. . ..-r.------,
<br /> . ��-, , J� . .�,� �?';a�,:' . - . - .. . .. .'.-.:T,::
<br /> � .�.�:
<br /> ,� ,,x ��- __•�-.
<br /> _-,�.,_���,�.,..:,�:� ___ 93=�.01►�'7►s --
<br /> '!'iILi6TN8R WITH dl U�o impn►vamanir now or hereatte�eroc�od un tho pmpeny.�nd�11 auetnema,appuhenu�ce�.u�d
<br /> Axlure� nuw un c�ro�Qcr � Mn uf �he prnpertY. All rcpl�uementr wid addNinM �iwll �Iw be cavuod by thir 8ecurity
<br /> Io�uumcnt.All of the fon�ainp iw rofemal to in�bis 4ecu�lty Inw�umem+w tl�'Pmpeny."
<br /> 80RROW�R C�VfiNANT91h�t Bormwer ir I�wfully reirod ui�iw�tate hcrrby amveyed artd hac+the�igh�t�grant md __.
<br /> coavey�ho Propetty and �iwt tho Propeny is unencumbercd. eacept for et�cumbranoe� of rcmrd. Burn►wer wArnmt� a�d will
<br /> _ dafond 4enarnlly thc tiUe to the PmpertY n�ainst�II cl�lma ond dcnwndw,subjuct lo�y em.�wnbrr�ncew of record.
<br /> '�_ THt3 SBCURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform ccrve►wnta Por natlonW u�e�rid mn-uniform oavenpnix with limi�ed ��-
<br /> � vAriatianc by ju�iwiic�iuu tu wi�atltute�uniform savrity imtrumcm cavcring rca!pmpeMy• __
<br /> '4'°� UNJFORM COVENANTS.Borrowcr and l.endcr covenant and ngrce aw Po�k�ws' �. -
<br /> `�. l�Pay�ed ot 141�cipd a�d lo/e�ssti PreP�YmeW and I.ate CN�es. Bonuw�e�shall promP��Y PaY when due d�o
<br />- principd of and interest an the dcbt evide�wed by�the lVate and anY P�'�PaYment and I�te charges due ur�ier�he Nde.
<br /> 2.Frmde(ur T�s aad WsurAnee.Subjoct w applicable law ar tu a writte�waiver B} l.ende�. Bormrrer shall pc�y to �.
<br /> _-,� Letder or�the day mo�uhlY PpY�s are due wdcr the Note.until the Note is paid in full,a wm t'Funds'►fix:lal yrarly t�ces _-
<br /> `�w+ „:",? aad asxssments which may attain priority over this Security Instniment as u liea un the Prapeny:lb)Yearly leaseFald pay�nents �_.�
<br /> �' �`�Y�r��� � or raud rcius on the if an .lcl earl har.aN or n iasurnace cemiums: (d)Yearl flood insurotxe nmiums,
<br /> °."=e�C���3; B �Y� Y' Y Y P� Y F Y P .�:.�.:.
<br />------v - - if any:(e► Yearly mortgage insu�nce premiums. if any: and ifl aay sums payuble by B arrower to L e n der. in acco r darK e w•i l h "-`--
<br />'"'���.�r tho pmvisi�ns oi parngraph 8. in lien of the paym�nt of mongage insarunce premiums.Thesc item.c are called"Escrow Itsms." -�_,
<br />'`'.1 `` Lender m;�q..�3 any time. rollect and hold Funds io nn amount not to exceed Ihe muximuna aanount a leider for s� fedcr�aily '-""''.�
<br />-._:f`. r e,�i� �.�..,
<br /> _—_ •�4 _ __— �t�At�IIK�Yt �$8�OAiI 111a f T'
<br /> _ __ __ g y require for Barrowe�'s cKVaw accoum undar the federal Reul Estate Setdement Procedurcs Act of
<br />--- 1974 ps arnended from time to time. 12 U.S.C.Sectian 2601 et seq.("RFSPA"1,unless another law�hat upplies to the Funds �'"';
<br /> - __.� ��`'b:",
<br /> '��s":;� set� a Ies:;�r amount. If su. Ler�ler rtuy, a! any tin�e, collect and a�ald Funds in :�n am��ur�«.x to eaceed the lesser amount. .�.•_
<br /> `:�:. Isnder n�y cstimate the artwwnt of Fund,due cx►1he basis of¢ument data unJ rcasotwbt�c��i�mates of expcnditur�of future .
