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<br /> _—_..�-��_ g3= �o��e
<br /> - �. Bxa�pti a• spsailiaally a�aditied by this Loaa Modilio+�-
<br /> - tion Ags��e�l, all othsr tws�m� and proviaions o�' ths Notis daCid
<br /> . ' '�� in� 19,p,�. Pr�vioualy �x�ant�d by t!� �orro�nrrr �hwli
<br /> .,,�.
<br /> ,, — �� fl a il �oraa and oPL'oo�. -
<br /> `�i`.r
<br /> . 3. Tbe Nota datad Octobsr 2 , 1992, hsr�by modlliod is
<br /> ;:�� presen�ly asaurad by a D�ed'—o�Ts�usx dat�� Qctobar 2 � ig 92,
<br /> `° ' a�nd recorded as Docament �lo. 92-109577 n t ie o . ce o! th� -
<br />- �
<br />-""" • -=— R�qiater of Deed� ot Nall Couaty. Nebraaks, in roapaat ta tih�t
<br />- ��� '�-�:�,:�� r�al ��tatie de�aribpd as:
<br /> —��'=�,'.r•s
<br /> _�'�iia�_:�� �,,�-.a:
<br /> =_��z;,�;,;�,. Lot Ttianty-Five (25). Castle HsRates Subdiviaion
<br /> —� •' ' in thn Cit�r of Grand Islt�nd. 8a11 County. Nebrauslka
<br /> ,�+°' ;`. -�
<br />--.,:• ��.`;.. �},�~
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<br /> �, ._ . ° ,�f�;�,,,y t
<br /> *�?`�1�,', ,�•
<br /> �t and, in accordance WZth the prmvi��tons of �eat Deed of Tru�st, it
<br /> , ;^,-��� . •
<br /> • � � �� ; � � shall ramaia as security for the ind�btednas�. hereby modified. -
<br /> a `_a :,^�}'• :"�,.9.F`=; _.
<br /> •' ,41.G4�.:t. ���F•'y'%'A1 " _
<br /> '' �'� 4. 1�11 real estate mort a ea, deeds of trusto assi nments
<br /> �. ti;;:,� g 9 9
<br /> L'�•� a � � and aeauritp aqreemente heretofore granted by eorr�wwers to the
<br /> y �i 1
<br /> � Lender ahall remain in fnll force and efFe�ct and ahall in no
<br /> t• �1u—
<br /> - _--- - *,-�xz� �:;�.; manner 1oe �affecztld by Ehirs Y.�,an �cii�icatiic�� A�rea�a�t and sha21
<br /> ' �� :��� ,°. ' �i';�;� continue aR security for t�e ind�btedness a�oditalexA by this
<br />- ' °• ' l� � �lqreenwnt, as well as any future imdebtednase owi�aa� �x�om Horrowers
<br /> :;r,,,:. .
<br />" � - �:.�" '. to the Lender for future af�ra►wcea and renewale in r���et, to all
<br />"`.�..�_,�1i� smas oMing from eorrowera to t3�e Lendes. ' �' .
<br />':•:':,-. ',�:�-�� • ;�'
<br /> , ,, : t r��;.
<br /> ��;,,�� ti�;s�;�, }_ 5. Borrowers further covenant to and w�tfi �e z,�rrcie� that
<br />_ � } �• �}�"��.,}�,� . ,' they shall, and will, at any timQ, now or la�k�r. ,up�oe� request,
<br /> ..• K� �lf,-
<br />_- ,.�.' ,�,.:,,,� make, do, execute and deliver all such furthes ane� �ther acts,
<br />-`_�' ��' ;'�Vl�",: :�:;� r'�"� deeds and th3nqs as shall be reasonably recguirecfl to effeetuate
<br /> �� � `�t�!�5����':. ��"� the intentioan of this Loaa Modification Aqreemaea�t and to insure =
<br /> k� � ��. . �: �� .''� and aonfirm to the LenBer all snd sin lar t e sm rt , oeauri-
<br />_,�' •', :� •;'��s'�F.;;s � �► P � Y
<br /> _ , , ��.,,�,, tias And riqhts described, and intended to be con�reyed as security� _
<br /> .s���. �..:���s��' � �o as to render th� game, and all portione, wlaethe� aavw awned, or �
<br /> � r '� ' `..';`t�y'� 3:a't�ex acquired, subject to these ter�as, pro�r3aiona ared cond3tioaa
<br /> _ ' � ;-r�� , aaaordiaq to the true intent and purposes expreeae8. .
<br /> �,;. � , ��.q ,
<br /> ��?�'i �. ,
<br />' 'Y��'-." �. •��:'�'��' 6. The fai3.ur+� of the Lender, at any tim�, to require the
<br /> _i• � � _�y4,�`};,;,
<br /> _�_�_ '�.:�:�"': :�:•.,;;;�:�;;.?�' performance by the D¢�rrowers of any of the�e tern►s. covenants aad
<br /> :�>{::}� ':;;,1,,,#i���� aqreements e4aalIl, 3n no way, affecti its ria�hta tm enforce the _
<br /> " ('�''f�: ! ���,; ��• sAmet nor th8 waiver by the Lendes of any D�reach af any term,
<br />':���=�� •�,�'��.rr��i�, covena�it or a reement be taken or held to be a waiver of an
<br /> .•.� • '.�' �' ',�` 9 Y
<br /> ` �°�'c,`;���' -� succeedinq breach or any such term, covenant or agseament, or as
<br /> ,;
<br />-•:�;�:��� µ�}:�`.`...,���%�:;T. a aaiver of the term, covenant an� �ia�reement itself.
<br /> .,.. �w'�`:�to:ty:;,k. 7 _.
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