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.�: ,r;1 <br /> . ' ,�'� , <br /> . ,. r\.�.: .� <br /> ' l' ., <br /> � . o .,.,_.__. _. - . , <br /> � � 97. T�enster of the Praperty or a Beneflciel Intereot in Borrower. N ail or uny part al the Property or ". <br /> nny Intorost In It Is sold or tranntortod (or It e benofbL�l intorout In 8ortowor Is aold or trensferted and Bortower is not e natur4l <br /> � pCmon)without Lendsrs prior writton eonsent,lsnder mny,at tts optlon, roqulro Immedi.ato paymant In fun of a�t sums aoou�od by <br /> �� � � thts 8sourky inatniment,Howover, thia optlon ahatl not be exorotsed by Lendar B exerolae Is prohibited by todaal Inw as o�the a. . . <br /> � dnte o}Ihis SaaurUy IneWmsnt. ' <br /> ' It Lender oxoroisos thia optton,Lander shat gNo BorrowQr notice ot accoloratlon. Tho noiiae shaY provido a porbd ol not "`; <br /> tosa than 30 days Mom the dnte the �otico is dolkored or mnilod withln whtoh Borcower muat pay aM sums secured by thia <br /> 3eaurity InsWment. If Bonower fails to pay these eums prbr to the oxpaatlon of this perlod,Lender may Invoke any remedbs � <br /> pertnitted by this Ssourity Instrument without tuAher nottce or domand on Bortowet. <br /> . 18. �o��ower's Right to Retnatate. It BoROwor meets certaln aondttlono, 80t►OwBr ShBG�tiVO the tfpht to A9ve � � � . .� <br /> �• entorcemsnt ot thb Securftyr Instrument disconllnuod at any timo prtor to the earlier oh (e)b days (or suoh other poriod es � � <br /> ' applbnble law mey apeoNy for relnatatement) belore aels o}the Proporly pursuent to any power of asle conteined In thls Security <br /> •� -��'' Instnament;or(b)entry ot a�udgment enforeing thls 3oeurlry Inetrum3nt.Those oondklona aro that 8ortower. (a) paya lender all � <br /> sums whbh then wouid be due under thls SECUrity Inatrumont and the Note ae M no acceleratlon had occurted; (b)cures any � + .. <br /> �� detautt of any other oovenant or agreaments; (c) pays all expeneea incurred in enforoinp this Security InsirumeM, Inoiudtng,but � �: <br /> � � not Ilmited to, reasonable attomoya'foas;nnd(d) takes such eotbn as Lender may r�sonabry requUe to assuro that the Ban ot � ; �^_ <br /> ' • this 3eourity InsWmenL Lender's rlghts In the P�operty and Borrowers obqgation to pay the sums secured by thls SeCUrtty � ,.,a�.�.•,;;:L- <br /> tnstrument shall continue unchanged. Upon relnstetement by Bortower, th{s Soourity Instrument and tho o6liQntlona secured ;,.,,,kF,;;s�„- <br /> ^ ;'� he.reby shall remain tuly eNectiva as lf�o scceb►etbn had ocourted. Howover,this rtght to relnstato shaN nat nppy In the case � ��<'",;;�__ <br /> o}acaeleratton undur peragreph 17. :,��%�'"°'~� <br /> ' 19. Sfll@ 0} NOt�; Chenge of Loan S@rV'IC8/'. The Note ar a a paRiat Nterest In the Note (rogether wfth thia '.,,Li:;_�_, <br /> ';�;;; , 9ecurity Instrumont) may be sold one ot more IYrtes without prior not�e to Borrower.A saie mey resuR in a ohange In the enttty , ,�y <br /> -�' (knotrn as the"Loen Senricer")that ootleats �nonthty payments due under the Note and thls SOCUrfty Instrumvnt, �Qre a�sc may ��� 't',,: <br /> �``��'•} ' be one or moro ohanges of the Loan 6ervicer unrelated to a sais of the Note. It thera is � ehinge ot ttie loan Rervtaer, ';�;��:� <br /> 5,,,.�, , •.