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<br /> . . �..:d.-..i.t_:�� � UN1Ff1ilM CdfV�NANT&B�u►oww and Und��covwn�n!snd aprM�s follows: ,,,.�...�.':..;:d.+�.r"c+,:._
<br /> ; ' ' ... " 1. ��yww�10l 'MclpN and N�MnN.Bpaowe►sh�11 pramPdY pay when due the pnncipal of and �ntarest on t1►e +� �� . . ��„"
<br /> • . . � ° ind�bMdrNqMrid�no�dbythsNoM,prp� tondl�t�ch8rq�sasprovidedintheNolq,ondtheprMC�palalandlnteieston ,,:r.; �,-....--_
<br /> any futuh A d v�nce�s�o u ro d b y t h s o l T ro�t. ' � ";+`� ----
<br /> .�..FW.7ar_--
<br /> � �. Fufld�lOfT�ttNM1d11auranc�•Subj�cttoappllr.ablsl�wortoAwrfqenwaiverby4ender.8orrowershallpaytoLender `•�'4•,�' .�:'�-:
<br /> 1 .,-. ----.-.— -_...z' onMt�d�ymanthlylntt11Mrt1�nbofprinclplUendlnt�ratanpa�bleunderlheNote,u�HltheNotel�paldlntull,awm�hsrein . . , T:i;.,�
<br /> ,�.«.._.
<br /> � "Fundp")Wu�l lo ons-fwNhh of NN�tf�t�te�s�nd ausatmants which may atls�n pnoniy over thia t3�d af T�uat,nrtd . �.-
<br /> proundronitonlhePropoAy.ilany,pfusono•twolfthot�eahypremluminatallmentelc►rhexerdineurence.pivaone-tweifthAl I
<br /> vs�xty Pramium in�qlim�nb Wr���ps inwn►�ce,1f my.all a�reaeonebty estimeted initl�lly a�d hom tlme to time bY ,,:,., .,,.
<br /> L�nder on tM buis of��ndblll��nd►e�wn�Ws admetes d�sreot. �^ �, �. '�;
<br /> Ths Fundi ahdl bs hNd in an tnstltuGon ths d�po�ts orsccounb ol whlch a�a insured or guaranteed,dy A Federel or atate � n�. :
<br /> �p�ncy(includlnp L�d�r I1 LaWS►f�such an irntftution►. Lender shsll epply ths funds fopa y safd to�es,aeeessments, ,
<br /> inwrancepn�mium�snd�roundr�Inb.Lend�rmaynotcfuirgelorsoholding�ndapplyfnptheFunds,analyzfnpaa�daccouM f
<br /> o►vsrityinp�ndcompillnpMldasssa�nsnts�ndbill unlessLende•pi BarowerinterestontheFundsandappllca� blelew :
<br /> p�m fh Landsr tomek�wch ach�►�s.Bonower�nd�n���yree�wrebop atthe dme of exeaution of this Deed of T�ust
<br /> thd intsreal on ths Funds shall be pMd to 9anowK.a�nd umlass sucA�ree�neM o�wi�a applicelbe law requfrea such 1
<br /> r� iM�rpt to bsp1�Id.L�ndsr sh�ul not be requirod to o��►Ba►awu any�nts�est a e�m�ngs c�►�►d Funds.l.ender shatt gar�4o t.
<br /> 8orro+wr.witlwulcAUr �nannwl�ccouetinpotNisFundsshow�ng c�eddsaoddebttst�theFundsandthe purposelor t'� •.,,,;:�'.,,,.
<br /> whicA�chd�biltoMr�w�dswasm�d�.T1»FundsK�pt�dp�dasWdiflonaYS�curn�rforthesumssecuredbythisDe4do1 � _ ;r;sf.
<br /> T�W� . ;''.`,!;, �
<br /> q qy�mouMOw q�e tunda hatd by L�ndK,to�ether wdh th�luture mon4hty in9taumenb o1 Fuads payable prfor to the du�e . ,
<br /> ,,�' � deMs M qxw.ase�sm�nts.inwmnce pramiums and pound rents.shall excvad the amount required to pay sad ta�ss. r. :�_:, ;;(„+�,.r.�'.,.,.
