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<br /> �'•- y '= pRSTOD 1�tAMANT!AMD COY�M�MTL Hl Th�t�ac�p1 fo� th� s�cu�ily IntK�st�rant�d h�nby Osblor b.or to *�-±:�� —
<br /> - . ".�r_�- - - .•1M��xt/N'It flRl�t Cdlatsral Is �cpul�b Nlh� tM�d�lrt Ne�o�ot,will b� th�ow�sr of ths VoNrnaf inw iiom�ny �dne�w - ' -- .r:�...,�u:
<br /> ; � �Wn,swwdly N�t�nMt a�cumbranw:Md tAa1 tl�btor wIN del��d th��otlatesl ap�lkat aU etaims and d�m�nd�ol all persons -Y • ,�,,:�=�=__
<br /> �f�ny flms cll�lminp the wn�ar�ny Ntt�nst Ih�r�ln, 1�► Th�t no fln��cinq Sttlement o1Mr th�n otMr FlnanGlop 8lat�- " � ��h�'�`--
<br /> " ti'h . - TMt rwloutly qiwn to Sfcu�Puty cowdn IMM CoQ�leal or� procNds thereol is on fI1�in an . .. .`.'�`�,:�>�- --
<br /> • . ,5 P � Y Y twbl(c o111ce ,,,,,�.�;,:=°°�
<br /> ' ��''��•; �f thal al the roqu��t of 8�eur�d Party.Debta� wlll execule end dollwr b 3ecu�ed Rany o�e or more Ffn�ncinp 8tete- s'l.•'. •
<br /> _ _ ��"�° .. �.�.� :'"�.`riar+t�or'utiwr docutts�r�is�nranartt te t+he Ne�raaRe UnNo+m Gann�eic►e�Gode wAlch ewe deemee!by the 8ea+red Pa�ty .�,.:-:�.�'�'�`� -
<br /> • � � to E�n�c�smry ar ds�i��bls t0 tM�tU�ch�r�nL pM�etlon or codliouatlon of th� �ecurlty int�rMt�ant�d hn�u�de�.all t ;��x�'�.'`
<br /> � In fOnn s�ti�l�alory to 3ecurad P�Ay.and Mnll psy Ih�cost o1 fillnp iuGh Flnancing Stalement.this S�curity Ag�esmsnt, ` • :•��.==..�',�'.
<br /> �ny eontlnuotion or tsnnlnNlon sMt4fnt�1 and other doeum�nls in all publ�o1llcos where�wr li8np�s tleemW by Secu►ed �.•:.i�'x=*.��.•.
<br /> � Pa►ly to bs nscstt�ry o�ds�Irebls;and if tM Collate�al Is�tUChsd to ra�l ealale r�or to the ►fectlon of the eecurft � � �'�- ��°:;
<br /> P PQ Y . �����,,..
<br /> lotsn�t 9raMed h�reby o► il Ihe Coll�te�l includ�s cropi or pil, gas or minerels lo be ext►acted or tlmber to be cul, •::��r.•� .
<br /> : O�bto�wIN.on dem��d of 8scu�ed P�Ay.1uml� Secured P�rly wilh a ditclsimer ar dlscleimere or wbordinallon egres- �• �.,�;;�f ;��;,;-
<br /> m�nt sipMd by�II p�nont h�vlep ao initrept in fhe real eslate,diealafminp or tubordlnetinp any inl�rest in the Coll�te►al ,.,�' '° +•b �''
<br /> � which i�prior to th�lnterest of 8eeurnd P�rty.(3)Nat lo aell,tr�nster o�dis�wae of tha Collsterel, nor take the same or �- :-.�;;,,�`'';?r.+` ,
<br /> . �tl�mpt to t�ka ths same Irom the coumy whrrs kept�s stat�d,without tlhe prior wrilten consr,ot A1 tho 8ecured PAhy. .. ~'"''}�'"�
<br /> (�1►To py+W ta�as and susstma�m d awrl► n�ture wt�ich may b�Isv►ed a a�eed apain�t Ihe CoNaleral.(6)Not to permit .,'�,:•�,+ '
<br /> � � d;� .- er+wlbw any aclwras tkn,securi�j►fntereat or encumbr�nce whatsoever aRan the Co�lateraE, antl not to permil the eame • ,
<br /> Ro b��t1�chM1 or npNvirod.(B) ihat tL�Cotlataral is in�ood conditiQn and lhat Debtor wltl at h4s a her own expen�e. »„: -
<br /> k�sp tM sart�in�ood condftion and Irom timQ to t�rne. o�lhwlth.reRla�e and rep�ir all such parta of the Collateral as ° .
