� .
<br /> j �
<br /> � �
<br /> . ., � ., .. � � � ..,��..,
<br /> " � , , - �r. � � - n �� _.."?wh.�»i'NtlEYr1Y►-
<br /> , ,_.». ., sai.�.YPiI'wa"'..,. _: . . .. _. _ .. ._. .
<br /> ' COVENA�JT@t ggo 1���°��
<br /> ,� '� 1, psytaenU, Barrowor oproos to meko oi: poymants on tho aoeaued dobt wpon duo. Untona 8nrtowor�ond Londnr npruo othatwlao, any �_
<br /> paymonto Londor�ocolvan from Borrowar or tor Borrowor'e bonotit �dll ba oppnod flret to any amaunta 8orrowor owoa on tho eocured Qabt =-
<br /> � ox c l u s i v e o t i n t o r o o t a r p r J n c i p a l,a e c c n d t p t M O r AA t,O A d t h 9 n t o r l��m e�. If pnnlai pro pa ymont��f tho aecurod dobt occuro for any raoaon,It w11i
<br /> not reduce or oxcuao any achodulod payment unti l the secured de�t is pa�s u�eun, ��•
<br /> � . 2.Ctoim�ApN�sat Yftlt.Borrowor wlhll pay oli taxoo,0000aomonto,nnd othor aharpoo ottrlbutabto to tho 9proporty whnn duo ortd wtli dofond titlo ��,�'
<br /> dotoneos whlchp8or�roswoi moy havo Aga+nat pa�osAwho eupply IaborBa�atarinle to Improvo orynnlntoln thorprop��641p��ny riphto,alalmn or -
<br /> 3.insuranas. Bor�ov+ur wlll koep tho proporty Irtsurad uodor tormo aceoptab►o to Londcr nt RmrewAr'o oxpanao ond for Londor'a bonoflt.All �.�Y
<br /> � ' tnauranco polialoa shell inctudo a stendnrd mottgago clnuso In favor ot londer. Lender wiil bo nemod es loss payQO or a9 tho Insurod on any ouch
<br /> inaurunco po�loy.A�y Insuranao proeouds mey 6e upplied,within te�der'a dlearetion,to oithur tho roetoradon ol repatr of tho dnmagod proportY
<br /> or to tho socutad dobt.it Londer roquireo mortgago incurnnco,8orroww ogreoa to meintaln suoh inawaneo fo�as tonp as 4ondor roqulroo. j
<br /> 4.Prop�riy.Borrower wUi koop the proporty in pood condltWn ond rtsato ali ropo4o roasonobty nocoseary. ��"s
<br /> ..�,','�' _
<br /> ., .. '�'" g Expaata.Borrowor ogroea to pay a0 Londer's oxponses inoiudlnq roasonabie ottamuyo'}Ofl4,if 8orrowa�broako ony covenento In this dood i'_.
<br /> o�uust or In any obNpation aocurod by thio deod of trust.�orrower v�4 pay thoso amounto to Londor aa provldod tn Covanant 9 of thio dood of �`�;4,
<br /> .. ' truttt.
<br /> E`•`-
<br /> � 8.Pdor 8�eur�irranst�.Unieas Bortowo�first obtetns Lender'a writtoh conaent,8orrowat will�ot meko or permit anY ohnn9os to any prtor :�
<br /> + security Intereals. Borcower wlil porto►m aIi of Borrowor's ob�igatiam undor cny prlor mortgapo, doed of truet or other security ngraoment, �
<br /> �i, �' Including Bonowar's covenento to meke paymente whon dua. _
<br /> " 7.Asa!anmr�rR of qeMe and Proflb.Bonowor assigna 4o Lendor tho rents and profitn of the proporty.Uniess Borrower and Londar hev��dei s --
<br /> .. otherwTse In wrlting,Bonowor may coilaat and retaln tho renta o�.bng aa Bortowet is not in defnuit.It Borrowor dofoutto,Lendor, —
<br /> T, agont,m a eourt appointud tocolver may teko poasssaion and me�epe tho ptoperty amt eollact the rants. Any rents Londer coliooto shall be ___
<br /> applied flret to the cnsts of managin8 tha property,including CDlt�t tOAt6 Brld OnOfflByB'teas,cammiosiona to rentel og�onts, and any othar
<br /> �• neceseary related oxpansea.The remafninp amount of ronts w(II then apply to paymente on the seeured dobt as provlded in Covenent 1. _ _
<br /> 8.Leaaehoids Condomlydums:Pianned Unit Osvalnpms�ls.Borrowc�t agraea t�comply with the provisionu of eny tooae If th18 daed of tr�eat la on
<br /> , .r 8 18C60hOld.I�thia deod of trust ia oe e unit in a Condominium or e Wanmd unR devoiopment,Bonower wlll perform all of Borrower e dutios �;.
