, .,
<br /> .. ;
<br /> �, , ,, , �;,
<br /> .. .,> , ..
<br /> dtc ulationo rcint!ng to iho Proporty by virtua oi a�y����t°�°��s,�nnao' '
<br /> . (a3 NI nAD1tcnb!o fa�va and rogutationo,�II�zcn'In ond bulldingf�aw,nn 9���n4�Ith Oloubllhioa Aet.4x U.S.C. gaWon�710t ot ccq. (end NI „
<br /> ' rcguinttarr�PromutQ�tcd�hnroundnr)artd n 8
<br /> � nuthorlty w�th�urindfplon ovor tho Proporry�Prouontly aro and cha:l bo cb�onrcd nndcot��o��I p lor noncanformt�n0 uue, nnd Ilnul inapactlon
<br /> �o Includtnfl bul not frtsltcd to ianinp varlcncoo.apQO roaontty ara and ahnll bo obtatr�od.
<br /> pormito,and osril(icato�of aooup.. y t
<br /> �pprovnta),wlu�thor tornpottW or P��no����I�ero rmicd�l to iho uco and occupancy a1�flu Prop� . '
<br /> pracorvcd m�d,v,rttoro ncwaonryr,►unawcd; �Iorm ito Oh:lQ�tlono undo��hln Qcod ol Truat nnd Ihoco ncuo�o Eo nol nnd chall not
<br /> �d) prantot hna tho dght nnd la duly nuthorfxcd to oxcc�tlo and Po
<br /> �� coniilet wlth tho provielonu af any otntuto,�oQn�a w threatoncd w►+►eh m�t�t���t dR1►nitcot ho PropoAy,`nnd 1y�b�M(nc�dln(),but not Ilm od to. �
<br /> , (o)No ncttan ar proo�9n In a ahall bo P 0 �u ir unnt to thlo Daod ol
<br /> tho�o g1ovomin8 H Now�d°�M�orhlo�loj�whicl►m19M mrst°rlotty nifeci tho Ptoporty cruLon�oYn�rtgh or o►�lnt�a�irin th�Prnp�vtY P C '��.
<br /> Tmat. an oi No ProponY ozcopt r�a cot fonh � °
<br /> •.,, ar doada o1 truat then �
<br /> s�o y�d pgrftum In a limcly rt�annor. If thoro uro nny p�
<br /> 3. PRIOR OEE08 OfTRUBT. �rantor►op►osomd tmd`HaRt��g f�iroIIrundot�auch �d�sadaf oNNSttt°nd thondablodnoss�wr°dthomby end luAhor , ':
<br /> -- '., on 9e7�oduto B enaeM�t e m o u m 4 o v a df and tp�orwfarm e�ll odl�� �d �
<br /> tlrantot agraoa�c P a 9 or daad ot t r uat ah�l�b�a do l w l t a n d o r t h l a D o v d oi Truot rnd ahall omitto Londcr to uU dgtit�a-'�d�°^'�d10$COn�ncd `
<br /> aer�oa inai e aoreun u�aer�r r� __
<br /> horoin or In tho Ob118atlons to which lembor�vautd ba ont►tiod tn tho ovont of ony othor dofauh. i�
<br /> d o a a t b o d In 3ohodWo A,or any IntoroM thoresin,or o�aQ nQ�y P Ns1Gor � �-��':
<br />- 4. 7RAPi8FER8 OF 1HE PROPER T Y O R�ENFF�yIA�L l�e ro�ptoPuAYANTOAO OR8 B��RROraI on,$Ilrtitad Ilabllity oorrpanY p a r t oyanoo,loaso, e
<br /> eo�et for daed or trensfer to any person o �;;_
<br /> irrtorest in Botrowor or C�ranta(if 8orrowar or arantor ia not a naturalp rson or porson8 but � -
<br /> ent landor may.at fta option dodaro tho outstar�dng pdnclpal b�leno�ot iho Obll9�a1�omont sott�torlh ap d ite��ockh� o��atmymbers,oa � -_
<br /> other legat nfl).
