}i .
<br /> •
<br /> �J ., .
<br /> '�o) AI�qpppa�bto laws end�agulntlono,Induding,whhout IlrNtntionJ tho Armdenna wHh Oianbllitlon Ae�,42 U.B.C. Saction 12101 0� eeq. (and all •
<br /> roQulatlonapro�nABatud lhereundor)and�ll taning cu�d bullmrtg lavro and reguintlono roiming to tho Proporly by vlrtuo of any fodorol,ata.o or munldpal
<br /> . authority a�ur► jur�a6tc�on ovor tho Prop;.�y,p�ow^Mty aro ond ahnit Is�obsorvcd end oorr�nod v�uh in nll rtutorinl roopceto,end nll d9Me. Ilaonsoo,
<br /> pcmits, aid co��(leatos of oceupancy(►rtdu�n0 hut not Ilmltad to zoning vculanooa,apocint oxeoptlono for noncontorming uaoa,nnd itnat Inspoctlan
<br /> " aipprovals►,whothar tomporaty or pemnn�tn.whlch nro rmtoriul to tho usn and occupaney ot tho Proporty,proe.ontly nro cu�d ahdl bo obtNrtcd,
<br /> prenonodand,wharo neoossory.rennwod;
<br /> (d)prantar hno tho fl�t nnd ia duty uuthorltodto oxaurto and padorm Ita Obtig�tlono undor thln Occd of T�ust and thoaa nctiono do not and nhetl not
<br /> " aanfilet wphthe pra�delona ot t+ny otetuto,regutnt►on.ordlnano�,nilo of law,oor�trn�t ot othnr a�aotmnt�hteh rtuy bo bind'mg on Qramor ut any tlmo; „
<br /> (o)Ho adbn or prooeading in or chall bo pondinp or throatoncd rfileh tti�t rtnt�dnlly atbcl tho Proporty;nnd �
<br /> t�lloea govamn H�euard�oue M�nto�r Nij�whic�ml�tymatoilutry aN�net�iho Proporty or�lands�s�s oi��or titrinho Pro�poRy putttitewnl to Ihla�Doo�d�cl �
<br /> , Tnml. '`�..'"�y
<br /> S. PRIOA OECDB 0F TRUBY. Grc�nta roPi'esnrne ond wem3nts that thoro tuo no pdar dooda of vuat affccting any part ot tho Pro or'y n�a of N 1 thon�
<br /> n ' .
<br /> on Schodula 8 csttaehed ro this Qeod at T�uat,whid�Cirontor eyreea to pay and�po u���s of t�N�and tha Indo�odrtoon soc�►od tharobY�nd tunhor � .
<br /> .. arat�tot r�grcoa to pny all nrtaur�e awal.eu►dportam all obi!gatlona roqulrod 5�.: .>
<br /> a�oea that n datault under Any or doad of huat ehali be a dotauR undor thla Oaod ot TNat and ohall ontiUo Londor to eli�I�ris and ror►m�oa aontalned� .
<br /> hcroln or�n Iho C411pt!one to wh�oh Landor would bo onthiod In Iho ovem ot nny othor dofault. •t• -..-�,, .
<br /> 1. TRANSFER$QF Ttlfi PROPERYY AR BENEFICl1lL IWTERE8T8 lN GR���d�in Seot�io�d�ulo A�o►any irrerosi th e�in oi�o�a�oi o�ny b�onofld •.x=,'�''•_
<br /> aontraot for deed or tnaz�sfer toar�y porson of aU ar eny pnrt o}iho roal proPoAY naehi trust. t;.u�,�
<br /> Imorost In Barcwor or Grantor(It Bor►owar or Qrantor ia not a nntu►d person or poraonn hut la a oofporn�lon,limitod Ilnbliit�r oorrp3nY.P� P� „.„,. .
<br /> othar Iegal a�ta+),LAn�or rrey,at fts oprlon dodaro tho cutetaMing pnrtdaal ba!anoo ot tho ObUgntlona pius aoauod Intoroat thnroon tmmedlatoly due an
<br /> ,, ��ors,as�epp oepfato�a n d t he tl�x t eQ m o feh a k ro s p o e t N e a ti v n o►s h i p I M c r e s t a�ml�h a oornptoto statorr�snt cutting torlh ell of fts stocM�oldore,mcrrbore,� , `',:,_
<br /> :.a��,-
<br /> ;�' .�',.:,.
