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<br /> . ' pnr�ion thoxeof �,�ithout tho a�prav�l of the Beneffciary in a�ritingj az�d in __.
<br /> � tho event o£ any o�le heroin prohibited, then the entire indobtedneee eecurec� _-
<br /> _ ���� by thie Deed o£ Trust shall, at the op�ion of the Beneficiary, become due and
<br /> � payablej t:�) that if the Property or any g�art or parcel th�►reof ehall be
<br /> the arlard for any `-`'
<br /> � Caken or damaged under the ppwer of emi�ent dotnain, �
<br /> << '.,�� Property eo taken or damaged (including aeverance damages to the r�maining
<br /> � _�=• premieee) ehall be paid to the BeneFiciary and applied in full or in part at
<br /> �;w� tha option of the Beneficiary in reduction of the indebtedneas hereby
<br /> secured� (j I �hat the Benefici.ary ahall have th� right to inspeat the
<br />�T�.� Propexty at auch reaaanable times ae the Beneficiary may desire to detexmine _
<br /> Truatcr's aompliance v�ith the covenanta contained in thie Deed af Trustt (k) .
<br /> � � � tha�t the B�neficiary may releaee from the lien hereof any part or parcel of
<br /> �� ' � Ch� Progerty without requiring any coneideration therefor, and (1) that
<br /> � .� ` Tru�tor ia lawfully seized of said premisee and Property in fea aimple, that _._
<br /> +� -� �` ' the eam� are fre� from all liens and encumbranaea except as may othe�wise be __
<br />-� "`'�l�� apecifically noted herein or waived in writing by the Heneficiarys that
<br />__�_;n...��
<br /> =_�_'°." �'ruetor will execute or procure any further nec�esary aeaurances of t3tle and
<br /> '`�.'fi'-' ' doea hereby warrant generally the title to said Property arid w3.11 fo�ever �
<br /> - �"""�' defend the same again�t the claima and demanda af all peraone whomeoever, and
<br />� ,_V,���i.. • that Trustor's aeparate eetate, whe�her vested, contingent or in expectancy,
<br />- � is hereby canveyed and Truetor doea ka�re�by expresaly waive, releaeg all
<br /> ��;.���� rights and banefite of any homeatead, dower, cux�eay, appraisement, exemption
<br /> and stay lawa of this state. It ie agreed tha� �he �.ntereat provided for in _
<br />='`'=�'� eubsection (g) above �hall be at the eame rate as epecified in the Note
<br />_�;�.,�� eacured hereby on th� Fxxincipal thereof after default and maturity.
<br /> ,..,�wct�� .
<br /> �ECAND, In the event Trustor, without �he prior written consent af
<br /> Heneficiary, ehall sell, transf�r or aonvey er �ontract to aell, tranefer or
<br /> canvey the Property, or any part tnereoz or �uiy inta��st t�sr�in, ths �ntfr�
<br /> -----__ � balance of the indebteclness hereby secta��ed ahall become and be imm�diatc�ly
<br /> due and payable at tho option of Benefica�rys provided, however, Bon�fic�.�sxy
<br /> --- may waiva eucYi aBtion to accelera�e i�, prior to such sale, txangfer er
<br /> _ - conveyanae or ��ntract therefor, Heneficiary 3nd the peraon to whom �°he ,
<br /> - pxo�o2r�X is to rie seld er tranefexred reaah an ��rceement in writing �ha� t�e� �
<br /> _.::,,� credit �.a� auch pere�on ie eatisfactory tv Seneficfary and �hat tho 3ntaz����t
<br /> __.— payabl� on the aums se�ured by this Deerl of Trust shall be at auch rat� as
<br />_ _ Aenef i�iary ehall requeat.
