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<br /> by t4ie Ssxu�ty Instcurt�cnt.If 9onower falls to puy these sum�v prtor to the expiration of thiR pedod.I.ende�mAy invohe � ,;_.
<br /> ' nay remedles permitted by�bis Securiry instrument witttout tiirther aotice or demand on Bosrower. ,
<br /> 18.Borro�ver'e Rlghi to REiastate. lf @orrower meets cencdn condltiona,Bortower shall have the riBht to have "`.
<br /> � enforcement of thta Securiry instnuttent discantiaued nt any tlme pdor to the earl€er of:(a)S days(or such other pedod os rq,
<br /> " „ a�ppllcable!nw muy spze[fy for reinstntement)before sF►Ile of the Propecry pureugnt to aay power of eale coatnir►ed 1n this .
<br /> SeCUrity Iastrumeni:or(b)eatry of n judg�eat enfor�:ia�shla Stxu�ity Iustrume�t.'Ihose caaditions are tfiat�orrower:(a) a�:.
<br /> � pt+ys Lender uU sums w h i c h t hen wo u l d b e d u e u n d e r t h i s S e c u r i t y I n s t n u n e n t a n d t h e N o te as if ao eccelerotioa hud
<br /> , oocurred: (b) cures tu►y defnult of�u►y other covenanta or ag�eemente: (c)paya e11 expeuses incurred in enforciag this ,.
<br /> ° ;;��;,,��,' Security Insuument. iacludiag,buc not limited to, re�ona b le attoraeys f e e s: a a d (d)tn�kes such acdoa es Lender may �,.;;..
<br /> ,.,b, reasanably requlre to assure thai the Iten of ehis Securlty 1nsm�meat, Lender's dghts in the Property and Borrower's ___
<br /> � obli�udon to pa�the sums secured by thie Securlty insttument shall coatlnue uachoused.Upon reiastatement by Borrower, �,_
<br /> � this ecurity I n sttument an d t he o b l iga t i o n s secured heteb y shall remain thily effective as if no acceleration had occw�red. _
<br /> � However.this dght to reinstate shali aot apply in� the cu�e of asceleration un der paregraph 17. � -_
<br /> c��e
<br /> 19.Sale of Note�Chci�ge of Loan Servtcpa'. '[hg Note or a partial iarerest la ttfiee Note(together with this Secudty
<br /> Instrument)ma be sold oae or more tiaaes wltliaut prlor notice ta Borrower. A sele may result in a chonge la the entlry __
<br /> ' ,� (k n o w n a s t h e�L fl a n S e r v t c e r")that collects monthly paya►ents dua uader the Note end this Securlty Insuument.'Ihere =___
<br /> also cpay be one or more changes of the Loun S�n+tcer unrelat e d to a s a la o f t he No t e. I f t h e r e i s a c h a n g e o f t b e L o a n
<br /> ' � ServIcer.Borrower wili be given written notice of the change ia accordanoe with P�B�Pb 14 above and appltcable law. —
<br /> •� The notice wiU state the nune and address of the new Loan Servicer and the address u►v�+htch payment�ahould be a�ade. �
<br />� '„ F Tbe notice wtli also wntain aay otteer Information required by appltcable]aw.
<br /> .�• •,�,:i• �'A.�aznrdoeis Subs4c�ncev. 8onow�r ahafl not cause or percNt the pt+esence,use,disposal.storage.or release of
<br /> eny�Ir��udous Subswnces on or in the Pro rty. Borrowcr ahall not do. nor allow aayonc�Bsa to do, anythia8 affectin8
<br /> n
<br />- ' .�� the p�uperty that is in violation of aay Env nineatal Law.The precedin�two seat�aces ahNl not appl to bea p��e
<br /> use.or storage on the Property of smull quaadties of Hezardaua Suhutnaces that ere genera�lY reco8aized PP P
<br /> . to nomnal tesid�tial uses end w mafateneuce of the Property.