<br /> �. A89itit�WEM OF RENT9. �n oonatdnretton ot tho 0�18attona,which ere saaired bY this Doed ot Tru�t.arentor absolutoN assipns to lander z.,
<br /> ' � Qramota ostato,�ttUe,inte�ast.cielm and d„^rtrsnd rtcr.a ovmod ar h�raaftor eoqulrod in all e�dsUng and(uture lflasas ot�ha Praperty(Indudn8 .. .
<br /> extendonu.ren o and subteases),el►agtcem�No tor uos on�!oawpancY of 1he Propariyy(all ouch leasos cu�d agreomonts whoti�cx written ar oral�oro :;.�
<br /> hsraaftot�ob�ed to as ths'{,s�s�,snd�1gu aranties o!loasoea'peAomm�oe undep tho�easses,togother wrih thu Immadlato end oanUnuing d�rt to
<br /> aoitc+ct nnd recehro all ot tho rorrta.lnoomo.roontNe�o�dYU��i Q�so lnas�anor tr�om oieerisi�iig outof tbo P�rt�yi dhumr�ig8rt�itnfrt�aeim�rcm�eR�tiona�l a�imsf •
<br /> 6
<br /> an7/naturcs oaning duo�uing any rodort�tion po ) �ge . _,�.e-
<br /> . poroontego rorRs,Paddn9 or aormion erea m3tMenar�ao oonMbutions�tex end insuranco oontdbWons,daflciancy ronts�IlguWated ���8 �.;. .,____
<br /> . dotault U Loaso.ell ptooeflds WYabte undor eny policy ot lnsurettoe aovedng losa ot rents resutNng hom urdenentebility eaueud by de ; �:_
<br /> any 9�� E)d9<�odved hom Uto ��. w
<br /> dam�o to fio Pro�uriy.eli proaoods PaYablo as s roaun of a lossec�'s oxerdso�d�Plion to���y��t8�d d�eims o�Y Idrtd whioh 4rentor .,'
<br /> , ��� tcminstion a rojealon of ar+y Laase In a banWu�tcy orother InsoNenayprooee�ng� p�ea =_-
<br /> may tunro�In ot ary lossoo und�sr tho Loases ot eny oowpamu of tho propori�r(eA nf tho above are hereafter aolleeth�ely refetred ro eo the'Rome'). This °�
<br /> ,.;..l.��;�'; ussf nib cu6pet to ttt9 d�t�Power and eu1►ar11Y BMon to Uea Landot to eoliaet and appifr tho Roms. Thia assignmem la reooretod N aaoordanoo with ;`,
<br /> �. 6Q� 618t0 IflV1;Uta I;on aoatad by thle as:.ignrt�orA is irrtondcjd to ba apadflo,�portacted;and ohoato upon tho rsoor�ng of this Oeod oi TNSt.au es ��,�
<br /> `:°�`.;r'r' ��+Y aPP�kmbto stata taw as amandad hom Umo to tlma.As Iong ea thero Ia no dofault urtdor In a brar�tors businehse�D�atlonaNHowever,rLer�idei .;�i
<br /> .�� ��� � or a rerocahto Iioenao to aoilaq eil Refltas from tha�easos when duu and to uao suoh pr0000dg _
<br /> may at any dmo ro4ulro�rartor to deposit e�Roran irto en eaoouM meinteinod by Grae�tor w Lsnde►at Londors Insthution. Upon delauuR fi tho PaY� .;•::��"
<br /> '�- _ of,er In the pertem►vtioo ot.enY of tfie Ob1lgaUano,Lendor may at Rs opNon teke possasalon of the Pmpe�ly�e su R�ir�am�e�DrePenY.and��T f'_T�c,a_
<br /> p PropO�ly OtItOfR1D 8�1d IoT 8 pellod 0111ma 111St ietltier doarro pii+F+oi. L6A$^oi jX��d iQ�!� . ell IieT�te in = _.
