..... .. . ..1�,�..,... . � . . .;J� C/,^��it �M+Lw��.:����. --am.v�.��aaurr��o�'n�._•xc. . �,� ..�,...�. ,.�..� .'__" .!-_
<br /> _ �
<br /> ,_►r.- -' --- '-°,�`i;r-
<br /> .�� I .. ' � .'uY, . . . •r ��Y _
<br /> � . ',P�� ,�r�^:i.- � ,.c_
<br /> �
<br /> � _ �:� 193- i�e —
<br /> .�' -_-_�_- Thc Fund� slwll l+e held in an i�lituda�whoso depoaila w+e inaurod by a f�dcrnl upency. in��n�mcnt�li� . ar enlity r,=.,- -
<br /> - - IincludinR l.eiWcr,if l.endor is sach aut in��iwtionl�r in any Fcdc�al Hamc I.cu�n 8ank.Lender�I�all�pply�ha Fu�F to pay the
<br /> _ — - F.scnaw Items.Lender may na clw�e l3omawer ta hotdmg sud applying thn FunJ�.+uinurily ��ty,�i�ti�thc cwraw accaunt.nr = -
<br /> vcrlfying�he�scrow Items,unless Lemler pays Bomnwe�inte►es�an thc Funds and app1icAbir law pertnits lxnder�o muke�uch __
<br /> a charge. However. Lendet tnay roquire Borrower to pzy a one-time chaBe for an indepe�wient rcul es�Ate u�x rcpnriing�crv)ce �,
<br /> usod by Lender in cannecUon with this loan, unleu appli�ble law 'rovides cuherwise. Un lea� an agrcemem iR m�de or �-°�°-
<br /> _ - appUcadle law rcquirc�inlaat tu be�+Id.Lender sJwll nat be rcquirod�o pay Borrowcr any imerc�t��r eamings on Ihe Funds. �-'•.^:�:-
<br /> . Borrower And i.ender m�y agm in writing. haweve�. tlwt intercsl shall he pAid an the Fw�i,. Lr��trr,fwil give to 8��rruwr�. �:.,�=--
<br /> _ wf�hout chn�ge, an annuel aeeounting i�f�he Fumis, �Fu+wing crodits und dehits to the Fwxis und tha purp��se for which each ��:::y_
<br /> debft to�ho Fuais wav made.Tho Fund�ue lod ed as Additianul serurity fur all�um.�s�xunxl b thi►Srcu�it Inatn�ment. r==�---
<br /> P � Y Y �i:•-:__
<br /> �� �.::�'���y;:. . U the Funds held by I.onder exceod the amounts permilted to be held by n p plicahle law, l.ender shall aca�u�t tn�mawer _....
<br /> ..,t„. . . ,� �•,. ;:
<br /> , ,S �_;�^, : , y� for�he eacess Fu�ds in ncrn�e w it h�heroq u i�cmen lF o f App l icu b le lu w. I f t h e a m o u n t o f t h a F u o d ti h c l d b y l.e n d e r A t u n y >:;�
<br /> -_�`� � ;r�,�::,,.•. ,, time is not wtlicient ta pny�Ite Escrow Uems when due.l.ender muy so n��tify Barnnwer in w�iting.und. in such catie Bc�mower � �., .a;:-
<br /> . • � ,�,� shall pay ta l.eoder the pmouot ne�uuy to muke up the deflciency. Borrower shall make up ihe deRclancy in no more Uwn ",.,�
<br /> .,,`. , , , < � twelvc monthlY pnYmentx.at[.cnder's solc discretion. • t�.��
<br /> �":"% .��:��`�':� � -• Upc►n paYment in full of all sums securod by this 5ecudty I�trument. Lender shnll promptly �efund to Barmwer any =
<br /> r��`� Funds held by I.cnder.If.under parngraph 21,L.erKkr shall;�cguire or sell lhe Propeny,l.ender,prior to�he an{uisi�wn�x sale �'���•
<br /> :.=�f;��� �_�� .