<br /> • nwY ps pnpk�n.wom ouA or damaq�d without albwiny any lien to be created�pon the Collabral on account ol auch �f '�
<br /> �ement or�pliiro,and th�t th�S�eured Pa��ly rteey exam�oe aod mspect th0 Cotlateral ai eny time,whareve�located ,,:,,;,,�ti,,,-
<br /> °!�r� #�f.tf6k� (7) Th�t Debtor will at Ais or her own expens� keep lhe coilateral insured �n s company satlefactory to 3ecured�artlr �� ' , :�.'.. �,
<br /> ;•c;=:. � �� .n��+"` A �inst bss.as app�opriete. Gy lheft,eolliaion,hre end extended coverag�r,with tosa pa�rable to Socured F'arty�B ita�o-
<br /> 'J,,., .cr g � rr ,
<br /> �: ,�,� � �;,,;,,..,, tersat may appear,end wlll on demand delivar said polic�es ot iaaura�ee or IurmsA prool of sueh inaurance to S e curec! ��
<br /> • f Qarti'• !R! At iR�t►(+tt�+�S�rs��rarf Party may �xxuro such insurance. discharqe tax�. Ilens or aecuriry interest3 or oth�r . ._ .
<br /> �� :� �(`� � �`^' encumbn�nces at aoy time levted or placed on th�Callateral and may pay ior tha�epair of any damage or iniury to or C .- ;`,
<br /> �.;• . .,
<br /> ` �°�� . ° � - ! for the presarvation �nd maintenance o1 Ihe Collatetal. Debtor agrees to re�mbu►ae 3ecured Party on demand for any „ :�
<br /> "' payment o�expense incuned by Secured Party pursuant to the foregoing authorfxaHon. Until such retmbursement, the � �
<br /> � emount of any such payment. wlth interest et 11�e�ate of 16!b pe► annum from date of payment until reimbursement. •�_
<br /> � � ehAll be added to the fndebted�ess owed by Debtor and ahall be secured by this Ag�eement. (9) That Debtor will not , • - �
<br /> ��� � ' ti:,, u�e ihe Collateral in vlol�tion of any applicable statute. �egulation or ordinance a�d d any o1 tho Collateral is motor •
<br /> vehicles,the seme wfll not be rentect rr�r used in rental service aar io any spead or endurance contest. � '�-
<br /> �� i ' UNTIL DBRAULT Debtor may have posaess�on ot the Collaieral aod use It in eny lawful manner not inconslstent wit►� �
<br /> +�.;�!?� �';�;,.�., �^ this Ag�eennent eod n�t.inconsistant wilh eny poUc:y ot iosurance thereort, and upon delault Secured Pa�ty sha�l havo ��.
<br /> .�xt�.. ., ` �� S the Immediate Mpht to Ihe.possesslon o}ihe Colla4era1. - --
<br /> �� :.ry}�"i ; �' �• •, DH9TOR SHALI. Q� �N DEFAULT under thia Agreement up¢►n th�e,happening ot any of the following events or . �
<br /> "� ' condltions: (1) default Jo►the ayment or erforma�ce of any a00� at�f�n, covena�t or dabilit contaf�ed o� reterred to
<br /> •,;. �•�'���' � , �,• .t;� .. i P P �I Y .:
<br /> �::;,"��t�i • <�' 'r� t heraln or in any note evlde�oing the seme: (2)any warranty, reFr¢�aentation or fi�ancial statement made or furnished to - ,-
<br /> ��'"•, ` :. ,':SfF;:�;t��'. � �i•� { 3eeured Party by or on beheli ot.pel�tor is discovered to have been false in eny material respect when made or lur- - r�
<br /> �':�� � ' �+`•� '• ", , +�nished;�3) any event whfCh results q+�coulct resu4 in Ihe accelerat�on at ine metunty ot the fnaedterfaess of Gebtor to • � � .�;�
<br /> :.°.i`1�t''.•oj�:�,,�',�r. •. �. .