<br /> r•, r s
<br /> 't;..' � ahE�U have tu�powar w rreke altaraUons renavatlonn.rop�lrs a►opisa3mama to Propa ryae lsnder may deom pmpor. Lender may epptl► ;
<br /> •4h�. � Lendots ede cgurotton to payrt�ern ot the Obitgadona w to tho payrrom of the oo�t of such altoraUons,renovatioae rePal�s and toP�eoomenl$artd anY �
<br /> awasbn of tho Proporiy pe Y y� �.:.
<br /> . � e�a►Eas UdderA to teknB and ret�nin9 Po dode�ll and thomanagemoM end oporalton o{the Propeny. landor may kc�Dths r:.
<br /> .. P�t�a�rt�eyba�p��d�fro�m 1he Ret�ite 6re�N�ea end any�t�'a�,M'sha�i bo a�dd�ed t�o Ure PdndPal or 1he�Obllg�aUo s.milio e�ou rte t gOthin� ��L
<br /> � �cit:;'... othor wsto,eha1f bocame Peri ot the Obligations seamd by riifa Dead oi Trust. _.
<br /> ,y;,y:; .
<br /> b USE/SlID�AIMTCN�BH OF PROPBRTY.Gramot sheil mk0 eti m.ltons and matce any repaira noodod to matnteln the Pmporry in good ooe�d'itlon•
<br /> l �'`.:,f•, Qrentor at�ip not oomdt a pemit any vvast� to be wrtmiilod with rospect to the Propo tirentot ehatl uso tEa Propnrtf►soloty N oortmllance with !,� _
<br /> /�:;,
<br /> �ppL�bt�lav� and tnauranoo polteloa. Gremor ehall not nmke eny attoraUons,�ddriona orrtp�ovomems to the Propery►wht�out Lendors priw wA[tten `�_
<br /> .,, conum. iM1ahaN Omitln8 tlu����8•+ili altoretla�a.ad�tt�r and improvoments rt�ado to the Properh►ahalt bc cubJxt to the baneflai3l irtt�raet beion�ng _- -
<br /> to LAnder,slu►U not ba Pamver w hout Lendefe pior wrBten oor�ertt�end ehail be mndo m t�rantot'a salo oxponao.
<br /> ...• 7. LRSS aN DAI�2iG Orarrtor shall boar tho erdfro dck of any 1ora.thofl,dostruqlon or da►tt�ge(aumulativo1y'Loss or 0a�zgo')to tho P�operry or anY --
<br /> N
<br /> portbn th�f Uam ut►y aauae whateoevet.In Uro evom o}eny Lors or Cartmgo.Qtarrtor sAell.e�t the optbn ol L�ender.repalr the eftoctc�d Proporly to fte
<br /> provkus�tion or pc�yy cr cru�sa to ba peid to Lendonho deaaaae in ihe tair rt9aAcet valuo oi tho affoctud Proporty.
<br /> / by �„�;,.
<br /> • e. INSUR�?IC& The P�y�1y w1i1 ba kep Insurad far fts NA insurabto value(mplaao����r��►����an�e Prop�on��J tran s�ucfi �'-`
<br /> _... . }�,���,tomado"and Ilre.thoft ar otha cocuatq►to tho oxtort�qulrai�y �ur::
<br /> �{�ns aro a9osPCc+ae to LAndeNn tte soie dir.a►eUon. fie insurenoe poilctos ehall►oqufra the insurenoe onnpanY to D�ovide Lendor wtth et kw�1 --=--
<br /> ., � 3 0 d�ays writtm nodo�bnfae auoh poUdos ere attored or cenooqsd tn rtsnnor. The insurartoo Polt�tos ahali nerre lnr+der as a toss �.---
<br /> ` thst rto sot or omiaslon of Qrar�or a any othor nhall aNect the B�gM ol Lend�r to be patd the insurenoc�Prooeed.s Pa��ing to tho
<br /> � . � Ired by Iaw)nmy �_--
<br /> ' oaa a►Qau�n�of the Rroperty. In Ure evem Ciromor tolla to a re ot maintain Insuranoo.Lo►xi�r(aftor provl�9ng rattoe as may a�baarin9 kde�rest as �: _._ .