�� <br /> .;�5�' j Bottower wlll be gNen written not�e of the ehenge In acaordence wfth paragraph 14 above and applicable taw. The no..ce •�II <br /> ,:;:.,�. � ��. t�,� <br /> state the nams and addresa of the new Loan Servkr and the addross to whlah paymenta shouid be made. The notbe wll also <br /> �'�,'•;;�� "°�, oontflin any other informatton reQuEred bY apPilceble law. `.`�'�,;',s•� <br /> " �'��'`• 20. H8Z8fdOU8 SlIb8t6DC@8. Botirower ahaQ not oausa or permR the presenco, use, dlsposa�, storage,or retease of "-�•���..', <br /> 4 i'_,. <br /> , � .r� r any Herardous b1+bstanaes on or In the propedy. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone eise to do, anylhtng aHocting the ,t ,,t�;,�. <br /> PropeAy that Is In vtolatton of any EnvhonmeMat Lew. The preceding two sonteneos ohalt not epply to the presenee, use, ar , :�,�' <br /> ���`� j storege on the PropeAy of smati quantfties of Hasardous Substances that are genera0y�o8nined to be appropriste to normai ., <br /> .� residentlal uses en�i to maintenence of the Prope�ty. . ' <br /> Borrower ahaU prompty gfve 4under wrMen notice of any NvestlgaHan, ataim, damand, lawsuq or other aotion by any �"" <br /> � '.';,��,,,,.� <br /> , ' govemmontal or rogutatory ageno a prNate peRy InvoNh the Pro erty end eny Hazardoua Subatance or Envlronmentat lew ot •= � <br /> � '� �h�h 9olmYtBr he8 �^ts!Q4 kn2w!�g�• �� A�W��e� or!s otifbd bv env govemmental or repuiatory authorky, thflt any � -� <br /> , removal or other remedlation of eny Htuardous Sutstance aNeoting PropeRy Ia neeessary, 8orcower ahaN prompty take aY �,�_;._� <br /> , �ecessery remedlat aoUons h acoordanco with Environmentnl Lew. [?�_. <br /> � g As u3od In this pstagraph 20,'Hruardous Subetancea" are those substartaes deNned uu toxb or h�rdous 8ubatancea by "` - <br /> { Envhonmental lew end the tollowing suDsunces: gasotlne, korosene, other Nammabfe or toxb potrobum produete,roxb <br /> ,�.. [�4'•�-`;- <br /> �.l':;;; -R pesticWea and herbicidss,votatlSe eolventa, meteriab oontaining aebsstos or tom�atdahyde,and radbactko matertats. As usod b �'""'�� <br /> •;,..,;� ....��,;.,_ <br /> n� peragraph 20, "Envkonmentni law'�neuns federal Iaws end laws ot the jurisdbtion where the PropeAy is tacated that rek�t0 to o�rni:a�� <br /> � �, heaRh,safoty or envaonmeattti proteotton. �--�-a-` <br /> " NON•UNIFORM COYENANT3.Borrower end lender bRher covenant and agree as tollows: _ __ <br /> '�' � 21. AecelereUo�; Remedlea. lende� aha�tt gWe natiae to ��Ta�wer prlor to ecaeleretinn =�: <br /> ,��;i;. ,_ <br /> `}��';�:'� tollowing BorroweNa breach oi �n covenent or a reement in th3a Seeurl Inatrume�it (but e�ot '' <br /> ,���;,- Y �1 ,,;,.— <br /> . , prior to nceelereUon unde� paregreph 17 unleas applicabte !ew provldea ot�herwiae). The notice ��«_ <br /> . � . ahatt apeeiy:(�)the default; (b) the aoUon requlred to cure the detauit; (c) e date, not Ieaa�tha�n = <br /> � 30 days trom the dete the noUae is gtven to Berrower,by whlch the dotault m�st be c�ored;and --- <br /> "1r,,:,., f' (d) thmt taQure to cure the defnuit on or betore the date apecifled In the noUce n�ay reauit In �-�--- <br /> ,V��;�. eQCeleration of the aums aecured by thia Security instrument end anle of the Properly.Yt►e notlee --�--�_ <br /> ahali 4urtha� inform Borrower of the �Ight to relnstete niter eccetsration and the �tght to bring e <br /> . � cou�t aodon to assert tho non-e�datence ot a default ar any other de4ense ot Bor�ower to = <br /> �� aaeeleretton and s�le. If iho detault la not aured o� or before the dete apecifled in ttse hoUce, �_��--- <br /> :�i,,;,. �; Lender at Ita optlon may raquire lramedtate peyment In tuil 04 ail suma aaaured by thls&ecurity <br /> r .. �.,.