<br /> * a bto. At Londara roquest,Cirantar or 8urtov�or,�hre o�vine ahip imo sta tumish a oomp�
<br /> :, x �o�,as epproprieto,and the extom of their respact this Dead of Ttuat,Grentor absdeotY as��8►'s to lendnr all : ;_
<br /> In co�sidarehon of the Ok�129atlona,whkh aro e��by po ��'.
<br /> �:� e. ASS1QNMf.NT OF REM"3• ot tho ProportY tal�cuch teasea and egroomer�ts whc3lher w en w orel,e►e ,``;+r;,,
<br /> , ar�tor8 e��o.�i�ht, tN1e,�i nanoa,a�ij�u and���e�oecuPsnoY Kor eoqulrod in ali exisUn het wlth Iho 1�rm�deio end oo�il�nuln9 r�ht to � �;:�
<br /> �•••.: oxtonatons�ronewa�a end s Inearm of �ii�s;':;:
<br /> ofits and othor Inoome of argr nature now ot hore;aAer d�e tindudirt8 er►fr .�.�:,.
<br /> horenfter rotortod to ea the'Leacea�.an �11��tvenuoaeleaues,p�r�o��undor tho Loases,logot i�uding m�nM�ronte,additional roms. ;�;��._
<br /> < � `-'�S a+l�act�nd rcsooNo�E of tha ronta.Incarre,row�te ey �r,.gos tollowing ,.�i�s..
<br /> `{: ° eny naiure eoming d�+o dudng eny�lar�ttan per�ed)undor tho Loasea or from or erining out ot Iho Pmporiy ��dy de�trudion or ;�;�;��,.
<br />-'��.,� '° � reemapo rema. paddn9 or cortnnon aroa malMSnanee�o�b�►�°�co e ng los�ct ot re tsrosulUne�tronm unlu�nacAa�Yrl�s dorived from tho �5,��s�
<br /> �' ' �fault In any Wase,a0 proo°°d°PaY��ur�dor en poi oY ��,�`:i,:..
<br /> �g,and ali ada hom nny dgMs andclaalemof any Idndwhkh araMOr ,•;Y�:;
<br /> damage to tho Pr Ry.ail Proceoda PaYabl°es a resuft of a tossoa's axorcise of an oplkn to purcfiase the PropeM/ "
<br /> °4° ���8 bankruptcy or other InsoMet�yproo�� '
<br /> '!� ' �'� termination or reysct en cf e�Y s ot tho PropanY(t��ot the va ero haroafter oollectNetY ro�aned to es tho'Rems'). Th g
<br /> may haveegakis►any lascee undor th er�as��ea�����o Londer to oollect end c+pptY tho Ror�te. This asslgnmom is reoord°d In soeoMar►oe with • ff
<br /> ?;« to ihe dgM�Pov+ flo. deeted.end choate u n the rocor�reg o�t-�of TN�st°Lendci gran s `•`R:
<br /> +� asslgnment la subject mem ta tmen�to bo a�ect Pa `=-.-
<br /> -� �;�!� app1kable atato Iaw;�ho U e n c r o a t e d b y thls ass i g n s ln Qramor's bus lness ope r a n l o n s. H o w e v s r.Lentbr '!�;-
<br /> -s:: ,� pro�py epplfeabio etate�aw as erronded hom time to tirre• A a�ong as t h e re i a n o d e f a utt under tho Igatlons or INs Daed
<br /> ;'=i. .{' Citenter a revoeablo Ncons3 to coltect all Rerria hom the Leasea whon due and to use aich Pr�e� �have.hold,mana90.leaso and ope►ato 1he T r;,:
<br /> . ,�, �ay at sny tlme requlre ararRor to del�osR ell Rents IMo en e000unt malmalned by Orantor or I.,ander et Lender's Instftutlon. Opon dsfauft In�d l�do� ��::`
<br /> ._- .. .�at anv of the Obi�Batlons,lsnd�r may at fts optlon teke�ssnssion�th�l��r��e�R�a �ttre propoAy
<br /> ,y r oi,oi Is Y10 i�e�"�- len�!et Y P� . �mder rtt3 ePPrY all RerRS In _ ,.
