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<br /> „ 13.Idotices. Any notice to Bortower provided for in thia S�ecurtty[nstrument ahall be given by deliverinB!t ar
<br /> �. . .,, by mniling it by first class mail unless appiicuble law requires use of another rr►cthod.Thc notice sh8ii be directed to
<br /> . the Property Addness or a.�►y other addnss Bnrrower d�.vigaates by nodce to Lender. My notice ro i,eader shail be
<br /> • given by firat class mail to L.ender's address stated herein or any adciress L�►der designates by notice to Borrowcr.
<br /> ;:;;=v.;;��•. Any notice pmvided for ia thia Securiry Instrument shail be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when
<br /> . : .. .,�«+ given as provided in tbis paragcaph. ;":.
<br /> 14.Governing Law; 3everabiiity. This Seciutty Instnwaent shall be govern�by Federal law and the law of ,..
<br /> the jur[sdiction in wbich the Propercy is located.In the event that any provislon ar clause:of this Security Insuvment
<br /> _ ° � or the Nnte confltcta with applicable taw,auch coaflict siiaU aot affect other provlstona of this Security Instn�ment or ���rt
<br /> i6.e Note which can be given effect wlthout the contiict'�,n proviston.To this ead che proviaians of this Securiry �%="
<br /> � • � Inspument and the Note ar�e d:�lured to be severable. ��--
<br /> 9S. Borrow¢r's Copy. Borrower shali ba given cwc conformal copy af the Note and of this Security �=
<br /> , Iastrumenc. _
<br /> �� 16. Haanr�muv Substaaces. Bomower sball aot cause or pemrit the presence,use. dtsposal,storage.or release --
<br /> - " � of aay H�ardous Substances on or in the Preperty. Borrawer shall not do,nor attow anyone else to do.anything _-
<br /> ' � affecting the Property that ia in violadon of any EnvuonmPntal Law. The preceding two sentencea ehail aot apply to —
<br /> � i,; , the presence, uso, or storage on the Pcoperty of small quantIdes of Hezardoas Substauces that are generally �.
<br /> recogai�iad w be tippropriate to normal r�sidendnl t�sPS and w mainteaance of tbe Property. __
<br /> Borrower ad�ll promptly give I.ender�.i�ccn aodce af any investigation,claim.demaad,lawai�dt or other actton __
<br /> '�� bY�Y 8ovemmet�l�1 m regulatary ageacy or prlvate party lnvolving the Propecty and any Hazn+Oas�u Subatance or =
<br /> Eavkonmeat�l Law af whicl�Borrower haa actual know4�c4ge. Yf Bo�+ower leama,or ls nEOdfied by any govemmental _
<br /> � or regulatory nuth�rlry,that any removal or other remec�i�aon of eny Hazardous 5hbatAnces affectiang the PropertY Is
<br /> necessary.Barmwer s�ell prompdy take all aec�asary r�IInsdial acdons in accordanoe with Environmental.Law.
<br />-.-:.,, . As used in tbls paragraph 16� 'Hs�az�ou� 3libsaFinas" ate those substaaces deflned es toxic ar hazardous
<br /> } substaaces by Envimamental Law aad tlta lbllowlag substaaces: gasoliao, kerosene. other tlemmabie or toxic
<br /> ''�r��.�?'.'.'.:" petrnleum pmduxas.ta�dc pestieides and herbicides.vol�t�te soiventa.maceziais coniaioiag i�tes¢�or fa�satdthydz. .
<br /> `r':f�:�i`�'=� and rndtoa,etive rn�teatals. As tued in thia paragraph 16. "P�vimnniental Law"�ns'Federal laws and lawa of the
<br />`,��:t��i�;:�',,;v
<br /> -� .i.r.•;: jurisdietian whe�s tda Propeny is loeatec!that relate to heal�h,safety or eavlronmental protection.
<br /> --.��'.:�.�:� .1,
<br /> ��r.�
<br />-�"-��? NON-UNIFOtttvt COVBNANTS.Borrower and Leader funher covenant and agree as o ows:
<br /> �'-A'.:Y.`1F.i.
<br /> ,-.L ,�,,�,. 17. Ass�eat of Re�ts.Borrower uacanditionaily assigas and uansfers w 1Lander all the cents and revenues
<br /> •s..,�;r
<br />==::;���:,;�s of the Prop�xty: �otrower authorizea Lender or Lender's.igenta w coqece the rents m�d�venues and hereby �ts _
<br /> ?'`.°.�'��srt'�t �
<br /> _ eac6 ce�.an3 of,ahe Properiy to pay the renta to [ander or Lender's agenu. However, prior to Lender s aotice to
<br /> --��'`�"���� Borrowea of Hurrower'e bnach of any covenant or egreement ia the Security iasuumeat�Bomower shatl aollect and
<br />-T,°"';','���� rese;ve nil runts tr�td c+evenues of the Prope�yr as uuate�for the benefit of Leader and Borrower.This ossigntaeat of
<br />:_.>.�_{;'';!�.; r�nts ovastttutes aa absolute assigement and aot an assignment for nddidonal securlry only.
<br /> -=`���'-'%,N If I.ender gives ncsice of bremch to Bornower:(a)a11 ceats reoeived by Sotrosvse shall 6e held by Bomower as
<br />_ "'��'"�`°� mistee for benefit of Lender only.to be applied to the sums secunxt by the Secudry 4�suumeat:(b)I.eader abell be
<br /> '�::�.1. ��_
<br /> — ent(ded w oollect and reoeive NI of tke re.ass of the PropertY: �nd(e)eac�tenant of the Preperty shall pay nll rents
<br />�r-��� due and uapaid to I.ender or L+eYtder's agent ra�Lender's written dern�nd co the tenant. _
<br />--=;,.:. -
<br />- �f„ � Bomower has aot execute�any prtor assigrunent of the rents aed 6ag not and wIU noi perform any act thas would
<br /> -��;;�• h 17.
<br /> .' ps�event I.endar fc�om eacercislas its dghts uader this ParagraP
<br />����`?!�'!."'`�• Leader shall not be required to enter upon.talce oontrol of or maintain the Property befarc or after giviag notice
<br /> - �•.
<br /> �-;�,:-�� of bmach to Borrower.However,Lender or a judtcially apaointorl nceiver m�y do so at auy tlmc tttere is a bmach.
<br />�`°�'''^`;'��-.;� pny applicarion of rents shnll n�ot cure or wnive any defautt or invaIItdat�e any other right or nmedy of Lender.'This
<br /> --_--"=�;�=°�'� ossignment of rents of t�e Property shnll termiante when the debt secu:ed by the SeeuritY Instmm�nt is paid in ti�ll. __
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