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'��; : ►� .;i-;r� ' �. ...: �. __,_,.�.... <br /> i '� �� '`� _ .� `.' � _ <br /> . '!R�i " �-�- <br /> ' _ --- <br /> - 1�_a.���:�.._.:-.;� 93• io� �r <br /> . . � <br /> - � (0)IITr�Mb►N eol�n IndlridWl,w.�,ai.,�t«,�.+ann�n,aa+v.wno.«.�cun��no.a�na.�w+.� <br /> ot._�___o�o.a a�a.oo�vonao�j ia i�.n�a,aa�ai�.�oo�o.�u.a�.►.��•aw w v►a��a � <br />_ -- - - ---� p�rhlp InMn�b dwln0�PKiod Mxs 0�!d Ynnt ram��n��N�n on tM Prapwty. - <br /> ��. �«�wws��oo�w�upono.�.u,u�.��wn�aonwn�«�a.�n��.w�now no�o..,�o.�..�uir�d q► <br /> � � law�d�ol�n all I�d�bMdna�Meund h�►�b�r b b�dw And p�yabN�nd Ih�wnw�11 thK�Mon b�rsan� �nd WY� <br /> -<^;. - wiq�out amr pna��n4 dMn�nd,ProtNf a notlw o1�ny kMd.rh�nrf'br I.�nd�r m�Y � <br /> (U 0 th�t TrwtN�K�rols�fh�POWBR OF BALE or��Md h�r�in,�nd T�u�tN �11 Ih�naM�r auN Tnnbr'� <br /> Int�rMt In th�PropMy to W�old�nd th�prooNds to b�dl�Mbutsd,dl M th�m�nn�r prov�d�d In d�N�br�7rod 6wd� <br /> ;:_": ----- _ - - ---- � <br /> _ . �_ <br /> �±c (b) Ex�rcits any and all rlphb provld�d br In�ny of th� Inatrum�nb or by I�w upon oaourr�no�of�ny Ev�nt ol <br /> QNaulk and �`.- <br /> (c)Comnwnc�m�ction w ta�clw�thls Os�d of Tnut�s�mortp�p�,�ppolnt a r�cdwr.or�p�c�lc�lly�nlorc��ny ol th� EE�:- <br /> COYS11Mb hef�ot. � <br /> - No nmsdy hsr�in conf�rced upon o►rpsrv�d to Trustee or Lsnd�r b Inbnded to bs excluNv�oi any o1Mr r�m�dp honM,In th� �- <br /> — Loan In�t►um�nts or by I�w provldsd or p�rmlttod,but uah�hdl b�cumul�Uve,sh�ll bs In additi�o to sv�ry other�«n�dr yMen �� `° <br /> �" `�— hKMind�r.M IM A:o�n IMtrumM�q Or nOw a h�rptt�r�xislinp�t I�w o�fn puNy or br st�tub�and�y b��xacls�0 concurnnRip, fi , <br /> .. .�c. ��a� _ <br /> + 1f�k�:•:. .. <br /> � r 1;�,� 13.7Yrs�.Th�TrusMS nwr reafan�t Rnp tlms wN�wut cause.�nd lender may d 1�ny flms md wlthout clwse appoint 1� - <br /> *` �� ;�;.,.� �i sucoM�or o►O�.�bstib�ls Truade.Truactee afu�ll npt b�li�bb to�ny parlr.includlnp wiNout limitdion LendK,8orrow�r.Truslor ar 1��ryr <br /> �:�;' ,�. ���,��Y•• piwch�ser ot tM Props�t�.tor Any loss a d�ma�a unlesa dus to nckb�a or w11Mu1 n�isca�ducl.aod�fwll not b�nquirsd lo take w�r �. <br /> _ ,,� � action io coneecao�n wltiro aC�e anfwcement ot thb Oesd ot T�u�t unl�ss i� w►it7�y.fu aQ cosq,aompens�tion a °=-- <br /> as't� . . oxp�ntes whicEi m8y Oe aseociatad therewith.ln�dditlon,Trustw may b�com��purchaier ai any sNs ot the P�opsRy Qudicl�l�or �„�-�.� <br /> under tho ppweP,o1 aale g�anted hareln);po�tpon�ths�!e of sl!or a�y porYon W the P�opKry,a�provW�d by 4w;a atl the ��� <br /> .. <br /> • �• ' P�opeAy ee a wh�ie,o�in 8eperate parcel�or lots at Te�u,s0ee'a dieeredon. � <br /> ° �'- _ . 14. �eee a�Ett�es.k►th��v�nt Tru�tee tells the�ropeAy byr exeraiee o1 porer of�aN.T�ustee tha"�be entil'ied to�fY ". -. <br /> � � ony sa16 proceeda dret W payment of aN co�b and expe�&as of exe►ciala�y power o19aa�e.Includ:R����Trt�79�ge's f�ees,a�nd Le�s2ie�'s h' <br /> .