<br /> � � `�•,�.i Pro�eriy on tcums end tor a podod ot time that iAnde���'°���ma to tFio Prope�ty aa tsnder�reiti��•• _--
<br /> .. ' '�,:' �h a l j have h d l ppwer to m a k e alteralbna renovattone^8 oP�o��n t o t t h o oost of such aRerallona,renovations. repaln and�� �y�p tho �..
<br /> Lendor's sole discretlon to paymam ot t�o Qb�ly�atl �oc�eelry and�ho+r�ana9orrom and operatbn o t t h e P►a P a r ry• �end oost ot t hese ---
<br /> e�enses inddom to taWng and reteining po��^ot tho Proporhr Po y ���ms,togoriwr with �'�'�
<br /> ,ctairro,anaesam3MS and othar itena w�hfio� ��e. �a� �:;..,_
<br />' ProPet'N ProPa�Y�aurad end may�soharg�anq taxes�ehar9es Ob�8at! ut�;;_
<br /> un d emaunto ehell be add�d to the pindpai
<br />- acttons tr�ay be pald from the ot tho�ligationa nsowted bY��s Oeod ot 7rust. pe oondrilon.
<br /> other aosts.�a11 beaome PaR re nooeied to mm�ttrrtmn tho P solol�in�rt�plisnov wlth
<br /> ` e. U88 AND IYIAINTFNANCE OF PROPERTY. a�►��take all aeUons and rt�aka enY repal �ehsll uce the Prol��'h��ndvrs prfor wr(tton
<br /> waate to bo aomr►ittad whh raspect to tho Property c�rant
<br /> � Qrantor sh�l not aormit a�i�ort�a�y ahora8ona,ad�tions arlrtp�o�em°�ts ro the PrvpehY
<br /> . .. epptcable Iaw and insurenoe polidos. aruntor shall not r�icoatry v--
<br /> emer�te made to tho PropeAfr chult be dubj�t to the bc3neHeid Irtereet bE+lon�n8
<br /> R. ,,+, oonssnt.VYAhout U�ttaB tho taregaIng.�II eltetattons,addittons and Improv or any
<br /> to lendat.eha�l Rot bc�rortavad wlthout I.artdots pdor wdtten aonseM.and ahetl bo rt�d��Q�ofs�tatNon9y Losu or Dam�g�9 to t1�Property to ita
<br /> ,,.. tho attcetod ProPoM
<br /> . cauce whntsoover. �n tho ovad of eny Wss ot Oarro9°•a�or ahall.at lho op¢lon oT Lendor�ro�r -
<br /> 7. 6AS9 OR DAW��•�^to�shall bear Uro oMiro dsk of any loss.tfioh,daatruetlon or dama9a(
<br />- . `�; portion theroot irom anY�cauoa to bo pald to tander tho deaoaso in the hilr rt�uicel vslue of the ettaetod PropoAy loas or dtunzAE►causod bY
<br />-'-:_:-: . pre�Aoua oontitlon ot PaY at all hararda tndudrp trom such
<br />_:�:;�, :• .., wm be kept Insurod tor Itv 1ue tnaurabto value(ropnae�����rtrsY obtofn Inauranoo on tAo Proporty _
<br /> 0. INSURANCE.Tho Properh+ to the oxtoM roqulrod try to vida Lond�''�vith at teast
<br /> tj,.�• .,;;�, ', no�d,earthquakv,tomado end ftre.thoft or other casaattY to{ua shall requiro tho Insuranao aompanY Q�°������a los3
<br /> „t - s��aoeoptabio to I�sndor in Ra aole disaotbn.Tho t�urtmoo P°� iho inwrano�P►oaccds P°rtelning to tho
<br /> �;•. , �� O°��p daya wdtton nottao botoro suoh poNotoa oro attored�canocliod in an menner. fio�nsurenoo pdbt �:'