<br /> �r'.t;�;., �, oi'the Properiy.situil upply any Funds heki by Itnder at the�ime af acquisitian ar sale sis a crodit ugainct�he sum�senurad by ':;��st"
<br />�„�`, ' _ �hisSvcurity buwmenl. ':;a�:'i�,:
<br /> ,_,., . . ,
<br /> - r; ;,. �.,
<br /> ti`y,;:' ,k.: : . 3.Appllcs�tlou ef PAymeWs.U�tess applicuble law provides dhcrwise,all puyments receired by Lende�under pamgraphx •:�.���+'.�
<br /> �L'`%' � 1 and 2 sl�all be lied: first,to an raent clu� es due under�he Nde:se�.�ond,ta omounts s►We uader h 2: ""'''_
<br /> ,�„�.,;: , ��: �
<br /> �;` A third,to fnterest d e:founh,to p�ineipPal d�ue;and last.�o any Icue chAr�tes due under the Nde. �Y �� :;;�_
<br /> : ...
<br /> u�'�'�T ��'�;.' " � 4.Chwges;Wea4. Borrowe�shAll pny all wxes. :iss�sments. cha�es. Pnes and imposi�ions s►ttributable to the Propeny -�:-�
<br /> -.1'�'.:t. _='''`V•�':�'��'� which may anain�vinrity nve�r this Sre�mty Inelnimrnt, c+rr�i It�awM+lii ravmrntc �r omund �ents, if anV• &►mnuer shnll pay - -
<br /> v-„_ti _ , ��.�_ -
<br />:� �s; -��� ^ "'('� these obligalion,c in tEte t�;xmerc providad in paragraph 2,a►if nat paid in�hat mnnner.Borrowe�shall pay them an time dinectlp � -"`_
<br />;-• �.��'° to the rson ow�� a;.�ment. �torrower shal:i n.� 1 furnish to l.en�e aCl notices of amounts to t+e d under thix a ra '
<br /> .-�. ;1:�:;i :;... • . , :,�/,z� P� Wu'S P�- 'y,.
<br /> �....j.�;. Pe �P P �Y , e., �
<br />�` '•`. �'` ' . ` If Borrower m�f.e�i�hesc: mients diroctl �o.rrmwtr shall rom tl IFna.�me�?n to Lender rerei s evidem:in the cncnts. A .�f
<br /> _.,}�!�i.� �,::: '"!,�KS �`�f F°:,?' PaY Y• P P Y � .' P�• B PaY •,.��: -4
<br /> :+: �r ,• H o r ro w e r s R�9��m ri�p t ly d a a c f�a r g a a n y�di cn which hsi..c priori h•�;�ec.i'n�,Secu�it y Instrument unless Borcower.la1 agrees in { _
<br /> w,� `�iL' '�r�` s�• , w�idng to the paymeat of the�.�iigetion serured by t�e 8ien+n a manner acreptable to l.ender, lb)contests in g��d 6aitfi the lien � �
<br /> `!i;t;:,(,�)�+�•'..��;':e by, or defends uguinst enfor�emetu of the li�n in, l�egul p�oceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate co �revent the '.�.���—
<br /> ��" ;;"��(, ' xr � enforcement of the lien;or(cl secures fror�n tl�e holder of the lian an n�r��ement satisfACtory to Lender subondii�iing the lien ta :,�:�"�
<br /> ��it� � ,,1+,. ,� ,•..._:ta;.
<br /> -' �;,,, .���;,+t,.�. ; •�;:, this Socurity Instrument. If L,ancler detern�in:s that any part of the Pioy�erry is subjec[to e lien which may attain priorily over x�=.r-.
<br /> H ��r��}^ f'��R '- this Sesur�ty Instrument. l.endar inay give Borrower a notice identiPyinF the lien. Horrower sh�ll�aisiy the lien or take one c►� -�.�_
<br /> . . ��,r° , ��r +. morc of the actions set forth amave within 10 days af the giving of noticc., �?;i��.'�=�•
<br /> ' vdl`� :1)�;:: '•::,,��
<br />�•• � ,s,�. / S. Nazard or Proper4g� ]a�urance. Borrower shull keep the improvements now existing or herenfter erected on the �,_,
<br /> �0f'�' ..:�-��� Pmperty insured against loav by fire, hawnds included within tha term "extended coverage' and uny other haeuds, including f ,� �``
<br /> V; - �?+�v�:•1,(r -- -= tlaods or t�oadin�.for�hir.". �cr.dec requites Is�sursnee. T#:is irsnrame shal!k�e meintnintd in�he�arn�unts atid�'nr the pericxts �_ ,'-
<br /> '�'• ��• � �����''�'`�`'°","��`� that[.ender r wrcw.7he I�.surance curiier rovidin che insurance shail be chosen b Borrower sub e�:t to i.ender's u roval �`� "`
<br /> ,,.k:_ u p g Y � PP }''.'3x_:
<br /> .��. ;,,; ., rt,., ,:_..., etl
<br /> ,� ;,; .; ,�.� �. �.r;..'L..