��F , ,�° ,;,�� and T��tee's a�tomey's Moe,actually Inaurred to axtent permUted by apAli�abte laW.ln ihe event 6larooweT or T�us4or�x�eralsasu�my rrra=: <br />`v� � �Ighl provided by law to our6 a�Event ol Detpult,Lendar ahall be entltlad to recpver lrom T►uatos all cos�ts and ex:Den�a ax7uaU ly ,�� <br /> • -incurred a9 e�eault of T�uator'�dN�ulf, iacludinp wKhout Ilmitallon a��Truatee's and attanoy's feea,to tho eK38n1�ne►mitt�d by -� <br /> ��1 applicable law. <br /> •�:Y�! 1b. Fufun Adva�aa.Upon requeet o1 Borrower,Le�der ils optlon,make addldanal and future advancea and re- ��'��I� <br /> :�� - '..: <br />•��+�d��rc� L, nclvances to BoROwer.8uch advances and readvancea,ar�t�►Interaet ihereon,9he11 b�secured by this De�d of Trusi A1 no Ume ehap _�,�. <br /> -``� the prihclpal amaunt of the Indebtsdneee ae�ured by thia Deed of Truat,not lncluding eume advanced to proteot tha tacuHry ol thb �: <br />. , '' . Deed af Trust,exceed the orlpinal pMncipal amount stated heraln.o�S �00 OQD:OA whicheve�is preaWr. -�=-_- <br /> �:�• '�.� 18. MMaallor+�wu Provitlaa. '=�"�" <br /> - _.�arer��;. .. . „�,:,� <br /> -- _ �r•�. (a) Ba►owN Nol R�awd.Exten�ton of the Ume br payment ar modNlCatlon of amo�tixatlon o1 the aums secured by thl� ��..,;>� <br /> —��17LiQ�'}, <br />--_-- �...�'�t,� Oeed of T�ut prented by Lendsr to any succeawr in intereat of Borrower ehsll npt operete to/elee4e,In any ma�ner,the IlabWity •<�•::. <br /> ,�, " � ►�ir ol the ori In�i Bonoyuer and Bonower's eucce�ara in intereai.Lendnr sheN noi Fw required io comnence prOcead�itps apainsi �'r;` <br /> � �,",����� euah tuccetsor or►eluee to extend Gme lor peyment or otherwise modlfy amortltadon of tha oums saoured by thia Deed of Trust � : <br /> "v.•„%''�''.'*'�°" by reaan oi any dementls mede by the orlpfnal 8or►ower and Borrower't successora In Intereet �'�'� <br /> . 'v�� ..�,•.;,��i-1• � �'-. <br /> . ,�tk�?g���`,. (b) L�ad�r s Pow�.Without a8ectlny the Ilebility of any olher penon Iiable for the payment of any obNpadon herein _ <br /> ;iy,,h .. �,. .,,.� '• mendoned,and without s8ecdnp the lien or cherge of this Deed otTruq upon any portlon of the PropeAy�ot then or theretolore !4- <br /> •�^�s..�--�•� ' � rel��rl e�ewc��r�ryr�or ths 1u��amount ol all unpafd obtlpetlons,l.�nda may,lrom dme to drtw and without nodce(1)releeee any ,. <br /> .r•,••, ;� � <br /> .s.. penon so Ii�bl�,(N)sxtend the meWrlly or alter any of Ihe lerma ot any�uch oblipadont,(111)yrant amer mclubances,pv)release , <br /> _ ��`�:`�:;•.�;�;r'�.:.' or reconvay,a cau�s to be relea�ed or reconveyed at any time et Lender's opGon any parcel,portbn or all ol the Property, <br /> ���-;f v hke or relaM an oth�r or�dditional eecurl for an obll etlon herefn nwnUonod,or vi malu compo�IGom or otMa �, <br /> ,. ll Y h� Y � ( 1 ��. <br /> �- '�'" �ranp�menb with debtors fn relatlon thereto. �'.-= <br /> ' ; (o) Fab�Nano�by L�ndM Ndt a Walr�r.Any lorbearance by Lender in exercisinp any rlpht ar►emedy hereundw,or , <br /> �;. ,��..�,..