<br /> i.,.;,f+ � ���•:;;,;�, �;� i . others undar e�y indenture, egreement or undertaki�g;(d)loss,theft, datnage,destrucli�n sale or encumbrance to or ol - _
<br /> ''�� ...�;�,:•. �;� ( ��� any oi the Collateral, or the making of any levy, seizure or attachment, thereof or thereon; (5) death, di6solutlon term-
<br /> '' " �'�' ' inallon,oR exlatence, insolvenn bu8dnesa failure, a olntment ot a recelver ol an gnment for �. , '
<br /> ,.; J�;.•::.. ; Y. PP Y Pert o(the Collateral,assi `
<br /> ',;i �•;, the bene►�e of credltoro by Debtor,�r 1he commencement af any proceedin�s under any bankruptcy or Insolve�cy �aws ��`��.,� •;
<br /> ' � ,, ,�• ' by or ngar��t Ocbtor or any guars�ntor��-�urety br Qebtor. ,; '��'� ;�
<br /> ' • � t UPON BUCH DERAULT and et�t�y t�me therealter,or it it deems itself inseCU�e.See.u�erJ Party mAy decla�e ��r �hSi- ','�,• �'. ��
<br /> �� gatlons eecured hereby immedlately due and payable and shell have tho ra�*iedies of a Se�u�ed Party,under the N��+rASka ,+��"�� _
<br /> . � Unfb�m Commercial Code. 3ecured PaAy may require Debtor to assem@�e :t+t� C01Jdtfevay.artd deHve► or make It avall- � � . ' � �• :�:� �
<br /> - .� i able to 3ecured Party at a place to be designated by Secured Party wh�c� �a 'teasva�abey convenient to both pahtes. ' •, ,
<br /> ' Unless the Collateral Is perisheQle br t'�Ireatens to declinP speedily in vaft�A .i7 tis a1;�t��iae customarily sold on a rPCO�- '� • �
<br /> ��� ��`1�:.�• nlzed merket, Secured Pert wlll iva pebtor reasonable notice of the tlrne�end fac� o� an � ' , `-� �-
<br /> y g p y publlc sale thereof ar¢+t. ? , �A
<br /> � �' '•'� the dme after Whlch eny privete s�le pr other fntended disposltion lhereM is to be rna;��. 7he requlrements oi reasc�n-. �,,� • , ,.+ j'.;=-_
<br /> Y ,�;�;..,,�;;,I • eble notice ehall be met If such notice is mnlled,postage�repaid, to the addreas of bebto►shown at the beginn�n� 01 • � "
<br /> ,�� . . •'J:�.• ' this epreament at leeat three busine8s deys befo�e th@ time o the sale or diapps�hon. • •. ,, ,_
<br /> ,', �''� ' � �`� �� � �� No wafver by Secured °aNy of eny default srr.ai� oQorc�te as a waiver of any other default or of the same detauM O»a ti' �' °�;Y�-
<br /> �' •,,,��:�� ��.'���•,', � ' future occaslon. The taking of thls 3ecurity Ag±eement shAll not wawe or impair any other security sa��d Securea�Paity � � ' "
<br /> ,..��;,�, `•�"�';�j;ja'�' , ;�ti�_t���:�,,' , mey have or hereaftor ecquire for the payment �1 ihe ahovP�indebtedness. nor shall the taking of ar��� such Adchv+onal � � ;•.',;���._,;.;`�
<br /> � •,�� �• � �.:t , securfty walve or impair this Secur1.y Ag►eement,but FA1c!S�.cured Party may resort to any securHy 1S may ha�.� i^ Ihe � ;(�,
<br /> �'� '• �1� order it may doem proper, and nolw+lhslanding �ny GpU4ateta' �eCUnty, Secured Party shell retafn �IS tiphts n? se:-otf , , , ; _
<br /> � �'. i rl+,����,.. ,ti r��,�� i 8peinst DebtOl. r,��:.t�(��
<br /> �'`'• i�� � All rfghte ot Secured Pa�ty hereumde� shad ,nure to tho benetft of NS successors and assfgns; an� all promises c�nd ti, ;._�� ,��• j��`
<br /> - •��. ,� ,r «^��''�
<br /> "tF. � , duties Of Debtor Shall bind hls ot her hel�s, personr�i rep�esentatwes or his, her or Its successors ot asslgns. If there be , ;,��;y`i��t;!�•
<br /> j�.••�'� morethAn one Oebtor,thelr Ilabiliiies hvreunder shell be�oint and several. . ,� • ,�,x,��,;._.
<br /> Thls Agreement shall become c�f►e�;�ve when it Is signetl by Uebtor. A carbon, pn�;�ngrflph)c or other reproduation of �' .,;4Y:Y,.. ., ', .
<br /> , I• ' `'� tha slpned 3ecurlty Ayreement or Flnancing 8latement mAy be usetl ns a Financ�ng Stntcmont '; �f• , ,
<br /> ; ;.._
<br /> �Ir,a�'C•;%x.�•.. ' ' , ADDENDUM � � �• '�.1�� �'„
<br /> �. ;�t. The undersigned, herefnalter "Owner/Debtc•'. owns or has nn �ntps�st in tne collateral deacribed oh the reverse slde �
<br /> , ;;:� ` of this Agreement, but Is not a party to th� obhg�lion secured T+�, 1n�c .�gr�ement. By execu^�n� this Agreement, ,
<br /> ••,,; � ; � ;' � Owner/Debtor undertakos no obllgation lor repAVmer�l n� suc?� pblipa7ion, but wnivRS all r�ght, Iltte and interest in and
<br /> � 1•;•;.1� '��', to aafd colleteral to provide securlty lor perfofm,inc�� o` th� obi,�8llon. All provis�ons of Ihla Agreemenl appty to
<br /> •,�• p uwneNOeblor ena the term "Debtor"as used�r. 1h�S ��hfFtl9`;'n; nnd t�ny i1GCpT}�il�Yl�ll) FnId�1�1��4J SIdIH�OdnI 1@�@i5 G0�'
<br /> "'� , ' � lactivoly to Debtor,OwnedDebtor or both as the c^m•-,ti:mav rr.quiru.
<br /> ;.;.; :.; • '
<br /> . . , 'ti . _ . __.._ _ _ . . . ___ . . . _ . . . ,
<br /> ;;b . DatQ •� ?+rne, 1r�i,�
<br /> '' •1 tf*,, r` ..� . . �
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