<br /> . • , .
<br /> . . � � � . ^�"- . .
<br /> .. ...----• � .. ' „ . _. .
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<br /> 02>Z4-1899 DEE� OF TF3U$'f �6i��L�g Pege 3 ..
<br /> t,.oen tdo��30�8 (CoMlnued) 99� ,
<br /> �
<br /> umltpuon th�o I�w�,rsaulations,urtd ordinan�s derscrlCod abovo. 7tu3tor nuthoiim�L.andrr and Ite eaants lo ontQr upan tho Proporty to
<br /> m�ko oucA inspoottnns end te�t�,ut Tn�to�o a�an�o,ns Londor may daam eppropdnM to dnisrmina campRnnco ot tho Pro�r.rty wllh 4his
<br /> „ eeotlon of the DaHd ot T�ust.Any inspecifons ar tasb made by Lendar shall be for Londer'e pu�poses onry artd ahall nat bo consttuQd to cropte � ��
<br /> any resportsiblilty or t!abiilry on the part of Lender to Trusto►or to nny oih8r peraon. The ropresentntions and wartanttos oontntned herotn ero
<br /> bn�od on Tnt3tnro duo dlilgonao in Invu�tlgAdng ttq Ptoporly for hnmrdotta vtnsto nnd h�rdous oubntnrtecs.Yruytor hsreby (a)tc.oncos nnd
<br /> watvos any tutur�o cia4rts epelr�st Londa fw Indemnity or eontRbution In the avont Tnistor beeomos Itablo tot etaanua w othar eosts antl¢r any ��
<br /> suoh taws,and (b)nareas to Imlomniry and hotd humtnsa Landor ep�ir�st nny and all e4ims,tossm�,tleb111U�s,damepes,pena4tea,nnd ��, ••
<br /> �� c+�ort^.,�s wAtab Lendt+r may Qtneofiy or tndtrooUy+ottstNn or otAta rosutting trom e b�aoh of thts nectton o4 ll►s Geed ut Trust or as a ��„�
<br /> " cortss�qaonca of any use�panoraUon,manut�cturo.otaape,dbpossU,release or threatened�saso ot a harerdous r�aato w aubstanc�+on tns '�
<br /> propoAtea. Tho proN^,�tons o! tAb secrioa of ths Oeed of 1'nrst,Indudln�tho obllg�tlon to Indemnity, shali aurvNe the paymsnt af the
<br /> - indabtedness nnd the sntlstaoUon and reeomayanoe of the Iton ef thls 08od o!Tnpt and ehntl no!be atfeot0d by lende�s acqut�lUon of nny
<br /> intwnst M Ihe PPOpt�ty,whether by toredosare or othe�wise. • �
<br /> .,�.,�...
<br /> R`Wa�st�,lHc�b. Tru�tor ahaH not ca�,conduct or�^m�it a�ry nuk�aneo nor eommi�p�rt�It,er sutter eny strtpDlr�of or wasto on or to tho : �
<br /> Propaty or nny po�lon ot th9 PropaAy. Without Umlllnp tho ganaraUly ot the foreyotnp,Yntsta wiD not remova,a prant to any other pnr4y the • x�f rir"�
<br /> �� dgAt to romovo,an Hmber,mtnorais nCludin o7 nnd ),EdJ,gravel m rodc roducb without tRe rlor w►itton conaoM of Lendor. �`°'`��"��4L.=
<br /> Y n 9 9� P P ,���. ..
<br /> �y_':e C__--.--"
<br /> "' Remov�!of Imptovem�ta. Tn�stor shati no!demollst►or romove uny Inrpravamonts hom tho Reai Property wtthout tho pdor wrfitpn aonr.ont '�'�"'�^:
<br /> 09 Londor. As p condldon to tho removat ot any improvamoa�,l�ncbor may requho Tnistor to meko nrmnpemunts sadsfactory to I.undo�to . ,;•T��,�-�
<br /> rePt�oo auch Improvamonts vAth Improvomonts of et teast s4ual vat�a. °�.t*��
<br /> Lande►'e Ripht to Erder. Lender and Ib agenta and ropmser�thros may eater upon the Roat Properry at dl roasonable 8mes to atiend to =�"_��
<br /> Lsrtda's Interesta and to Inspeet tha Proporly for purposes of Ttustofe eompllanoo w1U►tho tertns ned eondlBoM ot thb Qeed ot Tiust �.�;:�;�,,;.�'_
<br /> ' ..A2l�S.
