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:�._.....�.+ �;�. .f.., .' . <br /> � <br /> � J• - ._ _ ••�Y, <br /> �! [ . _ " _. __ <br />_�_'"' '. ' __' _T"__ . ._. . ., ._' _. .:•7f�. <br /> __ _ ._'_.:.._:::_��lt?� . <br /> • 9�. ���.� � . <br /> applicable I�w nay specify tar reinsWemaul bcforc ale cf Wa Pk�p�ty Pu�ruont a�ny powex ot s�le ooiNrined in tdis <br /> - tSeex�ity in+�u�p:ar(bl�'�j.��unciOB d�Sac�rity IoWnunan. 71�aRO ca�ditlo��ne tlw Qorrnwa: (U , _ <br /> , p�ys La�der all s�u which tNm w�oWd be due w�du ihis Secwity Ins�nrmait +�nd �he Nate�li no�a�aloratioo hsd � <br /> oocunod:(b)cura�ny defiiult ot�ay ab�a cova�mn or��raarcoa:(c)PaYr tll oapcnacs incwrod ia enfarcing Ihic Secu�iry . <br /> bnaunaeot.includin�,but ttat limited b.�e�w�61e�roomeys'feet: aad(d)aker such aclion �s l.cnder mKy►rcanon�bly <br /> roquim ro accum Uu�i�he Nen at ihis Sacuri�y In�n�oan�.I.eaderts daba in d�e Propeny•nd Bamowerl�oblia+cian w p�y�ho <br /> ----- . s� c�zr-�ti �y this Secwity M�e�st �ka!! co� unel�wd. Upon rdnpateme�t by Bamwa.thl� Security <br /> '-- �_ -�, Inpnanan n�d the oblig�tion4�ecun+d hcnby shaU ran�in fully elfactive as if no aaxJeration hsd accwned. Howevu.lhia � <br /> - — �t w rein�qle sh�ll not q�ply in 1he cue of�coela�tin�w�da p�agraph 17. <br /> i! Sde d Nole;Cb�aQe of La�w Servicar. '11ie Note or�putial intenst in the Note(�ogqfiet wilh IhiR Secu�iry <br /> - —' lacuu�r�nt)rtu�y be sold one or a�one dmes witltow priw notice �o Homnwer. A sok may rcsult in a chan4e in tha entiry <br /> _ � lkrown ai tlie" Servkcr")Ih�t cadects mon�hlY P*Y�duc urdcr�he Noto and thi�Socu�ity Incirumcnt. 71�ero�Iso <br /> - msy bc aae or morc chaages of ihe[.o�n Senricer wuelwod to p srb of tho Nae. If the�ie a chonge of the L�oaa 3erviccr. <br />- - Bonower will be given wriaen notice of�6e chuige in acco�d+u�e with��ph 14 above aM applicabla law. The nwice <br /> _ - will cqte the n+�me and addr�ess ot ihe aew Laan Servicer and We aid�ne�to- w'i�payrt�eals r�bouW ba mwdo. The notko wiN <br /> ���� � dso oonuin any other Wono�tion required!hr aPP�icaltk I�w. <br /> 20: Hanrdo�S�1a�oea Barower sl�all not cause or pe�mit d�e prrsence.use.disposol.stuexge.or�lease of any <br /> iHaz�rdiwis Subataoc+es aa or io the Property. Boaower sball od do.aor allow apyone else b do.anything aQfocting�Ae <br />���:;,,f Propeity th�t ic in viobuiop ot amr Frvinoea�rnW 7Ue procedir+g hvo sentences slu�ll na Apply w Ihe presarce.use.or <br /> �wrage on�he Plapeny oi small yua��tiaes of Hazardoui Substan�es tlu+t am generally roco�niud to 6e appropriate to na�mal <br /> °µ'��,-::.,���I �cide�tial uses and to maintenanee of tUe Pnopetzy. <br /> -` _�!^;�� l Bomuwer sh�ll po�npwlY 8ive l�nder wriprn natw.. of aay imresdgatioo.claucn.det�ad.lawsuit w other acdon by any <br /> _ • i govemmenu+l ar�egul+�� aKency or p�ivate pu�y involving ihe IhOperty and any Has.nndous Suba�ance or Eaviraunau�l <br /> � �' Law of which BamN•ea�has ;�clual k[Nawle�ge. if Ilarower leams, ar is �hed by any ��,vanmenl�.i u� ��u1,�tu,y <br /> - ` *;'�:;�, <br /> authority,that any nenaaval ur�ther r�irrtr`.�iation of any Hu.ardo�s Substance afferti�g th�P+�ap�:± iti neceswry.Baeower <br /> �11 p�omptly take All�ecec�ary remedlal acNans in accordance with Envirnnmental4aw. <br /> As used ia tbis a+e'�'q3'h?A."Ha�rdous Subc�wrces"iae Itwse substonas�ICfa�xs wxia or hazrudous aubst�nas by <br /> - ..