<br /> �H:�RD. That as further eecurity for the payment of the l���e and the
<br /> — indebte�Unoae thereby evidenced and �h�:� performance of �11 of th� terme,
<br /> ;�;� cavenant$ and conditiona hereof, Trusta� �grees that Beneffciary c�ha3.1 znd
<br /> -- c�oes hereby have the riglzt, power and authority during the con�inuar��� of
<br /> rhia Deed of Z`.tvst ta collect the rente, isauos and profite of the �rop�rty =
<br /> .�;;K:Y�_
<br /> and of any perso�al property located ther�on with or v�ithout �aking
<br /> _ __ :;�;� po�sess�on of the prope�ty afEected th�retayj and Tr.ustor hereby abso�.utely
<br /> ��_'���� and un�ondit�.onally ae�iga� all auch re�ta, i�euea and profite to Bes►ef��.�a�►-
<br /> ry. Beneficiary, however, �er.eby corasenta to Truetor•e collection. �nd
<br /> re��ntaton of auah rQnts, iseuee and prafita ae they accri�e and beaorr� payable
<br /> so long as Truetor is aot at such time in default with �espect �t� payment of
<br /> _ - -= �y a��aet�rac7neea s�cured hereby or im the per€crmance of any agreement
<br /> -° '�� ilpioLisauca.. U�a :�.zty wttc2x de�az�t, Ro2±Pfi�!i,arv may at any time. ei�iae� iil
<br /> peraon, by agent, or by receiver to be appointed by a court, without notiae
<br /> - and without Yegazd to the adequacy o£ any security for the ind�btednese
<br /> --�- �--- hereby secure�l ta) onter upon and tako poeseee��s� af the Prop�rty or aay part
<br /> - d-=°= `� ther�of and in ita own name sue for or otherwioe collect euch rsnts, io�u�e�o-�
<br /> ---:�^ti�:o� and pra£ita, including tho�e past du� �md unpaid, and apply the eame,
<br /> ��� costs �nd exp�nses of operatinn an� callection, including reaaonable
<br /> -�-`"-1e"� attornoy's fees, upon any indebtedneea secured hereby and in such order as
<br /> ���;�,� Beneficiary may dQtercnines ib) l�ase the sam� or any part th�reof for such
<br /> - - ~���*�:-� reatal, Cerm and upon euch conditiona ae Beneficiary's judgment may dicL-at�
<br /> -.':*qj:..I��
<br /> .�,_�:::;:::-: . ox �erminate or adivat the tezms and con.ditions of. any exie�ing leaeQ or
<br /> - leaa�e. LJn�leas Truator and Bexief ieia7cy agree athnrc,�icce in errit ing, aray
<br /> - _ _e��, .._ 1.�.ao1.f odnona nnnfireed �ftar[3}]v
<br />`.�:M=:�� applicatian of r�nce, ie�ueB or pz�LS�o �., p::; -.•,.-___�.___ ------ -----_-
<br />�=T%� ehall not exeend or postpone tho due date of the inatallmeat paymente as
<br />°r°�-' ,�.F�s= rovided in the Note or changc� the amount of ouch ins�allmente. ThQ ent�ring
<br /> '���'`.°���';, upon and takiaq poeaeeaion of the Property, the collection of such rente,
<br />�;,::���`�`;,.:�:;,, iaeuee and profito, and tkie application therQOf aa aforeea�ld, ehal] not waiva
<br /> "�����'�: �:� . " , or cure any default o� notice of default hereunder, or invalidate any act
<br /> J'�'�� � -� � . dune pursuant to euch nntiae. Truetor a�eigne +to Beneficia�y, as furtho�
<br /> �:'.:_�..,..�_� �...
<br />_'= ';', r„',;_ secur ity for t he per fo r m a n c e o f t h e i n d e b t e d n e e s a n d o b l i g a t i o n a eecurQd
<br /> •.��.;... hereby, all prepaid r�nta and all monays which may have bean or may herea£ter
<br /> :=�' �1:� �� , be depooitod with Trustor by any leseee of the Praperty, to s�curo tho
<br /> �:'�,�'r�.;'��� � �
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