<br /> Compttarce wttA Garemmentai RequtremeMe. Tn�tor ahalt promptlyr eompty vrlth nq taws,ordinarbes,nrtd regNntlora,now or hereafter In �n r:t`
<br /> eBect,of ep povsmmentat euthor8tes applicable to 1he use or occupanay ot the Property. Tnistor may contest In good taith any such luw, �.��^-'
<br /> �� a.dinance,a►epulntion and wtthhold compitanco dwinp any procaeding,tnciuding approprlate eppaals,so lonp as Tnistor has rtoUlled Lender "��-
<br /> ' In wdtlnp pda to doing so and so long as,ln Londo�s soto opiNon,landora fMwesffi in tho Ptopody uro no!Joo,purdlaod. Lender mny requiro � '� "�;�
<br /> „ Tmstor to post adequata secudty or a surety band,reasortabfy sadsfactory to LenAer.to protec!Lortders interest. ,,._„�.,=:; '
<br /> Dury to Protee� Yrustor sgreee neiihw to ebondon na b3va unnttonded tha Property. Trusta shali do all other acta.in addtUOn to those sets . ���;�„>.
<br /> re
<br /> • sat tath abovs in this ceotion,which from tha char�ctar and uae M t1re Preparly aro renaonnbry neoessary to protect artd prosorve tho t'ropwty. �'�,��t`.'_.�!.:'
<br /> � GiJE ON SALE-COA73�lT B1f LENDER. Londer may,et!to optlon,deotem tmmedlatary due and payab3B eU sums socured by ths Deed ot Trust .`'}�`��
<br /> upon ihe eele a transter,wfthoul lhs Londora pMor w�ttten eo�en�et eli a any part ot tAO Reat PropeAy�a ar�i�erost tn the Rea!Propeity. A .�
<br /> . '4sele or transter'means the conveyunoe at Reet Proparly or anY dDPd.lma or interest tberMn;whether legol�bonefldat a equltable7 whalhar volunEary '�=,.�•�--
<br /> or lnvotuntary;whether by ouUlpht cafe,doed,insffiAmeM sele eorc7a�t,land conheot.con7act tor deed,teasehotd Interost wtth 1�ferm prenter thm �''"
<br /> � three(3)yeare,lease-opUOn contreot,or by sale.assipnmerd,or trarster o!any benefbiU tntereat in ar to land trust hotdl tlUa to the Rael �"-'�'°_'°"
<br /> ;,' tre��atso�iryidudas Qn method of t� o!mere fh n�N riat►tv-flve �r�td(?b% of the��o�.Mt.psttr�[ins�tA I�b Or 8�d Bebfiily —
<br /> •� • company Interosts,es the�may bo,ot T ustor. Howave►.thla aA�on s�haii not�be ?exeroised by Lender tf such�c�f i3 prolUDltad by tedcx� -
<br /> : � lnw a by t�tobreska law. _
<br /> :,;i,;,, —
<br /> ,i�•';u:r� � ��' TAXFS AND UOtB.TNe toilowinp prouLtota rotaU t0 the I�xos ae�z9 EYVns on the Propayr are 8 part oHtYa Doad W Tnut. �-•-
<br /> ':1':-�-.. � �
<br /> �"�''���" P�ymenf. Tn�stor ahail pay v�t�en due(and tn a9 evdnb prtar 4�dallnQuenc�r)aY�,eAedal ta�as.assessmenb,cherpes Qneludirg wttter -
<br /> . nrsd sewer)�Ilr�as and tmpostUo�t�vled agnlnst or on axo�tn4 0�tiwP�rop�ty.and shar Day when dua�ctatms tor walc done on a tar — -
<br /> servkes�endersd w mate�aJ t�omtshod to the Pra+Pt�tY. Tnr►tor ehs!matntaln tT�a ProPe�tY iree of�A tie�hnvl�pdpHy over or e4wl to tho
<br /> Interest ot Lendot unde►thb 6oed o!Tnut,exoeAt 4a tAO Ron o!qxes and assessmenb no!due,except for tAo eds�nn indib!sdrkss rehre�ad _
<br /> ° to beiow�artd euoept as othe�w�e provtded tn thls Oeed o!Tnat
<br /> �!',ttii::
<br /> R1pht To Contts� Th�sla may withhotd payment of any tsx,e.�ment,a clam in oonnecNOn with a�ood hith�spute ovm�tm obNptfton ����•�-
<br /> . to paY,so lonp ea Ler+dere IMerest In the Propeity b�01�oopu If�Ilen arises a b fiMd u a resuit M rrorpiymer►t,7tiata ah�il wiWn - - -
<br /> flEAen(16�days ntter tha Uen nrtsos or��a ilen Ls tUed�ur1 h!{ n ttR�t�days attx 7tusta hts notlos ot fhs filinip�securo the dfsc1wp�ot tM
<br /> � " Uen,or If requested by Lender.doposit with Leader cosh or a sul�deM capante su�ty bond ar other ceqefty taUsfactory to Lendor in en
<br /> amount eutNeteM to diseharpe tho Ibn plus any�osts and attnmsys'teas a other aharpes that could toava ss a resW!o!a foroGosun a sak
<br /> urtder tho Uen. In any coMast,TPUS4or sliaU dotend tb�f and tmnder artd sheN sattsry arry mdire�r,e 1udQment Defae enfaoemeet apetnst tta --
<br /> " Property.Tnistor shall name Landor ne an addiUonsl obRgee undcr any surety bartd tumtstqd In tho contest proceomm�s. r .