<br /> � •yj,..: which shall not t�c unteasonubly withheld. If Bc►rcower faila to maimvnin covernge described above. Lender ma�, ai I:ender'� ���,��.•
<br /> ,:':''.;'.: .,�;��.;. o fon.oMain cdvera e t�+ otect l.ender's ri hts in the Pro rt in acrnrdance with ara ra h 7. . 1�:�;�?",4�T`k��:
<br /> z.,,.,,,� • ��: �� .;'' W P Pr B � Y R � P �. ,._;_
<br />.-`n7••�/ ,•. 4 .�.� .-n.,_
<br />'��X���, � �'�'"''�•� , � All insurnnce palieies anc! rcnewals shdl be acceptAhl�a to (.ender and shall imclude o stnndard mongage c]aase. Q.ender ;:.;�•r,,�r,
<br /> `Hn`��, ,,.�.�:���;�;r• •t'�i �hall have the tight ta hold the policies and renewuls.11�aLader requires,Borrower shall promptly give to Lenddr UIG recelpts of , '�`,'i�_•�
<br /> ,��r1�!� - -. :. �;..; puid premiums and renewul nutices. In the event of loss,&�.�rrawer shaJ�gav�prompt not�ce lo the insunaK.�e��rrier and Lender. i„s "
<br /> r�r :.:, ' � • ' �':?,'•;,�',•; lxnder may tnalce pronf of loss if not made promptly by Burrowcr. ."`r���``
<br /> '"'���(�;� • • . ••'�7 •• Unless I.ender and Borruwer athetwise agree in writing,insuruncc�rooeeds shall be upplied to restoration or repair af the 'r:,•i�y�.
<br /> � t '� ' ��' Propeny dAmaged,if the restoration ur repuir is economicully feusihie�nd l.ender's�ccuriry is nd lessened.If the resturntion or !�'�'v;a�':�',
<br /> . ��'`�'"���. •�' • ,^oi1�.' �e ir is not economicall feasible or L.ender's�ecu�it �vou�d be lessened,the insurance rocceds shall be a lied to the sums �� ''�y.r�
<br /> a �...; ..,. �, W Y Y P PP :•f r,,;:,i,
<br /> �" �s ... �+��\. s�; securcd by this Security Instrumem, whether ar nnt then due, with uny ezcess pnid to Borrower. If Borrower abandons the �•t�� ��
<br /> a .�rwr ;��'`�'� �`���
<br /> �� '{, PmpeKy,or doe�not An�wer within 30 Jnys a nutire fu�m �.ender thut the insurunce carrier has offered to settle u claim,then ��•�tjl���
<br /> � ����>;'� :�, ' ,�' �f,y,ii L.ender may collect the insurance prcxeeds. Lender nwy u!ce the procceds to repair or restore the Property ar to pay sums :,_��_--_
<br />; �j.i . ,,:t�`,�,:. .:;:a�•,���•.. ,:74".� 4�==�=
<br /> �; . . � �: .�.� secured by this S�curity Instrumem,whe�her or nnt then due. The 3t�-dny period will begin when the no�ice is given. .-
<br /> �" '�''^'`'�'' `�'�" tication of mceeds to rinci rl shnll not extend or �
<br /> �;��� Unless [.enJer ami Borrower uthcnvise agrce in writing, uny app p p p'
<br /> � ' .�,��;'�,�`tl°°�''• pastpone the due dAte of the monthly p:ryments referreJ to in parugraph� 1 und ? or change�he Amount of the payments. li' �
<br /> .. . .;;-,..� ,
<br /> -r� s :,.c`. t:,�� ..� �
<br />�r:• ; under p�rugrnph�I the Propeny is aryuireJ by Lender, Qnr+ruu•tr's �ight to any in�uranrc p��licies ancl pracec�s resulting from �
<br /> ; ;. . . ' ' damage to the Propetty prior to the ucyuisitinn�h�ll pas.tc�d.ender m thr ezlent��f�he�um+�.�urecl by thic Security Instrument
<br /> ° � . ' immedintely prior ta the acquisition. � ��'°�_
<br /> �__..-,
<br /> •�, •- °� • 6.Ocru .Pr�ervation.11faintenance and Protection of t}+e Pro rt . Bnrrower's I.o�n A icpUon; ����"'
<br />.� : , , I.easeholds. -"=`_...:
<br /> pancy Pe S" PP� C:��.�--=.
