<br /> , . . °
<br /> .. % ,. ,.� . ., ^
<br /> . . ,
<br /> :, -,. �
<br /> .. .,
<br /> ,, .. ._...._.
<br /> . O�a24-1t1a8 . �EE� �F TR�lS'f Faege 8
<br /> . Lonn QVo�03t140 g90 ������ (6onUe��ed) _ �
<br /> , c dt�a baa0rr�s tna0mpatard,or r6vokes ar dl3putas tho v�tlldlty ot,or UpbRity under.any Quarnnry of the Indabtsdno:a. LonCCr.at It°a aptlon,
<br /> maY,but ohntl oot ba requlred to,ptrmri the O�sranto�o estata to assurrte uncondltlonatly Ihe obt,gatioaa nrl�ing under tho puar¢nry in n
<br /> mttnntsr oaUsfnctory to L9ndc�,nnd,In daing oo,ouro ih3 Ev�nt of 0otautl.
<br /> ineeEUAry. Lender In good taith deems Itself Inseaure. .
<br /> accudng un F�t1n
<br /> ° Qt�lizp In2�bt�4n���. A d�favq shail ocnur under any�ads?tng Indabtcdnrs.n ar undcr any Instrumont on Iho Prnperry 1+ 0
<br /> Irtdebtsidnxs�,or commenaemeat of any eutt or other toUon to forecioso any e�datinp tton on tAe Propmty.
<br /> Ftl�t to Cu�e. If auoh a talturo is ourablo and if Tni9tor has no�bsan elvan n notico ot o broaoh of tho eamo provlston of tMa Ooad of Trust '�a;�.
<br /> � withln the preoodinp tv�olva(12)months,it may be oured(and eo Evant o!OotaWt v�l h�ve oaourtod)if Trusto�,afler�ondnr sond�rrrlt4on .,
<br /> • notice deman�np curo ot euch failuro: (n)aures the tauuro withtn ten(1 O)dsys;a lb)�f 1hs auo mqutros moro than ton(10)dny�,Immo�atory
<br /> .. IrtiUates etops sufftctent to curo tAo talluro and thereaftor conUnua and comptotos nll remsonaDte and necessnry atops suihclenl to Waduco ,
<br /> � compnnnce as soon as reasonabry preotloN.
<br /> qtalll'8 Al:D REldED[EB OH 9HFAU,7. Upon the ocourrortcs of any Evsnt ot Dafault and at any time thcrenftar,Trustoe a tcndar,al ib option, ..
<br /> mey ex�ise any one or moro of t�e failowlnp dghb and remEShcao,tn addlNon to any ollrer Aghffi a romedtss provlded Dy taw: ---
<br /> Aece4armlbn up�n Detautt�Addl9ionl�t Remedtea. If any ovant of dotnuit aceurs ea pos the torms ot tha Nota sacurad horoby,Lor►da mnY ��,�__�
<br /> dadare aA Indebted�ress secured by!hb Doed of Tnist to be duo nrtd peyable end thv earRe st►s�l ttrrreupon bocome due and pay�bla mthout ^:_
<br /> - any prosentment.demand,Protest a nodoe ot any klnd. Thoreafter.Lender may: �';,'_�
<br /> � (a) Hititet ln peFSOn or by ag6at,wilh or without bdrtging any acUon or prooeo�ing. a by a ro�elvar eppolnted by a aourt and r�thout ��
<br /> osperd t0 the a�de0 fln�BCts whs bh�tydedms��noCOSSet�►Otkdesim�bt9 0 P�tBSerYePthB Y�alu9,mW1�0tablllt 1�j1 OQft0IltaGlIlty Of th0 ProPBKri�Pa �+1=y
<br /> ot Tnxstee,an d Y --
<br /> af 1ha Properl�r or interest U the PropeAy;inc�easo tho Ir�coma h¢cn 1he Prop�lY or proted tha en+curtty o!tha Propwt�,and,w8h or �
<br /> taking possasslon of the P►opeAy�sua to►a atherwi�e collect t�rents,tS�ues and pro6�ot tht►Pro�aty,inciuding th�pas!dus nnd �9:-_
<br /> ;. �, unp�td.and appty the sa�ne�tass ca�O a�►d exQer�ses of opetallon artd copecUon,Inciudirtfl attomeyu taos,to any indobtodness seaWred �;;,-
<br /> by Ihts Oead ot Tnx►t,ali In suoh order as Londer mny datertnkie• 'Ilre entedng upon end taking possesston ot tRo PropeAy.lAa a�ecUon --
<br /> ' " ot suoh renb,Issues nnd proflb,and the a�pp::eut!en lherceof ahali not aure or rinlvo eny detauH or notiot�ot da'1iuSt undor thts Oeed of Trust `
<br /> w.i� cr Invalidate any eat done In responso to sucP��atautt or pursuaM to such notloe ot de4aul�and,notwithstanding tho confl�uanco In �.-.,�;.