<br /> c
<br /> assss�nb,iewranw premfuma and round rentt a�thell 1+d�due.such Rx��ess shall be,at&►�►ower's opt�on,eitner �------
<br /> ' proan�pqY�e�wid b 6onow�►or endiMd�0 8onower on mo�ll�ryP mstaHme�ts�P�fvutid�.11 the amount ol the Funds hetd G �j � ��,e.�i;+K�:'��
<br /> �er�aafwllnotb�wMlehnttopaylaxes.essessmanb.inaurancepremfumsa�r,�G� •rt�+mmc�ror�l6astheylalldue.Borror�ersha�i +. �' ` -
<br /> pay to Lender anY amount�eces�ary to mak0 up the defleiancy withm 30 slaSrs��o!^I�e�ata notice is mailed by Lender to !
<br />' ,;� �'oss'C"«'er tCRue�FslQ f»Y�^�^�Nwwnf ' °;`
<br /> Uponpa�mentinfullofallwmssecuredbytt�IsDeedolTruat,�endersr�a+�I�ec�rxuyrelundto8orroweranyfundsne�oby � �
<br /> • Lsoder.8undapa�npraphl6hsreoflheP �ty is�oldortheProperty isothenw�•s�eacqulredbyLender.Lendershalla(sply. , �,4t'�.•'.
<br /> �•.,� � nm tAbr than immsdlately pnorto thea�leof�e Propertyor its ecqul-� sitfon by Lend�•a�n d F unds held by Lender at the time o1 ' ,, l;r;L�_
<br /> ' ��...� �!�ceUon as a credit�painat ihs wma secuted by this Deed of Trust • =---
<br /> '. � �m��y�a�pra�i 1 a�d� eof ahell b�e ap�ptieA by Lender fi�st�in pey ent ol amourts pa�ai le to Lender by Borr�owe�r urder r � � � .~
<br /> ,.,�� , ' , p�tyrA,graph2 �rsp},th�nWinUr�tpayabteontheNote.thentotheprincipaooalheNato.andthentointerestendprinupalon �, �
<br /> ;�.4� Aa►y Future Adwnces.
<br /> : ��;� �,Ch��a;L1�ns.8oROwerashaNpay alltaxes,asseasmentsandotheP�c�narges.9�mesandimpoaltionsattdbutebletott�e l � _
<br /> • �_ Pr�a�e�y which may aUain a prio►ity ove►U�le Deed of Tn�st,and leasehold payme�ts or ground renta,�f any.in Ihe man�-er r
<br /> ��ar�ktad underpa rpaph 2 hero��or.if not pald M such manner,by Borrower ma�c���g ayment when due,directly t��he � `�;
<br /> aad •�
<br /> 4.�. �pap�a.�theraot Bor►ower shall prompUy fumish to Lender all notices ol amounts due•u� r this peragraph,and In t�e eve nt ,:
<br /> . 8aru�ower shell makepa yment direcdy.8orrower ehaU promptly tumish to Lenqe� �r�;eipts evidenafng auch pagmenls. !�. �
<br /> .; ;�,.,s,�.,, 8:.cry�ras sltal!pros�riy dlecharQe any��whlch hos Qrio�ry over this Deetl oi Trus1:vtowded,thet Borrower shslV r ot be �Y
<br /> ,;�.• •��:s.• . rpquiredto dischargsanY auch Ilen solong as Bt�rcower ahall agree in w�itin�l�o 1lie paymenl otthe obl�ganon secured by aucd� �k�;,
<br /> ;�',�r,;; • �.,5� • �, P�ea in a mannera2ceptaDle to lender,or eha��m good faith conteet such I:en�by,pr de4and enforcement ol such lien in,I�ga� � �e a i�:—
<br /> �,:.�:�;:, �; ; • '�,�,.,, . , �• �COC�edinpa which pperate to prevent the enfo►cemeM of the Ilen or foHe;lure of the PaoAeAy or any part lhereol. �• r. �
<br /> .,. „,�, .;,: � S. Hwnl lnswanc�.6G►rr�wer shall keep the improvamea�ts now exlai�n��ar Ae+ea+Se7 erected on the Property�nsa�t�ed . y
<br /> � � ' ����„ r�ga:;nallosebyflre,hezardg+m�:ydedwlthintheterm"e�t�ndadcoverage".ar.dsac'n�alhe�hazardsasLendermayreau�Ra , j�... ,;� �. ��: . � z
<br /> �,,�',,. • ' �' �'� en��o�auch amounl6 end for auch periads as Lender mey r�equ��e:prpv+tied,ihaa len�er anail not re�ulre that the amcu�r1-o! :.�., ; � y �
