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: ',��:�_ . <br /> . ; <br /> . , _ ' <br /> - � . .. i.. .. ., .. �.L..... . <br /> � .. _� .� .. . .._. _ .. ._.. .1:......._..._. . .. ,.... .. " "' �. . __'t... .. ..n. ss_-�.�r. .. <br /> „ . _.._....__..�__"1__..r..r»_�.�__ <br /> �t <br /> , . CAVENANT6 ��a ��.'�sb�� <br /> ' 1, poymcrKe. Borrownr npr000 to moku all poymonto on the socarod dab2 whon due. Un oo BwtaL�or and Lundor agroo othorwiso any <br /> • � poymoms Londer reaoivo8 from 8orrowar or iar 8orrowor'e bonoflt wl�l bo appliod Nrat to any umounts Borrower owos on tho nocurad dobt <br /> oxoivalvo of into�eat or�rinctpai,soeond to Intoraot,und then to prinelpnl.If portlet propoymont ot tho eocurod dobt aCCUro tor uny reason,It wlll <br /> �� not roduco or oxcuee ony eohoduled paymonjur�tll tho oaaurcd dobt iapaidh fuli. <br /> 2.Ctnimo Apelnat TiMo. Bonowor wlll ppy all ta�[ea,assensmente,end othor cherges attrfbutebifl to tho property whan due and wftt dofond titlo <br /> � t�t�o proporty a�peinst any alaime whfah v�ouid impalr tho Iian af ihfe dood o4 trust.Lender moy roquiro B�rrowor to aaalgn any tights,eialms or <br /> dotonsc�a whtch Borcower may hevo ngefnat pertlas who ouppty lebor ar materlola ta improvo or malntafn the property. <br /> 4^ <br /> ' 3. Inauresneo. Bortowet wNl tcuop the propony Insurod undor tormc aecapteble to Londor et Borrower'a expenso and }or londor's benetit.All <br /> ineuranae policies ahall i�cludo a atmndord mortgago cinusa in favor of Lundor. Lcndor 4vill bo nnmod no lano pnyoo er.ns thn Inaured on eny such <br /> • inauronco polioy.Any inaurance proceeds mey bo apptiod,with[n Lender's diacrotion,to either tha reatoration or repair of thn damaged property z <br /> • or to the aecured debt.!f lendor requires mortgago Inauranco,8anower��ees to ma(ntain such inauranco for as Iong as Lender toquirea. -- <br /> �r- <br />- - 4.Proyorty.Borrower wiil keep the(xoporty in good condition and ranake an iApaa�rs reosonabty naceasery. • <br /> i.., <br /> �J'`"� 6.Bxpensea.Etoeuawa�agrema to puy nil Londe�'s exponsea inctuding reasonoble attorneys'foos,If Bonowar breaka any eovenanta in thia deed !;� ' <br /> `f'' of ttust or in a�y obfipation aecurod by thla deod of truat.�ortower will pay QP�asa omaaMa to Lender as ptovidad in CoveneM 8 of thfs deed o4 <br /> truat. <br /> 8.Prto�Saeuritv tntereate.Untoss Borrowor flrat obtaina i.ondor'e wdtten ronsant,Borrower will not make or psrmit any changou to any pdor E'��'' <br /> � security Interasta.Bortower wlll poHorm nll of Borrowor's oblipptions undor any prior martgogo, deod ot trust or othor �ecurity egroomeM, -- <br /> � irtcludirtg Borrower'o covanonto to mnko paymoMO when dua. -- <br /> r 7.AsUpnmu�t of R�ma and Protlte.Bonowar osoipna to Londor tho ronto and profito of tno property.Unless Botrowor and Londor hnvo up�ood �_ <br /> otharvv�oa in writing, Borrowet may cottoot and rotoin the rento ns long e�Borrowor io not In dafnuit. It 8orrowur dofautte,Londnr,Landor'a <br /> , agoM,or a court oppointod reccivor maV tnko posaoselon and monaga the proporty and colloat tho rents. Any ranto Londor callocts ahali bo - <br /> - eppllod fir8t to tho costs ot menapin0 tho proporty, ineludin eoun ooste and attorneys' foos, commisalons to rontol o[Lonto,and any othor ' <br /> � � neceaesry raloted expeneoa.The romerning amount ot►onte wRl ihen oDP�Y ro Payments on tho soourod deht os provldod In Covonont 1. <br /> 8.l.eneeholdai Gaoduminiumai Dlanmd Unk O�vtlopnentts.8ottowor eproe�to comply with tho provislons ot any toaso If thle daed of truat fs on <br /> : <br /> undei tho�covonn�nta by lewo�uor iogulotiono�of tho ortdom ntum ar plonnod unit dovotopmontnt,Borrowor will porform oli af Rurrower'e dutlea �- <br /> � <br /> , 9.Authorlty of L�nd�e to Pettam tw danow�r. f Bor�ower taits top erlam eny oi Borrower'a dutios under thla deed af truat, Lender mey <br /> partorm the dutto�or ouuse thom to Co peHorme�.Lendor mey elgn 0or�rapwI�er'a�emo or pny nny omount if nocoaenry for poAormanco.If any � <br /> • � �eeurity Interost in tho ptopd�tlThte�mey feelude eomptet np tha coniVUCUon��nnor� Londor mey do whetever fe�eaonsaey to proteot Landor's - <br /> u.