<br /> , t p�,lon ot the Prope�ty or tho coQcraHon.recetpt and eppUcatlan of rerda.�suas ar profiis,Tn�siea°t 4end�eha� be enSCed io =- -
<br /> exarctse every dpht provfded tor In the Noto or the Relsted Oxame�s or by law uPon tlre oxarronaa oi a�r evant of do1nuti,Irtc4u�g�� �^�z�
<br /> „��, rtght to exer�dso tne power ot ea5s;
<br /> (b) Commenoo an aCUoo to for�ctoso this Cead of Tn�st as a ma�age.appotnt a �eoeMEU or speeiftoalry ontorce any o4 tho xarerea�da �':�_
<br /> ,� � hereof;and
<br /> �=,',::;�.=;
<br /> (o) DeAve�to 1Yuatee a vrtittan doderatlon of c4�isutt and demcind for sate and a written nattce of defauri and elootlon to ca�e Tn�sta�s
<br /> ��� tnt6rest in the p�operty to be sad,whbh ootloe Ttustoe shaU cause to be dut�►fliad ta rc+COrd tn the epProprl8te otfloos ot the Courtty In �-n---
<br /> wnbh the properry is tocated;and �
<br /> ' � -� �d) With respeCt to eli a any part of the Personel�rcPerip�iendar eiwii t�rva a�2:��!�aa�t��t g r.acured oad�r under tAO ,_
<br /> Nebraskn UnHorm Commaclel Code. ,
<br /> � Foreclowroby Pawer o?Sdo. If L�+nder etecb ta 4cvadose by exerctse of the Powar ot Seie heretn contalne0,Lender shsU natly T�oa aed
<br /> ,, stuli deposit with'f�stea this Oeed of Trust and tho�iote and such neosipb and ovidence at eocponditures made and secured Ey tMs Oeed of
<br /> Tnsi 88TntLteB mAy re4vlre.
<br /> • ,�,.
<br /> (a)llpon reootpt of suoh rtoP.co iram Lender,Tnutee shaii cnusa to be recarEad,pubilshed and daNVaed to Trustor such Na�ce d 8
<br /> :�:°y;;��::r �nd Ntclice o}Ssle as then re�uhad by law and by thi�Oqed o?11ust. Trustae aANI.wllhout demsnd an Yruttor,after evch qc;�ats mnY
<br /> t�en be re4uUed by law and aRer recordaUoo ot auoh Noda+oi�otnutt and nttar NotEOe ot Snle haNnp boen givon as required I�ykw�600
<br /> Me P�roperiy at the Ume and pteoe of eate tlxed by lt In such NoUoe of Sele,eS11�ee a v�'hWe,a� �n�p arato lola ar parcels or rtoms ta
<br /> Thistee eha11 doern�die�,and In su¢h arda as N may deteimUe.at pubRo auetton to tho IU9hest b�dda for eash In tawtut aanay of
<br /> ' the UNtsd States payable at tha Uma ot sale. Tmstee eNe1►deNver to euoh �mchasgr a purohasers lhecset Ib Qond end suMloiont Qavd or
<br /> •� ; deeds conveHny the propody Bo sold�but wtthout anY cove�n!a warran�y�e�r��ss a ImA�. The rocitats In such EOa�of unp muNars
<br /> a tacts shali be conotusivo proot of Me truthtulness thereof. 61m pe�son�Indudlnp wtihout tlmHaHon Tntstor.Tnt�toe� a lrflndar. mnY
<br />,• , ' '��: �UrChasO at BuCh SQk1.