<br /> y 3.� ,ti:,�,
<br /> ' Fscmw Itdns or otherwiye in accordance with applicable law. �'�":
<br /> „��'•sy , _�.
<br /> ���:�;+•ti;; � ' The Funds shelQ 4rc 'teld in an institutian whose deposits are insurerl b}• a fedeml ogency. in:.trumrntality. or entiry _
<br /> �w�uti=��s:'. . (including lxnder,if�zn�°..r is wch nn inctitution).�r i:r.any Fedeml Home Laa�8ank. I.ender shall�p�R3 the Fu+nds to pay Ihe ��`-':=
<br /> v_i:ti:_',, t3;4 --
<br />-____—— _ -=°_��r E,scrow item.. 1.endet�nay not cherge Borrower for halding aM!applying the Funds,annunll�•.aa�alvziog the�4c•row an�nu�u,or __
<br /> �`_'� .verlhing�the Esr�uw,lttms.unless l.ender pAys Borrower interc,�;arc?he Funds And npplicable law pernt�is 1.erxlnr to mcake wch �._
<br />-�;�',�•�„���.,� a charge. U�towever, L.�1+.1er may require Borrower to pay a one-4�mc charge�foc ara independeni �ea1 est��A�c re�rting service �
<br /> ,.. '���« usecl t+y Q.era�� 6n rnnnec�ion with this loan, unl�s applicat+le 1uw pro�ides cothetwise. Unlexs a� agreern�nt is mude or , --�
<br /> ..,_�Yt'..,,�. ,�, _
<br /> :_.. ���������z A ]271�I� aAW 7 orcc intentst l0 be l.ender�:il9 not be re uartcl to� � 9o.rr�wer aaey iaaa�r,e.s1 or earninks on the Funds.
<br /> �i�i:�,:. .. �S� etW Paid� 4 P�.
<br />�����?�_'���+"�'? i•ax. S !if ''6k�rr�►wer nrKl B.,ender:Yiay agrce M writing. hc►wever, tlml in�errst shAll i+e paic3 on�he Fucni,. Lencler�fip11 give to 8orcotiver. :,,�.
<br />...,iva�n'Yiti� .��fni�l•';tl'S ��.�
<br />�"�' ti%�a � t'�.��.�.�:. � without ct�suge, un annual aCCOUnting of the Funds, showing credits und debits to the Fwr.ds tind the purposc Fo� w�aich euch �,,,,
<br />_.:�f���:��__ —. .
<br />,:�l< �� ;.: - debit to ti�e�uud�wiw ntude.77ia Funda are ptedged as additianal sc.oriiy tor a!!sums:,tcund�y this Secur+ty lnsttumena "`-".`
<br />-- �C;�!v`. • '� �
<br />"i��� ,::��. If the Funds held by L.ender exoeed the amounts permitted to be held by upplicable luw,Lender shall account to Borrower �
<br /> !���.� :;r�:.= :,��f*,"
<br /> ��� �� � � for the excess Funds in uccordance with the requirements c►f applicAble law. [f thc umnunt of tha Funds held by l.ender at uny ,
<br /> .�•`��•'::���'�1�r�":= � time fs not sufficient ta pay the Escmw[tems when due, I.ender muy w notify Borrower in writing,und,in such catie Borrower �-�,:
<br />;�_� ehell poy to[.ender the amount nec��ary to muke up the de0ciency. Borrower shall mwke up the deficie�y in im more thon —
<br /> -��• twelve mc�nthlY paYmems,ae l.e�uier'ti aoM Jiticre�ion. "@
<br /> •• •� '' "�'"�`'��'�`� Upc�n payment in fuU of ull �um� xtiural by thir S�xuriry butrunxnt. I.endcr �hull prc�mptly refunJ to Borrower vny �
<br />- � �`' F u n ds h cld by I.ender.If,under p uro gru ph 21. laixlcr tilwll u��yuire ur acll thc Pmpeny,l.cndrr,priar tu Ihe u�yuiciti�m ar wle —
<br /> " of Ihe Propeny.slwlt apply any Fund�hcld by l.e�W�r Lt ilu iinu of ucyuisition n��ele a+x a crc�dN c�guin�t the wmx s�vrod by �-"
<br /> ,r this Security Inslruttlent.