<br /> Borrower shall accupy,euabli�h,and use the Prnpe►�ty u�&�rruwer'ti prinriprl nwidenre�vilhin six�y duys afier Ihe execution nf
<br /> �.:�:� �.+�!�°"•�d•�rF � this Securi Instrument and shall rontinue to orcu ehe Pro rt .►..&�rruwer', rinci JI M51lINOC�POI'Ul IfILti�O(IC ear uiter •'' �?�;;��
<br /> • •� , ty PY pe Y' p P' Y l�._. ....
<br /> �' '��� '�'"� �•..�.:-," `�' the dnte of occup�uicy,unless Lender e�therwitie agr��e.r in ariiing,whinc�onsent sh•rll not tk unrrawn;ibly withfield, ar unleas �,;::::;�-
<br /> '. . �,:_K :•^ .. ,. . �.�'� _.�,y��.,.:
<br /> :, i , , : .• ,,,+; ,...1 ..K�:,r- extenunting circumstances exist which a�r bey�►ixi Borro��•er', contml. &�rrower shull no� Jestmy, damage or impair the ;• r•. •-�_
<br /> � �'�`�. �'`<<�'� Pro rt , nllow the Pra n tu Jeteriurr�e,or commit wu�te on ihe ?ra rt . &�rmwer shull lx: in default if un forfeiture "
<br />- t��,. . � " :bi., Pe Y Pe Y P� Y Y �,�•'3�'`�_
<br /> �i fA• ;r,•. ��A�?
<br /> �i,.;E;;�,�,,,,_. ,•:.,.•, :,,., urtinn or pnxeeJing, whether rivil or criminul, is t+egun Ihal in Lercclet',g�xxl fuith judgnx:nt could result in forfeiture of tfi� •.,.�,�,;�.�,
<br /> '� �+tir -��;''.•.� �"� Propeny or rnhenvisc materiully impair�he licn crcatcJ hy�hi.Srruria� 1n.trument��r I.enJer'.Ktiurity imerest. &►rrower may . .
<br /> � ' ` cure surh u defuult anJ rein.riate.a,proviJ�til in para@r:�ph 18.by causing the•rcti�m or prix�wding ta t►c diuni+x'd with u ruling .
<br /> ,;�1 ��,`_. . tha�. in l.cnder's gnod fnith determinvti�m. praclud�� G�rfei�ure ��f the [��rn���•er'� intese�t +n �hr pra�ny t�r other materits! � - �
<br /> -.,ti,��y � impaimknt of the lien crcated by thiti Security In�wmem ��r Lcixlcr's k�curity intere+t. &,rrower tihall alu�lx in defuult if �,.��,: ~_
<br /> � .,,:t: �� ''� &imnwcr,Juring�he luun uppliratiun pnKe«,guvr mutcriall��I'al.e rr in�cruratc inti�rn�tiim ur statcments to Lcnder Ior failcJ
<br />�'' :�'r',; �'� , ��� w pmvide Lrnder�vi1h any matcriul infi,rne:i:ionl in connrc�iun��i�h �he loan e��id�nr��1 by thc Nate.inrluding.but n�n limit�i .
<br /> . � �. �� ,. �!; to.representa�ion�conrernmg&irniwcr'.��.�u�+unr�•of�hr Prn�xnc a�a principal re�iJrnce. If Ihi+�tcuriry Intitrument i,on u '��•
<br /> ,, ,.
<br /> f �.f.,;, -, , .�;� I�a+ehold. Borrower tihall c��mply with u10 ih� pro�•a:•M�n> �,( U�c I�JX. II� Bttrl'OKcQ :Kt�lllft`` fc� title io thr Pmprrty. thc j,'�`:'',� '
<br /> . f' , ,�. .. , „ .