-;,� Environment�l law an�i�he following subst9nccs: gasoline.kerosene.wher Oaea�cnb'b�e or toaic pctroleum products.wxic = <br />�;f - -- pesticides and heibicides,volatile solvenls, mated�ls cantaining asbestos or fa�cra�aehyde.and rad�oactive materials. As <br /> used in thw p�ragraph 20."Envlronmental Law"rnrans federal lauv�and laws of tlrej�u►i�diction wha�e the Property ia located <br />:-:�;;_ �bat relate ta or envinonmanal protecdon. �.. <br />:�:;� _ NON-UNIFORM COyENANTS. Bamower and L.ender further cavenant w1c}��r,c�as follows: <br /> ,`�—=��-,��y� 21. Accekratiao:Remedies. Leuder slp�9�ive aotice to Borrower priqr t�acoeleratioa fdbwing Borrower's <br /> f_��+Y���t�l bracb d any cove�wat ar ngreemeot io t6is Secur�t�•Inst�umaiR(but aW pr�c to accekratbo uoder P�a�aPb 17 _ <br /> ,����oe� ooless�pplii�We la�Pro+.•+des atberwhsel. Tbe notiae� I�pedik: 's)tde de3`•�a�k:(b)the sctiaa reqaircd to cure t4e <br /> e <br />::_�..Y— - _ � delantt:(el a�e,aoR iecs 1du�o 30 days�rom tie da�x ��s�iven to 8omower.b� w�ieb t6e iidNdt mu�i i�e - <br />;:�+'f �. � � `'�•"� car+edi�ad(el14l�t faiVare R�curc I�te e�r�faatt on or be�ore the dA2P specifkd in the nMke��y�ixult in sccderadt►n a� _ <br />�`�`-��`� `, •;'':� the su�secured by tC�s ��rity In�irvmeat and sale ot IUe 3'rro�peTty. The noNce sbnp�w�totora�Borrower af , .' _ <br /> -- � �.� tbe�t to reins�te adce�ucnekradon and We right to brtt�g a c�u�0�ction ta asvert tbe non�e�steoce of a de�ault ar -_ <br />'v��:��� ,i�13r�. any olher dekpse o!Be�wer to accelerAtbn and sWe. If We d�9owlt i�m�t cwred un or before t6e dak specifled io , - <br /> ;f� -- t�c aatkr,Lreder�t 4b optlo:e n�y reqvire f�mMlste payn�en!ir,1�9�o!a19 se��c�s secured b��tdls Security Iastrument � <br />- �itaoot 1'urtber denu�nd aad mt�y iavdce the power of eale �Q ang otD��r reauedies per�ted by applkable law <br /> l.ender shWl be mUtkd to coNect all expe�es incurred in Nwrsudng ihe r�fiedles providded ia thi� paraQrAph 211. , , � <br /> - `. ioduding.bnt not limited lt�o,re�sunable attorneys'fees And costs a�r}'�11le evide�oe. <br /> It tbe power oi snle u�ipvoked�71rMStce shull rc�r�r�a rtunl��oi defau�t dm Rach county in whkh pn�part ot the -- <br />_ Property L�located and�U mafl coples of such n�t�c�e ia t�e aa+an�aer prescrlbect by applicabk law to Bonrv�er and to _ <br /> _ '�� the ot6er persons prescri�bed by applicable law a�'�ter tbe t3�we r�qaired by appltc�ble Ipw;'iiv.gtee shaN give publk . �� <br /> ` ' 'J• aatice d sale to the nsot�s and in 9he anaaner rescribed bv Jiceble law 7lrustee,wa�t demand on Borrower. ,' ' <br />- •_�q ;�c. P� P aPIP' - <br />� � �;�� shaq sell the Properly at publk auctbn to tbe htghest bidder�t RW�tbane and place and u�&e�:Ibe ternuq desig�wted in _ <br /> ° � �'� � We eatice d sale in one ar more parcels�nd in aoy order 7lruxter,rl�terminew T�tutee maY I�P�sale ot aU or anY =_ <br />'- '� ,'�� p�roel ot t4e Pr+opeetf r}��ublic annouacement At the lime and�Ysu+e of ap}pn�.•ioasly scbeduled s�le. l.ender or ils � <br /> • de�aee m�y purca�r tae Praperty at aay anle. _` <br />� ,_ Upwt n+c�e�l�t�d�pa;vment of the price bid,7lrustee s�lwll dell�a�es lo t+hr�urebase�7lrustee's deed conveying t6e <br /> + :•�-�, �t Property. 7fl�e a�cais�s in the 7lrustee's deed ishall be prtma facic�ev[�3ence o!t�r truth of the statements made tberein. <br /> _- .���., ��I� ' �@�aP�9�be proceeds of the s�le In the toUowin�order: da)16�II euals aad expeoses ot exenctrio�t6e power <br /> --�'• ` • • ' , . _ <br />�.� �� • , <br /> .. , � <br />- 1f'�r.���,•S�� � . - <br /> . :ti�. �f • . . <br /> �: , <br /> � r�, s <br /> ii ��7 <br /> � ,ikc0 'F�:1� ' . - <br /> �:. ;9; <br />