<br /> ' 3.Appllcntlon of PAymcnUr. Unlc++appliruble fuw providc+othcrwirc,ull payment�:receiveJ by l.ender uncicr paragroph�.
<br /> - 'f� I und 2 shaU l+e applicd: lint, to uny prrpnymem churge.r•due under�hc Nutc: scrund, �o Anx►unib payublc undcr parugruph 2; :
<br /> _ � �:• thinl.to intercwt due;fnunh,to principal duc;und lan�.�o uny Iwa churgcs Jue undcr the Nute. ;,;��-
<br /> � ;�� 4.CtwrRest I.tens. Bomower shnll pay ull tnxcti, ustics�men�x, churgc�, lines anci impnsitiom uttributabtc to the Propeny �__:
<br /> "�A. ;;:�,�� '� whfch may attain p�ioriry over thi�;Sccurity Instmment. unJ leusehi�ld puyments ar grounJ rcnts, if any. Borrower chall pay e~�,
<br /> :.� "" �;•�``�• these obligationx in the nwnner pruvidud in puragroph 2.�►r if nnt puid in�hut nu►nncr. Bnrn�wcr+hull pny�hem on�in�di�ectly �c�
<br /> .! ' ,•, ,�:.• :�- � �, �_.
<br /> • ��•••°?'�!'•' to the pe�on owed payment. Borrower shall prompUy f'urnitih to l.cnJer nll ix�tices of•rmounls to be paid under thix p:uagraph. --
<br /> ��. ` "�!��.i. . �r,..
<br /> �� '•;1;�;:•�,j�;i�_•;; If Bc►rrower makes these paymentti directly,&�rmwer tihall prompUy furni,h to l.r.�xler rc�eip�s eviJencin�,ti�e payments. :
<br /> = �. " ��'i> Bormwer tihull promptly Ji�churge;u�y lien whfch ha+priorily ovcr thi�Seruriry Imtrume��unles�&irn►wer: la):�_r.recs in ;
<br />::��. �"''�`;�'•�'�s'. �'.
<br />. ��� 4.,.:,.�,� writing to tlie peyment of the obligatinn necureJ by thc lien in n munner ucceptuble to lxn.ler:thl corneslt in g�xxi faitd�the lien �;,:_
<br />'.�jy�11•, �^..','•�;t�'f;is•�;'r,
<br /> ;, + r��f�,;n... � by, or defends aguinst enforcemem of�ha lien in, Iegul pmcccJings whi�h in tl� l.cndcr'. opinion opem�c to pre�•em the W�
<br /> " �;;�„r•'';4�`G ,S.
<br /> •�;� � ,,;,,�,,,,; ,s;,��,`. enforcement of the lien:or Ic►re�urcs from the holder of�hc lien an ugrcenkrt•ati�fucb�r�•a► l.cnJer�,utxttdinating the lien ta
<br />.''��(' : s ' this Security Imwment. If l.ender Jctcm�in��thu� any pan ut'thc Pm�m i��uhjcct to •r licn whirh m;�y attain priari�y over
<br />�:51. . .���.,� '._.I�.-1'1ifff
<br /> I� ,`.
<br /> �:!,br� �:,
<br />- 1 ;;' .: ,. this Security Instrument. I.endcr muy givr&►rrower a notirc idenlifyinc �h. licn. B��rruwrr�hull.uti�t}•the licn or tal.c n:he i�r —��
<br /> ' ^ ` � ':�:`���;�-�, mnre M'theactians�et fonh ulxwe within IU days uf the givingi c+1 rnwi.Y. �--
<br /> �iw.• .��� �.���� .�� �_
<br /> :; , - Form 3�2l3 9100 �;_
<br />- ��� i �` � Pp�2o16 � '
<br /> �.r ��_;.`''��'. �-
<br /> n 1w�. . �' /
<br /> ,�?s�;ti aL. 'J�. -'f�� l� �J"
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