� Lender's folluro to portorm wili not preeludo Lendor Irom oxoratsing ony of ite othor riphto undor tho Iaw or this dood of wst. �. <br /> end will bear in ere tyf►om ttio deto of tho puymunt unttl p�ald in tuil�1hb��IMoies6ta�o in offo�at on tho seeur d debt unta wili 6o dua on demand <br /> ' 10. Oaf�Wt and Aeeotue8on.If Borrower feHa to moko any paymont whon duo or hrooks any covenents under this dead of truat or eny <br /> �• demand Immodinte peymu�endd may Invoko tho powot of e8alo and any othaz iemad el apErmittod by eppitceb�e tawurity of the secuted debt end <br /> � , �!.�rw:t tos NoUc� of Oetwk.It Ie herubv raquoated Met copiea of tho�otices ot dotauft and snle be sont to each peraon who is a�arty <br /> � „ haroto,at tlio addresa of each suah pereon,ae eut tonh heteln. <br /> 12.Powa of Stle.M tho Lender invokos tho powor ot saio,tho Trustoa ehail 9irat record in thfl otfico of the�ogistor of daoda of oacA cwunty <br /> whereln the trust Qroperty or somo paR or parcei thareof is situetod a notica o7 dofauft contointnp tho intormatlon requlrod by�aw.Tho Tnysleo <br />�" � shait atso moil coplea of tho notioe of defeuk to tho Bonower,to eeeh person who te e party hereto, and to oUrer persone as prescrlDqtl by <br /> appifcable law. Not tesa Nan orto month atter tho Truatee rocorda th��attse of dofuuit or two mor►ths if the truot proportyr 1s not in any <br /> ._...:_,�•• . ineorporated chy or ville8e and ts ueod in farminp o�porodona cartiad on by the uuctot,tho f�uxtoe shail fl►vo pu6110 nodee of aele to the per$ons <br /> and In tho munnar ptescrlbed D1r�appplioablo law.7ntsteo,without demand amn Bortower,shali setl tho propxrtll at publle euotion to tho higMat <br /> �`' � Y blddor.If require0 by the Farm Homostead Roteotfon Aot,Truatee ehatl offor the propeny in two separete aulne as required by eppNcabio Ww. <br />- Trustao may paetpone salo of ell or any parcot ot tho propo►ty by public anrtouncemeM et tho ttmo and placa of any proviouoly echsduTOd eala. <br /> _'-'s' `�� '. LendeT or ite denignae mny purchase tho ptoperty at eny eaio. <br />- � � �' Upon�oeolpt of pa�rmont ot tho price btd,Trustoo shuli delivor to the purchaaer Trustoo's Eaed eonveying tho property.The raoitiets contained in <br />-�- ' Trusteo•e deed sheli bo primu facEo evidionce of tno truth of tho statemente contained theroin.T�ustao ahail upply the proceeds of tho sele in tho � <br /> ; o " olnateteme�4 foose�lbj to�olt sumossacurfod by thlo�disoa of�t�rust unnd to)�t1�ro balance If nny t�o t e peieons lognlly oMitiod�to iecelve it.feas and <br /> _�•-,..•„�;�A 13.Fw�eiosu�o.At lendePs opBon,thta dood of trust moy bo foroctosod m 4ha maneer provide by applioeblo lew for toroctosur9 of monpapea <br />=��:�-w'r••�, onreaipropeny. <br />-'`'�� 14.lnspeetioo.lender may onte�tho propoRy to Inapeat ft if londor givoe Bonower ootiee boforehand.Tho notice muat etate the �eaaonebie <br /> �fi'�!K; causo far lsrtdeYs inapootla�. <br /> -�,.. <br />_-#;�:;`F,".'r` „4 18,Cond�mt�n�3m.Borrowet assi ans to Lander tho procooda of any ewardo7 daim fot damc oa connsoted with e condomnatlon or other tHking <br /> ot ali or eny part of tho properiy.Suoh procneda wil!bo appltod as provi�ed Jn Covonar�t 1.