<br /> T:''-~ (b) qa may pc�pe�mBted by law.atWr deducUnp aU costs,f�+s end e�er�a of Trusteo nnd ot th[s TNSt.Inciudinp costs of eddenoo of
<br /> "'"'""` '-�" Utle tn conr�xL'on wtth safo,'Mi�00 6h8U ep�1y Uq p�0008G�0�Stl�t0 PII nt ot (1)�II sums o�Wondod undtx the terrr�s of tf►IS Desed ofi
<br />�T�, .,;:fi c��duhero y ertdpli) ho�rertwtnder.i�f anY.9�a 9he'P�fsa abP��1e8e�h►4o�ihExeto�and tst0 ChArQos� ph aD other sipr�a tMn
<br />_ .�;;•;,,';.� fo)Tnnteo may In the manner ProNded by taw postpono salo c4 W or a�y D�on o4 the ProDa�j.
<br /> ,...
<br />� pa�2d►ess Not Exctuatve. Tnistoa and Lender,ond aaeh of thom,stu�1A be e�flled to orHaoo PaYment end pmtormar�co of nny In�aD�idnoss
<br />��, qr are securod by lhts Deed of Twst and to o�mmise eA dDhts nnd powers under 1Ns Do¢d of Tntst,under N►e Note,undeaury ot Ucn
<br /> RW�aumenla.a undet any othe�agreament or any laws�a�n�tn tonce;nolvrlthsffindirtg,some deed ot trust,Plod4a.Con
<br /> - . :; ertd obllga�ons seewed by thb Oeed ot Tnu!mny now or he�onRer be ott�errris�►secwed�whether by mortpaqo. _
<br /> �- . . . as�s7�nmant a othe�wise• Ne�ther the ecoeptenoe of this Oeed W Trust nor Ib anfornemant,wl�ether by coud acttoo or pursuaM to the0awer o! �
<br />-��,:t 9 ,,:, sa1p ar othsr powera eoMalnsd in thts Doed ot'1fus1.shatl pr�ludlao ar In any mnn Ua 7n�te+o and Lender�nd�egaoA a!t 9ha�sfaWt b -
<br />_��,����n�*xr;��,�. $�roe en!'e►t�+ar�curtly now a hereQRer hdd by Tststoa or iander�!t bstrg¢� T=-
<br /> Elt!
<br />- ;;--:; q�i'_�t?�ntn.�w thls 08ed ct Ynut and ary otha sea�m�r�juw or h�tsas3 by L��or Tn�.�In stt�h a�ex� ,ran;�;ea .�!a- --
<br /> -T.`.Y;,�:.-�? dthat Ot tAEm m8y iO th9N'abSOlUts df51x6tt011 d6t9fcNnY. IHO IB�r�ea�Com�rteID Wvn u�oae�vwi i�T�iw.�.G:L-oitCS�"P.�!""`.�s'.C'.s t"t_`
<br /> � ox�lttslvA of arry ot?Nr refnedy In tAls Deed a?7tt�91 or by law provtded ar R�emiltad,b�!each sha1�bo eumuatl�o and�AaU be in edQiUan to
<br /> ,~ �.,�; - �, overy other reme0y pNart In thts Deed ot Tiust ar rr�W�x hereetter mdstlnp at te�v or In equ1N a by stetute. Evary Pn�va or remedp�hbn bYUte
<br /> N�ar any o!tha Retated Docum6nts to Tt�toe ar�ender ar t0 whiCh dlhor of ther nt 0 Tntsteo Q�Le darn flnd N�er a?�r+u�y ---
<br /> ru�
<br /> 9+• conaurto�try a Indo�endenLy.tr�m Ume to tlme and ea otten as may be deemad e�io v mont �_._
<br /> pureue Ireconsistont romedtes. Kotlkng In tNs Oeed of'�twt shaJ bo construed�proNbiUny S�nder irom eeeklnp n dc!�4�.aY 1�6 �.:.
<br /> � cgningt tho Tnistot to tho mdoat such ac8on b psrmtttnd by ktw. —=
<br /> ... �: Requast For�etmTlca Tnt�or�on baha�f of Tn��and Lendnr�horobY ro4�that a aePY oi nny NoUoo of Qoiautt nnd a copy of aml NoHao �r;yr,
<br /> �L'
<br /> .., ' i. �l'�'.
<br /> .. k
<br /> � ��'l�•.
<br /> 'y
<br /> .��
<br /> . � .. . . ; . Y'��t,�:v�. v� r�'..�'^..°r"'y�:�� . . . . ., ^ ':----� ,-- � - -`;- --- , . . .. ' . ` .
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