_•> , '. � � ...;r,�.,+�-�r 54-s�...�Y�rgr`'�...�`�f". ::
<br /> _ �.� :,,,,a.
<br /> • 'j' . ; � . �.., �v��:.
<br /> �� :v.w -�a.....
<br /> dw.•u.. . ----- ---- ...
<br /> _ � —_
<br /> t �� YW't .
<br /> -- •
<br /> = - ---- - - 93- iq��r.
<br /> - - ea�uccsw�covs�a►rrrs nwc ew��t:t�t�y��a or md�w a�y.�a�dy�a�a��w ri�r �-_
<br /> ,�:: � w �.m� ua r�cy.pa ape � rrap.�+y �o ww��a. a�capt fur aacumhranur,r of rocard.
<br /> � ° ���, 9�m�nww w�ai aad will defa�d Qener�UY dn w4e w d�e Propaey yT�w dl d+uaw�ad d��wbjnc�w
<br /> , �.,.�� �....i,.
<br /> my w�cuo�r�aos of noord. ----
<br /> _ .,, ��� TH1S SECURITY INS7RUMENT comhinrQ uni��xm c�w�ntR fi�r n�ti�nal u,e u�d naruniform covwu�n�A ,��
<br /> wim lia�ited vari�ioo.by juri�dialon �o ooawiaae w anifonn�ocurity l�rua�+m covarin� r�l pro�ny. This *-�:-
<br /> _ a ,�;�:
<br /> --• � Sa:urity In:b�matt dull bo�ovemed by fader�l b�w�nd Iba Mw oi t!w juriFdictim ia which Ilw PropnAy ie �,;
<br /> ' loc�ted. � ,.
<br /> :{ y _
<br /> c�,_«. a'r.i:.. `'
<br /> ,��ti `�.�F4�. 4:..•:
<br />-'�;,;�' " �. .,;_ ..n.-, UNIFORM CaVENANT3.Bamuwor�ad[xader cove�uat�nd�re��s tollawrs: �,
<br /> �';�:: .�.•`-s���.-. _ 1.Pl�ymwt of Peim3pW sad�nt�li P�e��l�maK wd L�te Chwry�e�. &�rrow�r Rh�ll promM�Y PQF wb�a
<br /> n
<br />;:-:;�:,, .^��.��: � 1 a�u��a���a��e��a�e��a�a by up�.4u.�y r�wy��a�����a�� ��
<br />_�c+r ;r'.� � � -s-. --
<br />� �.rr. . ��ae . t6eNoto. —:..
<br />:%' v ��. �'����`�� E.Fund�rar Tpes ana la�pnmoe. e«mw�r r�au �y eo txaaer on Wa dar moatWr t�ra� ,�ro aowe �-
<br /> ==�� �-"';: � under Ibe Nate. Mofil tha Nata ir p�id ia lWl.a sum("Fuods')equsl to LxMler•s estim�ta.as desctibal b�ebw.of --
<br />�TYISLS�,`.,KA:,.� � —
<br /> _ �3':'� '<3:�Fi�� �s_
<br />.:..'t��'"."-':' ..�.�, . (a)owawrolAr of� txpd of y�arly �s aod �s wluch u�y atWn priority over Wis S�xurity -
<br /> ar
<br /> .'����� ':.� Ia�t: @) a�e-i w e l fl b o i t!►� y e�t ly I�o k l pa y�M s a� Q a w a l ro n t c a m t l w I'm p a t y. i f a n y: !c) -�'
<br />..:;1; �� :�-7.. . —
<br /><",�;� �„;::.:: . . aoe-twelfW of t6o yea�tly a�a.a or praperity i�x p�sadu�s: W)oae-n�rolfih ur th+y�r�y tlooa i�wrroc� �
<br /> _:�� • pr�emiiuo�, if�uy.(d)an�-twelfl6 of the Yeatly iaaod�n�,+s ias�r�oce p�miwm. if u�y�aad(�uaefivelH6 ot aoy 1�;...;
<br />.�r ..II°."`�'°' ' � si�items wl�ich�na oommooly p�id by borruNr�.rs to I�eale�s.whe�her oow ar ia tba twtuns.ia cao�octioo wiNb _
<br />�;°,�` a F;a� , �se�.�w�ed de61.71�ae�s desctib�ed in(�)-(r1 anc called'E.yc�ow It�a�s'. ;;
<br /> ,� ��5;�,. 71���ucls sha{I be in x.ua�ount('Eserow A�awae")at aa iastitWioo wbosu�kpoeita aro insvrod by s ��r�.