<br /> ° Evk�nc�o}Pa1r�t►t Tru,dor aP�aAupon demand furMah to tnndor eatkfaatory evidetao of peynsunt of the taxa�a a.�snwnb and sNfli ��"
<br /> euthorlm the epAroprlats qovemmordal ofllctsi to dstiwr to L,onda►at eny Urrte a wriUon affiteme�t of ihe fexes and a�ssmYnb u�alnst tlfo -_
<br />� �Y• �.
<br /> � Notke of Gonatr��tion. Tn�.sstor shaB notHy Lortder at teest ltlfeen(1�daYs bo'lan��m►wak b commenoed.aeiY saMeee ars hanlslxd�or airy ��
<br /> • matertcfs ero sup ll0d to the Property.If any mechsnto'o Ilnn,m�falalmen's Iten,a oths►Yen coutd be asserwtl on encourA of the wak, �
<br /> � servbe9�or�Tn�sta wpt upon�equsst o!Lendw flantap to lertde►advartos ossunnoes satisfaatory to I.snder that Tnutor can en9 w� ��,rt,_._
<br />-- paY fhs a�st of st�M Improwments. '��. °:
<br /> . � PiIOPi•?iTY OAIAAtiE IN81iilWCE The fo0owtrq Provtslom roteU►�to lnsurtrp the Propaty arv o part at tAb Daed ot 7ttesf. �_ -
<br /> j• :S� Maint�s o4 l�fur�e.Tnr.�or sheN Or�ootLe end mNr�[n polides of tlro Inswar�wlth ettredt►M e�R�nde�oovenpe�adaaem�nb on� -
<br /> __,__='?�i• rt�ptaoomant basts ror ttb tw lnsurttbta vat�covorfng att im�mrcmmds on ttre Reel Praperiy in nn entouni su�,-1�it to av�1tl�p�cu�it arry �:-__- .
<br /> - � cotnsuranos dause,and w(th u standard mortq�pee dauso In cavar o!Lend�r,topethe►w1iA auoh ottior heaud and Yab�ih Inaurane�as L�ada �
<br /> :� may reasonabry requlro. Po�ctm shatl be wrltten In farrh�tsmounb,Coverapo3 artd basfs reasonaEly aocoptebSe to Lertder artd tssued by e =
<br /> s� company a compan�s ne�so�Sy a000ptabto to Lender. 7nistw.uPOn oe4uast ot I.endtx.w�aoe�o�ro�e,►e�►rrom ame so ume��a�es ,'{i:�_:-:__.
<br />�;4;:,�. .
<br />:�.�;�+' • or oorttfl�catos o!��ssuarv�In Qoren saUsfadory to Londitt,tnsiudtn8 stiptunBons tAat ooveregs9 wIL rtot be canooDed ot dtmtn�hed wHhou!�tt _-
<br /> - Iaast ten(�0)ds�y:s pdor w►iiten noQOe to Lander. Each Insurenoe poito�►atso eAa9 tndude an endasement pro+AdinB that eove�apo tn tavor W -----
<br /> • LsndEU wIU nW ma impatred in itny way by any nc1,oml�ioa or d�tautl o!T�tar or any othor pacon. Tho Raat Propculy b tocnted ln e�o srea =_��_
<br /> 1�
<br /> � dosignated by 9?�e Dlrector ot tM Fedorel Errd�,synay M�xt�6emet►t AgEtr�cy us o spoCtv flo00 MsBM e�. Tn�tor ay�s to obta�n aad • ::i��s,.
<br /> ��'' � ' matMatn Fodor�l Flood Ir�ur¢naa ta the MI unpntG prirtdpat balanoo of thn loan,up to the�mum poYay Umfb ss!�rtdor the NA8one1 flood
<br /> � . .°'iClr�iCS�.
<br /> ':�: �.:;,., � InsurenoE�Proprnm,a es ol�l�s roquhed by lsndet,and to mniMein suab Irtsuranoe tor tTa torrn of 4he toan. �N�1'�"-°-
<br /> ,,,,�, :;`•_�.t�.fc
<br /> . A�plkaUon ot Proc�eda'Ihrs7ar ehail promp�►noUry tonder of ar�y loss or dnmuQo fo tho Prcp�rly. Lsndar maY�m P���te.s q Tn�stor -
<br /> � �;�:
<br /> _ , •..,{Si.
<br /> � `'.
<br /> .,
<br /> .:r•' i'
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