnr�tte/�wW re+oord w ao�tae ot default ia eacd ow�aty la wbkb nny p�ut d'the r
<br />°� -=---=''="�'°w ,,: . � i�ropa�ty i�I�catad aad q�q m�tl ao�a-oi w�lb W tLe�wnm:r by Apnfic.�ble law to Borrower su�d b -
<br /> m ��
<br /> — — - - QMe other pef�Dms pnscri�i�p�plirAUa�a iAw.Aat� iime noquirea by A�iAw, /'rustce sbs�0i g'rae pu$ii�:wuti� :.-
<br />_ '� , �mf�ale to Ipe Peesons.iarl'J'lo t1�e rqApasr W'eacrlbed by applkabk Iww.Tn�wrtcr. w(tbont drmand on�ku�*mper,shall sdl
<br /> OOa Pnnphty,�t pubiic an.ti�on to Iq�'W86�st bldder at 1he time w�d plACe�orud vadv tbe tenns de�tp�¢c�pa tbe uotice ot `�'--
<br /> --—:::,���, .'� � .k�le ia Wre w�o�r p��b and in.wtry Urder Tn�stee d�tenainea.Tcustee ma! poctPon�sak ot WI or nay pnnel oQ abe =_
<br /> m -=-.u�;� • �P�+npe�tb���v��Wk aaaouaoama►t';At t�e tla�e aad paoe at ppq• �reviou�ly schedWed c�te. I.code�or its d�cee way _
<br />='�� pYret�l;ce d�hr k�operty at any sWe. �,
<br />:�- - — - `' [3$�xo 9!eedPt ot ppyment o[t6e prloe bid. Trn�tee s6All deliver to the purclwser Tn�stee's d�eQ carve��ing tbe _ _
<br /> �'`� �, 'PtAP�Yy'�'b�rodtals in tl�e TnuRec's deed shaU�be prlroa[ade evidence af the tndh ot tLe statemeats N�de tbntln.
<br />-- " �u
<br /> ' ��. 7lroctee'sM�IA�pply the proceed�ot the awle Ia the�'o9laWiag order:(a)to all coste Aad e:pences of acercisiag lhe p►Wer ot �`
<br /> r�=
<br />`�=,,.� ,;, ; �,,�a ua��,i�+������r uK���r���y+��a,oa�o�a che of 40.00 or �zz _
<br />":Y' --:.�f;"' ot tbe prlodpd amount of the note.aQ�9he ttme ot tf�e declnr�li�u►ot defpult,and rc�onaWe attorne�s'tee�ns permilled -
<br /> ��f:.�ira�RrA��isiew . iry i�wi(id to�aaas atiaw�ed by ii�s Se�vtity fasituwc�t��a�p tc)eriy Fxc�rs ta tAe peis�at p2r&v�!�3 tnt9l�cs!to
<br />-,_ici'�:1��'R•+��'w••N+,7•. . �. �
<br />'�k', 5 � � . � ?,Z. R000nveyance. 'Upon payment of all sums secured by this Security lnstTUt�nt. Lender ahaJl reque�t 'Cnutre to " x,-�
<br />;���„�. �� •� � r000nv tfie rt ond shall surrender tbis Securiry Instrumena and aa0 nades evidCnc�mg debt secured by lhis 5ecurity , '
<br /> „�. �F,,;,`�,.,� '=5;'+�: �S' P�°a Y '_.:
<br />;n,, . £�.,;;t • lnsuument to Trustee.Trustee slwll reconvey the Property wl�hout v��,rr�n�y.und w�thaut cbufge ta tha person or pereons lagully
<br /> - w,.-T�:. ..:�.�1'4:` r�tqtl�l to i�:$uch person oe persons shai!pay any rccord�tfon costs. �:
<br />=?s,;�, 'r"�' '•�•` " . , , ?,3.Sa�b�itltnte Tn�stee. l.ender,at its uption, may fmm time to time remave T�ustee and appofnt a successor trustee to
<br /> : ;,y •� �:`�. �'�'� �. any Trustee appointed tiereunder by an inscrument rern r d e d in t h e munty in w h ir h t h is S a c u r fty I n s t r umen t is roco r d e d.W i t h a u t -
<br /> __ ,� ' 1 �5�.•...v� �. conveyance of the Property,the successor trustce sludl succeed to all the title,power wd duttes conferred upon Tmstee henein �
<br /> ' �and by ap�l+cable lew. E:
<br /> 24,it�quest tor Notkes. Borrower requests that copies of the notices of default and sale be sent to eorrower's tddrecs -
<br /> � • wdich ia t�Property Address.