<br />�°' ,��. ,�'�"y•�r�:`. fedar.� • IOSYfffil�ILEJ�i� u�r�x�ci �ncludia l.�ndrr, riff I:k•nder is�vcb an iastitwion)or at aay Fuderal +�=—
<br /> ' �.. �y Y' QY( � �
<br /> ,`• <, ., � Hotu� Iban Ba�al;, G�rnJea rba,} efi�e Bornuw�t for bolapu��aacl applfuak We F�mda� aaaly�lag tbe Escrow �•;
<br /> G
<br />. •�j�1�(���.ti_�.:'�• � � • �..
<br /> Acca�wt and vato�j�iuog�lre Fira:tow�Iteaas.and II�.�w1e� may�jware Boriowar to pay a or�-tirna cbarra to�staMis6 i`�
<br /> n �;�-•
<br /> �'-°v.y�,7�-�+�,�}�'�.1�;•��i)t}'�t . Y ttl� 'R.71A�R IYx I�[�idtyl0�',SCiVICC�Of Pf0'S+'F(�d�y�t�Uf W CaOO�CU00 VYjlb blli �. � S��001�16 =
<br /> ``�!+�' ,.���•``` •f'?�j' ' te�q�cu�d ta py Borv�mw�tx aoy iau�anxn ot eamings on the Fuqas. Er'':
<br /> •,j�;;• �� ,5i,�`:,. �i1ppaQd�r qppJ�r7,r I►�1,;: �SCfOW I�COWI�W dC�ii)U00 Ibtl IIiC Of 168 IOOQ1� �WM�S bC1I1
<br /> .:�: � i , , • •1,e,ac0e�e6dl +�9 9 Y Y �
<br /> e���� :, y .,�;�, • ''��. �,tic,ra i,�der m4y aaal i�a Fssc,mw Acco�a!mos��q
<br /> r:��� ���.;.�'�.';;.y s , ,ocoite,cc�ed for o�cb'�sxanew Iiem: wl ii� ytr� tteatt!;._ ixasles �-
<br /> �.4� '� "� . , cb
<br />::,�: f f'RiSti�it`,� sl�U ostim�w We au�nuAa of Funds ododed in thn Escrow Aocount. to pxy fuw�Escmw Itean whan�Ew�.. r�n the
<br />=�:r.�; ,;;;: 4+.��r�,�
<br />.1� ;!;:!l.F�; , u,:�:..�:,,���' Iwsis of: (i)curneat dad�, inclw0ia� tha w►ticip�tad disburr,�meat d�s for n�c6 Escrow itew; (ii) r�oasble _
<br /> ti, � �. • � ;�r . ..� .
<br />.;..,,� �'��':,:�ti,,s estimates of eap�aditur�s of futx�r��scrow It�ms;(iii)thd limtl iatr,rvW betwxn disbursements for eacb Escrow _-
<br /> �;�#�f"., Item;and(iv)thd Aeauuat of Fu��.;;�the E.scrow Accaint for eac6 Escrow Item at d�e tin�c�lxnder m�lyzes tha _-
<br /> �;..i� �::���•: _
<br /> , � '" Escrow Accaunt.I.e�der and Barrowrr ayron tMat l�nder's ast�aww M qw amuw�t ot huads ne�le�d ut 11ae kiscrow _
<br /> - -,..r-- .
<br /> ,, •� Accaunt is m approximata calculption. At any limt if th�s amaunt of Fw�dg in Iha Eccrow AccounQ t�ot rxcd e
<br /> t
<br /> - .. t�..° Escrow Itemwifl oot 6e sufficicnt to pay ea�h Escrow Item when Jua. I.�nder may ndify Borrower in wriaiag and -_._
<br />-'�ia., k �;iav��! y�+•,•�. � �9�luir»Borrownr w pay Lnnd�r Wa wnount of tiw clnficira�cy. BorrowCr slwll bc in dofwult if.aticsr rucnipt of Q-°
<br /> "'�`� notictl fmm Iw�r. Borrowar fkdOs to tia�lY psY l.mder thn amouat of Hw dcficirncy. At L�r's sol� �•��.�`
<br /> � . ''�,"'�!,a".'�+';R:' �
<br />_=' ' �',b r.:;�.,x;,°;.�. discrrtion, BorrowCr nwY rc�aY auy ddiiciracy in no mora than 12 mw►th1Y P�Ym.�ts. If Lraddr's Escrow _
<br /> *� .� .� , ,,�d`'.-• . : � � Account awl �s ialicat�.c that the Fwuls in ttea 6xrow Account for rach F.scrow It�m tlx�d tha wnoiuot Ixndrr
<br />--it �. ,•3�'�nip!�_'yTia;�,n,ah, � �•.-'���-.