<br /> °�... ' ;•• suCh coverape ex�ceed that emount ot covereye requi�ed 1�,pay Ittie a�n�s srvcu�tiil by Ih�s Oaad af Trus� � ,•,�,,,•• �: -
<br /> ��,=�: This inaurance canler providing the fnsurence aha11 be onoaen Dy ftccr.war aub�ecl to app�oval by Lender;provided,thal • � ;
<br /> � such approval shall not be unreasonebly wllhheld.All premiums on insurance poUCies shall be paid�n!he manner provided
<br /> under poraqraph 2 hereof or,if not poid in such manner,by 8orrower meklny payment,when dua,direclly to the insurance :s
<br /> carr6er. '
<br /> � Aff inaurance policiea and renewels thereof aheM be In form acceptable to Lender a�d shell include a standard moH�age , �__
<br /> clAUao in fevo�ot and in brm eccepteble to Lender.Le�der ahell heve the ripht to hold 1'he¢�olfcies and renewalathe�eo,and
<br /> � 6lonowerahellpr�ompdyfurnfshtoLenderallreoewalnoticesendallreceipfsolpaidprem�uma.Intheeventofloas.Borrqwer ;,.
<br /> • � gAellplveprorr:ptmtiticetothei�surencecerrlanandLender.LendermaymekeprooloflosslfnotmedepromptlybyBorrower.
<br /> Unleas Lendar and Bonower otherwlsea�R�e�n writfnQ,inaurance proceeda shell beapplied to restoretlon or repafr ottne
<br /> � � •Pro�erty dameped,provlded such re�torat:��^or�epai►Is economlcally leaalble and 15�elecurit�►ot thla Deed ol Truat is not e_
<br /> �` ' � t�er�t+y fmpaf�ed.II auch reatcRai+on or repair is not economfcally feasible or if the sacnrity pf ihis Deed of Truat would be � . _
<br /> •� ��•:�;. ,;�� ��n�aaired,t6e inaurance prsceads a7�a11 be applled b the sums secured by this OeeG�i Tru3:wNh the excess,if a�ny,paid to •' ,. ��-
<br /> ' �`� � � ' Bz�rQOwer.II the P�ope Ay 18�1FtAnuAMd by Borrower,or II Borrower fails to reaponC 1:�e�der wdhin 30 days Itone ihe tlAte � �' •-
<br /> r ,,,� ��%�.:+,;;,;,� ,` ,'��� �odce is malled by Lende�to�lonower thet Ihe inaurance canier o8er8 ta seftle a ciaim for inaure�ce benelits,�Le�cYe►is '�,,. s�
<br /> �: ,. • ;, • • �.�i,� euthotized to collect and ap ply�Me inturance proceeds ot Lender's oplicT e�tner to restoration or repair of the Prope+ry ar to
<br /> .,•;�• .;j � ' the sums aeCUred by thla Deed of Trust
<br /> "� �;. , Unless Lende�and Borrower otherw�se agree inw�lting,any such app•�ation ot proceeda to prfncipal shall no1 extend ar
<br /> p0afpone the due date ot the monthly inafeUmenta referred to m paragraphs�and 2 hereof or change the amount oi su ch •
<br /> irMaMmenfa.ll undar peragraph 18 he►eot the Property is acqwred by Lender,eli nght,t�tle�rn�d i�ntereat ol Borrowe��c+anq to
<br /> . ��.,. ,w: a�:)insurencepoliclasandinandtolheproceedslhereolresultlnglromdamegetofhePro nortothesaleoracquisnian
<br /> ;.�� ., , sAall paas to Lender to the extent of the auma secured by th�s Deed ot Trust immediately pnor to such sele or ecquss��aon.
<br /> � ,, ';Y - d, pns�rv�Honand M�inl�nc�a1 PropKly;leaa�holdr,Condominlum�;Plann�d UnI1 D�v�lo�n�nb.Borrower shaN �
<br /> • �' keep the Properly In good repair end ah&U not commit waste or peimlt�mpalrment of detenorotlon e tt�e PropeAy and shall
<br /> � � comply wlththe�9oviaionaolanylea�elfth�s4aeedo�T�uatisonaleaseho�d.111hfsDeedofTrust�soraw�dlnacondominium . .