<br /> �. ?S.I�idets ta tbla Sewrity Instrument.IP one or m�rc riders are executed by Borrower and recordod together with this
<br />'�' " . Socurity Ir�cuument, tF�e eavenants and s�greements of each�uch rider shall be incorporated into and shall amend ami suppkmait -
<br />_ r�,"
<br /> ,�,: - s:• ':� ' � the wvenants and egretments of lhis Socu�ity lostrument a�if the rider(s)we�n pa�t of this Securiry Instrument. _
<br /> ;�, ;`+ [Check a��able boxtes➢� , -�
<br /> ' � . ��
<br /> x�� A��ju+u►ble Rate Rider Condominium Rider 0-R�tinily Rider • ��
<br /> �`�•,; � Graduacod Payment Rider Planned Unit Ue�•elnpment Rider Biwtlekly Papment Rider �'
<br /> . r�::�G.S ;:
<br /> x y„��;. Balloon Rider Ratc Improvement Rider Second Hore�r Ricier ���
<br />-= p --� V.A.Rider O�herlsl(speclfy� Aclutowledaement of. PoW�r off 581Q �'.;:_
<br /> . �:.;
<br />. �' � . `s�
<br /> �+�-;r - . ' L
<br /> � _y,.;_� ' ��.
<br /> :�ti, , ... ,�:'0�'; I:,:_
<br /> .`�`a�w:. � BY SI(jNINO 861.�OYN.Ho�rower xcepts und agrees to the Icrms w�d rn�•qnants mntain�i in this Security lastrument and p'F
<br /> :.,�,.
<br />- ������� - � '% in any rider(s)executed hy Borrou�er:rad recorJed wi�h i�.
<br /> S�a�iv,�, �. Wimesses:
<br />:,��� ���,:-�. °`^ � � "'
<br /> .,:' ..�. "'.;,. � �.—ISeall !�:-
<br /> `� S; . :,,:; . C s' ea �.Tlabenok •BaRnoer �'
<br /> ti t..j,�f;� R;,•
<br /> L
<br />. "1' �jy)� ' � —.
<br /> � 'r"• .j5r'`,.1�.� � �� F'
<br /> � �''�l�+��� ,��y'1��,���'� IL' � ($2�� q :
<br /> '. .�- • � n���Y.' �,
<br /> �.;.� , ''�'�. ,;�' ____ Karen L. Plebenek •umr.wer °
<br /> �y
<br /> ����`:. . -.l 1 �,
<br /> -:_�"q�� %T.;- ��_
<br /> .r_..t. �C.�I� =
<br /> �.�.a.���-�-_ _ _- •��tp�NCt •�KT1MC� �_
<br /> �. � , ��.
<br /> °� •, STME OF NEBRASKA� Hel l Cwwty ss: �
<br />, � .�~�'l�� The foregoing insuument wa xk�x�Wdgad beCurc mc thi. Sth `�y"� Jra�cc� �
<br /> � •��''�-��; by Ci�riea L. Pieb�aek aab Karen L. Plebanek husbaad aad a►itt � 1993 � f
<br /> '� �'��`' Witn�s m lrur6�ad notmiul aeal at in��f�'x+nrr.the Jrtc�fi�n.riJ.
<br /> - :: . y Graad Islaad. Ne ska r� �
<br /> c�
<br /> . �`�::��c M Conmission Ex ��: y � E�...�_��o
<br /> ; � �: �.� Y P 1�la 13 1996 ' - � —
<br /> ' 4,. ,,' , nwn wni. +��
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