<br /> pay� iro ar malntatn inaurartae,Londor(aftor provtdng naAloo�e ma bo reQutrod bY Iaw1 rrG►9 -
<br /> � ----��d�f that no ctat or ortioclon of Qrantot or c�ny mhe► ►son chall afiect ihe�i of tandor to be Pa�d o ern!Ooarfng lrttotost as =-
<br /> "� ot sa nt dann8o otihe Propc�tf'. In tho ovnM�re m o r l a lla to a o c p� Qraiaor sh211 fumish Londor wlth `—
<br /> - �n ci�reapproP�ato Incurc��ae oovotago upa►tho Proporry and tho Usuranoo�dLh�r�ed h8mb�y�� ;;-
<br />-'� �dnosed�bed�In th�REIMBUR3EMEtJT OF AMOUMS EXPENDED BY LENOER'para�aph �! r�ttltnfl dalnu undor Insur�noo w
<br /> trod oovarage. lander may c�et es attomoydn•taet tor arantor����.Ail suok kisurtu�a�Polteios ehali bo ��:;;;.:
<br /> . �k ovldonce of insuranoo Indiaatirtg the mqu atel o Londor °"�':�
<br /> .. ' � poIlciea�oanooi�ing anY PdlaY or endmeing Qrentots namo on any dr�ft or�oeglhe�Ijgatfon�s.�ln�he overtt of toss�C�re ga thaH t �O�yin�stead of to ;.r,:
<br /> and dolNarcd to tnnt�er as Nrtha:cew.�itY la droctod to makepaY�
<br /> , Irtrnodlatel�tisaig�d,P�°u=uAAcr��ed M�mko P►oot ot loss. Eaoh tnsurei�oo aomPar► ao�ot robuild[ng and �t,°,:�
<br /> ----�--m.-^--_�� w�rtan�r.�d L� AAc � ys,xh�tc�rard 0�06U8at�ona a ta�wrard� �
<br /> -• - - �r�nl G�antor. tcndar sh�!t heve tat ln�s opt►on�be e�rpp od In�invarco ortilorof the du�datas�horoof. �__
<br /> '::�-.�. roatodng thn Propor2�.My artrouMs mey In tho mning Prov1slans°r P�IIto oovantvrts attc�ttn�on�
<br /> ` g, ZqNit�fi IWD PANA1Ts C�VET�NdTB.Q�or oh�ll not tnRiato or aonscnt ta any chanSe �s a norioonbmring uss undor any zontng
<br /> � o Pro wrihout ior�dotb P�vrtitt¢n oonsor�t. If(�rar�ters uso of the ProP�►hY b000 � y� �",:
<br /> � uao ot th Pehf► �}�ing tho Proporiy P`�
<br /> i n o t c a wse or p o m t t suoh uao to bo disoor�ttnuod or e�.�n 1��w�t to�wa�nariits�°"aonsam ot Loredar. Oianta�vU trrrrn�atc Pro�►� 6f1��
<br /> . prt►rAa sha1 s to tho zoning pro �.
<br /> �. Wndor wNh wetnen mot1co of any ProDo�d d�t►90 ndt�4srtdot ond ahsJl bo r-� lod __
<br /> 't 76 Cd�+iDEl1t�7A400N. tirc�mar shelt Immdt�ta►y prov►do Lendor with wr(ttm notloo of any actuat or thmatanad oondormattah or orrtnom do �
<br /> �
<br /> a i n i ng to iho PropoAY• NI monloa pa abto w Ciramor trom uuch cond°mnat►on or teld�aro������tho awidomiednn ot�om ��,
<br /> orooao��9P� of Londora eramoya t����°�nw�end m h c r a osts(Inciuding eAQxaiso!
<br /> �irst to tho PaYm�t �±r��
<br /> : ��n��Q�g�y end Ihen.at tho oP@an of l,c� r,to ffio paYmoM of tho ObiigaUona at tho rostoratfon or ropalr ot tho ropo • -s`,. .
<br /> x�,
<br /> • ,_�;
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<br /> " NEOOTB Ra.t?At Prpo8d6
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