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<br /> dattraifna. Na cemt9y I�crsin c�nt�sred irpon or rreseroe�to`�`rtratto or.8urt�itctary ta in2crtdefl to de asc�tustvs of a�ry o�er��y
<br /> it�Fttr�pt tiy fe�rs pravtdsa Qr pEt�tlYtfld.buY�aCh sAalt do�u�aciY�asd sha�t dB I�dd�iiUCn Yo avery od�it r6�e0y�van heratr�� ``
<br /> �r naw or htraaiter axta�rt��t taw nr tn tqulry e�r by�tatuta. Every po�ver ar�arrte�y ptvan b�ur�ef the 6nar+tnscfumer��oy -
<br /> Yeuatst ar 8�neftetary¢r co vahir,��ithar�f W�ni m�y Pse oUt�naPas Qntidad.may 8e exeniscd,rav+cu�andy ar indeFrnder�,t�m
<br /> ttnte to ttms urtd as oftan aa may be deemod axpadtcnt by Y�uatae ar Baneficlary mnd eiWar�f th�r�mmy��rsue tessonat�
<br /> r�mcdies. Natflinp hcrein ohap�v�anavtta0 ��R�nlDide�p•Henetlsitry ftottt�eeWnp e Eotl�tancY I��7�ent SQainat tho TiwRpt�
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<br /> 13. KaQrrss!Far Narlce Trt�star md all o�nr pzrdos a�t toN�A�rai�hereby requesta�eApy o4 ury Nqtlae of @af��it
<br /> and a capy at any Na�ce af Saie hfrnurtder be r�aitea to them at u+e addre�a aes tor�s9 in the flrst p¢vugraph ef thia Secartd Oe:c�
<br /> ot Tnrac.
<br /> 14• Qavirir/rr�Law fiis Sera�+d O�nd ot Tru�t ahatt be gavarned by and canst�ue�k�ae�ardartso witA the taws af
<br /> Wa�Statd af Nebarska. !n the�we�thas any praviaEnn av citvse of any ot the taan InsarumQnts corlitcta with�ppl!qhle tawa,sueh
<br /> ear�fP,ct:hail rto�aft�ct arher peovf=tar�,s ot aueh Loan Insaumencs whten qm bs pivert eNect wi�aut�e eanfliczir+0 provisten,u�d. �
<br /> t� tt�ia ead tne pfovtatons of ths Laan InatrumeRts�ra dxiared to bn aavetable. TPti�irtaeeumattt eannot be vraived.ehtnQed,
<br /> disiharQea or tarminated ora[IY.but onfy by aninssrument in varitlnQ atant0 bY Ltts pae�y tpatru�t whont enicrterrtant af aR�4vs{vtr,
<br /> chrnpe�diuharpe ar tarminattoa ts aoupht .
<br /> 96. R�eonwya�wca Oy Tirest�r. Upan written ra�ueat af 8enetiettry atatlnq dsas dl aums ae�ued heraby havs Oun
<br /> � p�jd u►d uFOn aturander at tltis Setartd Oeed af Trurt and tny rtate to T�uatee fer esrtcet�adon trtd rat�endAO�nd upan payment dy
<br /> � Truatu�QO T�seet�'9 4ae�t.T�srstce si�q recoriv�y to Yn�.stor,c�r t�e Rerson ar persont tepa�h arrdd�t theretv.withaut warramy,tufy
<br /> perdon at ttta Tiusc Estaie then hetd Aenunder.l'he re�eitals tn such�ecoerveyanse af arry�atcnra er fact�shiU be cancluaive prae4 .
<br /> � of tbe mrthtutnesr'theraof. The�ra�ee ie any reeorn�eyunce may be desaitred as'the Oer�n�or pHSOru tepat�r entteted thareta.•
<br /> � 18. Atottc� Vithensver 8artefteiuy. Trt�stor or Trtiaten ahap desire m qive ar seNe ury notice,demartd,�4qu�sc a
<br /> �Ottter Communtcatlon v,�i�f rosAaet to thia Second Oeedl Gf Trust.eaah rrueh nOdee.demartQ. requeut ar athar CammuntcaYfan at�lt
<br /> � bm in wdtlnq and shatl bs ettactive onty it Vee tars»is da��ered by persanai aanitee ar mtiled by ctfdited maU.pastaQe prapaid.
<br /> rQtvm recaipt requasted.addresaad to the addreas aet fortA at tha bnpinntag of thia�econQ Deed af Trust. Any aarty may at u�y
<br /> tiset�Chu+Qs its addross fcr au�lt notiees by deGvasing a�meUtr�p to the othEt parttes hetnto,ae ef�resatd,�nottcs af auch Chtnpe.
<br /> 17. Aeciptr►n�i Oy Ticsrirs. Tnucee accepts this Trust vahen t2�is Secrortd Oea�oE Truu� �uty exaetrtted �nd
<br /> s�:knowied��►�,ta rttade a pu6Uc rocerd as pravlQ�d Ey [aw.
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