� • othenvis�aHad�d by applicable I�w,shaN not be e w�lver of or prscluda the exercise ot any such ripht a remedy.Th� ���. <br /> � �� "^Y•., proounm�nt o1 Imurancs or ths p�yment ottaKes w ather Iiens or eh�rys�by l.and�r sh�ll not bo a wdvar of L�ndK'�ri9ht to • <br /> , {,K,��iy;`;�r•� �eeelsrats th�m�Wriry M ths Indebtedneae secured by thls Deed ol Tru�l � <br /> *,'�"���•� � � (d)Su�on�nd ANlpn�sound;JoM1 and Sw�rN U�bWiry;C�ptl�o.u.The covenants end�preements hereln con• . <br /> '?�*�;',:� ' �,' ��: tainsd shell bind,and the riphts hereunde►shall inure to,the respeolive tuceessors and esslgna ol Lender and Trustor.All <br /> _.i�^?�i;r• , 11l� covemnb end syreemants ot T�uetor shell be�oint and several.The aepdons and headinpe of the porapraph�of thlo Deed ol <br />�:i '. ��;., : Trust are br convenisnce only and ere not to be used to Interpret or deflne the provislone hereof. <br /> � ; 1*�'�"� � (� ppw�t turNotleN,Tha panlea hereby request thet e copy o1 eny notice of default hereunder and a copy oi eny notlee <br /> ,���' �'v�`�`�`� � �.: d qM hereunder be mailed to each party to this Deed ot Trust et the addrea�aet forth above In the menner prewribad by 1_-��;,. <br /> "� ' ~' "'' ''"' applkabte law.Except lor any other nollce requfred under applicable law ro be�fven in another menne�,any nodce provided a•- <br />��,Yi.`... i.�yG�l,ltQ��,� �;:... <br /> �'" ' {4.Sy�' lor in lhia D�ed of Trust�hell be�iven by maNlnp euch notice by certified mell eddressed to the other pertiea,at the addrese sit -,�v <br /> '����'}°:f,•'�s,Y�b`y'� ' forth above.Any notice provided fw In this Deed ot Trust ehell be eNective upon mailinp fn the menner designatad twrWn.H '�= <br /> -�`'�'�"�"' �' T r u e t o r i a m O r e I h a n o n e p e r s on,n o t l ce 4 ent to the addreas set lorth ebove shell bo noUca to all such p ereone. � <br /> � +� N:•��•;:�:��} han '`,;: <br /> ''„ �; t;,:.•�,�.:�h.;• (Q I�c p o�.L e�d e r m e y m ak e or c a use to be made reaaonable entrles u qon and In�p e ctlons o1 the Prope r i y,provided ;�' <br /> == �,�p;:,.r,:.^�,� that LeRCfer shall give Trostor noHc�prior W iny such inepectlon specityln�reasoneWe cauao therNor related to Lendor'� . <br /> �-e-..�-.- •�.� <br />;;-c�, � �j':. IntuesR in the Property. . <br /> :;�;,;� <br /> �.�:' �' (q) �1�conwyanc�.Upon payment o1 all aums secured by thla Deed of Truet,Lender shall requeat Truet9e to reconvey the <br />`'�';-� ,!'it��'�'• •� •'�.'� �i"� Property and thall aurrender this Oeed otTruat and all notes evidencfnp indebtedness secured by thia Deed of Trust to Trustee. <br />-``' ,, •r;��!'T ,s'��'��,°, ' •. Trustee thall rocom+eyihe Propsrqr wlthOU1 war�anty and wfthout charge to the peraon or per�on4lepelly entltled thereto. <br />-_;i� "`'�'^:u trustor ahaU pay etl co�'s ot tecordaQ�io.�!any. <br />_��;,. �^-�;.;��, (h► PNSOad Propr1�►;8�curlry Ay1�a�n1.As aaauionei security tor tt�e pey��ient ot the Note,Trusiar hereby pranic ":,..-. <br /> '�'+ �` ��b���R�"�,:����: Lender untlo►the Nebra4kA Unllorm Cmminerclal Code a aecurlty Interest In al l IIKW res,equlpment,and other pereonal prope►ry eS:.:, <br /> � ., .