<br /> in Ite 8s�4on p�ocuro�ppt�o��o In�ran�e ocverege upon tho PropaAf►and tho tnsuranoe eost ahotl bo an advanoe P�Y�
<br /> dosalDed h'tha'REIMBUR�EMENT OF AMOUN'fs EXPENDED 81�LENDBR'patc�a�ph and seaured herebY. QraMOr ehell Nmish �o�or+v{th ��„_::_
<br />-'` � , �+� �ldenos olbtaut,uroe k�atlo9ltio roq�►Ired coro�go. Londor maY aet aa ariotneydn•faat tar Qrantor In treidng end sottling olelrt�s undor I�urnnoe� m---
<br /> tdea� a endaeing arardore�arre on any draft or nogotiablo inawmrml d�awn by anY Insurer. WI suoh Insuranoe �o�Lo�
<br /> po! c�enaslWE!�Y P��1►
<br /> z�� � tnmxlat�ty aaci8ntd.�and delNerod to tnnda es turthor seoarlryr tor the ObTfgmlona. In tho Esvont of loss,(iramor shall t �:---
<br /> s:rEit.°a r� ��t� �c.�erized to mak.premf ot toss. Eeoh Ineurnr�oo aort �t�p2 y la drected to make�YmerRS�re�ly to Loridar Inatead ot to
<br />_ -° -"�' �, Lond;r Gnd Crsatot. tand�r th*1!hava tho rtghL at tto cofo optia►,io eppiY e+xfi+�n�s3 tx��rd ths i� F c+*tr.:ir,rd th�caK ot re4u!!�ing++nd _i`_
<br />_- 3 , �t�p��p p�rty. My w�ourrts may ffi Lendore opdon Eo epqlod In tho irnaoe order oi�ho du�wxtoa ltaro�L ______..
<br /> " � 0. 20NU�i/END PANAT6 COYF.NANTB.Ciremor sha:i not intdato or oonsorrt to any oh�o In tho zoning pavislona or pdvate aovencurts ettecting tho �__
<br />�:,� � � ;T uso of tho Proparry willrout La+rtdofe Pdot writt°n consem. If arentor's uso of tho Proporiy b000mos u nonaonfoming usa under any uningptovicron, —__-
<br /> �� .. C�rc+mor ohaA rtoi c;wse or porrNt suoh uso to bo�saohoia�iln�pro�vlsldortod wt�ao�r�s�ms�afte tlr�ig�th�o Propole�nd.er.tirontor wID irmr�8cite yl �ravldo �
<br /> m �
<br /> - . Londorv�ibtvettt¢n naUce ot anY ProPo���° 8 °� =
<br /> 10. CCNOfil�4t�1. Grarrtor chnll Imnediatoty provtdo Landor wflh writinn rrot7oo ot any acNal or thmatoned aondomiaQton or om[ncm dort�sfn �
<br /> .�:,� , .. . rfzlning to tho Propony. All monis�pa o to tircuitnr irom sud�oor�omnnUon or taMng aro hemby eastgrrod to londorond thnU bn�tod ,f
<br /> :;;,,-.;},,:,.: d �9F� eal tvns)In oonnoeUon wNh iho oondemnetton ot oriinent , tir:�.,'
<br />� ��vc; ,• . ►st to tfi»payrmrA af Londore tritomoys'focs.� oxponraa nnd othor wsta(Induding eppre� , y�+�._,
<br /> .;�y;"� dOrroin�meo�r�go attd then.at tho optian o? to tho pnymcM of tho Obllgntiona or tha roatamton or repair ot tha PropoAy ,,;,,:1ry.
<br /> p'._'
<br /> =- :`r.�,�.' , , -
<br /> I
<br /> ❑ .�
<br /> - . �: .
<br /> - NEOOTB ile.1?1'A
<br />= Ptfpp2d0 �
<br /> � ---,��_ _ � _ - ----.--�` ----- _--_._ �--..-,...._.....,..�-.—
<br />