�is nse{pnmont lo eubJeot to the terms of any prlor <br /> `"� ' •��' security agreemont. <br />- - ,� i#�il� <br /> A <br /> ..;,;� ��•� 18.Wairm.By exorctaing any remady avaitobto to Londcer,Lontler doos not give u any righte to�ator uuo any othcr romody.8y not axmaishg - <br /> ', any romody upon Borrowor's defeuR,�onder doos not waiva ony dght to Iator eonsPder tho ovont o dofault H it happons again. <br />-�' �F .:�•�. <br /> ��:.x:.:.... . �pp� <br /> ":.�„r..• '• 77.JdM�nd S�rwal U . Casfprnn; Sueusso» �nd AsslOet 8ound.AII duNes undor this d�sed of trust are jolM and soverel. Any <br />—�.,_,, Bortowar w7ro eastgna this deod of trust but doea not eaaipn the u:�dKt�ng debt tnavumant(e1 doea eo onty to grnnt and eonvoy thos <br />'.y�`_� --T� BotrowOYs i�ZOr�ost in tho proporh►to tho Truatoo undet tho torms ot ihia doa oi Oddition,eucif o Borrowor egreea that the Londer nnd - <br />-.-��,;��M�` any othoa 6o�rowor urtder this doad ot trust may oxtend,modlty or make emy otho►ehartgoa En tho terma ot this daod of truat ar thn Bt�cwed <br /> -°_ _�.,_-, debi w{thout tiw;i Gortorrcr`s wrsaart ami wtri-aut reteas►r�ih.^t tsarroH:arirom iha terms of thls deed�f trust. <br /> ��"`i��„ : '�!`' The dutEos and bunoHta of thEo dood of trust eAnll bUd and bonafit tho suctassom and aset8ns ot Londur�nd Bortowor. <br /> � � '+ 18.NoBe�.Unlose otherwi¢o raqufrad�uy Iuw,ony notiao to Borrowor shaA bo givan by dulivoring R or by malliog R by eortlHod muit addresaed to <br /> ' Bartower et tNa proparty address or any othnr addrosa that 6orrovia hes piven to Lender.Bonower wfli p►ve any�oti�a to Lander Dy eortlAod <br /> � � matl to Landmr'o nddress on pepo t of thia doad ot ttuo�w to any othcs�seQtos3 whtch Londor has doatgnatod.Any othor notteo to Lendor shoq - <br /> ,,, bo soM to LendePs adQre�a as awted on pago 1 of thts dood of trttat. f <br /> � �.. . <br /> �� Qny noUco ohaU Eo daomod to haw boon gtvnn to 8wrowar or Londur wfan eiven in tho monnor stetod abova. _ <br /> ' � 18.Tranater ot the Peo�erty a s Ben�t9cla bm�ut tn tho Rartnwar.if an or nny part of tho propc e�nm/interest In R ts sold a�tranatertod - <br /> mr <br /> ' ,, `: without Londor's prlor wr(Ken te�ensor�t. Lopndar may domefld immediate paymerrt aif Ma sccutad obt. Lendor mey olso demand immadiato - <br /> , dert�ie�paYmntet�n toh�e�i�va aftuaUarts if It i�piahtb ed D�V tu�de�iret�e,d ns o!tho�daBto�of thts deed of o��anstorcod. Howovar,Lender may not <br /> � ` 20.Recnmr�yanco Whon tho obllgotkon eacured by tAia doed of trust Aaa t�on pald and londot hne rto fuKhnr oblf¢atton to moko advonee3 <br /> � f under tho instrumcnta or agreemenM secured Dy this doed of tntsL tha Tntstoa ehat�upon writton requost ay the Ln�ar,roconvay tho trust _ <br /> • • ' proRerty.Tho londer 6fiall dethror t�tho 8arowar,or to Bor�owei's s�scces6or In Interoat,tho truat docd and the noto o►other ovldoneo ef tho _ <br /> obilqation so oetiaHod. 8orcowet shalt pay any rocordatton costs. - <br />_ ' � ' �i. 6ucceasor Truats�.londer, et londor's oDtlon, may romovo Truatco nnd a polM a euccessor vustoo by flret, moiting o copy of tho :" <br /> ` � eubsUtutkon of trusteo ae requUad by 8pp1�CaAlo law,nnd thon,by tiling the eu on of watao tar roeord in tho oNtco of tho rcgintsr ot d¢eds <br />_ ., � of onch couMy in which tho truat proporty,or somo Rnn th�truot, is situetod.TRs sucressor truatao,without coe�vuynnco of ffio pr�porry.ahgll � <br /> t r <br /> _ � succuod to np tho powm,dutloo,autRovity end Ntio oi tho Truntoo�emad N Ma dccd o�truat end of any auccoesor truateo. <br /> 15 ' <br /> _ '. <br />- IDSPi T 0I 2f = <br />' . 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