<br /> � or a planned uaii develaWmeht Borrower s'h.al l p a r lorm a l l o l B orrower s o b l i g a t�o n s u n d e r t h e d e c+a o a t�o n o r c o r e n e n t s
<br /> cre8tlng or ggoveRmmr��^e c���vmfnium or pianned u�it development,the by•laws ard regulalrons of the condorn+r+�,m a
<br /> � BOrroweruaR�F�c t9�ed�en"•��with�th s�OKd ol T usL the covenant and agpceemp s:+•suchr deeshall�be mcros,:��rated . ,
<br /> 1 i �nto and sha';���er�and supplement the c�re�ants a�d a�►eempnre o�tt��a pe,ed ot'•�,s°as�11ne r�der were a Ca�s'h8rp01
<br /> 7, proNeN�^om•dL�ndK'sS�curin/.118or�owerlailsto perlorm t�e coverants ard aqreements cont2�ned m tfi,s Dezec o1
<br /> � ; � Trus1,or if any Rvwvn or proCeedfng Is cortemenced w�th matenalfy aY.etts Eender's�nterest in the Properry.�nClud�r.y Wu1 not
<br /> , � I,rtuted W,enrnerntdomein.lnsolvency,cods cr+ICrrcerment.or arrangements or proceedm�s mvolving a bankruptor t�ecedenL
<br /> then lender at Lender'a opuon.upon noUCe to Barower.Rnay make such appeararces.d�sburse such sums an�taac•e auch
<br /> aicteemasis�necessarytoprdect�enderaimeresi�nc��cd�Rg.bWnolNm�tedto,disbursementofreasonabteattorneys•r�sand
<br /> � � �ppnthePaapelrytomake�epaitstil��e�roaua�re�mortgapeinsuranceasacond�donotmak�nqtheroanseyw-�eaby
<br /> ry�g�pA 4rust Borrower shell psy ttue a*�rms Re4�ued io ma�rttam such�nsurance�n eHecL untel Such hrn�e ag the
<br /> � ;, requfremenlloreuchinauranceterm�rtate��rtaccwdancew�th8orrowe*'sa�dlertder'swnnenagr�vnertrarappI�calbelaw.
<br /> Bonower ehallpa y the amount ol eU ma�ss�s���sura+rce permwms�-n++manner provc�ed under pa�agraph 2 hereof.
<br /> Any amounffi disbursed by Lender pursuant ta ttu�s para9rapn z, w,m rnter�st tRereon, srtau become addit�onal
<br /> indebtedneu ol Borrower aecured by thls OeeA o�T�u.sr�yniess Barower a�d�errder agreelo other terms of payment,such
<br /> � .w�.�..�....w.hsl�Me�.nfanaf Imm�hn _
<br /> amounta snan oe peyabie upon noiice aom i.wiu'eii iv ia:.��vw:�:�.a.;�+:•••y;,��•.w-•-..••.••�.�••..••�..-..__......._.__.. _..._. _
<br /> deteol disbu�menlat the tafe payable from t�meto turrr on outsranamy pnrtt�pai undcr the Note unless payment ol mtereal
<br /> at suCn rgt4 would be cOnirery to eppllcable law,��wnrcn Ewr.*�t such arnou�t3 snall bear �nterest at Ihe h�ghesl rate
<br /> perm�asfble under epplicable law Nothmq conl9�ned i h th�s pnrpgrapn)sn.t�I reQwre lentler to�ntur any expense o►take sny
<br /> ! ,� echOn hereunder.
<br /> e, I�qp�CllOf1.l@ndBt mey m8k@ Or Ceu50 to bemade rea9o�nb�e entr�es upon ond inspec2:o�S U�the Pruperty,ptowded
<br /> that Lende►ahell 91ve qor�ower nohce pnor ro any suc h�nspactwi�spec�ty�ng reasonabie causct tnor�lore�e�ated to Lender�s
<br /> mqhst m the ProperM.
<br /> ;
<br /> � .t� .t'. .
<br /> r • -
<br /> . ' � .
<br /> �
<br />