�;,•�r�•;�. - <br /> •�_�, •r , �,� used in c�.rnecpon wfth the real estal•e�ur�mprovemento located thQreon,end not otherwfse declered or deemvd to be a part af �,Y=� <br /> �'"� ;� �`-�•,� • =b"��'- the r�al estas�e teeured hereby.Thla inshument shell be construed ea a SecuNry Agreement under seld Code.and Me Lender -� <br /> ' �'''';� , ,* ��r�V+��; ehall have a,•1�the rlg�ls t�n�remedlea of a aecured party under sald Code In addltlon to the rlghtsand remediescreated under �..� <br /> „ �?�,��:'';,�."•"�.d: <br /> .� t r , and aCCOrtlet7lne i.er48r�ursua�t to thfs Deed of Trust;provfded that lender's rlghts and remedlea under thfs peragreph ahall <br /> ,�,�iy�.y`'.�. , be cumulpt�wHh,an�!m no wey e limil�tfon on,Lender'o nphts end remedfes under any other 4ecudly opr�prtwnt tlpnod by ���_ <br /> ' • 7i.: ,, Bo►rower a 4custor. <br />�:•�:!�' •,,,��'�a�;..�..,;; -,.� (i)1,YMS�nd BneumbraneN.T�ustor hareby werrents end representathatthere la no defouN under the provislona ot e�y <br /> _ •a.f"• mortya�e.deed of truat,loase or puachaee contract deacrlbing all er any part o1 the Property,or ather contrect,Inatrumenf or <br /> ___ � �.:..,.,......:.�r.�a....e Iten n�awn�..nh�annn onglnof nll nr anv flad QI Ihi�Pfp11HMV ICOIIACNVAIY."Llens"1.exlatlna es ol the _��` <br /> _ * yi.................«..._..a..--....... �.__. ._._..___� <br /> '����{}?It�, s �; dg,�p����ppgd of lf•r,,s:,a�d lhat aTy and all�KesNng liens remafn unmodllled except es tliscloeed to lerdpr In Truslor's ��,�, <br /> '��� `•�� wrltten dlecloaure o" Nena and encurnbrencea�+ovided lor hereln.Truator shal�timely pe►f�Dvn pl}o' 7ri9?�r's obllpaGon�, ��' <br /> � ,�1 . : <br /> ' ,'tii�'".'" ' ��� , ., 1. �, <br />��.�, ::.,�:: covenafits.�epresertA,�ong end we under any and all exietinp end luture 4ena.aP�all*,ptiy to�wn*�w zo Lender cop�es �`�+ <br /> -= •��� • ' ':.:,;:�`�"�`�� of att em��ces ot delar�]E sent In cortnaae��o�wNh any end ell existin9 or tutu�e LNna.and eha;�mor,wi�3oa�C�r�er's prior wntren <br /> •_',t� :".„�;��',,t�� ?, ':` cpnserel;�n any menn�J rnpolty the�:�ci,s�ona of or allow any luture advanoe9 unde�ar�y ex�,�t�^�or lutyr6�dens. �:'.� <br /> .;,t,� r . t����tr'��,,.,:;. (j)d0�,plkston M�a�nls.Unle�s otherwlse requlred by law.sums p�id b 4.erwler here�aa�oler.including�wAROUt lim�tation 1 <br /> a_.,�.- •� paymsnts ot principai and intereat,inaurance proceeda,condemnatwn proeeeds and renta and prolits,grra" �e aRp�ed�Y ;'' <br />. '1 � ��t! . <br /> ' Under to the emounes a:ie ond owlnp from Truitor aed Borrowar in such ader aa�ender In Ib sole di�creLan�:ce�:ms Cesirs(b�e. �' <br /> � <br /> .:. �i�Y. .,. � <br />� ,�. � • (k)SwNabiWp.Yf any provlalon ot thif D�ed ol T►ust confhcts w�th oppllcable law a �s declared mva�A er olhe►w:se �• <br /> i ' :��a • ,1!M�: �rwnkr�eable,such conlNct or invahdiry sf�M not eBect the otner arov�sons ot this Oeed of Trust or Me Note wh�cn r.nrr Ipe ' <br /> '� �` qiven el�a�t wllhouf tho con0ictlng prov�s�an.and to th�s end tne pro�vnlona of thls Deed ot Tru�t�nd tlalloto a►Qd�clar�d b fbe <br /> � � � .� ��. .'. """'�. � ��. <br /> . �,�� 3.s „�:_: � � �� <br /> . . �.. <br /> . , <br /> � � <br />