<br /> , :.;;;;,�::;�;., � undor the covenents,by�ews,or�egulatbna ot the condominium or plenned unit deveiopment. _
<br /> %•-
<br /> `�r.`::�;,�1;,�. ,i ' 8. Authodty of Lendar to Pa�torm tor Bor�owsr. if Bo�rower taila top erform any of Borrower's duHes under thls daed of trust,Londer mey �-=_,.,
<br /> .�,..:, pe�form the dutlos a aauae them to be pstformed.Lendd@t moy si�n eorrow9r's namo or pay any amount if necessary for parformance.H any -
<br /> socu�ri�y�rnerest iniho pro�por�tp 7hle m y inntude comtpleti 8 the eaauuod,onmenner,londer mey du whetever is nacesaary to pratoct 6etxle�'a
<br /> � ' lendor'e failura to portarm w111 not prectude Lender from exerciaing enY ot ks ather ri�Ma under the taw or thie dead of vust. --
<br /> antl wtU beurein o�ruabtYhom tho datouof tho poymont until paid In�/uli�o�t�ih elaiteoioetrate In�oNoat on tha Becu ed dobt u��W����due nn demend —
<br />- ���� - 10. O�fwit aM Aecelemlon.It Borrowor fatio to mako eny paymmt whon due or broaks ony covonente under thie daod of uuot m any
<br /> dem�and immediaetdo DaYm�ont end may fnvoke the powor ot��e and a Y otheuiemod el &porm/tted by eppliaebte Iawutfty ot the seaured dobt end
<br /> ���F 17,R�pwst for NoUc�aY Cef�utt.lt ia haro6y req�oated thet copietof tne noticos of daiauh and.ete bo ea��i��aach D�"�cs��O's s A�Y �
<br />- horeto,nt the eddreaa of eeeh auah peroon,ee aot torth hereln.
<br /> � � IZ.Pown of QN�.It ths Lender invoke�the powu of�nie,the Tnnteo�hetl Ilrst teeotd in tha office o}the�agister of deeds of eech county
<br /> '°u�"''`` '� whsntn the truet property or soms pert or prreet tMreof ir dtwts�i raotice of default contnlnino tha inform atlon requlred by law.The Tru�ta�
<br />��,r:�•:�'• ,, : �hdl atao maii copin of the nattae of defautt to the Rorrower,to eaoh person who is s party f�ereto,and to other peroons a4 rsscribed Dy
<br />� o not In anr
<br />�.<,�.,�7:•a• appliabt�t�w.Not leso then one montA sfter the Trustee rocprd�tlsm nottce of detautt or two morrchs it the truit propercy
<br /> s,;f:L;.,,.;:�:;. IrtcArponted eiry or viUag�and Io used In tarmirtg o rattons oarriedon by the uustor,the�'rustee eheli pive publto noti`o of�xle tn tho pertons
<br /> ;,:µ^'°:;"�• apd In t�e mann��pnscrlb�d b�►�pppltabts I�w.�niates,without demand on Borrower,ehnit tell the property at publEa auutton to tha hipfien
<br /> pIddet. t�equirsd by tho Farm omestend P►oteot on Aat,Ttueteo eAap oftet the proporty tn two soparete�etes se roqulred by oppltoable 1�w
<br />��"''�" "`', Truotea may postpone sate of ell ot eny pareel of the property by publla announcomont at tho Umu nnd plaea of any ptovtoucty ochodule0 eele.
<br />-+��<:��• ".?•t LerMer or In deslpnee may purchese tho property et any eole.
<br /> �'°,�_-,��--• Tho reefUola eontninod in
<br /> Upon�ocelpt oi psyment of the priee bid,Truatee ahelt deliver to tFse pu�ahaaer Truatee'e deed eomaylng the property.
<br /> 7runao�a tlood uhali ba prlme feclo ovldionce ot tha uuth of the ete�temeMe contained tfie�oin.Truatoo ehait opply tho p►oeoodo of tho anlo in tho
<br />',� �^�~ ``�'' fol�owing order. (el to ell oxponsoa of the seto, Including, but rot Iimftod to, roaBanabto TroLtoo's fnea. reesonobio attarnoy'e teoa and
<br />������� retnstetemeM 4aest(bI to nil eums seeured by this deod ot truat,nred lo) tho botanco,If uny,to tho porsona legalty ontitlad co raeoivo it.
<br /> _n,�•ey.,:•�,,��� 19•Pw�ciosun.At LendCr's opUon,thls deed of wat may f�e tor�dosod In the manner provido by applicebie It►w far forectosure of moRgages
<br />_ on roei p►operty.
<br /> ���.��:`�4"�x.u.�°
<br /> �.:�L,.{-�� 14.IrtaptcUon.Londor meY oMOr the property to Inapoct it if lendar givas 8or►owor notico boforehand.7ho notice muat atato tho ruoaonabla
<br /> _.�� CBU80 Tor Lertder's InspocUon.