<br /> :, ,;, ti� �, Fatrnvrer shall pmmptly 8�ve Lcnder wrlttea not�ce of any iavestigadon,claim,demand,law&uit or other action by
<br /> .,-,�;�,� any go«nm�ental ax resulatory agency or private party involvin$the Property and any Ha�rdous Substance or Environ-
<br /> : meatal Law of which Boirower hos actual knowledge.If Borrower leams, or is aotified by any gov i�tel�or.�atory
<br /> � authority�that any�reaaovel or other remedisttoa of eny Hazardous Substaace affecting the Property
<br /> ' ahaU prompily tnice a�d necessary remedisl actions ta accordance wlth Bnvironmer�ltal Law.
<br /> _, As used in ttds parngraph Z0."Hazardous Substaacea"are those substAnces defiaed as toxic or hazardous substances
<br />-� by gqvitonmcntal Law aud We foUowing substances: gasoline, kerosene,other flamnable or toxtc peuoleum products. Y
<br /> waic pesttcidea tiad hetbicides.volatlle solvente,matedals coata�niag asbesws or formaldehyde,and radioactive materlals.
<br /> a
<br /> _ . :`.;.�. _ �s �}����2Q.'g�y(rnnmental law"means fvderal laws and lawa of the jur�sdiction where We Property ls _
<br />- located ittat rela2e w ealth.safety or enviconmental proLecdon. _
<br /> -'`, Nox-[JNUniut Cov�wrrrs.Boirower and Lender fiuther covenant and agree s�s foA�ws:
<br />�r:::.' „ 21.Aecelaratton3 Remediaq. I.ender s�all give not[ce to Bormwer prlor to aocel�atton Pollmwtn�Borrowcr's
<br /> -.,.z�: �,;;ti,r breach of aqy coveaant or agreemrat In t61s Security xnstrument Nut not prlor to acoel�arion under Paragraph 17
<br />��r�,�+i�f �sz�ca�plica6le law pmvides otherwfse)•'Phe nottce shall e�pedf�:(a) the defaulu(b)We adlon reqttSred to cur�ttw
<br /> r.�5,;,�,r,;:?� def��lRi�c)a dAtc.not less then 30 daya tY�om We dute the ma43ce is Biven to Borrowcqr,by wWc6 the defaWt mus�be
<br /> �:�.s.`':, ,� curedi and(d)that[eflure to cure tDe defuult on or betore the date spocified in the not�ce muy resWt in aacel�rt�on _
<br /> �!*�1�. :
<br />=,s�'.q�. ,,,b. .�, , oi the sums scxu.�ed by t6is SecuritY Instn�m�t and sale of the Propertq. `l'hQ nottce shall tYuther iutorm rroaer
<br /> -� n�'+'�7' of th� rlght to re9nstate eite�aooela�ation oad the clght to bring n courrt ac�on W essert the eon�existence of a _
<br /> ��'-�-�'�` de4ault orany aRher defense of Borrower W ncoeterntion and sa1e.If tho default ls aoi cured on or before tke dete
<br />-i.:'��i','?�';�' sp��d in We notiae.I.ender ut ita optloa may require hamedtnte paymeat in �'ull of a!1 e�ums secured by Ehis
<br />�•�'k�:�;� 5�eciuity Instru�m!w[thuut turther demend and mfly(nvoke W�po��p��g Yth�reme�Hcs pmvlde�d�tWs
<br /> :,:- _�.- eppfica'ble law. I.�der shall bo endtled to ooiled ell expenses ,
<br /> z�;�;���� pnrngrauh Zl,in�luding b�t not Wnited to�res�.sonable nttorneys fees and coste of Utio evid�tce. oi the
<br />��..„�_ ,� It We powea of sa�e is lnvoked,'iYt�tee shnll reoord a nottae of dctadt ln�ch aountY tn which anY 1+�
<br />-„�:,;t,:, Pro ta Qocated�nd sl�aU ma11 copies oP t�ch Qotice in the�anaer p�rtbed by applicable law to Borrowa en�l
<br />