<br /> . � �' .��'��,4�lS;';`� �!:'t 1ea�7.IProtecdon of�Lender's[tiahh in tlu�I'r+n�erla.�1t'&�rrawcr fail+�tu�rl►rn�i�«n•e�nl.arnl agrcement.rnnwineJ in '%;,•�•"
<br /> '1�:�.,,
<br /> i�:,1,; ` ' ; ' � " •., thix Securin ln>irumcnt. or thcrc i.a Icga� pnkeeJin� iha� ma�� .ignisic�n�ly uff�c� l.erxlcr'.ri}hh in thc Prop�ny (+u.h;�>a ' .
<br /> '•�` �i�•:. � " ., ,' ,+tiati.� pra�eedin�de�'h�mkruptry.pnibate. fi�r��m.t;mnaiion��r 1'orl'ciwrc ar t�,rnli�r�ti I•ra.ar rcEulatian.i. ihcn l.rnJrr ma} Ju,�a�4
<br /> �•1N,:.•�. ;
<br /> ,,,�, _ti��.y,.�.,� pay li►r ahatc�•�r is nc'�e+un tn pr��t«t�hr valuc�,I thr Pr��m anJ Lcndr�, righ�+ in thc Pr��prny lA�xlcr'�:kt�an,m•r� •
<br /> -- — .. �. c ��.� ._ .�.: c.. t.. i L.
<br />-"_�---�--�'"'-,11't`r�—�--=.- Uaivttt Fraa�ic� atiy �ui�i� K�YKV oJ .i �dn °ni�.. ..i, Fr:i.:,i:: .::.i a...', ...:.:"C; ..:-..::::.:::. �pp.:::�_. :: '::0... f.:t;;r .
<br /> ���.. , Z ���r.: ,,;�; , .
<br /> , ., � x �qt\4��,:;. � reau�nuble atQ��eneya' fiti.anJ entering �m tlx Ptr�(km ta ttw{,�rt�ain. Al�h�wih•�.Clll�tf 01:1\ �al�e:k�iun umier thi,�r•rr•rgr�ph : .
<br /> °. '.-,;t". .•'�;" 7.I.ender dcKS oat h•r�•e tu du�o. �
<br /> �r. ..; An�� aa�wMnsl. Ji�bu�Yl hy Lrixlrr miJer U�i, puragraph " �hrlf t+�rumc aJJ�tiunul J�M �.f &.rruwrr .�turcJ b} �h�, ,
<br /> �• �` � Securit lo.lru�r::nt. UnI�M�&►rn�wcr unJ LcnJcr u�rtir t��ulhrr��rm.ul' a�mrtn. U�r.r anwwn. ,hell Fkar uurre.� fr.�m tf�
<br /> • 'i,�:�` Y b f►'. �
<br /> �., u date of disbursrment •rt thc Nutr ra�r and +hull Ik pa�ahlc. u�i�h in�rR.t. u�m nu�irc Imm l.c�xtcr tu &.rrower rryue.tm�.
<br /> ; . ' :� �qymen�. _
<br /> 8.:Nartgs�ue Insurunrc. II'Lc�ulrr rcyuir��cl munga�r in.u�unre u,a cunJiuun ul'n�alin�Uk luan.�YU��J fn ih�.S«un�} i
<br /> � �• . • In.urumrnt. 8ornn+•rr xhull pa}� the pnmium. n�yuirttil u� mamlain the nw►ngage in.ur�ihr m cli�ti�. 1(, f.�r eny rra��n. �he
<br />; . m�xtg�e inwr,uire covrroEe rt•yuintl M�L�ndrr lapx+��r cca�e.w t+e in et�ti�.t. ��rru��rr.h•rll pa� ihr prrmium�rryuir�J a�
<br /> aMain covrrag�.ub��amiall�•�•yuiv�lrnt�u tlk nu�rtEu�c in+urrr.cr pnviou.ly in rtl'�wL 'Jl�l'11�1�IIM�IB�III:III) l'l�Ull'1lll'lll IU Illl`
<br /> $� • ,'"`...� co� w 9orrower uf Ihe mortg�c imuru�n�c prrvfowly in cti�rt. fmm tu�altertwte mo�tg���r m+urer nppnr��vl by I.ciulrr. If
<br />: R.. � . "
<br /> , �•_�.
<br /> . � • . • n.�.�.�. fwm 3026 9r90 `
<br /> � , ' (
<br /> '� 1 . • '
<br /> L-----
<br />