<br /> �_ • cstim�tes is a�uded to pay rach future Esc�ow �r,R;zn�rlxm�.Ixn�k;r slwll refw�d aoy such aac�.ss ta B�arrawer �i,`•,;�,:
<br /> "• : '�''8�_.' � . `;•,;;
<br /> � �t.....�,,;,.,•:�'�. wid�in 30 d�ys of thv Escmw Ac�t wwlynis.'�n ruWb�tdu�o t�o 1l�e Fuada rstimauxl as described abon..e, a�wl to :',
<br /> •�,:.;. ��...
<br /> ;'. � .r ' 1^�..;�. e,asure Ih�t 11�s Fuiuds in We Es�c�r��v Accawt will be saot�iciaas ta pxy Escrow Itdms whe.ro dud. L�c�der may 1��.
<br />- " 'F� t�'�;l;i'�.!.t u ti��
<br />�;:. . � ��.,,,:: rnyuire Borrow�r to maintain uo aQ� Ea�crow Ac,count an tw"4�1i�i�a�! balonce of Funds rat to rxwaA 2 m�we�hly , :'
<br /> ` t� :�,- :
<br />-=':;,'�',• .,;�.,, {�. escrowpa�ymeats. �.':••'
<br /> t.
<br />.::;r,��,. ',,` r���. Lender shWl apply tha Fuadc to pay We E:crnw ltems whtn due. lxndtr s6r1) �ive lo Borrow��r siu rmnual Z�•'--
<br /> ,�. , .,4,�:'S; • •,�� accat�Hng of t6n Escmw Account.ehowin�credits and d�b�ws to the Escrow Ar.count aad thC purpo.�e For which
<br />-itiv�;". •' . >.-. . r,�� . .
<br /> .� , , . •�,�s: �y �b1� from tl� Escrow Accamt wa,c mnde. 7'he Fue�is in thtl Exrow Acwunt arc pkdged to Lemier av -
<br /> �_..-
<br />_;f�,'� �?�,:`}��� �� Qdditio�l s�curity for all sum�Fckuaxl by thiK Sa:urity law�nia�nt. Upon paymant ia tull of all su�secureJ by - _
<br /> E_
<br /> ' � •,��,�..'?. thie Sucurity Instnunent, Lx,nder s;hall r�funcl to BoROwrr aw}• �uadx held hy I.ender.5uch r�funJ r�ke;�l9 ba mndtl
<br /> 1�:.�;...,.;,. ,� .
<br /> • . , ..,,•.. ��Ar� . �� ��ys of Borrower's payment of all wm�xxun�d hy this Scxur+t�� Instrument. I f. un dCr TAp�+gra p h 2 1. v{;�
<br /> .. ;::'::. ,„%;s - L.eada slwll�cquiro or sell�hr Pro�rty.Lxnder.prior to thr acquiwtion or wln of tl� Proprrty.xPsa19 xpply any �iF.;•.
<br /> �'' e',•��.. Funds Ircld by Le�ICr ru the te�mr ot acquisitioa or s�ale :n u credit eYaiaat the�u�• w�:nurad by thie Seaurity G
<br /> �.,;.;_:;••
<br /> F f�,��,�'�• '�I`.,t.:���� IIL�ilUR1211t. --
<br /> a:r �L�•. '• '�f`yi.�t'F"L. e.�
<br /> ��1s.' +i' "'
<br /> /�.�•,k'.��,�t f�+ ��'4'
<br /> .���,' :�:I',+� "�l '�.�'�` MB374 Rw.7/Yt 29374 �{�:
<br /> .;. .,.;�( ,.�11;.,,.,;,� ' �iwrrC::,��t aoxt., ,:
<br /> - ,,t�.1�.i i i r�j��,��,• .... . ,f',�::'.
<br /> �� lJ;'� ,a,�r.: :',:;�r..
<br /> _ ':��„° s�r,�.� y�
<br />.' ;I;; : ,, 1. `} . .
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<br /> � � , ,( .���bl.l.'� .f�i��. �%. , �u �'•'.Y�!" ��{�,�+�:�'
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