<br />�'�s'A°'.���� 16.Cond�mmtlon.Borrower assign�s to Londor the�roeoeda of anyewerd or claim tor damegos wnneated with a cortdomnation or othar taking
<br /> "�T'"r''- of ali or eny part of tho proporty.Such proceodB wNl bo appiiod as povidod in Covenant 1.Thla easi8nmont Is subJoot to tho torma af any prta
<br />�z' `�::::�'«� securhy agreamont. _
<br />'� ��.,,���r, 18.Wdre.By exarcistnp nny remedy available to Londor,LenOor doos not giro u ony dghte to�mer uso anY othor remody.By not or.oreteing
<br />-�.�,__
<br />_.�c�a� , any remody upon Borrower a default,�ender does not wnivo any riBht to later consPdor tho ovont o tlofault it it happene eyain. -
<br /> 17.Jotnt rnd Severat W�� Co-st�srss Sueeesso»and Atdpn� Bouad.All duties undor thlo dnod of vuat aro Jotnt end severat. Any
<br />_"'�!�A,• J� RflRpWdi whn caeiane this doed of tn►st but does not easipn the unde tn dabt InatrumeM(s) doo8 so only to gram and cornoY that _ �
<br />-��.�.n�� tlottowot`s intoraat In tiie ptoD6rtY ia thc Tructco wqt�the tmmt of thts Aa�a�m�,.-t.!n addlelon,auch e Benowpr agreon thet tho Londer and -
<br /> 8fly OtMtt I30ffOY�9f U7tlIBt th18 08Ba ui buoi t�loji'vw�oilL��i:C.i�.��".:.�.�.7 Z-'•1'i Qt�!!f N!`-��^po 1�fhn tarmn n4 Mla Aood of uttet ot th�68cuteG
<br /> _=��.:'��L_`: . dobt vNdwut thet BorrowoYe conseM and without reteastng that ower hom tho torma oi thie deod of vust.
<br />-%.--�:r•��;,�, The dutios artd benofltu of thls dood of Oust shnll bf�and b000fit the aucces¢ore and oaeipne of Londor nnd 6orcowor.
<br />�-��•� +�" 16.Notic�.Unloss othorvuiso requtrod by lew,any notice to BoROwa choll ba givon by deliverinp It ot by maliing k by cortiffod mail nddrossed to
<br />-n n ��. _ Bonowa at tho ptoperiy eddrese or antI othm nddross thot Bmower hna ivon to Landot.Bortowor wil�Bivo anY nottco to 6ondor by cortiflad __.
<br /> moii to Londar'o eddreao on page 1 of t(�ia deod of trust,ar to end othor e�drase whieh Londor has dosignotad.Aay oth�r notteo to Londor ahntl _
<br />:' " � be sent to Landor's addraea ea stetod on pega 1 ot this dood ot wuoc -
<br /> ' • � Any notico shaU bo doomcd to havo boan givon to Borrowor or Lortdu when fl(von in tAo mnnttor atatnd nbovo. =-
<br />- ��� 1S.Tnnsfor of 1tn�oportY ex�Bu�tIcS�11M�ut In dw DortowR.lt eN ar any part of tho property or er�y tntoreat in it ie snid or aanstortc:d
<br />`s� " � without Londer's pr or writ4en eon=eM, lendar mey demand lrrsmedtate paymont of the socurod dobt. lender may elao demend tmmedlete
<br /> ',; pernent M tho Borcower le mt e naturetr�4non and a beneticial b�Eeroat fn the 8onower le sotd or uenetetted.Howwer, let►der mey r►ot
<br /> demend psyment In the abovo situatione N k fa ptohlbkod by tederei I�w aa of the dato ot this dood of truet.
<br /> � � ZQ,Rcaenveyence.Whon tho obtipetlon eecivod by this dead of wst hea boon patd ond Landor hoe no furthot obifgotton to mako advancoa
<br /> - �� � undar tho instrumonte or ogroamonw socurod by this dood ot vueb Me Truatoo eholj,upoa wrlttoo mquoet bV the lendor,roeanvay tha�t
<br />- � t n.mcrtv.Tha Lnndnr shnil dniiver to tho 8onowor,or to Bonowcs�'�nuccossw In Intoroat,tho crust dood und tho noto or othor ovidonco o tho
<br /> •• �'`` ohi(gation co eatiofiod.Borcowor c�nn poy any rocordadon wsie. �
<br /> 4 21. Sucooaam Taatoe.Londor, at Londor'e oPUon, mey �amovo Truatao ond oppoint a auceosaor uuotuo by tlrst, mciling a copy of tho
<br />- ; aubnthution ot uu�too ns roqutrod by appllcabio aw,and thon,b� f�ng tho subotttuUon ot uusioo tor rocord in ffio ofticu o4 tho rapietor of doodu �
<br />' ot oach county tn whtch tho truut proporty,or eomo purt thor¢ofi.h situotod.Tho succoaBOr wstao,without convoyanco of tho propurty,ehap •,
<br /> � ' auaceed to all tho power,dutiaa,outhodty and titto�f tho Truotoo nemod In tho dood ot trust nnd of nny ouccosaor truatoo. �,
<br /> - ' ,�.am' _
<br /> - , K:
<br /> -� .q .. ' F.
<br /> , _
<br /> i._�c��.� ..
<br /> __ ' a
<br /> j�::�;'. � lPepi2o/21 _
<br /> � OANXERS 6Y8TEMS.INC.,S7.CLOUO.MN 00301 lt-�0O�97•4Stt 1 WHM OCFJ�ITGM!�3/t991 -
<br />--:'i - .�-.
<br />