�. <br /> .�,,�;;s,,;�+_ . Io�eVument wit�wut luKher demend end may invoke the powcr of eate ond any other remedlQa — <br /> ;Rf��<<< �,� p�rmtYt�d by eppileebie law. Lender ehcll i�o entiticd to collect nU expensea ineurred tn pu�aui�g _ � - <br /> '�:-=.��.�_�.:....i tn� reneGles provided fn t6�is �►are��ap�s 2i. inctudir�g, Esut res�4 lirizf4_� 4a. eea�ns!�tc �ra�e,m� .` �- -- --- <br /> •� „� .'.• "r• fees and coats of titta evidcnoe. c -� -- <br /> �f�;, � If the power o4 eale Is invoked� Trustee ahall record a notice ot dofeult In oach county In ,?,RF-;�tl= <br /> ��`�''�"�'�. : '} wi�feh any par4 oi 4he Property is locmted ond shatt meit coptes of ett�h notiee In the rnenner <br /> . ,,�....=:�� � . ,�'�,;:�...._.___,: <br /> �'�';��f���� . { prescribod bY apPlicable !aw to �arrower and to the o41�or poraona prescribed b�epPlicable law. �:'='`�-.._�= <br /> ,•:J�__._.._.� <br /> � Aiter tho time required by appiieabie Isw, Trustec eratt give publle nottee of sale to the persons � �"'°`'�- <br /> ::�?����: <br /> and i� tho manner preseribod by applteeible tew. Tr�c�►iee� without demand on Borrower,shali eell ��` -�:�.-: <br /> � � the Propev4y t�t p�b�ic euaUon tm the higheat bidder at the Ucna and ptaco and under the terms ,`..ri''Y=�`"= <br /> . �%�'���'�� 9 P 1/ },;'��";��.':'`.; <br /> ..;. i�� desi na4e�d In tho eo4ise ot sate in one or eo�nre areots and Oro a� order Truatee deYerminea <br /> <;r�;;;'� � : Trustee muy poet�or�e aale of all or any �avoel 04 tho ProQ��riy �y pu�alia anaaunsa���n� et 4he ';;�;�::.';LJ;, -;;_ <br /> �. � timo and pinca ot any previovs9y�eheduted �ato. L�nd�e or its designee moy purchase tho :`;;;;i��;;:�. • <br /> ; � .�'r Proporty a!arry sate. ...�. � , �. <br /> � .,. . .. � . ,. <br /> ` ������'��°� Upon reoeipt of paymont ot the price bid� Trustee ehail detiver to the puraheacr Truatee'e �� � � <br /> _.,.�_..�- - __ ,� <br /> -- - <br /> :..�---� <br /> .,��..;.ti;,` . . --- deed conveying th� Property.Tho recitmto In tho TPUOtee'a deeci snatt be prima Taaie ovid�nav ai �:=;i:;�;��. . .. <br /> � � � the truth of the ah�tements made t�erein. Trust�e shatt appt9► ffie proaeeds ot tho sale tn 4he �:��'�'.,+� . <br /> - fottowing arder: (a) to alt coste and expenses of exercising the power of s�le, and the sato� , y . <br /> � ineluding� the paymvnt of tha Trustee's fees aetuelty incurred, not to exeeoc! threm <br /> �,6 of tho principat mmount of the <br /> `' note et the time ot tho duelaratbon ot dotautt, une! rcea�nablo attornoy's tecs as permttted by law; �: <br /> „ (b) to atl sums secured by thla Seouri4y Inatrume�it; and (c)eny oxcesa to tho peraon or pergona . ; <br /> tegatty entiqed to iL <br /> ` , �• F19t0.1Ma(t/BO) PCp�4 ot 6 .� " [ -., .. , <br />—. :i <br />, , oe�o� � :i <br /> Fi . _ . __.._ . . ... <br />